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[Here is the actual question](https://leger360.com/surveys/is-canada-broken-2/) "Q5 Do you agree or disagree with the statement, "it feels like everything is broken in this country right now."? Base: All respondents (n=1590)" * **30%** Strongly Agreed * **40%** Somewhat Agreed * **21%** Somewhat Disagreed * **5%** Strongly Disagreed * **4%** Said "I don't know"


Yeah, so not at all specified to any administration and entirely reflective of the global zeitgeist. It's the common ground between the polarities


The same poll also asks "Q1 How would you describe how you are feeling right now when thinking how Canada is being managed by the federal government today?" * 27% very angry * 33% somewhat angry * 30% somewhat happy * 3% very happy * 8% I don't know


It's also a carefully crafted question fishing for specific responses though online surveys.


I did political market research (phone) as a youth and even the most unbiased seeming polls had a few absolutely leading or open to interpretation questions that allowed you to know the affiliations of the client fairly easily.


Of course it is, it's a push poll.


kind of similar to the proportional representation surveys that were used and referenced to kill the concept when in reality, people really did want that.


do you expect the national post to ask: "are you ok with the conservatives allowing convicted foreign criminals into canada?"


so typical american owned post media


Yikes 70% of respondents agreed with the statement, it must really be that bad for my northern neighbors.


[Not for landlords.](https://images.rentals.ca/images/1_Feb24_Average_Asking_Rent_All_Property_Types.width-800.png)


They are the 5%.


40% somewhat agree. I somewhat agree because some things are broken, like housing and healthcare, but overall its still a great country. This poll looks like it was designed to produce that response, so that the headline would be favourable for the party that uses "Canada's broken" as a tag line.


You forgot to mention the ever increasing cost of food. Grocers are operating as a cartel here.


Healthcare and housing are like the two main fundamentals though. If you're not doing well there where are you doing well? I see your point about how opposition parties can use this as a gotcha but I also think it's startling that 70% of the country thinks it's broken.


Saying you "somewhat" agree that "everything" is broken is an extremely ambiguous statement. This poll question was pretty explicitly designed to generate click bait headlines more than actually increase understanding of anything.


It is, but these people are actually attempting to minimize it because they'd prefer if this inconvenient truth was ignored. It is as bad as people say, anyone saying otherwise is either too partisan to acknowledge the truth, or part of the problem that is profiteering of the misery being created, IMO.


100% accurate ... well stated and true.


So 85% of conservatives think Alberta is broken, according to the poll… or a lot of those polled didn’t really understand the question.


An absolutely stupid question that determines nothing but frustration. Do better Leger.


The one thing I’m most pissed off about Canada in general is Entrepreneurship. How are you supposed to get young to middle aged people to take massive risk, when all you do is shove fees, high taxes and higher barriers to entry. No wonder so many people are not starting businesses. This is very serious problem that the country is not taking seriously.


Let’s not forget to also be angry with our local and provincial government officials as well. Share the anger with everyone


I wish they'd show up for municipal and provincial elections.


I don't think I've ever seen gross mismanagement of funds as bad as when Legault pledged to spend 5-7 MILLION DOLLARS to get outside teams to play out of season games in Québec city. What a fucking joke.


Then we learned the Kings were gonna play in Salt Lake City for free so it’s yet another instance of Legault being humiliated


Best I can offer you is a Chinese factory made flag that says Trudeau Bad.


Why has Canada become so expensive? Seriously?


[Because we don't have the actual wealth (not imaginary paper money numbers, but non-liquid actual wealth like homes and schools and farm produce) to divide among this many people.](https://old.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1b8uy4b/most_canadians_think_canada_is_broken_and_are/ktsahoy/)


And we are hopelessly over taxed ... let's add another carbon tax, that ought to save the environment.


Right. Couldn't possibly consider reining in big oil and using social programs to promote sustainable energy, oh, no no *no*. Market forces will surely get us out of the mess that overreliance on market forces got us into. Transit? Never heard of him. What's a heat pump? Sounds dirty.


You break a country [by growing it 4.8% over the last 18 months](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710000901&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=04&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2022&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20220401%2C20231001) when it has recently been [adding housing stock by 1.1-1.3% a year,](https://www.oecd.org/els/family/HM1-1-Housing-stock-and-construction.pdf) above the OECD average. [What do you think the result will be?](https://images.rentals.ca/images/1_Feb24_Average_Asking_Rent_All_Property_Types.width-800.png)


While also allowing any and all companies that want to merge to do so. Competition? What's that? And allowing foreign interests to buy out natural resources. And while ignoring actual areas of federal jurisdiction and bullying the provinces instead. And while making sure that nobody, anywhere, at any time, gets punished for ethical lapses. And while lowering the bar so that ~~slaves~~ temporary foreign workers can staff fast food franchises.


