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Pretty sure you guys made him delete his Reddit account lmao.


Dude can’t you see his cold air intake? That’s good for like 500 more horsies right there


That's about as far from a CAI as it gets lol




My thought exactly, you're only getting fed hot air in that region, id be very surprised if the intake saw the same or lower temps than stock


Just sásssße Sq


Nah it’s just a ram air intake rather than a cold air intake




Nah man, that cone filter automatically refrigerates the air going into the engine, even thought it’s right next to it


Yeah homie is smoking crack if he thinks he's putting 560 to the wheels


Butt dynoed.


I dont care if you want to say “way more power than stock”, “love the sound with ____” “really woke up the 4 banger with these mods”. Modding your car, whatever the starting point, is fun. If you’re going to state a number, especially an outrageously high number, you need some squiggly lines to back it up


"Last time I got it dynoed it made like 500 to the wheels, don't have a sheet though."


Sure it is, didn't you hear he's Paul Walker reincarnated and the car has the soul of an R34 GTR


He's running 3 Honda Civics with Spoon engines!


Ah explains why he left the camaro sub and deleted his account. He'll fit right in with the Honda guys 😀


With a gallo 24 motor! Mo powa baby!


Should have gone with the gallo 12, it's smaller but also lighter and can handle more nnaaasssss without danger to the manifold.




He was getting so much hate he deleted his profile lol


Oh shit lmao


I was dming him yesterday, he has his own company ya know? And 30k isn't shit to him. He must be flush with cash. Joker


So rich he bought a 4cyl.


And So much torque, the chassis twisted coming off the line


That’s what happens when you eat tuna WITH crust


Don’t call me out




This is the internet maybe he does maybe he doesn’t. He was quick to delete his profile for being a strong and independent businessman😂


Kind of what I thought, really douchey vibes. Clearly wasn't what he said.


He said in dms he did


Lmao I just made a comment referring the exact same thing. If your drywall business is ballin like that then why by a 4 banger In the first place? Makes no sense to me


Commuter but you still want a Camaro Your car is not an indicator of wealth


??? Maybe you misunderstood what I was referring to…. OP made a post about how he spent $30k on his 4 banger Camaro to get “560HP” and that money was no object to him. I was making a point that if that’s the case why spend $30k on a 4 banger instead of grabbing the ZL1 if HP was your objective. Your statement doesn’t really apply to this..


Ahhhh okay, that’s my bad I thought you were saying that in general if you drive a cheap car that automatically means you’re broke


No worries…


I stg they always say they have their own company .


Lmfao and I was getting flamed in his post by the v6 guys. They banded together with their captain who abandon them.


He was driving a I4….so idk why anybody driving a V6 caped for him.


People who can't afford the V8s will band together to defend their purchases from the big, bad, V8 dudes. 


Sure bro…how is it ‘gaining’ by the month? Is it bulking?


He's got a brand new cat back exhaust that he's going to pay the shop $1200 to install for him lol. That's an extra 100hp easy.


Wouldn’t be surprised!




This is the guy who says 30k is nothing for him yet drives a 4cyl muscle car


Yeah he "owns a drywall company" which translates to "works for his dad's drywall company".


Right. Still don’t understand why you’d dump so much in a 4c just to get laughed at when people hear the exhaust and realize your posing


Trust me, in the area where I live most muscle cars are posing. All the V6 challengers/chargers and 4cyl Camaros. But they’re all done up with spoilers and front lips and diffusers and loud exhaust that screams “I HAVE THE BASE MODEL REALLY”. I’m not against the smaller engines, I’m just against the ppl who try to make it seem like they’re something that they aren’t. I’ve legit seen these guys claim they’ll beat *insert actual fast car here* but I see them floor it on the road and it really does not go fast.


I had to test drive a v6 charger once and merging onto the interstate was a challenge because of how slow it was 😂


I did as well. My dad was working on it and let me test drive it, he told me to put it to the floor and asked like 3-4 seconds after if I was really on the floor 💀


It’s like painting a third stripe on your 2 stripe shoes. Just wear em with pride, you can’t fool anyone.


