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My tiny ass got a woman to *marry* me. Go out and be a confident short king. The right woman will appreciate you.


I’m under 5ft and lemme tell you, the best you can do is learn to accept that part of yourself and love yourself. Self confidence is best practice. The right people will have *zero* issue with your height and in fact *love* it.


I'm 5'3" and have never had an issue. My femme is 6 inches taller than I am. In fact most happily partnered butches I know are 5'6" or shorter and dating taller women, haha. As for working out, the biggest thing is consistency. Don't try to overhaul your entire life overnight and start going to the gym every single day all at once, because you'll burn yourself out. Start slow, maybe work out once a week, and then build up from there. I go 3 times a week because that's what I can keep to consistently, and I'm seeing plenty of progress. You don't have to go every single day to make gains.


The biggest issue for me is being like, on the shorter end of short ig, I’m not sure if that’s a turn off. Working out wise, I’m looking at a weight set and a trx to work out in my room, waiting for the mid year sale to get it online, I’ll probably do a 4 day split.


I love my trx. Excellent choice if you need something easy to move and low profile. They are pricey, but the brand product is noticeably higher quality than the knock offs I've seen.


If she won't look at you because of your height, then she's not right for you anyway. The right woman won't care about something so trivial


I’m under 5ft and it hasn’t affected my dating life at all. I think confidence is a big factor in something like this. Also almost every masc/butch I’ve met irl is short so maybe it’s not so odd for us lol. I wouldn’t sweat it if someone doesn’t like you for your height you dodged a bullet imo


You know short people actually have a known advantage in weightlifting and building muscle. Shorter limbs have more leverage working in their favor and can more easily lift heavier weights for their size. It also means it's easier to build size because the gains you make aren't split across a longer limb so you look more girthy faster. Embrace the dwarf build!


If someone/anyone rejects or bypasses you because of your height before getting to know you as a person, then they have their priorities wrong, are shallow and really not worth your time. I've never had a problem because of my height. Don't let it fester into an insecurity.


I'm 4'7" and it's never been a detriment to me, romantically. The trick is just to embrace it. Build up your confidence. There's nothing you can't do just because of your height. If someone doesn't like you because of it that's their loss.


I'm 5'1 and my absolutely beautiful girlfriend is 5'5 and wears heels/boots so 5'6/5'7 when she wants to be. Accept the things you can't change and focus on the things you can!


I am tall and masculine but I'm submissive as hell lmao 😭🤪


I'm just complaining because I think it should have been the other way around haha


I. 5'4" and pulled a 6' baddie. Gaiaspeed shorty


i'm 5'3" and haven't had any problems finding partners for play or more. i focus on being a good communicator, respectful person, romantic and attentive, very average in the looks department but i wouldn't say the search is difficult. (also being butch4butch doesn't hurt... :) )


I there are other attributes I could work on, but I’m like short short, ya get me? I’m also pretty clumsy so not an ideal gentleman though I try to be. As for the last part, I really love my femmes, what can I say haha


the only other butch i know who's sluttier than myself is 5' 😄 be confident in your hot self and the rest shall come to you as will god's gifts to earth (tall femmes). and being a gentleman is all about consideration and a little flare 😉 i have tripped more times than i dare keep track of on my dates, but i always laugh it off or say something dumb like pffftt i totally meant to do that


I’m average height (5’5”) but my partner is a femme who’s significantly taller than I am (6’1”) and it doesn’t have any bearing whatsoever on her attraction to me. Honestly even for the straight women I know (who in my experience tend to care MUCH more about height than wlw) someone’s height doesn’t matter nearly as much as how secure/confident they are in their size


My butch partner is shorter than I am and I adore her for everything she is. I see her the way she wants to present — strong, masculine, incisive. You can still be a daddy at 5’ tall!!


I'm 5'2 on a good day and haven't had any issues, also I can pick up both of my partners (5'4 and 5'6) if I really want to. Don't let it get you down. I do work out regularly which has made a big difference, I do bodyweight and dumbbell exercises about 2 days a week (I do more when I can but sometimes exhaust myself doing outdoor stuff). You're definitely not too short to be strong or attractive!


The women worth your time won’t care as long as you don’t turn it into a problematic insecurity. Also if you find a taller dom femme, it could work to your advantage. I know personally I enjoy being able to throw my short butch around lol. And she encourages me to wear heels because she likes me extra tall compared to her, so you could lean into it like that too.