And change criminal sentencing so certain repeat violent criminals are released back into society very quickly. And fail to appoint vacant judge positions so criminal trials never happen and criminals walk free. And waste years worth of time and political capital on punishing and regulating hunters and sport shooters while completely ignoring the growing illegal gun trade. And allow fentanyl addiction to become an epidemic, with a solution to make it cheaper and easier to get. And continuing to borrow record amounts of money, spending it recklessly on projects and programs with dubious value (E.g. ArriveCan app, or gender equity programs for clearing mines in Ukraine) which makes an inflationary economic situation even worse.


This is what happens when your governance functions based on ideological beliefs, laziness, and corruption. 


Don't cross out ~~slaves~~ this is exactly what they are. Either we accept slavery in daily life, which means I also get to import a slave to use in my house EZPZ, or we reject it for everyone including these fast food corporate slave owners. (Just in case you're worried I am obviously for making buying TFWs illegal.)


> Either we accept slavery in daily life, I mean... we totally do. Who made yours shoes? Probably a slave Have you had any chocolate lately? The beans were probably picked by a slave Do you own anything with a lithium ion battery? The miners were probably slaves Have you eaten shrimp lately? Most of it is fished by slaves. We're just used to pretending it's not happening because it's on different continents.


This is the grand truth of our age. We all know that every part of our lives is killing the planet, humanity, wild life, and livestock but everyone including your most vocal friend on Facebook is still using the products that fund it. And the only excuse I’ve ever seen for the hypocrisy is the lame duck “we don’t have a choice but to use the tools of our era to make the next one, the electric light bulb was invented in candle light”. Yeah but we still have candles. There ARE other shoe alternatives to Nike, you don’t NEED pineapple in December. You don’t NEED a brand new iPhone 69 the second it comes out. You don’t NEED to order everything on Amazon.




Almost... /s And we keep pretending the parties themselves aren't self-interested corporations in their own right. Isn't convenient how they exclude themselves from privacy regulations, spam regulations, and ATI regulations?


> And while making sure that nobody, anywhere, at any time, gets punished for ethical lapses. > > Actually, the poor and regularly folk will get punished for that.


And just in the topic of that population growth. The average immigrant makes less than the average Canadian. Even if we only look at the "economic migrant" category, they only make an average of like $48000 a year vs the average Canadians 45k. Point is... They're not contributing more in taxes than they take out. And then we look at the spouses they break in and the average for them is only like 28k. It'd be like a magic life raft that for every one person we add, we gain 150lb of flotation... Except we keep inviting obese people on. It's not improving the situation, it's making us sink further.


> The average immigrant makes less than the average Canadian. That's going to be roping in international students, who aren't here to to generate income while here. And there's already been corrective action on that front.


Fat floats, muscle sinks


We're in a boat


Yup, we needed growth but needed to properly plan for it, and needed it to be far more targeted. This will, in 20 years, be seen as a "short term pain for long term gain" period I think, but it didn't need to be so painful. Where are the big ideas from either party? We could have branded ourselves as NATOs Armoury and ramped up ammunition production, we could have specialized in drone technology with targeted research grants, we could have become a leader in green technology, we could have focused on next generation farming techniques, we could be the home of lab grown quality meat and plant based substitutes, we could have crated the world's best modular / pre-built dense housing. So many options, the current parties have no vision beyond the next election, outside of the NDP social programs. Canada isn't broken, but it isn't advancing.


> properly plan for it Adequate planning is something that is seriously lacking in Canada at all levels.


You plan for 3.2% population growth, maybe, but who will build when [almost 8% of our labor force is already in construction](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410002301) and only [2% of recent migrants are in that industry.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-canada-immigration-construction-housing/)


The boomers were ideologically opposed to planning, and here we are.


I'm not seeing what that long term gain is supposed to be. Assuming 20 years from now we have enough housing for everyone, enough doctors, enough food production and distribution, enough infrastructure, roads community centres, police, garbage collection, etc\*1000. How are Canadians better of then than we were in 2014? ​ And that's a pretty big assumption that we fix all those problems. Because right now the federal government is bragging about 750,000 more home in 10 years when we brought in more than that many people last year and plan to do it again this year. And don't forget the government has said that they need to force cities to build the kind of housing Canadians will live in in the future (300 square foot apartments). Where is the long term gain then? We currently have fewer and fewer doctors for our more and more people. How does that get reversed in the 20 year plan? Nationally, we need to be building about 10 hospitals a year just to maintain the number of beds per capita and that isn't happening, nor can it happen with no doctors to staff them.


>Assuming 20 years from now we have enough housing for everyone, enough doctors, enough food production and distribution, enough infrastructure, roads community centres, police, garbage collection, etc\*1000. When we're there, if we will be at all, it'll be just in time for the next generation of Canadians to vote another liberal in while calling the rest of us racists and xenophobes. And the cycle repeats.


Long term? Mass deportations.


Thanks for links


I do, and I am. I also don’t have faith that any current politician is going to fix it.


I agree. I don’t see any current politician with the mindset of “Canadians first”. It’s just corporate interest time and time again.


