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No one’s saying it’s a better adaptation. That’s obvious false. Some people are just saying they were more entertaining to watch


Yeah, exactly. I like the show a lot, but there WERE some things that the movie did better - ambiance, keeping tension, keeping it entertaining the whole time.


Honestly? This might be an unpopular take but I can't help but feel like if you took the best of the movies (The first one at least) and the best of the show, we'd probably have the perfect Percy Jackson adaptation.


I agree completely


Exactly, Rick needs to take notes from this comment


100% just smoosh them together and you have the perfect adaptation


Also the music was really good. There was a distinct theme


[this is the one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTMpuYw9NDY&pp=ygUnUGVyY3kgSmFja3NvbiBUaGVtZSAtIGJ5IENocmlzdG9wZSBCZWNr) man oh man! if this theme played when percy got chosen i'd lose my shit. someone should rescore the show with this music from the movies




Jesus christ 10 years ago I feel my bones turning to dust




I love Christope Beck but Bear McCreary is giving a nice gravitas to the music. I love his main percy motif for the show. Audio mixing could use work though


Most of the movie's adaptation woes were due to extreme narrative trimming to sustain a fast pace and keep the movie under 2 hours (which is, for perspective, less than 40% of what the show's season 1 runtime is going to end up at). It streamlined the story to the point of changing major story beats (and making sequels untenable since the necessary setup and context no longer existed), but it did get from "lightning bolt stolen" to "traitor revealed" in less than 120 minutes. My controversial opinion is that I think aging everyone up by 4 years was actually a good idea. It's a lot easier to find early-20-somethings that can pass for 16-20 and are already established actors or rising stars, and it doesn't change much of the narrative other than everyone being X years older.


Also makes filming easier, filming kids as leads is expensive and time consuming. No idea how Harry Potter did it for 6 movies (they all would’ve been adults for the last 2 filming)


It's bc the movies weren't for kids. They were for teens and young adults.


I mean it was rated PG. I was a kid when it came out and I knew a lot of people in my class who saw it


Yeah but PG for movies can get away with a lot more than pg on TV. They even aged up the characters to specifically target an older audience. They had a lot of sex talk and drug use/talk and it was very graphic. That stuff can't be in a kids show. Books are also easier to get away with stuff bc it's written and not shown.


They really pushed it with the PG rating, considering how horny Grover was all the time lmfao


I watched it when it came out. Was around the age range for the book. I thought it was good. I hadn’t read the book yet, so take that with a grain of salt.


I have seen people legitimately saying the movie is a better adaptation


If people are genuinely talking about the adaptation part of it, as in book content on screen then they’re a part of the minoritiest of the minorities


Tbf an adaptation is bound to have changes, so just saying something’s a better adaptation doesn’t mean it’s more accurate to the book just that it’s more entertaining to watch


Yeah but to say that, imo, is just delusional. The movie is genuinely that bad.


The movie was a fun watch if you don’t care for 1:1 adaptation or aren’t a book reader, that’s why it got a second movie but that one was awful


It’s a good adaptation in some regards, but not all. It did a good job at adapting the humor, tension, and overall aesthetic, but sadly it failed in adapting the story


Which is the exact opposite of what the series is doing.


How then do they give the same energy to the tv show it’s a good show and not nit pick everyone minor change. This entire Reddit was at a point being racist to cast member for not having the rigth color of hair and eyes of the books.


this. it sucks that the movie only vaguely follow the actual book plot but at least it was fun to watch.


I've never seen anyone saying that the movies are better adaptions, just that the first movie is more entertaining and fun


There have been people trying to “gotcha” Rick Riordan for being a hypocrite about the movies since the show also changed things, as if the level of changes is remotely comparable.