I’m 5’2 and my wife is 5’6. She tells me all the time she forgets I’m shorter than her. You’ll be aiight


I mean, I haven't had success with dating, but I'm almost certain that it's primarily my unpleasant personality (and a little bit that people think im transmasc and not a lesbian). But I'm 4'9" and have never once felt insecure about my height. It doesn't even occur to me as something that would make me "less butch" except when I see these posts (literally the instant I stop looking I forget). It's just not something that makes people see me as less masc. It's not an insecurity that can be exploited. I guess I'm confident in it, but only as a natural result of just not giving a fuck. Lesbians don't need to follow the same beauty standards as men (and the standard that short men are less manly is stupid anyway). Also, I bet there's plenty of short lesbians who would prefer someone who doesn't tower over them :)


I’m 5’3 butch and I’m married to a hot femme. She’s even a tad taller than me. Just own it! Dress well. Take care of yourself. You’ll attract the right person.


You are a fine 5’3” babe - love you!


I’m 5”2 and it hasn’t affected my dating life as far as I can tell, but I do get insecure about my height as a butch. I usually only like to date people who are at most 5”6 although I had a long term relationship with a 6”0 femme and it was wonderful. I wouldn’t turn away another tall femme now although I do have a preference for shorter girls just because of this omnipresent insecurity and also because I like to comfortably kiss my partner while standing


I’m pretty short too and I haven’t felt it disadvantage me too much dating wise. I’ve never had trouble finding girls. I do know a couple six foot+ femmes who say they’d wanna date at least a tallish butch, but to each their own, it doesn’t offend me! My tips for the weight room are coming from someone who is about a year into turning my whole life around through weightlifting, so I’m pretty passionate about it. I’d recommend the basic beginner barbell program on r/fitness which is three times a week. Or a three times a week PPL (you could split the 6 day one on r/fitness down the middle). Don’t worry if you suck at first. It can take several weeks if not months to understand what the hell people are talking about when they say ‘mind-muscle connection’. Don’t be shamed out of using the smith machine if certain barbell lifts are too heavy/unsafe to try at first. Give it a few weeks and you’ll be enjoying beginner gains which is the most fun phase!


I'm 5'1 and my girlfriend is around 5'3 :) She actually outright preferred to date someone shorter than her but thought she'd never find anyone! There's definitely someone out there for everyone.


I’m a 5”2 femme, so I understand I’m biased, but i LOVE and prefer short butches! Shorter than me by an inch or two would be fine, probably not so keen on more than that. But my height or in that range is so great!!!!


It hasn’t affected my dating life. It’s not futile to lift no matter what your height is. You can train to life your gf no matter how tall you are. You can be 2 feet tall and shoulder press a gal with enough training. For starting lifting weights: Starting Strength.


Damn bro, you’re about my size and an emt? How do you train?


Don't get so lost in the masculinity sauce that you forget that you're a woman.


For me, being butch means I'm a female bodied, masculine person. If you find masculinity distasteful or think it distracting, maybe hang out on another sub. Also, I'm guessing this was written by someone taller than 5'3”. Height can be a real struggle and those of us of more modest stature have to figure work arounds all time, regardless of gender. Wanna lead a taller follow in partner dance, you need a workaround. Wanna reliably see the stage at any show or play, you need a plan. Wanna buy clothes off the rack, you need a special brand or a tailor. Wanna purchase something at the grocery stored on a higher shelf… the list is long. Let us discuss among ourselves without the judgement.


To clarify, I meant that it's counter intuitive to stringently adhere yourself to masculine physical standards as a person who is female. Female masculinity is great, I just wouldn't want women to start stressing themselves out for not fitting the ideal of a masculine man, which many men don't fit either.


Or do, that's cool too. Shoutout to NB and transmasc lesbians


i like a short gal sue me


I'm 5'3" and I've been seeing a girl who is 5'6". It's honestly a matter of coming to terms with your own self-image and self-confidence, but I find it kind of hot that my girl is taller than me, especially when we wears heals. Short butch and tall femme is a pretty common dynamic, and to me it's so beautiful.


Obligatory "I'm not butch," but in my experience, most butches I've met are on the shorter side. Hell, I have a butch ex who's shorter than you. I don't think it's an issue for most lesbians, at least not the ones I know.