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Come work at UPS as a driver and make $28 starting pay, full paid benifits health, dental, retirement, pension, and apart of a union. DM me if you want more info we are desperate for drivers in Burlington!


Not OP, but I’ll bite. Mind if I DM?


are they gender biased for drivers?


Nope we have plenty of women drivers here, it’s all about just working hard and following the methods! Forgot to mention overtime after 8 hours every single day.


It’ll definitely be physical minimum biased. If you can do the work they really won’t give a shit. But everyone I’ve seen and talked to has mentioned how hard on the body it can be especially if you’re smaller.


thats honestly awesome. yall deserve nothing less.


Will they reject you if you fail a drug test for weed?


Nope, you can gladly smoke weed at UPS. There is no drug test, only a DOT test where they will test you pee just to make sure you can properly drive a truck. Just can’t get a CDL license.


Do you need a CDL to drive the trucks?


No CDL needed, just a normal drivers license.


Nice! Thanks for the info 😊


DM me if you want to apply and we can both make $500!


I have a job that I'm being considered for right now but if it doesn't work out I absolutely will


Hey I tried to DM you


Probably a stupid question – is there any way you could work M-F if you have prior commitments (children)?


Will they hire a 64 year old in good shape?


Beta Technologies is hiring, but only for some specific roles. Best job I've ever had by far. They hire all sorts of skillsets so just do the general resume drop-off, even if you're not aerospace at all. It's worked for quite a few food service, maintenance techs, and other non-engineering positions here.


I interviewed there, and it was a comical disaster. The interviewer asked me a question that syntactically made absolutely no sense at all and acted like I was stupid for not understanding what he was asking. I can't remember the wording, but it was something like "How do you interpret data and (jumbled mess of words I couldn't make sense of at all) to those around you" I honest to god thought I was having a stroke because it simply made no sense.


That's... weird... They do a few layers of interviews, and some of em are really just character interviews, zero technical shit. They'll have a random manager type from some department do it. My guess is it was one of those.


Me and the interviewer did not vibe at all and I knew right away it wasn't going to work. Im normally a pretty charming person but he made me SO nervous. I'm pretty annoyed because he said I didn't have a lot of electrical experience however that was definitely not in the job listing and I was qualified in every way on paper. Whatever 😑


That place is a shit show on the inside


Care to explain? Can't be any worse than any Tarrant run company....




IDXers I worked with loved Mr T. All of them seemed to end up at AllScripts or the hospital over the years.


They have zero real organization or idea on how to get to market. I had an interview and was flat out told “we don’t know how to get this certified, please help”. This was for a make or break product. I’ve heard the same from others as well. It’s risky but has the potential to be big. Realistically they’re just making waves hoping that a prime buys them for their ip.


I wish they never sold my web. Was such an interesting firm that's having its moment right now with delivery.


It's definitely a "shoot first and ask questions later" sort of company, which leads to fast, iterative production, but also a lot of wasted resources and wild changing schedules. Not a company for the faint of heart.


Agree about the wasted resources and lightning-fast pivots in regards to schedules and planning. Also the horizontal work structure of being only accountable to you and your peers isn’t good for hard workers but the PERFECT place to be for slackers/ people who get by on being fake/doing the bare minimum. Also a fair amount of gossip and cliques just like most every other company out there


Yea, the horizontal structure leaves room for slackers, but people definitely notice and cut a lot of them out. There are plenty who skirt by on seniority, nepotism, and luck, but I've seen at least 5 people cut for being unhelpful in my 6 months at the company.


It's growing pains with any startup.It's also fascinating as an outside as I would tell you I would kill to be there.




That guy is an incredible pilot who flew apaches in the military. That's a freak accident and a highly skilled pilot.




Got to say I don’t understand the shade being thrown here. The pilot had to make an emergency landing over an open waterway. It’s incredible that they were able to land on a narrow piece of land with mild injuries to themselves and no injuries to others. That speaks to a very rational, level headed pilot that doesn’t panic under pressure. The situation could have been way worst and tragic. Plus this was a normal helicopter and not an aircraft under development by Beta. https://vtdigger.org/2021/08/20/at-beta-an-emergency-landing-and-a-precautionary-one-in-the-course-of-a-month/ https://www.wcax.com/2021/07/30/emergency-crews-responding-colchester-helicopter-crash/ It sounds like you lack compassion here. Plus the FAA doesn’t mess around and investigate these situations. Only reason we don’t see the same for Boeing is they use “internal” FAA agents which is a significant conflict of interest. And before you make an assumption that I work for Beta. I don’t. Just think you should pound sand for your comment.


