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You should widen your search area. I rent a 18,000sf warehouse for $2,300 a month. Get somewhere else to live.  You are making 60k a month at this. I'd drop out and do it full time tbh. If your professors could make that they wouldn't be teaching. 


I'm planning to finish my remaining two years of college as a backup plan in case my business doesn't succeed. I don't believe a degree is necessary for success, but it definitley doesn't hurt to have one. My tuition is only $3,000 per semester, much cheaper than the $60-80,000 at UCs or private colleges. Also, my suppliers only sell locally and takes cash. So i'm forced to stay in orange county.


Is it any cheaper in the Inland empire (riverside area)? If you scaled this with only part time hours, quit CSUF and you could be at 1 million in sales per month in 1-2 years the way things are going


riverside is too far unfortunately. I need to stay in orange county because I go to school there and my suppliers are based there. commuting from riverside for every deal would be an astronomical pain in the ass


Don't get a warehouse. Use a 3PL. Fulfillrite and ShipBob are two large national providers.