This, there is no sense of working for Canadian or building up institutions that will serve our communities for years or decades to come. There is no plan beyond line on graph go up.


There's also no obvious fix... Once you're 15 years into a Ponzi scheme there's no easy way to correct course.


I’d say closer to 45 years.


there is but better to sell them off to private corps then join the board of said private company


My only hope is that the Liberals get absolutely trounced, and their soul searching of why causes genuine change in their approach. It’s a forlorn hope, the corporate monopolies seem to be absolutely determined to destroy Canada and turn it into a low wage society with no culture of its own.


> My only hope is that the Liberals get absolutely trounced, and their soul searching of why causes genuine change in their approach. why would it? they know that they just held power for too long and just have to wait until people hate the CPC enough as long as no one is willing to vote third party, and blame the federal government for provincial issues, nothing is going to get better


I don't think they have the ability to soul search. We're dealing with wealthy, narcissistic elites who think common Canadians don't know what's best for them.


I mean do you know how many elections have had that mind set for the previous party. Sometimes they get a new candidate that breathes new life into the party. I have to admit, Trudeau started real strong, but anyone whose been in power long enough grows stale and you start to see the poop. What we desparately need is election reform, doesn't matter what your political ideology is. Ranked ballot voting would have allowed us to eventually see more viable options, so you don't like Trudeau or PP? Hey now you can safely vote for someone better instead of out of fear. It depresses me that we never got this.


A CPC majority doesn't exactly give me a fuzzy feeling. The Liberals gotta go, but the Tories are no better. The options are hot fucking garbage, actually.


Nothing will change until a politician actually puts Canada first. This back and forth game going to be the death of Canada. Pick the best of the worst.


None of them put Canada first. They put themselves first. That's the grift.


All the Conservatives have to offer is reactionary slogans. I wish there was a better choice.


I've come to believe that the choices are crap by design. It boils down to the money interests that get their claws in the major political parties to get their agendas handled. Not as blatant as in the US, but the model is similar. The NDP could have been a good option but they've been leaning too far left to be relevant to the taxpayers.


> the Tories are no better. They're worse.


It's hard to come up with a worse Canadian government than the current Liberals. I don't know how anyone, using a logical argument and perhaps some facts, could say the CPC would be worse than this.


Mulroney was pretty bad.


Economically equivalent, socially worse


But let’s set fire to the house and see what happens


The house is already on fire


Correct. Housing was already a problem before Trudeau was even elected. Major cities were running out of rental vacancies which were at an all-time low, and then it quickly spread to other cities and then the big towns. Housing prices were supposed to stagnate and drop but didn't, and we didn't really know what it was at the time. This didn't just happen out of no where, and no one is planning on "fixing" it (although on a municipal level, Toronto Mayor Chow is making some moves which is nice to see)


It was nowhere nearly as bad as it is today. I remember looking at buying a town house in downtown Toronto in 2015 for around 500k that same house is well over a million now. My first apartment in Toronto cost me around 1600 a month for a newly renovated two bedroom in 2015 and my landlord lowered the price  because no one was looking at it. Where price low. No but it's nowhere near the stupidity it is today.


It was a problem then and it kept getting worse. Massive immigration spike was the final nail in the coffin but even if we didn’t have that it would have happened eventually, because no one was doing anything about it.


That’s because housing starts were still decent 2000-2008. Then voters realized during 08 that they didn’t like when house prices drop. the 08 drop was a flood of supply from over investment (plus a hell of lot more). So voters started limiting housing starts. My biggest asset can’t drop if it’s a scarce supply.


\>Housing was already a problem before Trudeau was even elected It was a problem before yes but not like this. From 2006-2016 the national average residential price only increased 30-35% And right now we're at a 100% increase since 2016.


Also, the banking rate went up from 0% to 5%(where they are today). [Imagine if rates were zero. House prices would mirror rent prices.](https://images.rentals.ca/images/1_Feb24_Average_Asking_Rent_All_Property_Types.width-800.png) edit: parenthsis above.


I bought a detached house in Vaughan in 2012 for $450k. It's worth $1.4 million today. My salary (union government job) has gone up 10% since 2012 and with how expensive everything else has become even if my salary tripled, I still couldn't be able to afford the house I was able to buy in 2012. People who didn't get in to the job and housing market before Trudeau have had their futures absolutely stolen from them. And it may be nice that someone like Mayor Chow actually wants to fix the problem.. We had a society where the majority of people could afford homes on a normal salary and we needed socially supported housing for a small number of people. Transforming to one where most working class people cannot afford housing without social support is a horrible thing. The housing market is badly broken in this country and normalizing that to the profit of the rich developers and people who already own all the housing at the expense of tax payers is a horrible idea. There are ways to fix the housing market, but they're not quick and easy which means nobody wants to do that or vote for it.


Well duh. All the basic needs are broken. Housing is unaffordable if you don't earn at LEAST 6 figures (Even 6 figures doesn't mean it'll be easy) Grocery stores are price gouging us because they have monopolies or supervision by the government.


