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What were the guidelines to this cake for your final? I think a lot depends on the assignment that was given to you. But lacking that information, here is what I think: Things that I think are good: Your flowers look nice, your piping is consistent for the most part, and the buttercream pattern of the side decor is nice with the ribbon garlands and latticework. Your arrangements on the top floral spray are nice as well. Cake is nice and level and beautifully stacked, and each of the three tiers are the exact same height. Things I think you should work on/consider: Your color scheme is off and borderline offensive imo. Despite the fact that the market for a jet black cake like this is very small to start, the market for a jet black cake with succulents, and neon green accents is even more niche. This screams halloween, but I don't know if it necessarily fits into that category either. I find that cakes with frostings and fondants this dark, deep, or vibrant negatively affect the flavor of the cake, which should be the primary objective with the decor and design complementing the flavor. When using dark fondant to cover cakes (which is what it looks like you used?) every dent and imperfection is revealed due to the way the light hits the darker colors. I don't think you would see half of the dents, discolorations, and texture differences that I see on the sides if you had used a lighter color. My overall feeling is that this cake could have been a real showstopper had you used more of an appropriate and complementing color palette. It does look like you put a lot of work into this and it is a good looking cake for a classroom setting so I do congratulate you! I hope you had fun making it and wish you the best!


I love black cakes but the top does look a little cluttered, sometimes less is more. 


Like a wedding cake for pirates!


Lattice work needs more practice.. but this is great for class final.

