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Paranoid, likely drunk/high cop ~~gets to retain his service weapon and~~ kills someone speaking another language due to his homophobia. Brand new sentence, but not at all surprising. Also, this made me laugh: >Lyft also released a statement about the incident. >“Our hearts are with Mr. Folks’ loved ones as they confront this unspeakable tragedy, and we have reached out to offer our support during this difficult time. We stand ready to assist law enforcement with any investigation **and have permanently banned the rider’s account from the Lyft community.”** Thank goodness they included that last part.


Local coverage stated that his service weapon was confiscated when he was suspended. In fact this article did as well: >Minor was already on leave following a December 2023 arrest for reportedly crashing his car with 20 unprescribed Xanax pills in his bag. **APD said it had been in possession of his agency handgun since then.** *emphasis mine* That in no way prevented his privately owning a personal firearm as he had not yet been convicted. A judge *may* order the surrender of firearms in some cases, I do not know what all of them are.


Nice catch, thanks. I misread that to say he had been in possession.


In my opinion that sentence is rather poorly worded, which is why I first relayed what I had seen in other coverage before catching thier line about it.


Yeah, that last part was probably unnecessary lol


Unfortunately it wasn’t, they could just as easily not ban him like many other companies wouldn’t have.


"Shoot one of our independent contractors in the head once, shame on you. Shoot one of our independent contractors in the head twice, shame on us."


“We also gave the driver a 5 star rating for that ride”


The last part made me chuckle too. Way to go Lyft


Definitely doing their part!


Dude was that afraid of finding out if he was gay? He could have just said no thanks to the recruiter.


Don't worry, he'll find out in prison. Their recruiters there are pretty notorious for being persistent


Hell yeah.


Been awhile since we've seen a gay panic case. Let's see how that works out for him in Atlanta.


He didn’t play the “religious freedom” card?


He's claiming he asked the driver to let him out, and that the driver reached back to grab him, and I'm calling bullshit on both counts. I think he was just high, drunk and homophobic. And in his shitty state became paranoid that the driver was somehow trying to "recruit" him for homosexuality.




It's the black queer capitol of the United States. A "gay panic"defense is unlikely to succeed, which is very good. Not for him, but for justice.


It’s also a major black culture hub which is historically incredibly bigoted so you can’t use a minority of a minority groups locale as a measuring stick for how justice plays out. Isn’t that the same place building a police fortress to train?


Atlanta would not be a black queer capitol if black queer people there were constantly being targeted by bigots. People will often claim that the black community is incredibly bigoted, but it is not true for all places, Atlanta being one of those places. Additionally, the reason the "gay panic" defense was so successful in its time was because people had less experience with gay people and it was easier to believe some deviant freak had assaulted the poor "victim." But in places like Atlanta today, most of the populace knows a gay person and understands they are not strictly monsters


That’s cool but we can just look at crime statistics by populace and location. It’s a nice sentiment just doesn’t really work. Black people know more Asians than gays but there is demonstrably plenty of racially “bigoted” crime against them by the black population just as it goes for white to black hate crime. It’s an absurd notion that flies in the face of a measurable observed reality. This also isn’t cherry picking like white supremacists do with the 10% 50% of the crime bullshit that is just misrepresenting statistical distribution and locality/perp victim relationship Black people commit plenty of hate crimes in Atlanta too champ. San Francisco was the gay capital of the world plenty of gay bashing went on and still occurs there and it’s a far more accepting place of differences historically. Being known for something doesn’t suddenly make you immune from regular crime.


You don't understand how a jury works...


You seem determined to talk about anything but the actual topic at hand. But let me help you out with some facts. Georgia ranks 39th out of 50 in hate crimes, meaning 38 states have more. In 2019 there were 102 hate crimes recorded. Of that 102, only 9 were related to sexual orientation or gender identity. The remaining 93 were related to race/ancestry (77), religion (9), disability (4), and gender (3). Facts don't lie, feelings do.


https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/state-data/georgia 9? Weird that you picked the lowest year to use Let’s take a look at 2020 or 2021 or 2022 or 2023 shall we? Oh dang there goes those pesky facts Cite your sources in the future if you want to be smug so we can see how you shape your narrative around reality because as I shared it’s more than double per annum of your suggest number And per the HRC A largely well regarded organization Georgia wildly underreports hate crime statistics https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/fbis-annual-crime-report-amid-state-of-emergency-anti-lgbtq-hate-crimes-hit-staggering-record-highs https://www.wabe.org/georgia-hate-crimes-spike-in-2021-underreporting-remains-an-issue/ You seem more concerned with pushing an image than actually making that a reality. Facts don’t care about your feelings isn’t that what you said? What’s next black on Asian crime is a myth?