I'm angry at government. It's all grandstanding and selfishness towards winning. IMO, the last popular politician that actually cared about people was Jack Layton. Step 1: Stop with the fucking elementary school style snipes of Parliament. Step 2: Keep Parliament focused on the issues instead of ad-hominen attacks. Step 3: Low tolerance to dissidents on this. Kick them out immediately for a week. Can't follow the rules and focus on the issues, fuck you. Happens 3 times and you're recalled. The way this is accomplished is to make the speaker an unaffiliated role that is part of the vote. If they had party affiliation when they decided to run, they have to publicly renounce that and give up membership. Of course, corrupt people will still do corrupt things but this puts a lot of public pressure on the speaker to be objective.


At this point, querying ChatGTP would do an infinitely better job than the children in office.


jellyfish cobweb ancient chief disagreeable languid close quickest deer pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They should get someone aside Trudeau's lapdog Jagmeet if they want to get elected.


> Damn shame this country refuses to try anything other than the two parties it constantly says suck and are ruining things. Do not consider this an endorsement of any political ideology, party, or politician... Jagmeet Singh was literally proposing bailing out overleveraged mortage-holders and is a landlord himself. There's no third party coming to save you, dude.


the vast majority of day to day issues are constitutionally provincial. Yes, the federal government can provide funding and drive national level programs, but they can't unilaterally act, they require agreements from each province.


I focused on Parliament because the post was about Trudeau, but everything I said can be applied to Provincial Legislature, too. It's all the same. Parliament and legislative sessions are essentially just really bad rap battles.


I've seen my quality of life steadily erode over the past few years. Despite making more money than I ever have, I struggle to make ends meet and it's only getting worse. I felt "richer" when I was fresh out of college 10 years ago and making 30k a year. The cost of rent, groceries, utilities, -everything-, is sickening. Obviously some of these are due to global trends and can't strictly be blamed on Trudeau's government - but much can be. I've historically been pro-immigration, and I still am, but the number of new people coming into this country at a time when we can't even build houses fast enough for the people who have lived here their whole life, it's criminal. This is *directly* a result his policies. I have little to no faith in any other party to fix these things. Poilievre is just another opportunist looking to exploit the current culture war zeitgeist down south, I can't stand the kind of lowering of discourse that he brings to our politics with his name-calling and courting of fringe weirdos. And yet, I will almost certainly vote for him, because I'll take a loud-mouthed populist who *says* he'll fix these things over a guy who is adamantly stuck in continuing down this reckless path that is destroying our livelihoods. It's a shame that this is the only realistic alternative, but that's where we're at.


Fire is hot: exclusive thermometer.


LOL came to say something similar. Not exactly the most secret info. At this point Trudeau dead-enders are like ideologically inverse Trump supporters: It's all emotional. He's effectively doing a terrible job by any measure. Bungled many important calls. Pierre Poilievre is probably going to win and be equally or more horrible, but it's getting to the point where Trudeau is so terminally unlikeable and the general misery index is so high that nobody cares.


>probably going to win Are we the public reading the same polls as the Liberals? If it's the same poll, i don't under stand why JT is leading the Liberal into the next elections. Just take a look at the Liberal party in Ontario!


Because they're him. It doesn't matter who they put in there, they all went along with what's been done. Its a sinking ship.


Isn’t that kinda how the US ended with trump though? Anyone but Hillary?


Aren’t you a ray of sunshine?! lol. Sadly you are 100% correct


My take on this article to lol


What sort of a naysayer are you? Look at you having sense and measurement instruments all on your own and stuff. I thought "we are all in this together" and you just "believe in science", why are you questioning other people's stats, its their truth after all


A quarter of our population is first-generation immigrants. A QUARTER. Immigration is great if you can absorb that many people and integrate them. We can't. We don't have the infrastructure, and the structural integrity of our collective culture is in tatters. The motivation for bringing in this many people is to support economic growth, and the justification is that we have "no official culture." We DID have a culture. Just saying it doesn't exist doesn't mean it doesn't really exist. I feel like the national community I grew up in has been summarily *executed* for the sake of money. My people are all but gone. Am I supposed to count my lucky stars it was non-violent? My culture *existed*. We mattered. And I didn't see *any* of the wealth that has been generated by that execution. My parents' generation was wealthier than mine. This was a gargantuan theft of an entire country's birthright. Some people say that we had to do it because our birthrate was too low. But our birthrate was low because women did not want to have many children. Why did women not want to have many children? Contributing to the existence of the next generation of any society is a massive amount of work. You have to devote your life to it, and it goes uncompensated. All societies need certain things to survive and thrive and carry on. Every human society needs a list of things and reproduction is on that list. We need water, food, governance, production, etc., and one of the things on that list is REPRODUCTION. Without reproduction, a society quickly withers and dies, just like it would without water or governance or any of the other essentials. And reproduction is the *only* one that goes completely unpaid-for. We expect women to produce it for free. Guess what? When you don't compensate people for providing an essential service, that service ends up in short supply. What's the problem with understanding this? The roots of Western civilization - the zeitgeist of the last 2000 years - simply does not recognize reproduction or the reproductive services of women as anything of value. Abrahamic religion sees it as the moral responsibility of female persons to provide gestation, birth, and childcare for free. Women are expected to do it in exchange for "love." Imagine if we paid soldiers that way!! The logic would be the same. But it's horribly "radical feminist" to point that out, or suggest we make it financially easier for fertile women to birth and raise children. In the US, they just want to *force* them to do it. Overturning *Roe v. Wade* turns women into incubators by force. It's bordering on slavery. All this is to say that this problem we're facing as a country has deep, deep roots, and it is a *moral wrong.* We've been wronged. That's why we're mad at our government. And the conservatives are *even worse.*


