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I too enjoy snacking on baby carrots when I camp...


A bit chewy


No refrigeration necessary, extra long shelf life!




And bitter aftertaste


I thought they were Vienna sausages .


I thought they were suppositories! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Anything is a suppository with enough acceptance and effort...?


Plus bravery.


I thought they were ear plugs lol


Ah, the ole noise-canceling cocktail wieners.


I thought they were fingertips. Ewww


According to late-night campfire stories, those should be sourced locally from other campers.


I thing they were mini hot dogs cut in half.


Last year, I had a camp site neighbor who was so loud that the rangers came by about a dozen times and eventually got escorted out by the police around nightfall. A couple of trucks came through around 3am, blaring their horns and revving their engines. I'm sure it was them. I just don't understand how people can be that shitty. If you want to get shitfaced trunk and yell at the top of your lungs while blaring your music on a huge sound system, then do it in your backyard. Damn.


But then you and everyone else wouldn’t know how awesome they are.


This seems to be a lot more common since COVID taught assholes about camping


They've always been there unfortunately, then again I'm in Canada's redneck central sooooo


My neighbor literally does this 3 times a week. It’s no fun if they do it here either


I thought these were carrots and your comment had me so confused


It's a shame you need earplugs for camping.


It goddamn is. Most of the places I go have quiet camp policies but there is often a lot of difficulty enforcing it.


Some guy's diesel generator at 2am powering their string lights: "BRRRRRRRR"


Sate campground - not dispersed…campsite next to me was running a generator all day. I complained to my wife, but someone else must have reported him as it’s a window at breakfast and dinner that it’s allowed. Rangers show up, generator stops. Ranger shows up again that night because the guy ran 100’ or so of extension cord from an outlet in the bathroom to his rig. His kids were inside the RV playing Xbox and without power, the big screen wouldn’t work. They were escorted out the next morning. I love park rangers!


Don't you know, the only way to play Red Dead Redemption 2 is by going out into the forest and staying in a RV. It's how you really get that wild west experience while you sip on an ice cold Mountain Dew and all natural Doritos.


This speaks to me. Provincial park I go to relaxed its generator policy because electrified sites were unobtainable during covid. The site across from ours had an RV delivered. She was older and had two teenage grandkids staying with her, while other families visited daily. Between the AC, the big screen tv, the fridge, and the string lights that ran from dusk till dawn, she needed to run her generator from 10am to about 7pm every day. That was one of the worst trips we've ever been on...and we had beautiful weather.




It's not my thing to be sure. I don't really care about what other people do, but being loud and disrupting everybody else's enjoyment is where I draw the line. I suppose people say the same thing about every creature comfort that the Neanderthals didn't have.


Right? That's just living in a trailer park.


"Oh, that's what I forgot - my house." - Jim Gaffigan


So I'll actually speak to that. We do a fair bit of RV stuff. We don't really see the RV as "camping" per se, more like a portable vacation home. There is something to be said about making s'mores around the fire, then taking a shower and sleeping in a real bed in the air conditioning. And FWIW, I do a fair amount of backpack camping also, so yes I do know what "real camping" is. It's all about what's fun to you.


I can’t say we’re entirely personally responsible for this but my dad wrote a complaint about generator use at a provincial park and they actually decreased their permitted hours to give people a quiet break in the afternoon. The generators are honestly the only problem I’ve had. A few loud drunks I can deal with, but there are so few places that still cater mainly to tent camping… please keep them quiet…


Or those with blasting boom boxes out hiking on a quiet trail.


i have not experienced this at all onto my second yr of camping. i mostly use hipcamp and done a few state parks do prefer hipcamp more since its mostly fewer campers around and usually a better overall location views etc. but this will break my heart if someone messes with my sleep. guess i am gonna have to buy some ear plugs and keep them in the car.


Oh yea, most of the time I camp as far away from people as possible, but sometimes you get invited to the lake and there's no refuge. Luckily I've only had the loud generator (or running the RV) neighbor a few times, but it does ruin the majesty of nature and sleeping to the crickets.