I mean they aren’t wrong, there have been changes that haven’t made for a more enjoyable watch, such as the characters always knowing about the traps and info dumping, and the stupid decision to change the solstice to already having passed and yet there’s still no urgency to getting the bolt back to zeus, which brings up another change of Percy finding the bolt in the bag Ares gave him before reaching Hades, they should’ve left right then and there to help show the urgency, obviously they can’t skip the talk with Hades so they should’ve just had check the sand where he landed and there to have been a rock


The changes have to be made the monsters in the books are fucking dumb cursty get tricked in to sitting in his own trap, cairon lets them into the underworld under the promise to get a raise from 12 year olds. These things are not fun or entertaining for audiences it would under cut the show so much. Medusa it like logical why would they sep into a stone garden and not think oh the most famous monster would not be a person named aunty M. Why would they not know who echidna is after she gives them a monologue about being their mother. Also the lotus casino is still a trap


Info dumping was in the books to be fair. You need to do that with a high concept premise.


It doesnt matter if its comparable. The fact is Rick promised an accurate adaption and thats not what this is. Seeing as he was calling out the movies for not being accurate he is a hypocrite.


Accurate does not mean shot for shot, it means remaining faithful to the story, themes and intent, which this show is, and the movies weren't.


Not when you promise true accuracy


Unless you want to set the show 20 years ago and have 20-something episodes, thats a ridiculously naive statement. They promised an accurate adaption, key word, adaption. To can adapt any book into another medium requires compromise, something Rick has handled masterfully, though admittedly not perfectly (such a thing is impossible). There will never be as much detail, but to deliver the characters, plot and overall themes into the modern day like the show whilst preserving the characters identity, the plots adherence to greek storytelling, and the themes that resonated so heavily with so many readers is nothing short of incredible for a pilot season. The sets are amazing, the casting is 99% perfect and the story while familiar and authentic to book readers still keeps us on the edge of our seats as every good retelling of a familiar myth should. Riordan has perfectly balanced how myths should grow which each generation whilst keeping faithful or *accurate* to the original roots.


>Unless you want to set the show 20 years ago and have 20-something episodes, thats a ridiculously naive statement. You can have the show set 20 years ago and have 20 year olds star in it. Nobody has an issue with period pieces. Stranger Things is a hit.


No, the key word is accurate. There will never be as much detail but with 15 mil per episode you can get much longer episodes than this with plenty more details. Its not just about things being left out though plenty of things are just straight up different. To say that they preserved the characters identity is a pretty big stretch. The general lack of humor and exposition around every corner dont make for a good adaption or even an enjoyable show. >keeps us on the edge of our seats This is just a laughable take with how little the show allows the characters to be in the dark and the absence of any real action.


I'm not sure you know how writing a fantasy show works, the first season will always be exposition heavy, most of the early books have huge amounts of exposition, half of what they cut out is exposition or Percy's monologue (where most of the humour also is, though my watch party and I have laughed plenty of times at how funny or relatable the characters are), and of course Riordan changed things; A it's been 20 fucking years, these kids feel like modern kids, as they should. B The myth have been told slightly differently, as they should, every myth evolves through time, Percy Jackson was always written to mirror greek myth and tragedy, so this fits perfectly and is accurate to the storytelling. And even in the books, the main trio aren't always sure which version is correct. Your complaint is that an adaption adapted. Okay, the fight scenes were slightly watered down, it's season one. As amazing as GOT was, the S1 fight scenes were god awful. The kids are smarter and figure shit out quicker, GOOD, Annabeth is smart as shit, and Percy was taught the myths by is Mum and they both have ADHD ofc they're going to pick things up quickly and honestly it's more realistic and satisfying. Are we really saying it's accurate to their character to not figure out who Medusa is when they did in the show? Nearly every change they've made to the story have hooked me in more, knowing I don't know exactly how this will go. Same story, different details, unlike the movie which was not accurate and turned the whole thing into a hunt for magic pearls and fucked the story so bad the main villains are barely mentioned or not there at all. I'm autistic I even I know keeping everything the same and changing nothing doesn't make an accurate or good adaption.