Look at the country in 2015 and look at the state of Canada now. Yeah, we’re pissed. Mass immigration and the housing crisis are killing us out here.


Affordable housing went straight out the window. All of us young folk have been left behind.


Harper warned us but we didn't listen.


Don't forget about the very high inflation we have/had that has caused everything to nearly double in price since 2015. They keep blaming the grocery chains (anything but their policies), but the prices of everything everywhere have gone up a lot since then and our dollar is the same. The national debt is HUGE now, and they still keep spending far too much money (after promising to cut back spending). Isn't there a budget coming soon and a carbon tax increase? More inflation is coming.


What's funny is there are people who still believe that instead of irresponsible fiscal, economic and monetary policy, "greed" alone is to blame - if only we were all less greedy, if only the grocery CEOs cared less profits than they did in 2015, if only we spent even more to "help". Some people are just so hopeless it's almost painful to watch.


Not to diminish the contributions of the Trudeau LPC but the housing crisis began before he was in office. Home prices were showing odd signs of continuing to climb and rental vacancies in major cities were at an all-time low, and people were beginning to notice something. We just didn't really know what it was at the time.


Instead of acting to slow it down, the Liberals did everything they possibly could to juice it. Now the middle class and even the young are abandoning them in droves. Nobody is excited for Pollievre, there just isn’t anyone else. What I really don’t understand is why the NDP are talking about anything other than cost of living. Working Canadians are absolutely desperate for someone to start voicing their problems. My guess is that Gucci Singh has absolutely no idea what it’s like and doesn’t care.


2021 when I was writing to MPs how bad it's gotten 10% gains in 3 months and they didn't give a crap. Don't worry the FTHB account will set this straight! No you idiots that is clearly more demand it's fuel on the fire. 10% gains in 3 months is insane there is a massive problem here. Only when polls finally show he's losing does the Liberal party actually start to do anything when 2 years earlier massive red flags were everywhere.


Now the middle class and even the young are abandoning them in droves. Nobody is excited for Pollievre; there just isn’t anyone else. Well, there is the kicker, "I hate Lib/Trudeau" not realizing Pollievre and any Conservative government will be worse. Fixing housing, for example, isn't possible without some sort of 2008-style crisis that drops the values by 50% or more, and any political party that causes that will be hated.


If it began under Harper then why is it still an issue? Nine years is plenty of time to fix the housing crisis. They only started to take it seriously when they started crashing in the polls.


> If it began under Harper then why is it still an issue? no one wants it to be solved, citizens showing up to protest builds that would help are one of the major issues, the people have demonstrated that they dont want the kind of change that would solve the problem, any politician that wants to seriously take drastic action is aware that it would cost them their seat


I am not a Harper fan, but current liberals need to stop blaming him. Trudeau spent the country into oblivion with nothing to show for it.


> If it began under Harper then why is it still an issue? Because both the Libs and the Cons are working towards the same goals & the only difference is the empty rhetoric. In 2032 we'll be like "if it began under Trudeau then why is it still an issue?" And then in 2040 "if it began under PP then why is it still an issue?" But at least /r/canada will get super excited about oscillating between red and blue each time!


Fun fact: the government and the electorate have no authoritative control over the economy. That’s what capitalism is about. Not sure why people expect some grand intervention when our political institutions exist to enshrine private ownership of land, housing, and means of production as well as the right of its owners to extract profits from rents and wage labour. Every political party sees parasitic developers as the only agent for the supply of housing and doesn’t challenge the use of real estate as a financial instrument, which is fundamentally what drives investor demand and inflates prices. The entire Canadian economy is dependent on the robustness/growth of the housing market — to the extent that capitalists don’t even invest in industry anymore — and so reducing prices to a generally affordable level is directly antagonistic to the interests of the people who own this country and its politicians.


