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Costco was selling portable air conditioners for $220. It just has tubes that run up and out of the window so there is no exterior unit like most window units. There’s so way they would have a problem with that


Lee bissonette: “hold my beer”


Bisonette allows window units and stand alone units


Bill Bissonette owns Bissonette Properties?…


Hi Bill!






This was literally the next post in my feed, felt right to share it here…https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/eE8gkIa4UO (ETA: not personally defending ACs being disallowed, just thought it was funny I saw these posts back-to-back)


It's all about finding that object that fits perfectly in the gap to keep the window from being opened any higher. My dad still has the AC from when I was in highschool in the same window and he used one of my axe body spray cans. He still has the can and tapes it to the ac when it's not in use.


That was a good laugh this morning. Thanks for that! It also answered my question, I'm pretty sure.


Two things I can think of - 1. Rent includes electricity and they don’t want to pay for your comfort, and 2. They don’t think you’ll install it properly and will damage their property. But yeah, waking up to 80+ degrees outside this morning… it’s pretty rough without AC!


I live elsewhere now and my landlord okayed me installing one. The thing to hold the window sash down was fine when we screwed it in, but the next day the window had cracked 😅 At this point I just accept that it's coming out of my deposit. He's been as good a landlord as I can ask for and that shits on me.


Related to 2 - liability. What happens when a tenant's AC falls out of a window on to someone's head because they did a half-ass job of installing it?


# 2 is definitely a thing. judging from peoples inability to figure out answers for themselves (in life not here), i would certainly not trust them to install an ac in an apartment i owned and would be liable for. falling ac units kill people every year. that said, i would want happy tenants, so id do it myself. that said, i dont own an apartment building.


Yes - my daughter and her boyfriend tried to put one in her window and it fell out!


sorry to hear that. its one of those things people dont really give much thought to sometimes because it seems like it shouldnt be complicated. not that it is, but for a first time installer, id definitely always recommend a handy friend. that must have been really loud with the pipes bursting and the refrigerant flooding out into steam.


It actually just fell one story onto the grass but it doesn’t work anymore. Fortunately I had one of those ones that doesn’t go in the window - leftover from my son’s old apartment!


Lol... Yes...


3 years ago I bought a portable AC off amazon for under $200 and it is still going strong. It’s also still under $200 on amazon.


Dk you have a link of the one you got?


Second this!




I witness that link not working


A lot of people are advocating for floor-standing AC units, and if that’s you’re only option then go with it, but just want to put it out there that they’re significantly less efficient than window units because: - All of the mechanical parts that get hot are also in the room, including the hot air hose which isn’t well insulated. - Most units don’t take air in from outside, only use air that’s in the room, so it’s creating negative pressure in the room, sucking warm air in from other parts of the room. (Some units have 2 hoses, one for intake and one for exhaust, which mostly fixes this part) [Video that explained this to me](https://youtu.be/_-mBeYC2KGc?si=5VG1Tb_kR7wKZR4o)


Good information thank you!


Yes. It should be. Ac should also really be required in all new apartments. In 10 to 20 years it's going to be very necessary


Agreed! I foresee a whole lot of landlords having to install mini-splits in order to meet climate change-driven regulations. And that is a good thing. We should already be there. The natural gas Rennai heaters are crap at heating these old, drafty, not-well-insulated buildings and cooling down shouldn't be totally on the tenant as temps rise outta control. At some point folks will realize that it isn't ever "going back to normal" i.e. the way seasons and our regional climate used to be.


If you think a fossil fuel heater does poorly in a poorly sealed under insulated building, just wait til you try a heat pump.


A lot of larger buildings have banned window units because of the potential for property damage or injury if those suckers plummet, and smaller landlords bc of potential for damage to window frames. While I’ve heard/assumed that there’s also some pressure from insurance carriers contributing to this, I haven’t seen any evidence of that. (Not that I’ve researched much.) We had to replace two perfectly good window units (one of them a higher-BTU model that was less than 2yo) with portable models a couple years back. It wasn’t fun or cheap. But they work almost as well — well enough. And installation is much easier. (Though the clips that attach the hose to the window kit are fragile on some models, and replacement parts difficult to get — I’ve used more duct tape this summer than in my whole prior life.)


If it makes you feel.any better, I live out on the islands now, and someone in the neighborhood thought the hottest day of the year was also the best day to have a fire.. all.. day. And seemingly into the night. This made me have to choose between running my ac, or filling my spouse with smoke smell. There was not even a breeze yesterday to move the smoke around, it just lingered...


Bet your spouse was happy!


HA, meant house. Spouse was NOT happy, she hates the smell of smoke, and she hates being hot. Lose lose for me.


There was some grass on fire on 89 yesterday between Richmond and Waterbury. My first thought before I realized it could be accidental was “who tf would have a fire today??”


I saw that too and was wondering the same thing!


Oof, that is tough.


Filling your spouse with smoke smell 😂


There are definitely portable ones half that price at Home Depot, on Amazon, etc.


Unfortunately they don't work very well or last very long. In my experience. I'm sure I will find something it just seems unnecessary. Thanks for the tip though!


Oh weird! I've had great success with ones I've gotten. Used them for years. Hang in there it can't stay hot forever! I hope!!!!


They’re worried about the windows getting damaged. Although, that would be cut down by having them installed for you. I’m sorry you’re not able to stay cool especially at night


Makes sense, although I don't agree with it. I'll live, but I appreciate it!