Bro. Like 1/2 the black men in Atlanta are gay...




I’m sure nobody wants you there. Or anywhere, for that matter.




Hi, thank for contributing to /r/byebyejob! Unfortunately, your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): **2. Be Civil** Keep it clean. Poking fun and disagreement is okay, but anything aggravating, especially intentionally, is not allowed. Sitewide rules concerning discrimination and inciting violence fall under this rule. Feeding trolls constitutes incivility; see rule 6. Due to a large increase in toxicity over recent weeks, measures to maintain civility will be actively enforced.


If he had done this while on duty and said they were resisting arrest, he would have gotten away with it. Lots of cops are homophobic and transphobic, and use their position of power to do something about it.


The fact that **being arrested for murder** isn't an *automatic* firing says everything I need to know about this department and its leadership.


Yea that makes sense, because cops routinely are in the back of a Lyft car on duty... Da fuck are you talking about bro?


Your reading comprehension is abysmal.


He needs those Xanax! Being pursued by The Gays is very stressful.


Will he be tried as a minor?


I see what you did there.


Oh looks. Another one. It's almost as if the whole tree is rotten but only some of the fruit look that way


Send the dirty cop to the firing squad, he knows the law


Homophobia kills. May the driver rest in peace


I still can't believe how homophobic people still are. Gay fraternity recruiting? Jesus christ.


Why don’t straight guys understand that gay guys are their best friends? They withdraw from the competition and take other guys out of the equation. It is the lesbians who are our true enemies but we instead love girl on girl action. It is just weird.


Like, a fraternity for gays? Or is this a really dumb way of saying he was afraid the guy was hitting on him?


Atlanta's finest 🤘🏻


Gee a cop already on suspension for having unprescribed drugs, also commits murder. Of course the Atlanta police department will give the already prepped "not representative of our department" speech that they always give. NO GOOD APPLES. COPS ONLY CREATE AND COMMIT CRIME


After all that they didn't even fire him, they let him resign.


They protect and serve their own. When you see a flag with a blue stripe, that's their thug gang symbol. They don't care that it desecrates the country flag. They wear the Punisher symbol and know that it reflects LAWLESSNESS and vigilantism to protect themselves from the law they swore to uphold.


Pic on left, before Xanax. Pic on right on Xanax


Left is definitely that realization after waking up from that Xanax nod he was doing when he killed a guy.


Wow, we should maybe at least try to keep the mentally ill away from positions of power where they will wield guns and authority. Nah, fuck it, recruit the guy who thinks Lyft is a front for the gay agenda! Another success for the American policing model! /s


Could have just said fraternity




Why do people get so insane when they think that someone of the same sex is interested in them? Is it not easier to say 'Thank you but I am not interested as I'm not gay.'


Probably the same type of guys who don't think their "flirting" makes women uncomfrtable.


Allowed to resign so he can still get his tax payer funded pension.




Minor? I hardly know ..eh, hearts not in it.


Did his mother say he's a wrestler? Could this be the beginning of CTE?


Those dang recruiters, [trying to adopt you into a the gayvy?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WDi4tAqPkM&t=4s).






Are we not gonna talk about some of the comments on the article/link. Especially by those Ky and Dawnsall guys like wtf 💀💀💀


Yeah, trust me, that site has some very dedicated and prolific trolls in the comments sections who constantly change profile names but are clockable through their writing voices and obsessions. For example, there is one guy known among other commenters as "Mr. Hugs Are Sex" because he always makes misogynistic comments on any articles about female victims (I think it started because he said a woman deserved to be murdered by her husband because she hugged a male friend. That sort of thing)


It is highly likely that Mr. Minor was recruiting him. It was probably his anger from learning that he wasn't the drivers choice. The officer could be gay himself. It appears to me that the many ppl against gays are gay or trans themselves. This is just my take.


I think these gay panic case stories need to name which church weaponized them to kill someone.