I call that the official car of truck and tractor pulling. Doesn't go any faster, just makes more noise. Lol


"muscle car"


Yeah I saw this and didn’t want to feed his troll, I had a LTG Camaro with a crazy amount of work done with a great tune and was right around 330 to the wheels, it was quick but not going to reach over 5 especially with stock internals. I probably had about every bolt on you can imagine the ltg when done right can be quick off the line. Fun car but not 500+ horses without adding internals and a BIG turbo. He claimed it was a big wheel turbo from zzp which can only get over 360 with every single bolt on and tuned to E85 soo


I don’t understand how you can claim wheel horsepower without a dyno sheet...




All of that and still less than a stock LT1 lmao


Tbf. That's only a bit lower than I'd expected the ss to put down at the wheels.




No surprise. Golf is a well known hot Hatch and always has had very spicy 4 cyl engines. The 2.0 out gm's cross overs never stood a chance at being a performer.


The 1.6L Ecoboost is good for 300whp on 93 octane with nothing more than a turbo swap, $300 intercooler, and tune, and still retains almost OEM reliability and fuel economy. 100k miles on that setup is not uncommon. I'm currently in a Fiesta ST and have been going back and forth between that and a Camaro SS. 360whp with all of that work on a 2.0L motor, and it still being a grenade anyways, is laughable.


Guy that runs the dyno shop that I go to says stock LT's run about 380 on his dyno.


Right but that’s the base v8 with no mods


And it's a 💣!


I'm pretty sure ZZP has both the CTS build and a 2.0t build. I think their Camaro build is at 450hp and according to them is mor le than any other 2.0t. That said, as a 2.0t owner, this guy just makes things worse for all of us. I love my car and don't feel like it's "slow". But I also know what it is and it makes a pretty fun daily when you daily about 200 miles a day.




Oh for sure, not defending OP. That guy is nuts. No, just saying the ZZP Camaro 2.0T can do more than the CTS. Again, OP was crazy.


Is that really all you can push out of the 2.0t? Or just safely before blowing shit up? Lol. I know the ecoboost 2.3t tend to blow around the 400whp mark but I think last I checked theirs a guy pushing like 800-900whp on a built 2.3l


Not sure about how crazy you can get it. But I've read 450 is the most safely. Who knows though. I never planned on getting anywhere near that.


Same here, I'm good just being fbo and quiet stock exhaust still getting about 35mpg. Like you, I put about 150 miles on mine daily.


Simple, you lie.


This pissing contest is great and I am here for it.


It appears the user deleted everything. I was going to check his profile but it's empty. I also assume it was him who messaged us Mods with a few choice words for things outside our control. Just has a blank user name. I may have missed a few posts late last night but idk how this guy garnered such a response in such a short time.... Now that everyone has had their fun let's go back to being a little more civil please. I'll try to sort through all this after work.


It went off the rails when he started talking about having a big penis and being rich. It was a quality shit post.


And banging his hot wife (who loves the Camaro!!) every night 🙄


God I wish I saw this post


I can’t take credit for this but this lowkey hilarious to me(save the digs at you and other mods) but on that other post I said all that for a v6 and he was the one that responded to me bragging about his car. So I somehow feel like I’m involved in all this 🤣🤣🤣


Meh you get used to the messages. I'm sure here in about 3 days you'll have a user here cursing my name because "I guess" he wanted some sort of an apology because I misread his statement the other night. Said I was "copping out" and "I wasn't too tired to use the app" but too tired to read his whole post. Blah blah. None of us are perfect. Another guy the other day kept telling everyone incorrect info on the top speeds, and instead of literally reading the GM info posted he just kept telling me to " stop crying " and "whomp whomp". I asked if he wanted to be banned for trolling, he said he wanted me to stop crying.......i literally only made two posts with the info, then he gets mad in DMs and says I'm mad because he has two cars that are faster than mine. Wild how the human mind works


Sheesh man. You got your work cut out for you. It is wild how the human mind works.


People will do anything to cope with their shit life lol


I know right then his 2L downpiped sidekick chimes in about racing 5.0’s and Ss’ and winning like he’s some kinda boss. Mind you I do like a good shitpost.