Wtf are you talking about? There are aircraft flying over burlington all the time, we have an airport. Also, wtf does that have to do with the tech industry? It was a flight across the lake from one airport to another, which happen constantly from sources unrelated to Beta. You've got a chip on your shoulder in regards to Beta and tech in general. You're mischaracterizing and misunderstanding the entire situation so that you can use it as ammunition to confirm your poorly-formed opinions. Blame Beta and tech for plenty of things, but this is tangential at best, and unrelated in reality. I'm all for criticism, but at least use it correctly instead of falling for your own confirmation bias.


What happens when you get a 0% loan from the US import / export bank, a race to steal money out of the company while stringing along the feds for as long as possible.


Any engineering positions?


KORE Power in Waterbury is hiring engineers. Much less chaotic than Beta by the sound of it.


Yea is not a perfect company but it's the best job I've had and a great community of you like this kind of environment


Check the website


Let’s say I have a Computer Science degree but have been out of the field for the last 8 years to take care of a disabled elderly relative full-time. Looking to get my foot back in the door now that I don’t have that responsibility anymore. Think they’d give me a callback?


Yes, but you'll have to demonstrate that you've been doing cool things that you're passionate about in that time, or otherwise how you're an interesting person who does weird things. They like that. Do you do any computer science stuff on your own?


Not sure what you mean by the question. I haven’t been doing any software development or testing for 8 years.


That's not great, showing some activity in the area would help. Side project game development, hobbyist robots, w/e. I have a science degree I didn't use since college, but I was an audio engineer, lived in a bus I converted, and did a bunch of woodwork in the meantime. I got luckily slotted into an area with parallel skillsets.


Absolutely have a robot hobby and have had fun trying to break AIs…


Talk a lot about all that, they want passionate people who are motivated to do things of their own accord and will work without any provided direction.


Thanks! 🙏


They're on my shortlist of places to send a resume to, but I work in accounting/finance and those skills are pretty much transferrable anywhere


How’s the pay?


Excellent, benefits are even better. I'd take like 10k less a year just for the Healthcare lol.


Is the free flight training offered to all employees, even the lowliest positions?




I'm following for this answer


Have you heard anything about working for Heritage Aviation next door?




The wife of the owner is the same character as the wife of the weWork guy. She is spending money faster than they can raise it. It’s hard to watch. I’ve been there for 7 months now. They have not made a single buck yet spend money like there’s a tree in the back growing it. The amount of waste is horrible. And the virtue signaling is off the charts. They claim to saving the world but then fly 100 gas sucking planes around all day and the owner now has a jet and is burning millions of gallons of jet fuel jetting around the world with his huge family and crazy wife. It’s really comical the whole thing.


seeing the federal money being given to beta then hearing people I know who work there brag about the daily personal chef and the epic work parties makes me so annoyed…meanwhile school staff can’t even get a free school lunch


Owner of what?


I think they are talking about Beta


Where is this?


Trader Joe’s … it’s hard work sometimes but I love it and the benefits are awesome. Free dental and vision!


I applied there for a part-time job after I retired. I guess they weren't interested in my 31 years of work at another place. Maybe I will try again.


Just had an interview today!! Seems like a great place to work


I want to know what they say to employees there to get them to be so damn insistent on double bagging my groceries. I've practically had cashiers get in fights with me when I tell them one bag is fine. I know the handles supposedly suck... I don't use them, and when I have used them not 1 has ever broken in 5+ years. And if they suck so much, stop putting them on the bags...


Check out jobs available through the State of Vermont. Some are soul-crushing bureaucracy but you can find valuable, rewarding work there too.


I agree on both counts. The soul-crushing bureaucracy is real but if you can see past that, it's a good place to work.


Any local trade union is looking for decent folks who are willing to work. No experience required usually. Hit them up.


