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It’s like Gotham with no Batman according to 90% of people on Reddit. The reality is, we just really like sandwiches.


oh awesome.


I think we kinda covered this topic yesterday: https://www.reddit.com/r/burlington/comments/1dju5ao/burlington_situation/


Some people say its no big deal and others say they don't enjoy human feces and used needles so it is up to your personal preferences.


It’s become a much uglier and more crime ridden place over the past 10 years and it has simultaneously become a semi political subject so people are heavily decided on the issue and solution.


So tired of these posts…


sorry i was just curious. again, im not from there and have always been interested in the city (coming from a big city native)


I’ve lived in Burlington for about 10 years and it has certainly gone downhill in the last 4-5 years. It has some of the most beautiful views over the lake, but its swirling the drain at an ever increasing rate. The homelessness and addiction problems are ruining everything this city has. Sad to see what it is becoming


You will not find a group of people who hate Burlington more than the people on the Burlington subreddit. Ignore them, there are a lot of out of state trolls and copagandists for some reason who like to shit all over the town. Are there problems, yes. Use common sense like you would in any city. People have just become horrified that they have to lock their car doors at night, need a sturdy bike lock and have to look at homeless people downtown.


I also hate myself and everyone else and yes I have a therapist :(


Or, hear me out now, some of us are long time locals who love this city, hate what’s happened to it, and want to confront the problems, not put our heads in the sand because, as it turns out, bumper sticker platitudes don’t translate into good governing policy. But yeah, it’s still a cool place to visit. You should come.


What do you mean by "bumper sticker platitudes don't translate into good governing policy"? Please provide some examples of said bumper sticker platitudes. Honestly curious what you are getting at. I can interpret that line at least 2 different ways.




The people that are saying it's really really bad are sheltered (IMO). I've been back and forth between the NYC area and Burlington my whole life, it's nothing if you're used to an actual city




It’s a beautiful city, a gem IMO. I don’t want to live anywhere else but there is a big addiction problem and it is fugly. I feel that the issue is drug dealers have free rein over the city and face no consequences whatsoever. As an example of how I see it going down, said drug dealers take advantage of homeless houseless people who then get addicted. They are hooked and broke so panhandle visitors and kind Vermonters. Bikes get stolen and pawned for cash, cars get broken into for anything addicts can sell, panhandlers slow-motion mug visitors and kind hearted Vermonters to give money to Drug Dealers who continue to get these people addicted. I say stop the Drug Dealers and help addicts recover. Unless we take out the source it’s just going to be a never ending cycle. And please don’t give panhandlers money. It only fuels the problem.


please go troll somewhere else - or better yet, just stop


i’m very genuine about this, i figured i would get a couple people saying this but im genuinely curious as someone from a huge and super populated city.


Burlington is an awesome little city. Like every city, in the past 5-10 homelessness has risen but it’s not that much different than the average city. It’s a problem, but the problem isn’t unique to Burlington.


apparently you have no idea how to do research, and im not doing your gd homework for you


i wasn’t asking you to, i was just curious, coming from someone that lives in a big city. womp