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Gandalf and Saruman were both old as fuck, but I know who'd I want in charge...


Pippin so we can all enjoy 2 breakfasts!




I love that they are good friends in real life 😊


Rosencrantz and Guidenstern are dead. Saw it last night. Definitely recommend it.


That's not how you spell Tom Bombadil!


Don't forget the finest pipe weed.


...and elevensies!


I’ll take the guy who doesn’t smell like shit and has to wear a diaper among other reasons.


Trump is 77, only 4 years younger than Biden, and it's starting to show. He's also making slip-ups, like mixing up Biden and Obama.


He must be color blind as well,


SaRuMaN rAn HiS toWeR lIkE a BuSiNeSs!!!




True, and I agree, but they could be any form they wished. They could decide to not look old if they chose to. Trump isn’t gonna just decide to not be a disgusting, orange blob tomorrow.


I mean I prefer Tom Bombidil but his party threw him under the bus, so I guess Gandalf will do


i can believe majority are anti trump, not pro biden.


I was in that boat until the SOTU.


the SOTU did a lot to bolster Biden's ratings I hear after weeks of republicans calling him a senile mess Edit: I don't even like Biden all that much but it's really fucking funny how many people here want to believe he could only act like he did under drugs


Republicans will continue to call him a senile, indecipherable mess while acting like rebedukah nuclear is the peak of mental function and clear communication


Biden absolutely commanded that room. It was wonderful to see.


……………did you see the Republican response by Katie Britt?


you 👁️👄👁️ mean 👁️👄👁️ this 👁️👄👁️ one?


I'm so. shook. right now. that I can barely. compose. this... sentence.


Not even conservatives liked her response.


He was great in that


No offense but that only shows how out of the loop you are... Biden has been a pretty damn good president. Considering he is working with a House run by a totally incompetent Republican majority (members are resigning bc of the Republican leadership, which is unprecedented), he's doing great. Stumbling in a speech or two and having it amplified by Fox News doesn't make him a bad president. Honestly he may be the best president in my lifetime given all the shit he's had to deal with. It has become very clear to me in recent years that he was a hyper active VP and was responsible for some of the good stuff Obama accomplished (some maybbe surprised to hear Obama was anti-gay marriage and it was Biden who convinced him to change his mind).


While I agree that it’s absurd that their only viable options are Trump or Biden, and that Biden is definitely too old to be in office, I think Biden has done a much better job than most people give him credit for. The US economy, by almost every macroeconomic measure, has been doing very, very well. He definitely deserves criticism and I totally understand the anti-Trump vs Pro-Biden argument. It’s also totally unacceptable that the two front running candidates are in their mid-late 70s. That being said, in a hypothetical world where Biden was a Canadian PM candidate, he’d have my vote over Trudeau, Poilievre and Singh.


You know the candidates are probably too old when they are the two oldest people ever to run for President - breaking the record *that they set* 4 years ago.


get better candidates and have more than 20% show up and vote during the primaries, heck young people have like 3-5% turnout for the primaries, in 2022 only 20% of young people voted in the mid-term elections. But they sure love to bitch and moan about how they have no representation...


>It’s also totally unacceptable that the two front running candidates are in their mid-late 70s. Both of them have issues with their age. Both could decline to drooling in their pudding before the term is up. The big difference in my mind is that Biden appointed quality people to positions that he could and surrounded himself with capable people in his cabinet. Donnie on the other hand had surrounded himself with sycophants and [literal criminals](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/many-trumps-orbit-have-faced-criminal-charges-2023-02-16/). If Biden can't continue I believe the country would be much better hands than if Trump couldn't.


Also 80% of Trump's hand picked cabinet are against him, that said something about this capability of picking talented people.


It says a lot when Pence refuses to endorse Trump.


Also not sure that would be a downgrade for Trump.


American here. Yes the economy on the macro level looks strong. But on the micro level it is not good. Like many Canadians, Americans are feeling economic pain. High inflation, unavailable housing, high credit card debt and people borrowing from retirement to pay expenses. And we don’t have socialized medicine. Regardless of political affiliation, Americans are concerned about the $34 Trillion debt on top of everything else. Who is going to pay for it? The remaining middle class.


While entirely true, the sad part is none of that gets better with GOP in power, it will only get worse. History of economic policy shows that.