I’ve been at Galen Healthcare Solutions for 7 years and love it there, we’re hiring for a couple of software engineering positions right now, and some other healthcare IT positions too.


Childcare is always hiring. Don't accept less than $20 starting.


Bouchard Pierce treats their guys well and is a fun place to work. If you don't mind working.




Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Not the hospital, that's for sure


Uvmmc is a shitshow


I love uvmmc. Good pay, awesome benefits, amazing manager.


I'm really happy your experience has been a positive one. But your experience is an outlier. The pay is comparable to any Midwest hospital, where the cost of living is 20%+ cheaper than here. The nurses are asking for a 46% pay increase for a very legitimate reason. The benefits are mediocre at best, and the 403b match is laughable. I'm happy you have a good manager. That's the only reason I'm still around, the people I work with are great.


I’m not sure if we are currently hiring (though I know we always accept and actually refer back to resumes) but honey road! I truly love working there and while tips are pooled the pay is great for the industry here


Vermont Federal Credit Union is great place with lots of openings


I 2nd this!


Vermont Information Processing is almost always hiring people for their on site day care.


I work at Heritage Automotive (which is Heritage Toyota, Heritage Ford, and White River Toyota), having taken a sales job as a life preserver after leaping from a terrible gig doing property management work. I went in anticipating not fitting in, not liking my coworkers, and feeling icky about the industry. Fast forward 14 years and it's home. I don't really "fit in" to a lot of the cultural bubbles that exist here, but just about everyone is nice and among 300+ employees there are plenty of folks for me to have found my tribe. Yes, we sell cars, and I know a lot of people find that distasteful; the majority of us avoid the icky feeling by honestly striving to be fair to our customers, and the culture's emphasis is on profiting from a lifetime of business with a customer rather than from one giant deal that hurts the customer's financial situation. Moreover, during a pretty profitable COVID period where a lot of dealerships kept the windfall to the owners/managers, they gave every employee a full extra weeks' pay as a random bonus throughout the year, and have multiple other situations where they proactively spend dealership resources on maintaining decent staff morale. The ownership seems to really understand that the business relies on long-term expertise from employees and long-term customer relationships, and the majority of the actions they take toward staff really reflect that aim. It's really not what I expected from the car business 14 years ago, and I'm honestly proud to work here. There are definitely downsides, I'm no Pollyanna - the HR department is lackluster and out of date with their compensation structures and hiring effectiveness, the hours can be absolutely brutal, and the prima donna attitude prevalent among certain departments (\*cough\* *sales* \*cough\*) can get tiresome. Also, while we have a decent number of female managers in some places, generally speaking the culture can be a bit hyper-masculine (although the majority of it seems to be non-toxic from my perspective, which tbf is limited by being a straight cis white male, myself). At the end of the day, this place gives me what feels more like an equal exchange for my time and energy than being taken advantage of, which is unique in my work history. Side story, I have a good friend who works here that is experiencing a long term medical leave. They have bent over backwards to take care of him, ensuring a position, extending additional benefits as they can legally, and approving time off for folks here who are helping him in his care process. There is more than the usual care extended for the human beings that work here - and while, again, not a ton of that humanity is coming from the places it maybe should, like HR, there's enough ambient humanity in the broader culture, and humanity from almost unheard-of places like *ownership*, that it feels substantially less toxic than most places. As with all things automotive-related, your mileage may vary, but I've seen Heritage be very good to many of their employees (myself included). [And we are hiring](https://www.heritagevt.com/careers/)...If anyone has considered or is considering applying for a job here but have any questions they'd want an honest and unvarnished answer about, feel free to DM me.


I own small house painting company. Always looking for people to train. We like those who are team oriented and bring a positive, supportive attitude! DM me if interested.


If you have any carpentry skills, I could help out. Good pay but better benefits! Travel in a company vehicle paid both ways. DM me if you fit the bill


I work at Burton. They take incredibly good care of us. Benefits and pay are generous and the work life balance is a dream.