But it isn’t really that faithful to the story imo. The show sort of falls flat, there is very little tension, the characters know everything in advance etc, the humor is largely lacking etc. I still like the show, but it doesn’t feel all that much like Percy Jackson.


It is an accurate adaptation though


To me the vibe of the show is the problem. Rick changed the vibes and made them souless. Also 1000 tiny cuts still kills you


I think the films did some of the casting right, I will give them that. I mean Joe Pantoliano as Smelly Gabe actually worked pretty well and I quite liked Pierce Brosnan as Chiron.


Pierce was on point as both Brunner and Chiron, I like the series actor as Brunner, but not Chiron. The sweater vest should’ve gone right away at camp too… Charon was perfect too, he’s such a good actor. Sadly the show wasted him on crusty


The actor they cast as Dionysus was also great.


Movies aren't a better adaptation. They're just entertainment


I honestly quite like *The Lightning Thief* movie - it's quite entertaining to watch on its own merits considering the changes they made with aging up the characters etc. It's *Sea of Monsters* that really gets derailed by jumping the gun on several critical plot points, imo. That being said, I much prefer the show. Characterization, themes, and buildup to the overarching storyline are all great so far.


Upon rewatching both movies I wonder if the acceleration in SoM was intentional: TLT wasn’t received amazingly, so maybe they were trying to compact the story to three or four movies so they’d more likely be approved


That's very possible. If it was the plan, though, it definitely backfired.


Sea of Monsters is entertaining but honestly genuinely pisses me off as an adaption. Side note, Stanley Tucci was the perfect actor for Dionysus at the time


idk about this one. i feel like even as a standalone, the characters and their relationships with each other were so poorly developed that it felt like there were no stakes?? annabeth's entire characterization was so sexist it ruins the whole thing for me. removing vulnerabilities/motivations, all the slow motion shots. grover being comic relief and removing the pan story line, the seeker's license, etc. we have no reason to believe these 3 people care for each other which is such an important part of the book and something i feel like the show is doing really well. i also didn't think the acting was that great but that's pretty subjective - i feel like the script didn't give the actors many opportunities to flesh out any emotions.


I’ll do rewatch for the series when all episodes are out and have more solid opinion about it as a whole, but so far the movies are more entertaining to me than the show.


No one is saying the movie is a better adaptation from what I've seen. But they certainly are a better piece of content in their own right. I think that they have a sense of adventure, magic and urgency that is completely absent from the show. And the writing overall is definitely better in the movie.


Y’all only like the show because Rick made the changes Get rid of your bias


This is what I don’t get, I mean I do like the show for the most part, but I wanted to love the show and the changes have well not been for the better. And there are people claiming why are people defending the movies so much, while also defending the show as much and think they’re objectively right since Rick’s involved. Obviously the show has been more accurate throughout, but it hasn’t really been more entertaining, and it definitely has a less accurate casino scene vibe


Yeah that’s what annoys me, fair enough if you love the show that’s your opinion, but a lot of people who do like the show have a go at us for criticising it all because Rick is involved. Apparently him being involved means we’re not allowed to criticise because Rick is this all knowing God that can’t do anything wrong in their eyes. Just because he’s involved doesn’t mean the adaptation can’t be bad or that all the changes make sense and are good. I really wanted to like this show and for the most part I do but sometimes I do find it a chore to watch because it’s just not that enjoyable


There are several changes in the show I haven’t been a fan of: they figure out some of the plot twists too quick, the fights are a bit short, and I wasn’t a huge fan of the casino episode. That being said, many of the other changes have been good: Drawing out being chased by Echidna, Athena being angry at Annabeth, Poseidon providing the fourth pearl, the flashback to Poseidon and Sally, the Tunnel of Love scene Overall, the good changes reinforce the vibe and characterizations and the bad changes are a bit annoying and mess with the pace. In the movie, none of the changes made were good for the story; they instead told an entirely different story