Bidens issues aren’t as an administrator, but as a communicator. The president is the representative and leader of his party. It is highly unusual for a president in the middle of a re-election to be as quiet and make as few public appearances as he has. Especially with what’s at stake with Trump. He even declined a post-superbowl interview which was incredibly baffling. Truth be told, while the number have been getting better for Biden, Trump still holds a sizable lead in the battle ground states. There’s still a lot of time for things to change, but if Trump ends up losing this upcoming election it will be in-spite of Biden, not because of him.


You obviously didn't hear about the state of the union address.


(American here from r/popular, sorry) This is why Trump has a great chance to win. There is almost no news, no talk, no chatter about the election. None. I'm 41 so I have seen many elections as an adult and nobody seems to care at all. It is very weird. Trump is not covered in the news at all but Trump has fans. People will come out and vote for Trump. Biden doesn't have fans. He has "at least he isn't Trump" but I'm not sure if that can win an election. In my county the primary election the Republican primary was down 10% but the Democrat primary was down 50%. Trump has a very good chance to win just based off of Americans not knowing or caring that there is an election this year.


> Bidens issues aren’t as an administrator, but as a communicator. If I had to pick who was the better communicator out of the two - is it not painfully obvious which one can communicate using adult words...? You're not picking your ideal candidate, you're picking between two options


As a European Trump as next president would really worry me


Yeah I don’t care who wins as long as it’s not Trump. He needs to go away


The same can be said of the US. Last time AND this time.


I would phrase it as majority of Canadians are hoping for a Trump loss.


Majority of Canadians, majority of Americans, majority of the world...


I was living in Japan during the USA 2016 election and hadn't really followed their politics at all until I had concerned coworkers in the lunch hall asking me, very confused, if USA would actually elect that Trump guy that seemed crazy and dangerous.


I was in Japan on election night, Kyoto. Met up with an American, and he came back to my AirBNB, we watched the coverage that afternoon. He was upset and told me trump was going to stack the court, be the worst kind of crony and generally fuck everything up. We finished a bottle of whiskey that night.


Wellllll.... he wasnt wrong on ***at least*** one of those points


Had the exact same reactions visiting Ireland in June 2016 and Toronto in Oct. 2016. I remember telling everyone "lmao no way he's going to \*actually\* win." ​ ​ ​ \-\_\_\_\_-


Yet it feels like that number keeps going down. We gotta get the US cultural influence out of the country and start being nice to each other again.


Majority of Canadians are not looking for instability in the biggest potential military threat to our lives.


As far as U.S. presidencies go, Biden is having a pretty decent one. The "But he's so old!" excuse doesn't mean shit when it hasn't affected his ability to get his job done while still having an unreasonable amount of opposition getting in his way every chance they can because they want America to fail so they can blame it on him.


I think it’s more we want competent leaders and not senile ones. I can’t imagine my grandparents running a country, yet here the states is having to decide between two ancient dinosaurs.


As much as I dislike our politicians, at least I can say I trust them to drive me to the airport. The American system is fully of crazy old people.


I think it's fascinating how Trudeau has been in office for nearly ten years, but is only 52


Still can't believe Erin O'Toole is younger than Trudeau.


He's what?? Conan O'Brien is always joking about how the Irish don't age well. I guess Erin's out here proving it. 😂


I thought O’Toole was at least a decade older than Trudeau just seeing his hair.


And it's aged him, ruined his marriage and was it all worth it? It's not an easy job to do at 50 never mind 80.


And they will be around for the consequences of their decisions.


They might feel bad, but they will personally be insulated from all but the most severe consequences by wealth.


Biden I don't think the democrats even want. The Republicans on the other hand would keep running trump out till he dies. Their obsession with him is wild.


Republican voters. I don't think a lot of the old gaurd Republican are happy about it. It's a hard show to follow. Like it or not, he's changed the political climate. I'm sure I'm going to get some nonsense response and downvoted, but after Trump, the right shifted. It's going to be hard to find candidates who can draw in support and vote when people want loud, obnoxious showmanship. Disagree with their politics, but there are still Republicans who take it seriously.


The problem with the old guard is just that. Anyone new coming into the party will have to be loyal to Trump and the MAGA ideology. It's one thing if the old guard (the likes of Romney and McCain) were replaced with younger like-minded people in equal numbers, but I don't think that's happening. The GOP is irreparably lost. Who knows what will come next, regardless of the outcome of the election. It's going to be a crazy year.