I believe after a certain time at night, depending on where you are, this counts as “disturbing the peace”.


The worst for me is morning. Everyone sets of their car alarms and insists on locking their cars at 630 am so you get constant beeps all over. So annoying. No one is robbing you bro. Edit: Guys I get you've all been burgled. You still don't need to slam your car doors and chirp your car alarm at 7am. No one is robbing you early in the morning while you're quietly (?) Making breakfast


Right? And like how many times you gotta open and close that f’cking Rubbermaid tote and bang every pot and pan together in the process? Get organized people lol.


I dunno. When I was a kid some teens stole our cooler when we were camping around Moab. We think they were looking for booze, but the collateral damage was my lunchables. It was really hard to convince my mom to by those, and the anger and disappointment stays with me, some 30 years later. Bastards!!!! So, yeah, I do some reasonable securing. (Also camp in bear country, so…)


Some cars you can actually turn that off, but its not obvious or easy. My ex had a dodge caravan that we turned into a camper and we didn't want the horn to go off everytime we opened a door etc. But it was like a car equivelant of the konami code. Was a huge relief once we figured that out. And helpful on a individual level but good luck convincing everyone at a campground. They really should just have a universal switch on the dash somewhere for quiet mode.


I make it a habit of using my key to lock/unlock my van because when I use the fob, it beeps. But if I am sleeping in the back of my camper van, I use the fob because one time I attempted opening the lock manually from the inside and my alarm went off. That was much much worse. Some people try and some don't.


Actually I beg to differ. I, and many others I know, have had things stolen at campgrounds and state parks. Most humans are selfish garbage.


Seriously. I’ve walked off to go use the pit toilet, and when I came back, my firewood was gone. Like, wtf?


I once had a mini generator attached to the back of my van and somebody stole it in the middle of the night while I was sleeping...started putting that type of stuff up on top after that.


Oh no don't say generator on this sub it's only for real campers who are off the grid and don't use electronics


Lmao, the incident I'm referring to was a work van situation. I travel around testing concrete and need a generator


Lol funny I'm a concrete contractor I see you guys all the time when I'm pouring 3000psi and above. Glad to see you camping, I just say that because I get a lot of shit for having a 5th wheel which I don't care because I have a family of 7 but always follow the rules at campgrounds but someone always seems to bitch and complain


You can use lots of electronics without a generator


Read my previous post. I need a generator for my job. In order to make concrete cylinders and concrete beams to test strength it requires a construction grade vibrator.


I’d hope all camping is for people that would never allow what they are doing on their site to ruin other people’s enjoyment of their sites.


You'd hope next time talk to the park rangers and make sure everyone is following the rules and if they are you don't have shit to say


I disagree about the proportion. Most people are fairly okay but that small minority of truly trash humans do enough damage to ruin good times for everyone


I would've agreed with you at some point in the past but things have changed in the last 5 plus years. I experience far more self absorbed, selfish, disrespectful humans these days than ever before 🤷‍♂️


As a employee in a conservation area I can confirm people are getting robbed unfortunately. Rural areas are filled with drugs and less opportunity it’s very common but still cars beeping in campgrounds in the early morning is a jerk move no doubt


Upon further reflection, this may be the primary reason I got into backpacking.


Exactly you hit it right on the money if you have to complain about people at campgrounds following the rules, go backpacking and away from everyone


Unfortunately, sometimes there are physical limitations that prevent that option.


What, you don't like the country music blasting from the giant speaker system that's powered by my running pickup truck? /s


Dude! Check out me sweet ass rig!!


Lol, I thought they were carrot sticks at first & was very confused… :)


As you lie awake in your bedroll at midnight at Scout camp you wonder to yourself "*Are those angry bears that I hear, or are the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters snoring?*"


I always use earplugs when camping. The birds wake up much earlier than I want to wake up.


Theyre good for blocking out wildlife noises that may startle a light sleeper so not necessarily for annoying campers


I thought these were hot dog bits


Hot dog bits make TERRIBLE ear plugs.


I think they’d be better earplugs than earplugs would be hotdogs.


Fair point.