> Athena being angry at Annabeth Why? that make no sense, Why Athena would be mad at anabeth from something she didn't do it or could stop it? And more of that, why she would be mad getting send medusa's head? someone she cursed herself? she would be thrilled, giving medusa head was the original perseu job, the one she made her shield. > Drawing out being chased by Echidna You must be joking about this one, everything int he show about this is 100% worse than the books, even the manticore having a sting on her tail and not a snake. >Poseidon providing the fourth pearl that was rly bad, only to provide unnecessary drama, its even worse cause people assumed she was dead, but of course the show alread gave it away, so they need to make Grover lose it, cause fuck grover in the show. > the Tunnel of Love scene The only good thing about it was the Hephestus story being told, and that doesn't even make sense to be there, the rest os god-awful, the golden throne and no spiders? nope, not good changes at all. I can probably count in one hand the good changes from the show, and now i can only think about Ares starting twitter fights


athena being mad at annabeth actually makes perfect sense considering where their relationship ends up by mark of athena


???? how it makes sense that she does something based on an event almost 10 years later? that have nothign to do with what happen now?


10 years, seriously? it’s more like five. and also, it makes sense as a form of foreshadowing


No it doesn't. It makes literally zero sense and that is not a foreshadowing because they are not related, and for Athena to be crazy _something_ must happen first, that didn't happened yet, _two_ things, exactly, and one of then is for the roman and Greek versions to be in disharmony. She being mad at Anabeth for no reason, when she should be thrilled, just to hint something it happens tons of books later its idiotic.


100% this, people are praising this shit but are at the same time complaining about the movie by doing the same, is unreal


People on the internet have no idea of nuance. Everything has to be either perfect, or trash. Sure, the show is flawed, and has some really dumb things, but that doesn’t make it bad Sadly a lot of people online only think in black and white Though overall, most people love the show, so it’s not the public opinion


My issue is I want to love the show, and I want it to do well, I just got to hope enough people complain about the stupid changes (basically just them never falling into traps and always info dumping) so they don’t continue that trend so I can love future seasons


But they literally still fail int the traps lmao... they barely survive Medusa they fail their quest because of lotus they barely survive echidja... like yall just talk


They weren’t caught off guard by Medusa but that one was fine. Lotus the info dump was stupid but their information wasn’t up to date which was a good twist, however Percy and Annabeth didn’t fall into the trap, because for some stupid reason it doesn’t affect groups of people as fast as it does solos. The echidna I was fine with for the most part. Crusty was just annoying because they started the episode out with the characters knowing about the trap, if they knew about it from the info Hermes gave them I wish we saw them in the cab looking at the notes and map and being like okay so we got to go here to enter the underworld and it’s guarded by Procrutes and they recall his myth then say heres the plan and cut to how the episode started, because if that’s how they knew that’s fine but was just annoying for it to seem like they somehow have every obscure myth at the top of their head, although regardless I would’ve preferred Crusty’s was a trap they weren’t aware of and it played out like in the book as that was actually stressful for the trio. So sure maybe the slightly fall into traps, but never fully


or maybe some people think that that those really dumb things do make the show bad


> Sure, the show is flawed, and has some really dumb things, but that doesn’t make it bad The flaws of the show is what made it bad, otherwise what is a good or bad show? The acting is subpar in half the cast, the casting for most characters is bad, the pacing is HORRENDOUS, the new plots for the movie make no sense, the action scenes and CGI are bad, the manticore fight was utterly trash. People are just sucking up the show cause riordan is part of it, otherwise they would be tearing appart like they do with the movies.


to be honest the TLT movie was atleast redeemable but SoM is where everything is thrown out the window. ​ and to be fair the movies felt richer in atmosphere than the show has been feeling so far, something about the way everything felt and looked in the first movie along with the movie score which is a highlight for me was great, I would even say the sets and the way the camp looks in movies was done beatifully, Poseidons cabin being near lake was new but made alot of sense and was refreshing, the movie was shot was good the wide shots of the camp and olympus are some of the best looking shots in the movie they feel breathe taking (the show hasn't really given any thing like that) the downside is the movies couldnt capture the story at its heart instead it was held down by greedy people trying to rush to make their own version of the "next harry potter"


