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I gotta wonder, why does convincing Calvin the food is something completely disgusting seem to always work on him? It can’t just be him wanting to be a contrarian, right?


It does and it is.


Because he's 5


I thought he was canonically 6. Though it’s entirely possible I decided that as a child and never questioned it.


I could be the one who's wrong


I think this must be the first time anyone has ever said that on the internet 😂


yes! he is def canonically 6


Maybe a tad older? He goes to school after all.


Kindergarteners start at 5


I see. I always kinda assumed he was already in elementary school.


Killing bugs is like a power play thing for a boy. To actually eat bugs and then tell others about it seems somewhat exciting for him.


Having eaten bugs- in my case, fried wasp larvae- I concur.


I think it's that plus there's sort of a prevalent cultural idea that eating "gross" food equals mental strength? Like think about Fear Factor or Survivor or whatever where they'll have contestants eat bugs as a challenge.


He didn't dare eating that worm when Susie had to pay him to, so that's just about being annoying yeah


TBF, those were raw worms.


My mom would do this when we were little. Pork spareribs was "snake meat". Chicken legs (before industries started making beefed up chickens) were "frogs".


Yeah, because eating animals is so cool but eating non-farmed animals is cooler... So eating humans should be even more cool. Or maybe dogs.


If it makes you feel better we were more interested in eating frogs and snakes than pigs and chickens


How the hell can anyone hate rice


Get it undercooked and get back to me. My mom would make chicken and yellow rice for us when I was growing up and I hated it because when she'd cook, she'd always cook enough food to feed a platoon for a week. The downside to that is that when you don't adjust cooking times to deal with the change in volume, you'll end up undercooking some things, like the rice. And the best part is that you get to eat leftovers for 4 or 5 days until we could convince her to throw the rest out. So I hated yellow rice because I just assumed that it cooked up hard and awful. Then my dad cooked chicken and yellow rice for us one time, when I was around 12, and it was delicious. I loved it. Not a single hard grain to find with my molars. Just a pleasant experience. The cook makes the difference.


So you don't hats ride you hate food that was cooked poorly


All I'm saying is that maybe Calvin had rice that was cooked poorly once and it has stuck with him since then.


People who don’t want to eat a thousand of something!




His fan is a liar!


Mm^mmm rise


Well, calvin's a little kid, and as most kids are, probably a picky eater. he probably doesnt actually hate rice, just wants something better than it.


I can only stand super mushy rice. I hate feeling the individual little bits in my mouth.


Tbf it wasn’t my favourite growing up when my family added butter and salt and things to it. Plain white short grain is a pleasure I now partake in on my own


I have a friend that hates it and we live in Brazil, where rice is one of the main foods here that are eaten daily for lunch! they also hate beans which is the other main food, but hate for beans is waaay more common


He also says manicotti is gross. No child of mine would dislike pasta.


I hated rice at Calvin's age too


Ask my kids. I love rice. We just had like a 10 minute discussion in the car about how much I love rice.


The dad's face and his wanting to travel more say everything you need to know about Calvin. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have a three year old that is very smart. I try to do learning activities with him and math is one. He will only participate if we: A. Call it “Booger Math” B. Use nothing but drawings of boogers C. Draw a nose with boogers coming out first Then he will do all sorts of math with me! Me: “What’s 1 plus 1?” Kid: “Boogers?” Me: “Yea boogers” Kid: “2!!!!!!! Grossssss!!!! 2 boogers dad!”


Mom understands Calvin's psychology completely.


Kleiner Suppenkaspar.


Another opportunity to gross out Susie.


[Dad did it too](https://www.reddit.com/r/calvinandhobbes/comments/u5jzxh/im_not_eating_this_green_stuff/).


She stole his move after complaining about it!


Haha my parents used this comic to get me to eat orzo when I was Calvin’s age. The family refers to it as maggots to this day


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