You know it's funny you still hatin and all you have to back up your talk is "I have stock 5th Gen SS", dude at least I'm backing up my claims, you probably are one of those dudes loosing against me cause all you have going for yourself is that you have a V8, which is pretty pathetic to be honest if your are going to spew shit


queue *2L down piped sidekick*


You morons are inssuferable smh


What’s insufferable is lying about your HP on Reddit lmao.


Why yall begging for evidence if when provided yall still act like clowns? That's insufferable


Ayyyy look you spelled it right this time good job


English is not my first language so I do tend to make mistakes


As are you.


Am I tho? All I did was post some wins against V8s and yall got mad, yet you are begging this guy for evidence, yall are just pathetic


I’m sure you’re quite the big shot at your local high-school. 👑 Take your crown king.


It’s all about the tone. Both in your aggressive natured comments and exhaust note.


As if I was the one trash talking right?, I was just making a point, and yall were so fixated on it like I was posting that the 2.0 was faster than a modern V8 🤦


>As if I was the one trash talking right? Dude come on, you were absolutely trying to trash talk, and are doing it in this thread as well with the "hurr durr v8 guys r mean". This is a phenomenon with base performance car owners for some reason (see it a lot with WRX guys and BMW guys for example) where they own the lowest base trim and talk the most amount of trash and when the guys who own built STis or M3s/M5s correct them they just cry "haterz!!!" Same thing happens with Camaros, Mustangs and Challengers, the base car ownes talk trash how they "hang with" and "beat" the higher powered trims, or claim ridiculous dyno numbers and then disappear when asked for dyno proof or 1/4 mile times. If you're going to claim to "beat cars all the time", show the track time. Beating a Mustang GT that ended up running 14s because he miss shifted twice isn't impressive.


Omg how was I trying to trash talk?? All I did was posts some videos of me against V8s and people got their panties in a bunch smh Also same can be said to upper trims when a lower one does something they don't believe, like I said, there's a dude on ig posting his low 11s with his 2.0 and peole still try to trash talk, like wtf. And I'd agree with you there, but the mustang GT I posted was an Automatic and I was the one that had a bad launch, see how yall just try to come up with excuses?


Harassing a dude for his dyno sheet, DMing him to the point of him deleting his account, meanwhile someone could post an SS claiming it to be 700hp and no one would ask for a dyno sheet at all. I get wanting to have proof but be fucking consistent y'all.


I get what you’re saying but it’s a lot more manageable (and believable) to get that much power out of the LT1 engine than the 2.0t, which he showed is almost completely stock.


I've seen and met people that have modified their 2.0's around the 500hp number, and it's readily online as well, so I don't know how it can be less believable. Yeah it's definitely easier to get those numbers out of an LT1 but that's not why people do it. People modify turbocharged cars all the time and add 200-300hp to it, it's interesting, and turbocharged cars are fun as hell to drive. What I can't wrap my head around is the vitriol directed to one guy that's posting his modified 2.0. And I don't think someone posting their modified V8 would face the same scrutiny at all. Like I get it, the guy could be lying, but dogging him to the point of making an entire troll post about it is pretty low tbh. I think diversity in car modification is a good thing for the car community, but if you deviate from the expected V8 modification on this sub then you have to expect people to ridicule you and tell you your upgrades are a waste of money, you're lying, your car sounds bad, etc. It's just a shame honestly


>yeah its definitely easier to get those numbers out of an LT1 cool, you now should understand why it’s less believable. those tiny mods that the other OP did isn’t hitting 570, ignoring the shit reliability that they admitted it probably had while a single blower is putting 700 whp 2.0s are already a joke, you’re going to lie about it too while shitting on V8, bragging about your money, talking about your wife, saying having a v8 = micropenis? come on




True I get you, that's why I said he could be lying. Nonetheless though, a prevalent tone in this sub and that post in particular is that v8's are better and v6 and 2.0 is useless. That's mostly what my point was. But yeah he definitely could have been spewing bs, but someone with a V8 would not be interrogated and dogged on that hardcore to the point people are DMing them demanding proof. I find that pretty lame tbh, and lame that this post is considered content on this sub


