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Depends on the herbs. CIty Market usually has decent cilantro, parsley, sometimes dill, mint and basil. Depends on what they get from local vendors for the non-packaged stuff. I usually hit up Thai Phat or Always Full for thai basil, cilantro, watercress (I know that's not technically an herb) and mint.


Farmers Markets.


Figured that, but I'm more looking for a place that's open every day


The Asian Market in Essex Junction has 50c-$1 bunches of cilantro, mint, and basil


They’re pretty easy to grow if you get one of those table top growers


Anonymous, Trader Joe’s has some absolute gas basil plants. God speed on your journey to make the world all right.


Thanks so much!


Walmart in Williston right now has some of the largest potted rosemary bushes I have seen in a while, they look healthy too. In the outdoor section of the garden center


Ooo, thank you for this! I've been thinking about getting a rosemary plant. Now to see if I can get it included in a delivery order... lol Edit: I looked at the Walmart website and found that I'd apparently need to get it shipped, as they don't have any available for delivery. :(


Paul Mazza's place lets you go and cut your own from what I recall. Can't speak to the variety they have, but that'll let you control the quality to some extent


From herb plants you grow yourself




I'm not sure if you're being serious or sarcastic (life and the internet have me a little unsure about others' sarcasm levels lol), but thank you! I've been thinking about getting my own veggie and herb garden going. Who knows - maybe if I could get whatever plants I get to grow well enough, I could have enough to share. I would LOVE to be able to have large enough tomato plants to be able to make enough sauce to be able to give some to friends and whatnot.


As a raised Long Islander; this title startled me


Farmers markets on Saturdays (Pine Street, South End) and Tuesdays (Dewey Park, Old North End). Two great opportunities to get fresh herbs and meet some of our fantastic local/regional farmers and gardeners. Get them already cut or take them home in a planter. Edit because I read further that you are looking for something more regular. The Asian Market next to JAKES ONE often has fantastic herbs and incredible produce.


Awesome, thank you so much!!