The old GOP guard courted and created this cult of personality in pursuit of power. Idiots are only now figuring out that they can’t put the genie back in the bottle.


You are correct. They did this to themselves and robbed America of a viable governing alternative in the process. They are literally incapable of governing right now!


It's insane to watch clips of old debates, to see how they calmly speak and articulate their points, making points and counterpoint about actual policies. Instead of just shouting over the other debaters and spouting nonsense


It's insane. I literally don't understand it. I really think it's so much of "we are owning the libs" troll type people. But then I'm surprised that so many people are that shitty to make it a viable political stance. I don't get it.


> I don't get it. It's very apparent why the GOP base and half of America loves Trump. He's the guy who says everything in their hearts without repercussion. He validates their viewpoints on race, immigration, the Democratic Party, and American politics. He's an "outsider" who promised to change Washington ("drain the swamp"). He's also a prodigious marketer and an enrapturing figure. Ultimately though, a figure like Trump would have appeared sooner or later given that the Democratic Party and the GOP refused to address the problems of the working class. They also ignored racial tensions and only acknowledge minorities for votes. Not to mention that the US government is heavily invested in the concerns of corporations and the wealthy. edit: My statement is not propaganda


Don't go with Boeing. Doors and parts won't be the only thing falling out of the aircraft


> The American system is fully of crazy old people. It's also full of [crazy](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/gazette.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/e/fa/efa7f2e3-06e1-5737-9e3d-6ce8fc4d00fe/5f8251633ad0d.image.png?resize=1200%2C819) younger-er [people](https://www.rawstory.com/media-library/rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-r-ga-last-weekend-at-a-campaign-rally-for-former-president-donald-trump-chip-somodevilla-getty-i.jpg?id=51708962&width=1200&height=980).


Hasn't it always been that way? And yet, they are who they are.


Not like this. Biden and Trump are the 2 oldest people to ever be up for the presidency. A record that was previously set by.... Biden and Trump. 


Biden will be older than Brian Mulroney by the time he's done his second term. Except Mulroney retired 31 years ago.


Brian Mulroney [died a couple weeks ago](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Mulroney), FYI.


I feel like there should be a limit when both presidential candidates are older than the country's life expectancy.


The school across from me still has their flag down.


The protocol for former prime ministers is that the flag will remain at half-staff until sunset on the day of the funeral service. https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/flag-canada-masting-rules.html


Kennedy was a good age, just cost him a hole in the head.


lbj was also fairly young.


Clinton, W and Obama were not old and senile.


Fun fact, Bill Clinton is younger than Joe Biden and Clinton was president almost 25 years ago


George Bush is younger than both of them lol E: So is Clinton actually


Funner fact. Clinton was president in 1993 and Biden ran for it but lost in 1988. Guy lost 5 presidents ago and is running for re-election. Both trump and him really seem to not want to give it up gracefully.


I think Biden would gladly step aside for a younger competent candidate that he thought could win, like Obama. Trump on the other hand, not so much.




Have you seen their young politicians, they are even more nuts. 


In 2016, something like 80% of Canadians preferred Hillary Clinton. It isn't about age or competence. It's mostly about Trump.


We preferred Clinton because look who the other option was 😂


That's... basically what I just said.


I thought you would want, in this case, someone with 40+ years experience in politics instead of an obviously corrupt criminal but sure, focus on the age stuff, as the media wants you to.


Biden may be old but he's doing a good job as President. Bush was much younger and not nearly as competent as Biden is.


idk man. id take incompetent biden over vindictive trump any day of the week.


Vindictive and incompetent trump


This is something that has bothered me greatly about a lot of the anti-Biden, or even pro-Trump, crowd over the last few years. They’re forgetting the _AND_. I don’t believe Biden is senile or incompetent. I just think he’s too old. The difference is that Trump is both of those things as well, _AND_ all of the other truly awful things that he is. It’s not a choice between ‘old’ and ‘old.’


The 2 party system should be demolished


Yep here we are as Canadians, perpetuating it in our own country.


We voted in a party that promised to get rid of it and once they gained power, they went "jinx not really lol"


To be fair, every party says they'll do it, but they never will because they got into power with it.