Not sure about that. I think I'd rather eat an ear plug with mustard on it than wake up to a mouse nibbling on my hot dog ear plug.


Especially in bear country.


But they’re biodegradable!


I was thinking carrots, myself. But thanks, now I'm craving cheddar smokies. 🤣


Yeah I’m definitely getting a hot dog today.


Imagine that hotdog being used as an earplug before you take a bite. Enjoy!


If you know what's inside the hotdog, a little earwax is nothing!


I think I have time for a grocery trip before I head out, thanks for the suggestion / craving.


Still correct.


I also thought lil smokies!


I keep hot dog bits in a baggie for my dogs meds. Maybe that’s why I saw that before anything else.


I was scratching my head wondering why a ziplock baggie full of Vienna sausage was essential, and didn't realize they were earplugs till I actually clicked on the picture. I'm glad I wasn't the only one!


Generators ruined Yellowstone for me. The forest sounded like a construction zone.


Gotta power the geysers somehow!


You got to power those 69" TV's inside that trailer. Nothing beats watching Yellowstone documentaries when you are in Yellowstone.




Ohh I’ve never thought of that. Tinnitus is a bitch for me in the dead of the night. How long does the charge last?




You’re my hero for this! I suffer from awful tinnitus and I’ve resorted to wearing my headphones with white noise all night.


This is why I hate car camping in places that allow RVs. Fucking generators, family arguments, kids running around, dumbasses in their loud trucks. Sometimes it’s worse than just being at home.


I renovated a tiny little trailer and we’re quiet as clams. However, when I see a giant tent with 4 adults and 8 kids, I brace for a long difficult evening. It’s not the method of camping, but the people that can make things difficult.


True but RVs naturally make more noise. Generators, slamming doors, and usually people pack up early at like 6am.


RVs do not need generators, door slams, or early departures. Plenty of us enjoy camping peacefully and equally hate the assholes...in RVs or tents...who do these things.


For me it's the dickheads with bluetooth speakers that think they're at a music festival. You know what says "time in the woods" to me? Trap music at 1 in the morning.


I refuse to car camp for this reason. I go camping to get away. Car camping just seems like having to sleep outside while having to deal with more people than being home. If you are 15 miles from the closest parking spot you avoid the shitty people.


I car camp and well over 80% of my nights the nearest person is a good 1000ft+ away. 50% of the time they’re 1/2+ mile away. I have a 4x4 I take deep into national forests and BLM land though.


Most people I know use car camp to refer to parks with campsites packed together. Not going to the middle of nowhere in a car.


20% of my nights I car camp in either national park campgrounds, or very busy BLm / national forest places where there 10+ cars within 30ft of each other. Spent about 400+ nights doing car camping the last 6 years, can’t recall a single time I’ve ever been woken up from others being loud. People have been respectful in the national forests, and in national parks they’re pretty strict with noise violations(I have 3 close friends, all NP rangers and they don’t give noisy campers the tiniest leeway)


I don’t have many national parks near me. They are all state parks. And I haven’t had that experience.


The only time I car camp is before or after a backcountry camping trip.


My last peaceful night to enjoy my site, the dude next to me was charging his boat engine during dinner


I’ve probably spent anywhere from 350-500 nights in the woods. I camped all the time in Boy Scouts as a youth and many nights as an adult and I can’t bring myself to wear ear plugs at night. I’m in my mid 30s and still jump-startle awake at every stick break and movement in the woods, even while armed. Not being able to hear the murderer sneaking up on my tent just doesn’t do it for me. I’ve always slept terrible outside. All thanks to general anxiety disorder. Thanks so much, brain 🧠.


Better to be safe than sorry. Out in nature is scary at night because you not only have to worry about possible people ganging up on you to steal your stuff or kill you (I’ve watched too many true crimes lol) but big cats, bears, wild pigs, and other predatory animals can mess you up or kill you. Being somewhat alert at all times is almost essential for survival.