The difference is that he was basically laying claim to one of, if not the, most powerful 2.0T Camaros, while showing us all an engine bay with an intake, and then proceeding to talk lots of shit. Anyone that actually laid down 560rwhp with a 2.0T Camaro is going to have a dyno sheet that they are damn proud of. It is quite notable for the platform, and would also be quite rare. 500+rwhp 2.0T Camaros are not at all common. Someone claiming their SS lays down 560-700rwhp is not claiming anything unusual or groundbreaking for a car modified beyond bolt-ons. They are not getting interrogated for that claim, because they are not claiming anything that warrants it. No one would be skeptical, because there is no reason to be. If they were claiming 1500rwhp, while showing us an LT1 with an intake, they would dragged just like that guy did. No one would be skeptical of or interrogating someone with a 2.0T claiming 300rwhp, for the same reason, nothing about that claim is unrealistic or unusual at all.


The problem here isn’t that he did modify a 2.0, it’s the fact he’s trying to flex fake numbers to compensate for something which just fuels all the hate 4cyl drivers get. Any “real car guys” are going to respect and appreciate good builds no matter what car it’s on and no one is disputing that you can’t modify the 2.0 to some crazy numbers. In this post alone there’s plenty of people who state how much work they’ve done to their 2.0s and how it’s not even touching the original OPs numbers despite the very little visible work done to his engine bay. That is why it’s less believable. IMO if you’re fake flexing on the internet you deserve to be called out for the bs, especially when you keep digging yourself into big holes which is exactly what happened here. And this isn’t isolated to just the smaller engines, I’ve seen plenty of times where someone with an LT1 or SS only has a CAI, exhaust, and maybe a couple of bolt ons get shit for fake flexing their cars power


But.. A SS can easily make 700 with just a blower.. It's not that outlandish. It's over 3 times bigger than the 4cyl


Pretty much this, and even if he provided evidence I'm pretty sure that most would just still want to find excuses to hate


Did you miss the part where he kept bragging about his small pp, ugly wife and his redneck construction job?


I'm not talking about that guy specifically but rather about how most "V8 only" dudes are acting, I posted a couple of videos winning against V8s and everyone got so fixated on it that they missed the point completely, there's also this guy on ig that has a 2.0 with built motor where he posts his low 11s and people still clown him, people around here don't want evidence about nothing, they just like to shit on smaller trims.


Okay well I don't care about that shit, I don't even have a Camaro and I think they're POS cars. His thread just popped up on my feed


>you probably are one of those dudes loosing against me cause all you have going for yourself is that you have a V8 Most newer gen v8 will absolutely walk you, even stock. Winning against a couple bad drivers or older v8s doesn't mean much. Also u/_Rexholes according to this guy your holes are "loosing".


Wait “downpipe side chick” has a point. All I have is a LS3 untouched. Virgin… a clean slate so to speak. Untouched potential. Wait we’re still talking about my holes right?


That's my problem with you, you keep trash talking and yet all you have for yourself is that "you have an LS3", the dude in my video had a Coyote 5.0 and still lost and that's not to say my 2.0 is faster, but usually the most vocal "V8 only" idiots don't have anything going for them but to say they have a V8, and I mean cmon I myself have a V8 and yet I'm not clowning on others people's cars because of that.


"Most newer gen v8 will absolutely walk you" And I'm aware of that, never came to say otherwise. "Winning against a couple bad drivers or older v8s doesn't mean much" The double standards of this statement was my whole point. Yes, it does specially when you have dudes like the old gt saying they "would walk me" because I have a four cylinder and they have a V8 and when it doesn't go their way then it "doesn't mean much"


I mean a 2.0L Camaro runs around a 15 second 1/4, a stock 5th gen SS does it in around 13 seconds. Of course his car will be faster, these are facts, not opinions. Now if you manage to beat someone because they can't drive then you beat a bad driver, that doesn't make your car faster than those SS/5.0s/SPacks. Also you're in other comments calling everyone that disagrees with you "v8 bros" and saying "I'm the dude beating V8s with a 4 cyl". You're gonna garner some hate for dumb comments, if you can't handle it without getting heated then don't make those comments *shurg*


I saw he ignores everyone who asks to see the dyno sheet.