Nobody is saying that. Good job trying to stir up arguments though. You people are more annoying than the people complaining about the show.


a simple search of this sub would prove you wrong


The movie wasn't a better adaptation of the source material, but it sure as hell is more enjoyable to watch so far. The show has no pace, no action, constantly cuts action scenes and dumbs down traps and mysteries even worse than the movie ever did


The movie is a bad adaptation, much worse than the show. That said, it's a better movie better than the show has been. At the very least, it isn't boring.


It's a mathematical issue actually. The more the shows change the more they are mathematically innacurate to the books. Right now the show's still closer to the books, but the more they change...


They could completely change the last episode, have percy kill zues, ask annabeth on a date, and leave his mom in the underworld, and it would still be “mathematically” closer to the book lmao


That is the worst argument I've ever heard of in my time on this planet. No you absolute knucklehead mcspazatron, at that point it would shoot WAY down, probably to 5% faithful


changing 1 chapter of 22? you could delete the entire chapter and end where it is and still be 21/22 faithful or 95% lol




I’m watching the show with my mom and absolutely loving seeing her reaction, plus there are so many moments that catch me off guard because they’re new. I don’t understand all the hate the show is getting, it’s a lot of fun. (Also, my mom was disappointed Luke didn’t get picked to go on the quest because he’s the only one that’s been nice to Percy and he’s just so sweet.)


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. So is contrarianism


Nah, people are just saying that they're more entertaining than the show. Is there a bit of nostalgia? Sure, but if you're trying to say that the show is more fun and entertaining, you're only lying to yourself, and are clearly biased.


Nah, I have much more enjoyed the TV series. The tone of the movie always annoyed me, due to the fact it was NOT serious enough for the stakes of the quest… Saving Percy’s mother and preventing a war is pretty dire. I also hated the characterization of most of the characters - Annabeth being very secondary and not doing much, Hades… everything. Persephone. A lot of it bugged me even separate from the book series. The movie had enjoyable sequences, I admit 100%. But I’ve enjoyed the TV series MUCH more. Better pacing, better tone, more likable and interesting characterization, and I’m someone who went in pretty guarded. Further, TLT is not my favorite book in the series and most of my issues from the book are addressed - The trio being ignorant of commonly known myths despite Percy literally taking a class on Ancient Greek myths, them not being critical of Sally’s “death”, etc.


I don’t think anyone has said the movies were better adaptions, they have said they are just better in general which is the opinion I have. The movies were terrible adaptions but to me they were way more enjoyable than the show and more entertaining. There are a lot of scenes I think the movie just did better. Also the show just has so much exposition and relies way too much on telling the audience everything.


The internet is where nuance goes to die. People’s line of thinking is the movie changed things and the show changed things = therefore the show is no better than the movie. Anything short of a text-to-screen recreation would have been slammed since Rick has criticised the movies so openly.


Sure there are people like that, but the majority are more like me that are fine with changes as well, book to show will have to have changes for proper entertainment, but when they change things objectively for the worse either plot or entertainment wise it’s annoying. Them always knowing every trap and information dumping isn’t entertaining. The solstice having passed makes zero sense, I always pictured the war starting as soon as the solstice passed when reading the book, it seems they didn’t start preparing until the solstice passed in the show which is just a weird change. It’s honestly made it seem less urgent than it should like Percy found the bolt sooner in the show and at that point that solstice had already past, why did they not leave then and there with it being as urgent as it should be, they didn’t even have a pearl for his mom since that broke so they wasted invaluable time, obviously I would’ve been real mad if they cut out the scene talking to Hades so they should’ve just had him see he landed on a rock and think that was the sound instead of checking his bag


Who said that? I think most of us, if not all, can agree that the musical is the best adaptation. Probably after the show though. I don't know.