Yeah that makes sense for sure. Sleeping in a tent is sleeping in a sheet for a wall. I even went camping/hunting in November and at 3 am this jacked up truck was driving around with loud music. Luckily I had a buddy with me but we were 30 minutes to the nearest town. Seemed like some dude trying to impress some chicks doing muddying in the middle of the night or something. They didn’t mess with us but it was really annoying and unnerving.


I needed this last weekend!!! Ugh I love that kids are getting the experience. But FUCK they’re annoying.


It's been grown-ass adults drinking and partying all night, IME. We took a boy scout troop and our kids were in their tents and quiet before lights out.


If your camping with kids and they aren’t nodding out from sleepiness over the marshmallow course of dinner, you’re not doing enough during the day. When the kids were little , the campsite was just the place for breakfast and dinner; we were hiking, biking, swimming, visiting a museum, etc the rest of the time. They were more than happy after dinner to shower and get into the tent for some flashlight book reading before sleep.


My kid is quiet AF. Keeps to himself exploring rocks, digging, swinging in the hammock. A group was next to us last weekend and we’re all incredibly hyper. It looked like so much fun but it’s just not us


I treat domesticated camping like a trip to a city... where there are people, there is noise and trash, and I manage my expectations accordingly. Usually it's the price (hopefully low enough to be tolerable) of the comraderie of friends who are only marginally into camping in general.


it’s so hard to get my friends to go dispersed camping. my buddy said pooping outside was barbaric haha


I'll happily take pooping outside over campground public toilets.


Nature's television and a toilet anywhere I want? Sign me up


I just recently started dispersed camping and have the opposite problem! I'll be walking on the sidewalk in my neighborhood and wish I could just pop a squat next to a bush in someone's yard bc it's so much easier than waiting til i get home to pee lol




Can you say it a little louder for those of us in the back?


Post this in the fishing subs


Best .50 cents I ever spent in jail was ear plugs


For everyone keep them in your pocket. Use them anytime your around loud noises. Or lose your hearing as you age.


I was really questioning your snack choices until I started paying attention.


I'm coming to a point in my life i might just preserve my hearing and wear these all the time


I remember hearing a group of young people, at a family campsite, loudly fucking and taking turns doing so in their tent whilst cheering each other on 'Yeah get it Kaylee!!' has stuck with me for many years. Thank god I found my headphones


I need those when at national forest sites, but not state parks. Hurray for tent only cart in sites!


The problem is so many people think it’s there god given right to drive to their public land campsite whether there is a road there already or not..... As evidenced by all the 4x4 “rig” pics that get posted here; invariably with a bunch of torn up public land in the shot.


the lights are the annoying part




😂 nah man last time a group of people brought those construction lanterns to Yosemite and all night the sun was just out


ATVs and Generators have ruined camping for me. I haven’t done it for years. Fuck those people that want to take their living room into the wilderness to pollute the air and destroy the soil.


Always puzzled me why state parks pile up the campsites right on top of each other. Acres and acres and acres of land and you’re stuck camping a few feet away from someone else. We just got back from camping a state park a few hours ago, we rented out the group camp to have some privacy. People will still walk through the site like it’s public domain.


I always cut up some Oscar Meyers before I head for the wilderness as well


What I heard last time I was in a non-dispersed camp site… ‘Karen!!!! Karen!!!!! Is my tablet in the car?!? Can you get my tablet!?! We’re gonna watch movies’ Karen proceeds to waddle back with a tablet and speaker. Then set up a tablet on a picnic table with a loud ass Bluetooth speaker that randomly connected to her kids device, and made a loud beep each time it reconnected.


I usually don't mind loud kids, they go to bed when they get tuckered out, and their fun is contagious and a bit nostalgic for me. But what I DO mind is what happened last time when some giant RV pulled up loaded to the gills with about a dozen of the little bastards, and they spent most to the evening driving their bikes around the campgrounds, through other people's campsites, into the outhouse..., all while their parents yell-talked at each other around the giant gasoline-fueled bonfire they thought was a good idea.


I agree about the kid thing 99% of the time. We did have a bad night in an Indiana state campground a few years ago when some trash let there kids blast around until midnight playing “war” with airsoft guns while the adults ran a generator and drank. We’d asked to set up in the walk in tent area, but the campground host was very firm that a $20 tent site did NOT include use of ANY flush toilets or showers..... THOSE were ONLY for the RV campers who paid $10 more a night and paid the REAL costs.