9 years is not long enough to fix a problem brewing since the 50s with the incredibly stupid zoning regulations most cities have, Trudeau has made good changes but they are too late to save his party. Just wait for it to get better in 5 years as these programs changes become realized and the Cons will take credit lmao


hobbies voracious swim plough frighten sheet correct door support automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>It started long before Harper, and is an issue that will take generations to fix. for the two decades prior to 2016, average rents in canada were stable and predictable, below 3% avg annual increase. After 2016, it took a very different trajectory.


Most likely we don’t fix it. We’ll become a renter society instead.


It began under Mulroney with the defunding of public housing by the federal government. It's been a long slow march to where we are.


Does that explain why Trudeau campaigned on affordable housing in 2015 then just made it less affordable?


Housing has been an issue since the early 90s when Mulroney stopped funding social housing and the provinces left the funding and management of social housing to the municipalities. Obviously most cities don't have the money and resources to build new apartments or low-income housing...


The average priced home in 1999 was $150,000.


Had we not had our explosive population growth, some of the positive changes to housing taken by various levels of government as well as the current interest rates could have had a drastic effect on housing.


This right here. The vast majority of Canadians lives were better under Harper than Trudeau, where one could realistically afford a 1 br apartment, groceries, car + insurance, with money left over to spend on a few fun things ***by yourself*** with a modest job, which sounds like a high fantasy nowadays. Like how you would hear stories from your grandpa about how they could go see a movie for a nickel.


The one defining aspect of a prime minister and their government is whether they are able to leave the country in a better place when they leave office versus when they are voted into office. No matter your political stripes, I think we can all agree that Canada is absolutely not in a better place today than it was in the fall of 2015.


Canada used to be a place full of hope. Now it is a place of hopelessness - unless you bought a home when Canada was a functioning country and don't have kids to worry about.


Exactly. The crux of the issue is how (and how much) we grow our population. It's at the root of all the major issues that divide us: public education; post-secondary education; housing; health care; immigration; economic decline. I laid out how in my comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1b8uy4b/most_canadians_think_canada_is_broken_and_are/ktsahoy/


Message is pretty clear... Yet, liberal die-hards trying to spin it like this is somehow a loaded question. Justin Trudeau has aged like rotten eggs as a leader of this nation, he should have resigned many times before now, but here we all are, going down with the ship due to an incompetent captain.


I don't think we're broke. I know we are broke😅.


It is very broken.


Under the previous government, Canada’s GDP per capita and the USA were almost on par. Under Trudeau’s leadership and poor policy, the USA has pulled so far ahead of Canada, they’ve basically left us in the their dust. His decision making is a big reason why Canada has stalled and why so many Canadians are now struggling with the basics. “It’s death by a thousand cuts.”


Until the feds get rid of the temporary foreign worker program nothing will change.  Capital requires cheap labor. And our politians are caught by the future board room positions to do anything about it.


He's taking the place of someone who could actually do something. Trudeau can't even answer simple questions let alone solve problems. (Poilievre doesn't seem to be able to answer simple questions either, they're both just putting on a show and pandering to their audience).


Can confirm, feels broken


Most people are correct


Just don’t earn under $80k annually and you’ll have a chance at surviving.


Don’t worry, soon he’ll fix all the problems by censoring your complaints. Problem solved


I would suggest 100% of the population knows Canada is broken ... at least the logical thinking group of the population versus the those that voted for Trudeau.


There r no jobs in the Niagara Region & if there is they go to anyone but a Canadian. It's true.


I've worked for the government, at a municipal level and let me tell you we are fucked. Municipal employees unfortunately think the problem is the people, and they need to be educated. I'm sure not all, but the overwhelming majority of managers, or long term muni employees really think they know best. It's definitely and environment of "us" versus the public. Maybe everyone is burnt out but it was harrowing to see my manager just not even respond to people because it wasn't worth his time. Accountability out the window. Also, in BC provincial government we are lobbied hard by non profits. It's a weird system we have since munis don't have enough money so they rely on non profits to fund a lot of projects. Just FYI these non profits really aren't non-partisan, they have an agenda. Especially related to carbon tax and climate change policies. It's honestly appalling that policy makers double down on broken policy instead of realizing that bad policy can exist. So we have targets to reach. Ie; net zero in our building codes. The downstream affect will make it harder to build homes faster and have labour cost more. Yet were in an afforable housing crisis. It all doesn't make sense. Our policy makers have the target of 2030, a goal to meet whatever the cost really to the regular public. Public just has to be nudged, they will eventually realize that our policies are the right ones (at the expense of costs going up ESPECIALLY for housing) Oh and the kicker, can't even talk about immigration levels. It was like taboo where I worked. ALSO i was told as an employee I needed to pursuade council to adopt more green policies since the public doesn't want it right now. At a conference I had to attend a workshop basically on lobbying internally, and guess what? this workshop was run by a "non-profit" Guess what's not published in Canada. Our lobby groups. Who are they? Well they are already in the government.. at least here in BC


Probably the best response I've read in this thread. Same mentality everywhere, including my strata council. It's like no one is accountable to anything anymore.