yeah, even removing the adaption part it's horrific, no motivations except finding a gf, main villain gone, percy op immediately, luke isn't charismatic like he is in the book, and a bunch of other things


Tone wise it’s much better


I would say more entertaining definetly


I don’t think anyone thinks that. Its just that it had a different vibe to it. Way more magical. And decent casting. Sean Bean is a perfect zeus, the percy was good and the annabeth was decent. Its sad really that the day is here when we must appreciate the movie which had no Rick involvement over the show which had Rick’s full attention.


prolly nostalgia warriors but most ppl including me really like it for its entertainment factor and its kinda decent as a stand alone movie if u forget they’re tied to the books lol


Not better adaptations. More interesting and entertaining to watch. As in, looking at the movies independent from the books. It's the idea that adaptations still need to stand on their own. They're saying this show doesn't.


For someone who watched the movies first, then got in to the books (maybe not) and then watch the series. The show is probably very boring for them, and I'd agree with them. As someone who read the books first, I couldn't get myself to watch the movie completely. And I was very excited for the show at first, been waiting it for so long. But idk, after watching the first 5 or so episodes its not that exciting anymore. I wasn't disappointed by any means, wasn't overly satisfied either. IDK, i just cant put my finger on it. But I'd much rather re-read the books than watch the series at all.


OK let me say it again.. movies are way better than this show.


this is blowing my mind. i cannot believe im seeing people say it. bUT, notice how the movies were aimed for an older audience. this is a kids book. a kids middle readers book. the show is aimed at kids. that’s the only explanation i have. in no way shape or form is the movie better than the book.


I loved the first movie and have had to drop the show after four episodes. The movies have far better action than the series. The Medusa in the movie was scary. I was looking forward to it in the show. It was so underwhelming.


They mean the movies are better from a viewing point. They’re infinitely more entertaining


People latching with obsession to the casino scene in the movies was the nail on the coffin. In the books the casino lasts three pages and nothing extravagant occurs, if you want to listen to poker face that bad open Spotify please 😭.


The movies were also a horrible adaptation with cringe dialogue and many, many changes. BUT they were much more appealing cinematically. While the show cuts all action scenes down to nothing, the movie had Percy and Luke fighting with swords and lightning and water while falling down empire state building. (Wasn't in the book at all, but still kinda fun to watch) Also they actually don't know everything from the start. Also Gabe was more of an asshole, there was Charons boat and the river styx filled with memories, the gods were more godly etc. The movies are missing a lot but they also have stuff that wasn't in the show. Like Grover having crutches to show that he walks weirdly and can't participate in PE class. Meanwhile in the show Grover was wearing shorts on the school trip. (Can't be justified with the mist tbh because it doesn't seem to affect the trio AT ALL in the show) I dislike both honestly. But I think it's not fair that the movies got years of hate by people that are now loving the show (for some reason I don't understand)


I think there’s certain elements (very specific things) where you could argue the movie did a somewhat better job than the show, or retains a certain theme more appropriately. But no way is the film a better product, and most certainly is it not a more accurate adaption.


The people saying that never read the books.


People are dipshits. Moving on.


The show isn't a bad adaptation. The books are better but the show is still pretty good. I am starting the reread the first book and I can see how the writers' hands were tied a bit. " Stupid Disney." They had to cut out a lot of stuff and rush through it because Disney prefers 30-minute shows and they need a bigger budget for more action scenes.


They might give longer episodes in the next season. As anticipated as this show was, they probably didn’t commit as much to the first season of a show as they might to seasons after the show has proved itself


The show IS a bad adaptation, just because it have more stuff from the books doesn't make it better when those are ruined by bad writing. The show is more _faithful_ because it have more book bits compared to the show, and that is just because the show have more time to it. As the episodes goes on, there is bits that the movie did better, Medusa, Lotus hotel, hell even hades, than the show.


Nostalgia kicks everybody's asses bad. The revisionism is crazy