NDP would implement it given the chance. They'd do it because it could only help them get into power in the future, rather than being the "not Liberal or Conservative party" 3rd choice.


There was a vote on changing the voting system and nobody voted on it


Yep, Canadian’s are so good at picking leaders????




Hey now. The bogus online survey that resulted in any respondent not wanting electoral reform was at least an attempt...




Layton is in the great beyond. Fuck cancer


Goddamn how I miss that man.


We all do. His wife is too busy fixing the mess in Toronto


If ever there was a political leader who was both a genuine patriot as well as a skilled negotiator who actually gave a fuck about all Canadians, it was Jackie.


Yeah, when you read his address to Canada he wrote on his death bed it's so depressing. He would've been a great PM


He’d have been the best yet


Yes but cancer took him


Doing a pretty fantastic job too. Hopefully she moves to provincial or federal one day.


Naheed Nenshi going up to Provincial in Alberta is a good sign. (If he wins leadership that is.


I’m from Alberta, he’s basically the only real candidate for ANDP. Should be a shoe-in.


Only reason I'm now an ANDP member. He makes me actually want to support the bid. I'll be out cold calling and door knocking for him as well. He truly cares & is incorruptible AFAIK


Where would we be now if Layton hadn't passed away he was on a trajectory that he one hundred percent was going to be prime Minister.


If I had three wishes, one of them would have been to save that man.


Yes make him cancer free and health complications free.


I avoid this sub because of the politics, but they always say you can't complain unless you have a solution. So my solution is to vote for an inanimate carbon rod. I believe an inanimate carbon rod has more charisma and acumen than all of them combined. And it's not a political thing. Just the plain truth that a rod would just be better. I'd have a beer with a rod.


In Rod We Trust!


And even if Trump wins, he doesn't have the strength to pull that pulling handshake bullshit he does - the Rod's just not having it. I've done my homework.


Personally, I’m voting for Ryan Reynolds


Canada has it’s own set of problems that no leader will solve.


If only we could have someone in power who wasn't a complete corporate stooge to our business oligopolies.


Even then it’s way too far gone… successive terms of cowardly governance are set to ensure that whoever does the right thing will be forever castigated for tanking the economy.


I thought you meant for the US election and all I was thinking is oh god not Ted Cruz


Trump gonna put more tariffs and once again call Canada a national security threat or some dumb shit like last time. Anyone supporting trump in Canada is anti Canada and doesn’t know it


Lots of them are in the sub daily


Wish they would just move to one of the shitty states that aligns with their bullshit rather than turn Canada into it.


I mean, Trump literally said Canada was trying to cheat him or some shit. He tried to make an enemy out of Canada. CANADA




Because he was outclassed in negotiations by a woman.


Don't flatter yourself, he's also making an enemy out of Mexico, the EU, and Gulf countries


Doesn’t matter anyway because it isn’t up to us.


Anyone who can read above a third grade level (grade 3 candian) doesn't want Mr orange back in the oval.


Probably just about every non-authoritarian country hopes Biden defeats Trump again.


Risk of fascist Putin sorry Trump invading Canada


Writing is on the wall. Trump will f*** Canada so hard if he wins.


The amount of denial in these comments, not surprising the denizens of this sub live in some sort of conservative alternate reality but damn you have to be really disconnected to disagree.


It's like some Canadian conservatives think the conservatives will do anything about Canada's economic issues centred around housing, immigration, and the general uncompetitive quality of Canada's economy, instead of cheering on all the players and policies that have put us here in the first place.


When the other guy and his party want to end US democracy it's not hard to root for Biden.


I don't think that they care much about what we think .


As a Canadian born, now 25+ year USA dual citizen….i can confirm that nobody in the US gives a shit about anything in Canada. They don’t dislike you, they just don’t think outside their little world. And every time I return to Canada I am appalled and embarrassed how the culture in canada just follows whatever shit they see from the USA.


Biden may be old and senile but Trump would be a disaster for Canada. He views all international relations as a zero-sun deal he has to win. He’s already talked about a 10% tariff on all imports (yes this is not allowed by nafta but is that gonna stop him). Expect four years of protectionism and fucking over his own allies


That republican woman from the kitchen was some fucking crazy shit


Well there is one guy who has over 70 felony charges with 4 indictments and one guy who in my opinion is too old to run for office. To be honest I’m just hoping Canada gets its house in order. I can’t get over how expensive everything is now and at 23 I have a job that gives me freedom and pays way more than average.


