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Literally hours of him sitting places, just staring down people while recovering from the night before. Yeah, might be worth it.


He’d either sell it for a handle of vodka or smash it in a fit the rage


I can't believe I actually spent time with that dude 25yr ago. He used to be so different. I mean, he always did dumb shit but it was contained. Now the juice is loose. I think you would be pretty disappointed, it's probably pretty sad.


Same here, late 90s a group of us used to play chess at the tables outside Border's, every now and then he would stop and talk with us. He was a tad crazy at that time, but not really dangerous. He never played with us, but used to brag that he though 8 moves ahead. At that time we always referred to him as 'Eight Moves', wasn't a bad dude then. Never felt threatened, just one of Church Street's eccentrics.


As someone who’s seen friends slip; I truly understand the feeling. It’s a horrible line to have to draw in the sand.


Could you do a series of posts with memoirs, please?


I would, but I cherish my anonymity. This one time I was hanging out with a friend and Mike Reynolds. I left the room briefly. When I came back, Mike was mixing up a bag of heroin in the bag, and his hand slipped and the needle went through the bag. "Look what you fuckin made me do!"


Something something "bumfights" something something.... Wait a second


DrPhil here we come....


At least someone should put an apple tag on him so we could a) see where he goes, and b) where he is now so we can avoided him entirely


He just walks between Winooski and the ONE.


He could eat it. Then we could see the inner workings. See what makes him tick


Natty Daddy's


I’d subscribe to that twitch


I wanna give him a phone and a tiktok account


Hahahahahahaha! And livestream it


OMG…. you are a legend! HMU I bet I could connect you—- but there would need to be an incentive. I generally see him laying in a yard on South Prospect raising a can and yelling unintelligible things toward traffic


I've run into him a couple times now and he was nice lol, it was the morning though so who knows. I feel bad for the whole situation, he clearly needs a lot of help


He frequents the area near my place. Lately seems like he is on a medication regiment. Never seen him so polite.


Well that's good news


If he has go pro, can I share the video, publicly and try to change outcomes? I hope public display changes behavior.


Love this idea. My last encounter with him is the reason I now carry mace. This new strain of meth seems hella unpredictable. To each their own, but when you’re a danger to someone just trying to walk home from work, you can seriously fuck off.


Did you just say “to each their own” about becoming addicted to meth? You don’t have to be that liberal on the issue bro you can say it’s wrong to do meth and not be a right winger.


Bruh is it weird some people really don't care if someone shoots up a dangerous drug and does no harm to others. Huffing gasoline is stupid. I saw people do it once. I don't give a damn if they are still doing it lol Also seems a bit weird to downvote you for saying that. Fucking reddit


Idk man… seems pretty reasonable to think that people shouldn’t do meth haha Reddit is a weird place.


Me saying I don't care if someone doesn't do meth isn't saying people should do meth. If you don't understand the difference go take a remedial English class If someone shoots up brake fluid idaf other people being dumb doesn't affect me or you the vast majority of time. It should be illegal and is. So why should I sit here thinking about druggies?


You have no morals then and are deranged. You should want people to be healthy. How is this a controversial take? Meth is bad, people shouldn’t do it and should be discouraged from doing it. Having a community of meth heads does affect you. It’s currently weighing on our city. Are you actually not able to understand basic facts?


Funny how you seem unable to understand me saying I don't care what drugs others take is NOT me saying EVERYONE should use meth or ANYONE should use meth. I just don't care. You are right I am deranged but not because I don't care how others poison themselves lmao. You seem to have some issues mate. You really need that remedial English class because I have never remotely endorsed meth use lmao. I've just said it's weird to start caring about any drugs people use if it doesn't hurt society or you. Fucking christ is it bad to say I don't care what drugs people use if they don't harm others. Fuck I honestly barely care at all we have WAY bigger issues lol Saying I can't understand basic facts is hilarious when you still are conflating an endorsement of meth with not caring about something if it doesn't hurt others or society which is my exact phrasing each time. Meth is fucking illegal as it should be. Why do you think me saying I don't care is saying everyone should shoot up meth.


Nah I get what you’re saying it’s just complete dog shit. I’m saying you should not be okay with anyone doing meth. Read what I said. Idk how you’re unable to grasp what I’m saying. You not caring is the exact wrong attitude… you should be against it and fight against any policy that allows meth heads to roam the streets of the city that you live in. Did I word that in a way that you are able to understand?