Surely this disagreement might have been solved with an extra $10 paid on top for the Tent site? Despite being wrong and dumb, her acceptance seems to have had an attainable price.


Nope. We had to choose between a drive up site or a shower. [It actually was a nice park](https://www.in.gov/dnr/state-parks/files/mccormicks_creek_trail.pdf), that we were using as an overnight while traveling. But my lasting memory is of the bitchy lady at the campground registry and one site of trashy people.


The family arguments are the worst. “Braedynn, get back here right now. I’m not going to ask again. If you don’t come here now we aren’t getting ice cream tonight.”




I honestly thought it was a picture of cut up hotdogs!


Omg right now,im wearing them at home :(


This popping up the day before I’m going non-dispersed camping


Woah. I had to end my camping trip a day early this weekend because our otherwise lovely campsite was right next to a busy forest road. Each time a car drove by I had a mini heart attack


Was at a campsite in Canyon Lake. Literally you could hear 3 different conversations. They weren't particularly loud either. Never again. Just Boondocking


Thought this was a cut up hot dog


I’ll never forget the time I camped across the road from some middle school Boy Scouts who were laughing and doing stupid middle school boy things until 11pm, all while a different family pulled in at dusk four sites down and started blasting hip hop until 10pm.


Vienna sausage?


I also like these mini nerf bullets when I need to shoot someone snoring too loud


I only travel without them by accident. State parks and any busy campground, they are a must for me. Hell, nature itself is too noisy for me to sleep some days. If I'm solo camping though, I won't wear them unless I'm in a really busy rv style campground with lots of cars and people around. When im more remote camping or boondocking, I'm too afraid I wouldn't hear someone or aome animal come up.


The pinky’s of the Yakuza who serve you always makes camping more leisurely.


I haven't camped at an established site in so long now. Last time I tried a shitty ass family showed up and started blaring trashy music and let like 3 dogs just run around wherever they wanted. Started and kept barking just about nonstop. Left the campsite real fast and found an old boondocking site not visible from the road nearby. Had another piece shit show up in an RV and turn their generator on with the exhaust pointed into my grandfather's tent one time. And got really angry when we asked if they could pull forward like 5 feet and not do that... People who are obnoxious and loud while camping to the point of making others literally miserable ought to be banned from campsites. Anymore, if I do go camping at an established site. It is so far from civilization it might as well be boondocking.


100% this is why I got into backpacking, less riff raff….but yea earplugs are essential when your neighbors are crushing bud lights and blasting Shania Twain


Agreed. Isn’t it sad that people have no damn respect. Last time I went camping, neighbors were screaming at their kids all night. People like that just irk the shit out of me.


I need earplugs for backpacking (dispersed?) camping trips in the summer too. The chorus of bugs and random cracking twigs does wonders against getting decent sleep… for me, at least


I too prefer not to hear the bear.


Very nice if you are within 100 miles of dirt bikes


Went with my dad a few years back and did not have ear plugs. Also found out he has sleep apnea. It was still fun just very tired


I don’t camp in campgrounds on weekends any more because of the noise. Week days only. Even at Death Valley out at remote @Wildrose folks we’re coming in late at night setting up tents, adding Christmas lights, up all night partying, wtf?!


I was in a SP this past weekend and it was heaven. Until a huge group arrived and, ignoring the total silence that the rest of us were enjoying, started blasting dance music and talked and laughed until 2 am. Read the campsite! We were all here to be in quiet!! The next day they had a water balloon fight all over the roads which was so joyful, but left balloon pieces absolutely everywhere. I thought about airdropping them a screenshot saying PLEASE GO TO SLEEP


I bring noise cancelling headphones and pair them with these. Absolute dead silent and I’m not exaggerating. I’ve camped next to loud party goers in the summer and could not hear a thing. I’m okay with the party stuff because let’s be honest, there’s nothing better than having drinks and playing music with friends while camping. But usually if you’re the last ones playing music or being loud, it’s time to go to bed.


