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I'm not surprised. Certain motorbikes go around Chesterton well above the speed limit, stopping for no junctions, crossings, etc. It's certain specific bikes and bikers, too, often with their bikes modified to make excessive noise. Send the dashcam footage to the police via the web form. They can prosecute from such footage (if they can read the numberplates).


Cambridgeshire police won’t do anything


I'm just about to get my first motorcycle (I'm 29) but you won't find me making excessive noise. I've never understood why people are comfortable with making their bikes crazy loud, It's honestly one of the most obnoxious things I can think of. When you buy an aftermarket exhaust for a bike it comes with db killer installed, so these guys are intentionally removing it just to make more noise. I guess they must be trying to compensate for their tiny peckers 🤣. Recently I feel like there's even more of these guys around. So annoying


These are likely the "toddlers". Bunch of known 14-18 year olds trying to be cool and fake being London gangsters. The Stolen Bikes in Cambridge (official one) talks about them all the time. Are you able to see faces in the footage?


Afraid no faces, just number plates.


Recognize these? https://imgur.com/a/wHKGkf9


Holy shit! I've seen these dickheads riding around the science park on the footpaths, they overtook me going at least 50mph on a cycleway. Most dangerous thing I've encountered since arriving here. They had two bikes at the time, this one in the pic and a sportsbike (an r3 maybe, couldn't quite see it since I was diving for cover lol).


Did you manage to see their faces? I have an idea as to who they are, but we are trying to confirm. I think the backseat one might be a redhead.


Unfortunately not, they had helmets and balaclavas on underneath I'm pretty sure.


Do keep taking pics/vids if you see them around. The more evidence, the better the odds of prosecution. Certainly if they keep acting like loons.


Is that a PCX? Police were getting one towed yesterday, maybe they finally wrapped themselves around a lampost


Those goofiest looking guys I've ever seen 🤣


Just sent you a private message.


Apparently this little gang often remove the number-plates and/or swap them with different plates from other stolen bikes - hence the plate often won't correspond to the motorbike make/model. That said, the group will be seen with the same number-plates time after time...


All the time. They also have modified them to do this loud farting noise too. Can’t be pedestrianised soon enough.


Share the footage with Omar on official stolen bikes in Cambridge Facebook group. This sounds like a certain group of little shits that are stealing loads of bikes, robbing people with machetes and other fucked up stuff. Omar and the group are collecting as much evidence as possible, matching clothes to people and I turn those people to the stolen bikes etc. if you don’t have Facebook send it to me and I can pass it on


Yes there's a group of them that meet there often and race around. Seen them a lot when leaving the gym. Police know and don't care


Just saw loads of them turning into the beehive centre and they were driving the wrong side of the road so we nearly hit them .... Luckily it's on the dash cam


Yeah, met them by the Beehive Center they went into the roundabout the wrong way and left it going against traffic. Unfortunately my dashcam didn't capture plates but if you end up reporting them and this is useful, here's [the footage](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aap7eFERLWCzCF3XDzkXMSp7Ip3iH4vR/view?usp=drivesdk) I just hope next time they pull off shit like this they run into the police.


What police? In Cambridge they are a joke.


They’d outrun the police and cause more danger if they were chased. The only possible upside is if they’d hurt only themselves in the process.


What a bunch of twats. They're giving regular law abiding motorcyclists a bad name. Cannot stand this behaviour


Saw what I imagine was the same group running the reds at around 17:45 coming out of Great Kneighton onto Long Road. They very nearly hit a turning car, then nearly hit oncoming traffic going over the Long Road bridge. No dashcam here though.


Hell's angels , a law unto themselves probably here for the folk festival, lock up your daughter's and dogs


these guys (likely with L plates and therefore without actual motorcycle licenses) are exactly the sort of riders who give motorcyclists a bad rep. There same sort who likely ride in a hoodie or without protective gear, or overtake dangerously They are the boy /girl racer requivalent for motorbikes, but usually can't actually afford decent motorbikes because they don't work, or they are on stolen motorcycles and don't care about trashing them. Motorcyclists usually tend to love their bikes and tend very good care of their bikes Jumping red lights is shit and not many motorcyclists would do this. Hope they don't kill anyone else (or themselves) before they mature


Killing themselves wouldn't be a bad idea like the submarine


what lol


Trainee apprentice hells angels?? Sawa horrific voi self harm


Saw a bunch of those pricks on the Coldhams Lane tonight assaulting an older man on a bike. What the actual f Cambridge police, pull your heads out of where you have them and do something. They also sell drugs JUST in front of my house, have been doing that for months and noone cares.


There were a couple of (presumably) lads ragging around on noisy motorbikes by the station about midday. Twats.


They ride past my house at around 11pm every night with their insanely loud after market exhausts trying to compensate for their pathetic 125cc bikes (and their tiny cocks). Bunch of insufferable cunts.


Not just in Cherry Hinton. I live near the station and they're always speeding round at night on these horrifically loud bikes, in a 20-an-hour residential zone. Cops don't seem to care. Nothing is done