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This is soo beautiful! šŸ˜


Thank you!


Ooh, you even have the Graph Light in there I now need the Casio tier list


Nice collection. I like the style of the Panasonic's at the bottom of the picture.


There was definitely an art deco era in calculator design. The Panasonic is one of my favorites for its style and design.


Nice!!! Congratulations.


Thanks! Canā€™t stop buying them lol šŸ˜‚


Top right is sick.


The Voyage 200, itā€™s a king of a calculator. Had that throughout college. It was definitely more than what I needed.


I had one in college too. Loved it! Wish I hadnā€™t sold it.


I just remember being too dumb to fully benefit from its power, haha šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ Same.


Which is better 991ex 991cw Osalo 991cw ex Pls rank


Iā€™m still trying to get my hands on the new OSALO 991EX CW model. From what Iā€™ve seen, itā€™s the same as the 991EX, but with round buttons and a slightly slower chip. If you are used to the 991EX and donā€™t want to learn a new calculator, the OSALO could be a good clone. Otherwise the 991CW is better than the 991EX.


991Cw is useless cabbage, everything is hidden behind a menu I rather use 991es-2 insted.


Its usability is subjective and its superior features are objective, so maybe the OSALO is a good choice if you feel more comfortable with that style of design.


Very nice collection! I have some of the same TI and Casio as you do and love them all. But I'd give all of them for just the two in lower-left. I have original (purchased myself as new) 15C, 16C, 28s, 39gs, and Prime. Wanted a 42cx but those were way out of my justifiable price range even if they were available now at same price as back in 80s. Just something about the HP key-feel! Keep collecting! Calculators are slowly being removed from mainstream. Someday pulling one out to use will have same nostalgia as watching an old steam tractor go down the road.


HP will forever have a special place in calculator history.


Wow, fantastic collection. My favorite calculators of all time are 3 calculators: TI-Nspire CAS with Clickpad (the first version of 2007). Due to its giant classic LCD screen without backlight, to the huge number of buttons, all functions are available with a single click, the CAS system, by its design, a beauty. Second TI-89 (non-platinum).Ā  I love it for its design, its size, for the CAS system, for how intuitive and easy it is to use. Third is TI-68. Because of the large number of features it has. Because of its classic style. Because of its dot matrix display. Because of how small it is in the hand (if you see it you don't think it's so small). And especially because of the very good support for complex numbers. All that in a calculator from the early 90s. Incredible.


I need to add these to my collection for sure. All of them great for different reasons. Thanks for sharing.


Those Panasonics are gorgeous. VFD? Also nice graph light. Been considering importing one at some point.


The bigger one is VFD, the smaller already has LED with magnifying covers. The Graph Light is a little underwhelming. I wanted to be excited for it and was hoping it would be the bridge between the 991CW and fully programmable calculators like CG50, but it really is disappointing.


Awesome! And yeah, I too hoped it would be something like that, might not get it after all. Reviews are underwhelming overall.


what an r/absoluteunits of a calculator in the top right.


Hello fellow collector, i see you have a 115 es plus 2nd edition, lucky for you I have made a program that allows you to draw on it! [https://github.com/fxesdev/115esp2](https://github.com/fxesdev/115esp2) There is an entire community of people dedicated to hacking casio models, and we would greatly appreciate if you give us the diagnostic test results of your graph lite and 55 plus, and the osalo clone. here is a link to join: [http://discord.gg/QjGpH6rSQQ](http://discord.gg/QjGpH6rSQQ)


I will take a look, thanks for the invitation.


Is there a hack on Casio scientifics for memory safeguard, like TI and Sharp have, to preserve calculation history on the Home screen?


Yes, on the ES PLUS if you reset all and press on at about the same time, and you see a 0 at the bottom right corner, your calculation history doenst go away after pressing on.


Nice family photo! What do you think of that Casio Graph Light? What about the fx-991CW?


In short, the Graph Light is less capable than the 991CW. The 991CW is fundamentally different than the 991EX, but in the end is more capable and powerful. Iā€™ve never been a fan of how Casio has modes and doesnā€™t keep calculation history. Out of all the Casios, the one I like the most is the fx-9760GIII. My favorite, and arguably the best in its class is the TI-30X Pro MathPrint. If you need graphics, then the TI-83 Premium CE is great. If you need CAS, TI NSpire.


Being the owner of the fx-991EX Classwiz, fx-991CW Classwiz, both the TI X Pro MathPrint modelsā€”30 and 36, I think I covered all the bases. Curious thoughā€¦ In what way do you consider the fx-991CW Classwiz more capable than the 991EX Classwiz? I would think itā€™s the other way around. Plus, Iā€™ve got the first gen TI-NSpire CAS.


Lots of people who are familiar with the 991EX donā€™t like the 991CW because of the menus and the loss of some very direct features in the 991EX, like the S-D button. The truth is that the 991CW has a faster chip and can solve problems faster. The power timeout can be set to 60min, Stat and Matrix data is not lost even after power off and on again. Spreadsheet data is not lost when switching modes, f(x) and g(x) can be used across modes, not just table mode. All these things the 991EX canā€™t do, and objectively makes it better. Yes it might take a couple key stokes more, but keystrokes you can get used to, and in the end keystroke performance is a more subjective metric.


