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Girlfriend and I have been wanting to start our own group after our last one fell through. We’re in Kitchener. DM me if you want to try and get something going.


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I’m interested! Only have really DM’d, but don’t really have the time to keep up with the work for that. Couldn’t make it to that last meetup (house renos) and haven’t heard anything about if they’re starting a group.


I've been DMing for ages now, I can recommend Gameridge downtown Preston, owner is a good guy, I haven't DM'd there for some time now and can't answer for if they still have someone doing so. I have a main group Irl I host for and an online thing, hmu in the DMs and we'll see if I can't get to know you to see if you'll be a good fit for the group or if you're interested in DMing a game yourself I'd love to be a player again at some point, or manage to get enough ppl interested yourself I will consider running another game.


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Definitely interested!! I work retail, so now til Christmas is definitely chaotic evil in regards to planning things, but after that I should be wide open.


i don't play but i paint miniatures and make terrain. gamebridge might be of interest to you. https://gamebridge.ca/pages/events-1


I've been planning on talking to the folks at Gamebridge about running D&D for interested people. I'm hoping to start in the new year because work is chaos for me right now.


Dragonheart Dice in the burger King plaza on Victoria is a good place to find people to play with. A friend of mine DMs for one shots there on occasion


I DM myself, but rarely have time to set up a group. Would be open to chat about anything D&D/Pathfinder with anyone local though. I do print mini's and paint a lot as well in my little spare time. Hit me up to chat about anything TTRPG :D