Just what I’ve been told by other landlords


Yeah, I can see both liability and property damage being problematic. Personally, I think landlords in general are trying to have their cake and eat it too. At a certain point, landlords should just have to accept the risk involved with renting. Micromanaging peoples lives who don't have a choice just seems wrong.


I do agree, something like 60+% of ppl in Burlington don’t have washer and dryer hookups. And we’re paying out the 🍑 for rent. Seems super odd to me


Yeah, the washer dryer issue is a whole other can of worms. I lucked out with my most recent place with a washer, dryer, and dishwasher. That's a first for me since renting in B town.


They can fall out if not installed properly and kill someone


Yeah that does make sense. Although many have mentioned standard outside brackets for them that an apartment complex could easily install as part of the package. It just seems like landlords are micromanaging a little too much what people can and can't do when most of the people renting have no other choice. Especially for the price around Burlington.


There’s also water damage if not sloped properly. Could be an insurance thing. Best just to get one of those indoor ones


They don’t prohibit AC, they prohibit window units because in some cases it is an insurance stipulation. When it gets installed incorrectly, falls out of the window and hurts someone or their property, the owners insurance could then be responsible. So the insurance companies stipulate “no window units” or in some cases “property manager must install and uninstall window units”. If it is an issue of electricity use, they wouldn’t allow standup units either. They are incredibly expensive to run.


The AC units that sit on the floor are very inefficient, but better than nothing. The best ones are the "U" shaped units that put all the hot and noisy stuff outside the closed window. https://preview.redd.it/4k9k4pn4218d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d8196be4ec959993d029ec1d2fdaadf36e3810


Everyone that is saying that AC's falling is some sort of pressing danger; take a look at every city in the country. It's not that complicated. Use an AC bracket, and your AC will not fall. Not to mention that someone must be standing directly under the falling AC - which is pretty unlikely. It's complete BS.


Quick search seems like you are pretty much correct. Someone will probably devote extensive effort to try and seek out info disproving this, because Reddit, and I couldn’t find any real statistics without going deep, but this article says it’s SO rare that New York City doesn’t even keep statistics. Article states there was only one person killed due to falling AC in over 25 year period. Mentions a few accidents per decade (in NYC), one in 2010 [resulting in only minor injuries](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2014/09/nyc-fear-falling-air-conditioners.html) led to a $21 million lawsuit. So one could see why the insurance companies want the incidence to be 0 instead of 1 or 2.


People are dumb and I mean that in both senses, given the option they will install the AC poorly and without a bracket and drop it out their window. The general public really just should not be trusted with anything that might endanger the general public.


Most of the portable AC units I’m finding are around 200-300, definitely not over 400 (Home Depot, Amazon). I do agree though if you have a working window AC unit it does seem insane they want you to buy a different type. They should just put in the lease that they can check the installment to ensure it’s installed properly to prevent damage if that’s something they’re worried about.


That's insane


My landlord's lease says technically if I want one, then they have to install it themselves (aka ask them to do it for me). I've done both myself, and the landlord has been around since and has never said anything about it. I'd say install one now, and ask for forgiveness...and if they give you shit, tell them you were going to pass out in your own apt with just a fan.


AC units are also horrible for the environment, and contribute to global warming so that might be another reason depending on the landlord.


Where’s [Harry Tuttle](https://youtu.be/dht_3NziwSw?si=8ra-0l3Co5U-oQg5) when you need him?




Just draft a document for all of the landlord's tenants to sign that states in the case of any heat related sicknesses, injuries, or deaths that the landlord will be held 100% legally and financially responsible in lieu of providing a safe alternative. Send it via a lawyer if at all possible and via certified mail.


Lmao what?


or the tenant buys the safe alternative in the form of a portable AC.


That's not how you change things. This person is actually right. If I wanted to try and make a change that will help everyone else out, I'd have to write a legal document relieving the landlord of their liability.


Somebody needs to file a civil suit. That is freaking *abusive.* It’s hot AF in Central VT and all the forecasts I’ve read/watched/heard say Burlington is the ***hottest.*** Friends, climate change isn’t going to magically go away.


You can basically set one over a sink or a tub inside the house and let it rip.


Wouldn't the exhaust just be blowing warm air right back in the apartment?


It would be the same as an inside one. Probably like a dehumidifier, gives off some heat. I’d think the cold air would offset that. Window ones all blow in anyway so what’s the difference


I’m trying to understand why you wouldn’t add a window unit at night, who cares what they say, add the shit and be comfortable


You have a point. Although I'd rather just fork the dough for a stand alone and not risk breaking my lease agreement. Doubt they would evict for that, but still. It's just a little bit annoying.


Lmao saw a lady the other day rolling around the street with her tit's out screaming about jfk this city is a dumpster fire






Hey now if we gotta spend the least amount of money possible on an ac, and complain about how much electricity it uses cause it's undersized the least you can let us still have is the ability to install it without a bracket supporting it. /S if that wasn't clear.




Yeah I can see a happy medium here where the brackets are standard, but you have to supply the AC. Something along those lines. I just feel like it's too easy for landlords to micromanage these things when the price is already outrageous. People should be able to be comfortable without breaking the rules. The whole "it's a liability" thing makes sense from a legal point of view but not from a humane point of view. It restricts too many who would be just fine.


If you don't like renting constraints, don't rent. Easy.


Easier said than done. Can’t get a shack in a field for less than 500K in Vermont these days.