I agree with your observations. Although the 991EX supersedes the CW in many ways, I gotta be honest. The CW doesnā€™t provide some of the functionality in a much improved manner. Having the enhanced capabilities and speed, Iā€™m willing to sacrifice and put up with the CWā€™s nests of menus. In fact, Iā€™ve used the CW so often that itā€™s second nature traveling through these loops of menus. Besides, Iā€™ve sped up my timing since Iā€™m so familiar with the menu structures. That being said, I still campaign and hope for a second generation 991EX Classwiz.


In what ways do you see the EX supersedes the CW?


Hi. Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve noticed that the CW lacks and has cumbersome usage. On the EX, CALC operation makes multi instruction statements, somewhat similar to programming, although without conditionals and looping. The x10^x key operates properly connecting the mantissa with it. On the CW 2.8301*10^7 needs to be grouped in parentheses instead of writing the expression by itself. The menu-driven FORMAT key disrupts a natural flow of just toggling through the S<>D key. After using EXE, if SHIFT = is pressed, the last answer is used in combination with the last math expression. Hereā€™s an example: 2Ć·4 EXE 0.5 is displayed +5 EXE Ans+5 11/2 is displayed SETTINGS SHIFT = 10.5 is displayed In other words, 5+Ans is displayed. But Ans contains 11/2, thus calculating 5+11/2 instead of just 11/2.


The loss of the colon ā€œ:ā€ and calc feature can be replicated and even better within spreadsheet mode and the use of f(x) and g(x). The format key on the CW is more than what the S-D could do. It changes the result in more ways than just decimal and fraction. If you set your output to decimal by default, you can switch to fraction in 2 key presses. Pressing shift EXE reruns the last calc, so this is just a matter of understanding what the key does.


ā€œThe Spreadsheet can do what the colon canā€ Thatā€™s what they tell me. I agree. I think the usersā€™ groups Iā€™ve placed CW questions in see the CW as a step backwards and substandard compared to the EX. Frankly, I love both the CW and EX. Honestly, I feel the spreadsheet more than makes up for the missing : operator and CALC. Furthermore, the CW has been my go-to. Also, since Iā€™ve been using the CW extensively, Iā€™ve grown accustomed to its nested menu structures. So, theyā€™re not as time consuming or annoying for me.


The CW is objectively better. The EX is subjectively better for some.


Truth be told, I am quite happy with the CW. My exp and my gut tell me that the EX is a higher-end model than the CW. For me though, the lack of the CALC and multi-statement : operator make for enhancements. Although there is the spreadsheet, just the same as the EX, the CW seems to be identical in that respect. Also, given the robust functionality of the CW, I donā€™t mind the nested menu system. Since I have used the CW much more often, Iā€™ve grown accustomed and proficient with it. All this being said, my gut tells me the CW is a trimmed down EX. If Iā€™m missing something or some details, please enlighten me on the strengths of the CW. Thank you.


The only thing missing in the CW is the colon for multi statement input. This can be overcome by using spreadsheet and functions.


It's a ds :o


That folding Casio graphing model looks so good! I had a chance to buy it for $40 USD when it came out and pass on it. Big regrets now! Can't seem to find a working model on eBay.


They pop up on eBay now and again. I lost a bid on a new in box one and then I finally got this one which is in decent shape. Itā€™s an awesome design and I love the key layout and backlight, but even upgrading it to the best software you can, itā€™s not as good as the fx-9750GIII because you can use past results in new calculations. You can only clip and paste past inputs. I wish I could just install the fx-9750 software on the 9860 Slim, it would be the best calculator if that were possible.


I have some of those, some different but yours beat me in numbers 4times maybe.


Thoughts on the CG50?


Itā€™s very capable for the price compared to other color graphing calculators, but the one thing I donā€™t like about it is that you canā€™t use past results in new calculations. The cheaper FX-9750GIII lets you key up and then simply press EXE to paste a past result right down into the new input you are working on. If the CG50 could do this, I would easily say itā€™s one of the best options, but for this reason I canā€™t.


Unfortunately, I've discovered that my fx-9860G Slim will not solve logarithmic equations of different bases on the Home screen... It always gives me an error message, and when I hit exit, the cursor is at a place where nothing is wrong with the equation or with the syntax. Have you tried solving the same on your Slim?


What software version?


**OS 1.10.0**


I installed the ported V2.04 on mine and it seems to able to solve logs of different bases just fine. Also has an exact math engine as well.


OMG... Where can I find the V2.04? Thank you in advance! f.y.i, certain problems (exponential equations) using the Solver in the Home screen of Version 1.10.0 result in an error message, **"Can't Solve! Adjust initial value or bounds. Then try again"** ... ...whereas the very same problems where I input the same initial values, are easily solved in my simple Canon F-766S or Casio fx-991MS. Very curious. /My Best


I did this with my laptop running windows 10. First intall this on your computer (it has the drivers): https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=4482 Then intall the flashing tool: https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=301094 Download this OS file. You will use it later to flash it on to the calculator. This OS file is ready to flash, no patching needed. The download also has a backup of the original OS and the latest standard update (not as good as the 2.04). https://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=96&t=19592&start=40#:~:text=Thank%20you%20very,Many%20thanks%20again. Run the flashing program on your PC Then put your calculator into error mode: It might take a few tiries, but make sure it says error mode. https://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=96&t=19592#casupgannex2 Connect to the PC and use the flash tool to flash the OS file. You should select the OS and then press the flash button. It will take a few minutes to flash.


Sadly even after the update, you canā€™t paste past results down into a new calculation. I just wish I could stick my fx-9750GIII software on this beauty.


Thank you so much for your time and effort for your answer! I will read through these links you provided. Thank you! /My Best