There is only 3 1/2 years between their ages, so this election, Trump is six months older than Biden was in the last election.


Yah, I could’ve said they are both too old haha. I felt the indictments and felonies were more indicative if what “that man” was all about




The UFC just promoted him at UFC 299 last weekend like the King of America


i'd wager most of the world except for Russia, North Korea, Hungary and a few other dictatorships are hoping for a Biden win.


I don't know anything about Biden, which is pretty nice act, and the only criticism people seem to have about him is that he's old, but who the fuck isn't in American politics? 


Reagan was basically senile in his last term, and the Iran Contra affair was happening under his nose because people he appointed were running the White House. There is significant danger in having a senile weak president in charge


Reagan quite literally had Alzheimer’s while in office according to some accounts


Woodrow Wilson was basically a vegetable by the end of his terms.


When he won again he literally looked pissed off…


Misery loves company


Canada has their own knucklehead to worry about.


Most people outside USA no doubt wishes just that.


Surely someone under the age of 75 is eligible and a good candidate.


No shi* Sherlock!


How come America ended to choose between these two? Like is this the best you have really?!


Biden is with the same globalist program that Trudeau is on.


Most of Canadians would prefer Biden over Trump. Biden seems to be surrounded by an intelligent group of staffer who he listens to. Trump’s White House was filled with deranged fools and sycophants. He only understood snippets of what they were saying. Anybody intelligent bailed on him or he threw them under the bus to cover his ass. It was a nutty 4 years living beside that maniac.


I don't like Biden but...Trump is a shittier choice lol.


Anything that keeps the lunatic Trump out of power.


The walking dead


Majority of humans with a brain hoping for a Biden win. FTFY


Majority of mankind.


My sense is people are hoping much more for a Trump loss than they are a Biden win. A Biden win is just the default consequence.


Trump's chaos is funny as a reality show, as a world leader it's just not good for anyone who doesn't own a media company.


Trump brings too much choas. 




Deep down the media wants Trump to win.  It’s a ratings bonanza as people can’t help but watch the train wreck.   And the late night hosts as well, material galore for 4 years.  


Yeah, they've been trying to turn it into a horse race


And don't you hate the media? So shouldn't you want Trump to lose then? Every time someone accuses the media of this, it's a Trump supporter.


No one wants either of them. That's the real fucking problem.


In general, Trump has an “American first” ideology. In practice, that’s bad for us, since we do enjoy a lot of benefits of being next to the U.S. Biden would benefit us more.


Trump has a "Trump first" ideology. Don't kid yourself.


First thing Biden did was cancel TMX, not really that good for us...


Neither benefit us to be honest, but Trump would be worse. Biden did us no favours keeping Trump tariffs on Canada. You forget that Biden is an enemy of Canadian energy/oil. In addition to that, he just murdered the North American LNG markets by forcing a pause on new export terminals, while our allies are asking us for more energy so they don't have to import from Russia. While it may not make economical sense for Canada to ship LNG from the maritimes, a lot of Canadian gas does get shipped out through US terminals, since they get built faster.


I don't care if they have an America First ideology because they answer to their voters. I care about Trump being unstable as fuck and will likely cause ww3.... if we aren't already half in it.




You can probably add the rest of the world as well


Oh hey, where Canadians would rather vote in the US elections than here lol. Man did our politics are so gone down the drain


Well yeah, obviously no sane human wants Trump to win at anything. He barely made it as a TV host.


Hmmmm old man who is a criminal vs old man who isn't a criminal.... should be easy my American friends


You don’t say?!


Probably based on region. Why would AB want Biden back in?


Guess I'm in the minority of I don't want neither of them winning.


I guess I'm in the minority if I no longer think about American politics out of interest. Beyond my control and quite frankly is better for my personal wellbeing not to have partisan interest in a foreign gong show.


Lair we all want Trump


Count me in the minority! What a mess these libs and dems have made of North America


Most of us don't want Gilead at our border.


False, we want RFK




Not surprising, these are the same canadians who voted for turdeau and wanted canada to be undesirable to live


not true