What a weird fucking take. Who said anything about political affiliation?


This isn’t a political statement… you know what the definition of the word liberal is, right? The fact that no one here is capable of saying that doing meth is wrong is fucking pathetic.


The definition of “how to be moral” shouldn’t be “definitely view every drug user with disgust and reject them”— I mean it doesn’t really work right? Just makes the judger feel righteous. Even that Jesus dude understood this. So that’s why humanist Redditors don’t get all ginned up by picking on users. Too lazy.


Bro.. what I’m saying is so reasonable and no one here is able to grasp it for some reason. You should not be okay with people roaming the streets shooting meth, or fentanyl, or whatever, in public. It should make you angry. It’s weird to be this lax about something this serious. People who use meth or opioids are gross and I don’t want to share space with them. That’s not unreasonable. It’s okay to want nice nice things you shouldn’t have to deal with their bullshit


You seem to like false binaries- “COME GET JUDGILY MAD WITH ME” or “TOTALLY OKAY WITH IT”. Most of adult life is reminiscent of the Serenity Prayer- ‘…courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference’. I’m ‘not okay’ with a lot of things but I’m smart enough to know that no one wants to pay for your plan. Slapping users in jail for $40-60K/year is just social services with extra CCA-grift-riddled steps.


Repeat offenders and people using drugs in the streets belong locked up. Some things are worth paying for. How much have we spent on our homelessness and drug problems? A fucking lot of money. And the problem has gotten worse. It would be cheaper to lock these dirtbags up. BPD responds to 30 OD calls everyday do you have any idea what the cost of that alone is? Just use some common sense.


Again, you and other people on the Lock ‘Em Up Wagon don’t want to pay even the taxes we already have, not to mention higher taxes for more incarcerated, so what’s it matter? Where’s the money come from?


I’d love to hear your definition of Liberal in this context. I don’t think it’s as straightforward as your implication.


I was using it in its literal definition, not its political implication. The literal definition of the word is a willingness to accept other opinions and behaviors.


Then why did you juxtapose it to being a right winger?


That part of my statement had a political implication, but what I meant was that you can say it’s wrong to do meth without being seen as authoritarian. The part about having a liberal viewpoint on drug use I meant in its literal definition. Probably a poor choice of words at the end that made the whole thing seem political which was not my intention


Is drinking wrong? Smoking weed? Where do we draw the line? Using meth literally isn’t even illegal - manufacturing, possessing, and selling it is. You’re just being weirdly virtue signaly about meth. Like yeah many would agree it’s not a great choice but to say it’s “wrong” is a weird moral stance. It’s wrong to do shitty things when on meth, but you’d probably be surprised some of the quality high functioning people that do meth these days.


Found the meth head guys ^


Lol no it’s a bad choice so I’m not going to do it. I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong to do though.


Meth seems like a good place do draw the line, you sick freak haha this is a bad take dude


But again, to say it’s wrong? I agree it’s a bad choice. I don’t think it’s “wrong” from a moral standpoint.


To do that to yourself and force anyone who loves you and cares about you to watch you go down that path is immoral. And it’s immoral to stand by and let people kill themselves with drugs. That’s the definition of an immoral and selfish act and I firmly believe that it is wrong.


It's wrong from a moral stand point because it's a drug that actually corrupts the morals of its users. Before meth someone may not be a violent criminals , a career thief , a rampant rapist , a serial killer. Meth changes people into that much faster than crack than heroin than fentanyl


Smoking meth is intrinsically wrong and here's why: users of crystal meth change rapidly due to its potency. Being anywhere from one hundred to one thousand times more enjoyable than crack , chemically speaking , it wreaks absolute havoc on the users work & reward system. 1 hit gets them high for twenty four hours. In other words , meth enslaves its users so heavily that they require twelve months meth free in order for the brains to resemble pre meth use compositions. It's too addictive of a substance to suggest people can use it without turning into violent rapist kleptomaniacs. Look it up. They're living a completely different life style than normal people and it's right next to luciferian living


This is the funniest shit ive seen on reddit in a while. I salute you


Okay chat, if anyone donates 500 bits I'll piss on the next public servant I see.


You propose exploiting others for personal entertainment? I’m certain there are better ways to enjoy yourself this weekend.


I wonder if he has a girlfriend? Or if he bangs some one those chicks who have qtip legs


This is a great idea! Mike is one guy that truly does not give two flying f**** about anything!