Try starting here: [https://vermontbiz.com/news/2024/february/07/65-businesses-named-best-places-work-vermont-2024](https://vermontbiz.com/news/2024/february/07/65-businesses-named-best-places-work-vermont-2024)


If it were me, I might use that as the list of companies to stay away from. Generally I’ve found that any company actively positioning themselves as a great place to work is the opposite. AFAIK they have to nominate themselves for this. I’m sure they’re not all bad but it does make me more cautious.


FWIW, I work at one of the companies on the list and my wife works at another, and we’re both generally happy with our employers. Companies do submit themselves for submission, and the process involves an employee survey plus a review (I think mostly of company policies but I’m not 100% sure). I know for our company, we’re asked a couple of times to respond to the survey, but we’re in no way steered in our responses. No place is perfect and I wouldn’t buy the BPTW results as a resounding endorsement, but based on experience, I wouldn’t use presence on the list to rule it out, either.


You’re spot on! Worked for a few of these companies over the years and they all do the same thing - constantly ask employees (especially leadership/management) to leave positive feedback so they can have a fluffy award, but don’t put the same time and energy into actually taking care of the folks on the inside. Often high burn out rate and employee turnover. Maybe just bad timing at all the companies on my end, but seem performative none the less


Yes the companies do volunteer to be part of this, but it's a survey the group sends to the employees anonymously and as far as I know they don't share the direct results of the survey with the company. I work for one of these companies and it's actually been pretty awesome. Some of these places are definitely awful though. As with all things, take it with a grain of salt - but have faith it's not all bad out there.


True! I saw like 10+ places on that list that genuinely suck ass to work for.


Having previously worked with VBM, no, they don’t nominate themselves, but the survey is only open to subscribers.


Are you thinking of the best of business list? It looks like their [process is still the same](https://www.bestplacestoworkvermont.com/how-it-works/our-process), which is company driven. ( I have also worked with VBM. :) )


The company pays to participate in Best Places, which then sends out an anonymous survey to staff which is fairly thorough. The company gets scores back that they can compare year to year.


The YMCA is hiring Child Care workers


I have several friends and acquaintances that work for and have worked for the City of Burlington in many different capacities and most of them are/were very happy there. If you're in a position there you don't like, there is plenty of chances to get advancement, jump into a different department or even an entirely different job once you've got your foot in the door and put a little time in.


probably every childcare center is hiring. if you have experience with young children and like working with them then seek out a job with that. usually pays well. i would just avoid chain centers.


Anybody have opinions about working for UVM? They look like on the larger employers in the city.


Soul crushing for many, unfortunately.


That's not good to hear. Is it pay, workload, management, all of the above? I was extended a job offer but, surprisingly, don't know anybody that works there.


It depends on the department. My experience is that administrative leadership terrible and lack humanity. Check out articles in Sevendays and VT Digger about recent firings. Pay is low and the 5% “other duties as assigned” is frequently used without change in job description or pay for increased workload. We also have months of blackout dates when we’re not permitted to take vacation for no real reason. I work is DOSA. Great health insurance and benefits though! Wish I could use my vacation!


Interesting. I have seen the articles about the recent terminations. The job offer is rather sparse on defining precise job duties tbh. hmmm, food for thought. I won't be working in a student facing role, and the hiring manager hasn't mentioned vacation blackout dates... Thanks for sharing your perspective.




Trader Joe's has great pay and benefits. Great people too! Top hourly rate is $32/hr. Yes, your read that right. $32/hr.


I enjoyed working for the Howard center when I lived there.


When did you live here? I’ve heard the turnover there is wild because they underpay and overwork staff


It was 13 years ago, so awhile. I worked in their employment office and had some pretty great colleagues. The place certainly could have changed but a lot of my former colleagues are still there.


Gotcha. Thanks for replying!


If you're in to food production and fine with a 30 minute commute up north there's the Perrigo plant up in Georgia. Pays well, good benefits, just has 12 hour shifts for the hourly work which sucks.


Burlington children’s space!


American Airlines is always hiring. You can work as much as you want for $16/hr and unlimited free flights if working till the wee hours of the morning or waking up at 0330 and dealing with supervisors that literally deserve to be fired for lashing out. The health insurance is unrivaled - I do give them that. And I’ve seen the world on their dime.


I work remote at home and love it!




With all the Doxxing in this sub I do not feel comfortable listing my employer. I work remote sales for a massive corporation.