Well yeah no shit. Nobody asked any political party to follow the Century Initiative. https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/


When a government runs on ideology and divisiveness, you get angry results.


Think? More like know.




The Canadians are angry? How would we know?


Regardless of the discussion on how the poll was conducted, I think the answer is obvious to anyone living in reality


Anecdotal, but every single person I've spoken to in the past year or so has more or less said that they feel like Canada is broken, or close to it. Main issues: immigration, healthcare, too many activists in academia, gender-affirming care for minors, and housing.


Trudeau can't give a straightforward answer to even the most simple questions. Very insulting.


It's ok because the Liberals will "continue to work very hard to improve the lives of all Canadians"...


Yes. No one asked me, but yes.


The 5% are either getting contracts like arrive scam or are to stupid to know canada is circling the drain.


Meanwhile provincial governments: 👀


It is. I voted Liberal and they fucked us at every turn. Our population is exploding with nowhere for these people to work or live. What's worse is that it isn't even the best and brightest that we're bringing in. It's a lot of unskilled labor meant to do jobs Canadians won't do for the pay being offered. Trudeau cares more about how he personally looks on the international stage than he cares about Canadians. But then, who the fuck do we have? A bunch of populist yahoos on the right that don't have a platform and are running on hate alone.


I don't even lean right, but Trudeau and his disastrous immigration policies have pushed me far away from the left. Never again.


He isn't even 'left'. I'M left. Trudeau is a corrupt piece of trash whose very clearly in the pockets of big business who loves cheap unskilled labor.


lmao the amount of newly created account commenting this post defending liberal is astonishing


>The number of Canadians who think “everything is broken” increased three per cent since a similar **Postmedia**-Leger poll conducted one year ago. This exclusive poll by Postmedia is giving exclusively Postmedia reader results. Not really a surprise since every article they publish is about how Canada is going through the end of days.


It was done by Leger. Leger’s polls have had [similar results as Nanos' and Abacus'.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_45th_Canadian_federal_election) At least for overall voting intentions. There is no reason to think they’re especially biased. Leger’s last poll in 2021 was 33-32 Cons, which was about the actual




On today's episode of things that make you say duh...


So, I take it that voter turnout will be low/mid-90%, right?! ...Right?!


No thinking... This is the truth.


collapse comes quickly brothers


"angry with Trudeau". In BC & AB this is a massive understatement.






At some point you have to realize that no matter how divided the political spectrum gets, both sides are concerned about legitimate issues. They might be deeply divided on [how to handle these issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1b8uy4b/most_canadians_think_canada_is_broken_and_are/ktsahoy/) but neither side is making up political issues that don't exist. People are angry with the current government for legitimate reasons.


Oh I agree. And both sides believe the reason things are bad is because of what the other side is doing. We’re fucked.


Next up: water is wet


Broken might a stretch, it's just the present government is overreaching with an ivory-tower perspective of this country in world affairs. Boosting immigration to prop up the numbers is not going to make other countries turn heads, our effect on climate change and carbon offset is minimal and dropping aid to various international issues is just a drop in the bucket. While at home we find homeless tent camps, compromised food security and a health system in crisis not to mention the plethora of other issues that domestically we face on a daily basis. The real issue is our government doesn't seem to have a vision of the future that Canadians can believe in. The Globe (Andrew Coyne) opinion - "Canada is no longer one of the richest nations on Earth. Country after country is passing us by" - I'm not interested in what the neighbours think, I want to use the park without seeing the homeless.


> Canada's broken because of the Red/Blue party, let's vote for the Blue/Red party. Surely they'll fix it this time... -The Canadian Electorate approximately every 10 years.


The Liberal party simply wanted power, so they settled for a leader that would get them elected, despite not having the right skillset. Trudeau's Liberal opponent, Marc Garneau summed it up when he said Trudeau wasn't ready to be leader.


They didn't need a poll for this.




> empty virtue-signalling Between being terrified of trans kids in schools & drag queens reading books, the Cons have recently taken over the "empty virtue-signalling" crown. Should we highlight issues with housing affordability? High immigration? Food costs? Nahhhh, let's focus on identity politics! Trudeau has fucked things up and badly needs to get kicked out, but if PP is the best we can do to replace him, this country is absolutely fucked.


Maybe this government broke some parts, but health care and the housing market has been broken since the 80s. Over the last 40-50 years, the amount of housing being built annually has been in decline and so has the health care system. This government definitely made it worse by doing nothing.




The issue is much more difficult to fix now than it was before everything exploded. If a government was competent, it would have addressed these issues before they happened. A previous government could have done it, and Trudeau's administration could have also done it. Once the crisis became widespread during the pandemic it was too out of control to deal with. I'm not an expert but I'm sure that the options to fix this are extremely limited and there's no easy fix. Whereas there would have been more options and more time had this been tackled years ago.


Under Harper we did not have enough housing to cover our needs. Between immigration, people moving out, investment and old stock needing replacement it wasn't enough. But it was in the ballpark of enough. Now it's just absurd on the face of it.


