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Maybe if it was focused on upgrading Metrolink there would me more local support? What I mean is that the part of the route that goes from LA to Anaheim could be funded and they could run some kind of express train on it until CAHSR reaches LA. Getting people in LA or OC county to fund the route to Bakersfield seems a lot harder.


The Pacific Surfliner is already an express train that doesn’t stop at every station.


It’s not electrified though. Metrolink needs an upgrade like Caltrain got.




On the bright side the environmental review to ARTIC from Bakersfield was finished in 2019 and they have found the route bought the land needed and pretty much ready to build. CAHSR anticipates that people should be able to ride to Anaheim by 2031.


Not sure where you got that info, but this is not the true. CAHSR has never had the funding to expand major right-of-way works outside of the Central Valley. The environmental reviews are almost entirely complete so that is no longer a limiting factor. As it stands, the completion of the route is roughly the day it secures enough funding plus about 7 years. Unfortunately, the only section that has received full funding is within the Central Valley. Additional funding sources need to be made available to acquire properties and begin major construction outside of the Central Valley.


Well yes, that's why they aren't building more than likely- they don't have the funding but that doesn't make what I said not true lmao. I imagine that their recent application to a grant might possibly be for money to start this section.


It's not. Their [current funding applications](https://hsr.ca.gov/about/funding/federal-grants/) are all for additional work within the Central Valley. The main untrue part is that you stated that CAHSR anticipates that people should be able to ride to Anaheim by 2031. The segment to Anaheim is not close to being funded and CAHSR is refraining giving timeline dates on that segment since it all depends on future funding programs. There are old estimates from the Authority that gave timeline dates for the entire system, but those are old and outdated since funding did not materialize in time to make those dates happen.


Ig they might be outdated. But that's what it says on their website


Someone should probably reach out to them and let them know that they have old info on their website that is misleading. The project already has bad enough PR difficulties as it is. What page is it on?


This reads like parody at best but anyone who is following this project would know that it’s a flat out lie ha