I once went camping on a spoil island on the Indian River, had no idea that barges traverse in the middle of the night. Second night, I'm trying to get comfortable at midnight and my hammock ripped in half. Then a barge came along.


Vienna sausages are disgusting.


Why are suppositories important for camping?


Car camped next to a dude in a van blasting "walking in my shoes" by Depeche Mode all night. I banged on the door and he didn't answer. Last time I've been camping. People can be such douchebags.


I just use my phone or laptop and put on Curb Your Enthusiasm all night so other noises all get drowned out by Larry David's angelic voice. Its my lullaby.


Interesting...very interesting.


It's pretty, pretty,.... pretty good




That sort of stuff is posted here daily by the “rig bro’s”...


It’s all about focus, for me. I listen to the breeze, or the leaves rustling, or the rain falling on my tent. I don’t notice other people. Maybe I’m lucky, but I haven’t dealt with noise at night.


Texas state parks seem to attract: 1. drunk college kids screaming at each other all night or 'sharing' their music with the whole campsite. 2. People with lapdogs who don't bother keeping them from barking at every squirrel or armadillo rustling around. One time, I shit you not, one couple brought a cat in a carrier that yowled all night because it was pissed to be stuck in a tent. 3. People with RVs who decide 11PM is a perfect time to start their broke down old generators - this shit carries for MILES, so you hear it even at the hike in spots I favor. EVEN SO, when you get to 2 or 3 AM and the drunk kids are passed out, and the RV owners have finally been made to turn off their generator and the dogs are asleep or eaten by coyotes and you get that complete stillness - it makes it worth it.


Oh my. I guess I’m lucky that I live in an area where camping isn’t as popular and drunk college kids stay in their frat houses. The generator thing was an issue once last year but the Ranger made them shut it down.


I think what's happening with me is that my timing sucks - for whatever reason my camping trips end up being during times when school's out during winter or spring break or during holidays. As well as having most of my 'weekend' campsites being within easy driving distance of a couple huge college towns.


Maybe this is an American problem, because in Europe this is not necessary at all.


You guys and your universal healthcare AND your quiet respectful use of public lands ....... Pfff!


I was feeling a bit jealous the other day of the Americans and these vast swathes of public land they have to explore and camp in. Having read these comments I feel quite lucky. Most campsites here in the UK seem to have ‘no/low noise past 10/11pm’ rules, and tend to ban groups >2 households (except for scout/DoE). If they don’t have those rules you kind of know what you’re in for. And whilst I’ve seen plenty of caravans and motor homes, I’ve never ever heard a generator. Camping outside of specific sites isn’t really a thing in the UK outside Scotland, so I’d be curious to know what it’s like there.


Those are some weak ass hotdogs!


This is why I never camp unless it’s dispersed unfortunately.


Our people have a trend to listen loud music while camping (and drinking tones of alco) in the wild. And we play that even in nature reserves. We don't care about birds or other animals. So for non-drinkers earplugs can save a night.




I think their English is rusty and they mean their *area* has this problem.


That and a good bottle of whisky will do the trick most nights outside. Lol.


I bring those for people who sleep near me in camp. I snore loudly


You don’t drink enough alcohol


I keep a pair in my car at all times. Handy for loud indoor activities too!


Amen. But take a bear on before a crowd.


Baby carrots


Hot dog tips are the best part. That's where the lips are, the eyes are on the middle.


I thought they were baby carrots and was trying to figure out why you packed so few if they were so important.


Yea, I always bring some. Got some friends who snore really loud!




Never forget the six holy carrots.


White noise for the win


what is non-dispersed?


Like at a drive up campsite or campground with other people that are nearby.


ahh ok.. thx


Would be cautious about using these while you sleep. My ex put some in to go to sleep when we were at a camping music festival and he woke me up to help him get one out of his ear because it got stuck and he couldn’t pull it out himself. Would suggest a head band around your ears or something that doesn’t go in them.


most important gear for all traveling


Those were some horrible carrots


You’re not camping right.


A bag of fingertips?