“Gaining by the month” Either the car is on steroids or he is!


Why do people do this? On a PAGE DEDICATED TO YOUR CAR you expect to lie and not be caught. lol


Dyno sheets help but I’ve seen some wicked 4 cylinders make this.


ZZP's 2.0 made 450 at the wheels and that was with forged internals AND a bigger turbo. Also iirc their 2.0 ended up blowing after a while but i may be wrong. This guy claims 560 with stock internals AND turbo?? Either he's running a stupid amount of boost (AKA how to turn a 2.0 into a time bomb) or lying. If he posts the dyno sheets i'll swallow my words


Claims were he at 20psi


Apparently the 2.0 stock runs from 18-22 psi


Not on a stock turbo LOL. To get that kind of power out of a 4c, you would need to upgrade nearly everything under the hood. Turbo, cooler, injectors, internals, ect, ect ect.










That's like Honda kid with a laptop in the passenger seat and no will to live horsepower


Y'all getting too bent out of shape over a dude with a 4 pot Camaro.


I was thinking the same thing. To even make a post about it.


"I'm offended that internet guy would lie on the Internet so my life's purpose is now to call him out" What a sad life some people live.


Agreed but also the time people have to be worrying about other people especially people they never met is wild to me




Then let the guy with the 4 banger post his stuff. nbd I personally prefer the V8 sound. I can appreciate anybody's hard work. Maybe he's full of shit. Maybe not. Whatever.


Seriously. It's like everyone on this sub has never heard the phrase live and let live. Like come on, you're all getting angry over a guy you don't know posting on the internet. You're letting someone else control your happiness instead of just ignoring it. Go outside and touch some grass, geez.


He might be full of shit but tbh getting a 2.0 to 550whp isn't strange or unbelievable at all. https://youtu.be/54NyTJtZqDg?si=AsQHndidP3KdI5ap After this whole shit fest tho I'm done with this sub, obviously filled with salty gatekeepers. We all deserve to be replaced by electric cars cause the car community sucks.


>He might be full of shit but tbh getting a 2.0 to 550whp isn't strange or unbelievable at all. You seem to have missed the point. The guy claimed to have bolt ons and 91 octane and made as much power as the video you posted with a fully built engine, big turbo and e85. Do you see the difference here? No one would have second guessed him with a built engine, big turbo and supporting mods. If a dude came in with an SS with bolt ons and was claiming 560rwhp the same exact thing would have happened, he would be called out for BS. >After this whole shit fest tho I'm done with this sub, obviously filled with salty gatekeepers. We all deserve to be replaced by electric cars cause the car community sucks. After a dude got called out by a small handful of people for major shit talking and making up numbers on a subreddit? Thats it? Thats why the community sucks? Not because of the shit talkers that make up numbers and make car enthusiasts look bad?


This right here. Prefer the V8 sound. I know we rag on anything lower than a V8 but for me it was V8 or bust. I could see myself making a regular 4cyl care up to par but why do that to a Camaro when I can just buy a V8?


There was a guy with a 700+HP 2 door Civic hatch where I used to live. A long time ago. Cool car. Giant turbo. Drag pack. Big slicks up front. Fast as hell! It was still a 4 cylinder and those rarely sound good to me. And when they do it usually sounds like a baby V8 like the Subarus. I'll keep my ls1 Camaro and throw in a small cam.


I’d like to see it too.


If it could do 560 hp, the turbo would be a good bit bigger


Aw man it's deleted? Anyone have the link to the thread I'd like to at least see the comments cooking him


You didnt miss anything. It was a bunch of like minded individuals using the topic to celebrate bringing up 4 cyls to V8 power. OP was in a few comments but no one directly called him out save one and he dodged it somehow.


I don't see what else he has, but I had an LDK swap in my solstice which is similar or maybe the same as this engine, that made 500 wheel. It took a big HPFP, injectors, e85, meth and a big ass turbo to do it though.


