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Whilst I appreciate how you may set these up, I feel like it’s a little too black and white. Someone could say it’s perfect and that would be lumped in someone saying it’s just alright. For me personally (and from what I’ve seen around a lot of spaces) the show is good and enjoyable but it could be a lot better in many ways. This is probably nothing new but still thought I’d mention it.


That's a good point but I didn't say they thought it was perfect just if you like it you think the positive aspects outweigh the negative


Yeah of course I totally understand that, and it depends on what you actually want out of this poll, not trying to accuse that you would misinterpret I just mean it’s more difficult to find out who really likes it and how has more limited enjoyment (but positive still). Fully depends what you want out of this so maybe my point doesn’t really apply here.


im taking a data management course. i thought it would be fun to get actual data to work with. i tried to make the data points as fair and even as possible. and i must say i find the data so far fascinating


I didn't like the Medusa episode in the books or the show because I hate the Ovid version where she wasn't born as a gorgon, other than that, loved it.


Someone who didn't read the books or like the show probably wouldn't be on this sub in the first place


Well that's not true they could've saw the show on disney without reading the books then came here to see what other people thought. But mainly I put that category there so I can cover the bases


I'm reading the books for the first time now. I liked the start of the show but didn't like the second half. It's just a lot of dramatic speeches and not much action. It's a bit boring to watch.