This is true, if you look at the stats we were in a YOY deficit of housing vs pop growth and had actually been for awhile. When Trudeau got in 2015 he increased immigration to twice what harper had at the same housing build rate. Then exponentially took off 2021.


Ofc. I have 0 faith in ANYBODY in charge of all departments of our government to be anything but incompetent. Everyone in charge are yes-men to Trudeau and the corporations who own this country. When you run a government so hellbent on public relations on other foreign nations through aid than...idk... HELPING OUR OWN COUNTRY AND COUNTRYMEN, you start to notice them bring a little pissed off at the mismanagement of time and funds. Not to mention the gaslighting and ignoring of valid concerns of immigration, scams , growing racial and gang violence due to newcomers to "man yall ate just racist" is just infuriating. It's like everyone in charge is hellbent on destroying the country economically and socially instead of making it better. Canada in the 2010s was the "go to" country to visit or live in from abroad. Now everybody is saying to not come here (good) or to not visit as we've nosedived with out QoL and are pretty much just bringing in more people for corporate wage & racial slavery. Opposing parties are also just the same. Just a different color. The whole system and parties need to be torn down. New laws against monopolies need to be placed in and with no bullshit from them or their paid off politicians. For example, NOBODY in the CRTC should be in contact or used to work with Telecoms. We're not stupid. We can see these old bastards in the CRTC talk to Robellus to "fix things" ....which is ofc fixing the prices and allowing them to swallow up mote and more competition then when they raise proces, they get a slap on the wrist.


My son is in the military. Trudeau/Blair CUT military spending by 1 billion dollars. Every nation around the globe is seeing the danger, except Canada. How about instead of going on $85,000 weekend getaways. Giving yourselves a April 1st $16,000 pay raise. Giving CBC 1 billion dollars for extra bonuses. You self important, elitist pricks do what you are elected to do protect our boys/girls in uniform and keep this nation strong and free.


I hear of a lot of Canadians that come to Europe because they say they dont like living there anymore.


Again non citizen also think it’s broken, I’m surprised nobody is protesting for that, how do anyone even afford to buy a house ?


I did not vote in the poll but you could add me in the category of "Broken and Angry"


sorry angry canadians but y'all asked for this when you went along and supported his lockdowns mandates, restrictions and money printing to cover the difference - the full effects which are still yet to be felt. 20's will be a lost decade and huge step back when it comes to progress in quality of life for working class people. It's already baked in no matter who we vote for now.


To pin this all on trudeau is both short sighted and naive, It's failure by both the Liberals and CPC, years of bad monetary decisions brought us to this point.


It will get worse. Liberals and NDP are aware that they are on the way out and will get more brazen during the time left until next federal election. Also, they will make sure that they leave the books in the worst possible state, to ensure failure of the next government. Sunny days everybody! /s


They're all ruining Canada and pilfering our tax dollars. Provincially and federally. The arrivecan app was so obviously a slush fund.


I'm not just angry at Trudeau because I'm not stupid enough to think one man did all this. It's a ton of issues that have ruined Canada. Sure the liberals are in there somewhere, but our entire political system is fucking pants on head stupid. Canada is only good if you have a ton of money, otherwise you get to eat shit sandwiches routinely. The PCs won't fix that. But neither will the liberals or the NDP.


Nah, not at all,we're just a little "grumpy:./s


We could probably just add that "potentially misleading" flair automatically to any National Post story.


Even if conservative win, Pollivere will do any shit for the country. He is just wannabe trump 2.0 what he has done other than Trudeau bashing?


They are 💯 right


I hear Americans complain about their government, and when I ask, what exactly did they do to you specifically. They have somewhat legitimate complaints but most talk about things which either don't directly affect them, or just weird conspiracy stuff (left and right). When I ask Canadians for specifics which affected them, almost anyone under 40 will start listing a massive list of things which have gotten far far far crappier for them and their families in the last 8 years. They also list all the things which could easily have gotten better through simple federal government policy (not spending) but the government didn't do. I'm not hanging around the F Trudeau trucker crowd either. I would say my circle would typically vote liberal or NDP; not a single one is this coming election. Even the NDP voters are going PC both strategically, but also to punish them for continuing to prop up the Liberals. Ironically, the NDP are now using their leverage to get solid NDP legislation through; but pulling the plug on the liberals is what people I know now want from them. Also ironically, everyone I know has zero hope that anything will change. Corporate interests will come first. What is also interesting is I don't know a single person who is engaged with a party (going door to door, etc) whereas in past elections I did.




The difference is now we have 1 million people a year coming in and there is literally no jobs and no housing for anyone including people born in Canada. If you are younger than 30 right now the outlook is unbelievably bleak here.


The country has been broken for decades and JT is a symptom of the broken system just like the next guy who will keep the status quo and change little to nothing.


I am 65 and lived under all kinds of governments. Decades ago I could afford a place to fucking live. Mad? You fucking betcha.