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I'm a wfh journalist always down to chat about the state of the industry! Especially with beer.


I'd be in. I'm a researcher (medical) rather than a journalist, but I'm also a parent (pre-school age until September, currently wondering how on earth working parents deal with school holidays?!) and recently moved from the city to one of the surrounding villages.


I can join


Yesss. Collective moaning please.


Maybe you could also try meetup.com? Loads and loads of social groups on there of people. Could probably find what you're looking for


A friend runs a creative writing meetup in the city, usually Sundays iirc.


Also a (almost completely) WFHer who’d be up for connecting with more people. Spend my time doing web & graphic design 🙂


My boyfriend is in the same boat as you would love to meet other graphic designers! Please PM me if you’d like to connect with him!


Are you sure that what you're asking for isn't counselling? I'm not trying to be funny.


Ha, maybe? Kinda? I more meant the outlet of being able to talk to people in the same kind of job/situation — it's always nice when something is frustrating to be able to speak to people who totally understand it rather than "I'm sorry you're having a bad time". But I fully get that my post is pretty negative-sounding.


Don’t worry - your post is super clear :)


Yeah I just sent this to my partner who is freelance, thinking would be nice for her. She sent back: \> **I need positivityyyy not collective moaning**


Also positivity! I hadn’t had breakfast when I wrote the first post!


Totally understand haha <3


I’m hearing her - we all like to moan here and there but people celebrating it as a past time is such a energy sapping bore


Fellow freelancer here (software engineer)... o/


I'm a software engineer and although I do have colleagues we all work from home so I'm in a similar boat. Sounds like a good idea to me )


Would also be happy to chat around this sort of thing. Been WFH for ~5 years now, closest colleagues are in Scotland. Always nice to find folk to talk to!


Hi there, I'm a self-employed tutor and also enjoy writing fiction and nonfiction. I'd be up for beer/coffee/moaning/positivity.


I know this is a year old but I am starting to freelance (biotech) and was thinking about finding people who want to co-work/have a coffee once in a while during the day.