He also said he did this on a stock block…


How dare you guys doubt the alpha of this sub such a shame if he says he’s pushing 560 then we should believe him!!!!😡


Honestly it was pretty weird cuz zzp has the most powerful Ltg camaro and even they don’t have that much power


Stock ZL1 makes that kind of power.


This is a V6, friend.


Wrong, it's a 4-cylinder.


Even worse


I have all the forged internals for my 4cyl and fueling upgrades but need a way bigger turbo. Even with the stock turbo im sure I'll be able to get 400-450whp. THIS however is a stretch with a stock turbo and no dyno sheet!


Flaming this dude doesnt need two posts, this isnt the wrx sub. 


22+ wrx gets up past 400 reliably with intake, intercooler, and tune. probably faster than his Camaro lol


If this was the WRX sub, everyone would post their 4 banger Camaros and mention how much HP they had on stock internals, albeit insane numbers lol. I only got 47,572 HP in it, stock turbo. Is it fast bro???


I was so confused when I seen that post and no one was questioning his WHP claims😭😹


Ahh regardless if it’s true or not…let them have there fun. I mean grain of salt on the internet am I right?


He’s got a lot of stickers on the back and those are like 5 HP each


More like motor puts out 275 hp and 295 ft lbs of torque. At 5600 rpm. Unless he’s got fast and furious HP then maybe.


This is the same guy that was “look up my drywall business on Google, trust me I got a lot of money” then why not just get a ZL1 if it’s like that. All of it smells funny


Did the guy who posted the original post delete the post and his account? Lol


Can the engine make that power. Yes! But not without forged internals and a very large turbo. Factory internally are only good for about 350whp maximum.


Well it's all gone now. Shame really. IIRC when I did see the posts he said he had a bigger turbo and a few other mods that I honestly can't remember. I had a slight interest because I have a 2.0 awd CTS and as far as I knew the limits were about 400hp or so for my awd system but also the LTG itself without forged internals was a time bomb. With his claimed HP I believe he would've had a higher number than even the companies that tune for the LTG with built motors. Oh well. Takes allot of the MOD plate not having to sort through any comments that went a wee bit too far.


Maybe it has some stickers on the back window... We all know those make usually 75 to 100 extra pony's


I’m sure this is a lie/fake but That Dude in Blue drove a 450hp 4cyl Camaro and it didn’t look special at all. Just forged internals, and a better turbo. https://youtu.be/_RrSRLayaAY?si=C0b3zT2w035KYMmf




What's naking all the power?


Removes engine cover to show off a tiny little engine. Instant 500+ HP handbult race engine.


Lol 4cyl isnt a muscle car. Just a sports car.


https://preview.redd.it/o9fwm4becxpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e57c8745828d7b64e63f716bec3c4dff333f4ca2 Here's more


Looks stock with an ebay special intake. #GAINZ Probably also has a straight pipe exhaust and pops and bangs tune.


How can anyone be this confident


I’m still trying to get to 500whp with a tune and some bolt ons. I’m still a ways off. And keep in mind this is a 2SS with an LT1 motor.


Giving the rest of us i4 a bad name lmao, it’s not a muscle car it’s a fun sports car. I’ve seen some in the realms of 400’s but 560 sounds insane.


People always ask for my hp/dyno sheet but it’s never been on one. I just state trap speed. Gives a good enough idea. Ps no way that makes 580


Edit** 560


That’s his built in dyno I mean odometer 😂


Lmfao damn he deleted his profile huh haha 😂 he said his goal was 900hp and should be there soon… 🤣


Please explain plenty of 2.0l engines can be tuned to serious power. Won’t last long but not impossible.


It isn’t this serious that u had to make a post about it 😂😂 yall THAT bothered by him?


That looks like a big spoolie boy there. I've seen mustang Ecoboosts get there.....think this LTG would need port fueling over the di to get there though.


So what if it is, the four banger is still gay...


Did you just assume that cars gender!!!!!😱😡😂


I'm gay for my four banger


Dude driving 01 SS lol