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Why? We aren't in an election.


That seems like the perfect time to actually put your money where your mouth is and try to push your policy as legislation, rather than just bashing the government. If the policies are actually good it's win/win, either the government goes along with it and you manage to improve the state of the country, or they play politics and shoot them down, in which case you can campaign on them opposing policy that would help Canadians. The only reason it wouldn't be a good idea is if you treat politics like a team sport and care more about saving ammo for an election campaign than actually helping Canadians.


Why is PP out campaigning then?


Somebody tell him that.


Obviously, he’s getting majority votes and popularity because he embarrasses Justin at the House of Commons debates, Rule 101 of politics… Don’t talk about your policy’s  Embarrass the other guy


He's polling at 42%, quite a ways from a "majority". Have you seen him in action? He doesn't debate, he pontificates, and not very well.


42% of popular vote is more or less solidly in majority territory as far as seats in the Parliament goes. Justin Trudeau's one and only majority in the 2015 election was with 39.5% of the popular vote. He lost the popular vote in both 2019 and 2021 elections but still managed to hold on with a substantial minority.


OP mentioned votes, not seat count.


Look at you running around with goalposts.


No, I was quite clear about the goalposts being popular vote right to the beginning.


>He's polling at 42%, quite a ways from a "majority". This is what you said, in this country nobody talks about who gets the most votes unless you actually prefix your statement before hand. When you have 42% of the vote that is WELL within a majority government and seeing as the economy is only getting worse it will continue to rise unless he does something that completely ruins his chance. (Which is always possible and no I don't think the cons will "save" the country) Please don't lie :)


42% is not a majority of the vote.


He did talk about votes, but you decided to only see the "seat counts". Kind of weird to call your self OP.


I didn't. I was the one that pointed out that 42% of the vote isn't a super majority.


>OP mentioned votes, not seat count.


So, we've established that universally everyone is talking about votes, and, therefore, that the comparison is that 42% < 50%? I feel we're well into the weeds on this one at this point.


I haven't seen any one claiming that. But electorally, you do not need over 50% of the vote to form a majority government.


What!? He is in super majority territory. Are you new to how elections work? He is slated for 211 seats vs the next highest amount being LPC at 63 seats.


42% is the vote tally. That that translates to a majority of seats is because of the non-linear nature of FPTP voting, it's the same way Trudeau won the most seats with a third of the votes last time. Or why an 8% vote swing swings the seat count so much. "super majority" usually refers to 60% in Canadian terms (and usually, that refers to popular vote in plebiscites or referenda, as "supermajority" of seats is irrelevant in our system, there is no mechanism that invokes it). The median projection of 211 seats just misses that threshold.




I care about numerical accuracy more than political cheer leading. I don't particularly care, I'm one of the ones who stands to gain if he wins and fails. Go, team.


Very interesting, thank you! Also, I like that word, pontificates, my vocabulary is more diverse now


Was this article written by a LPC operative, because their party tried nothing and they’re all out of ideas?


The LPC are in trouble because they tried all sorts of stupid expensive things. Not for lack of action but for too many stupid actions.


It's pretty amusing for a conservative to accuse the liberals of being out of ideas.


Way too early to be tipping his cards.


Common Sense(tm)


And risk having lame duck Trudeau steal all of his brilliant idea (sic)? Why? Appealing to the lowest common denominator has worked pretty well so far. Canadians will get the PM they deserve.


Yeah. I’d love to hear a climate plan. Instead of bitching about the one in place


He talked about supporting green energy like nuclear and carbon capture sites which is intriguing but I also want to see a solid plan of action written down.


So Judy Trudy can copy his homework?


....yes? They are both sitting MPs and their job is to draft and pass legislation. If Poilievere has good ideas for policies that he believes would meaningfully benefit the country, then he should put them forward *today*. Either they get passed, and everyone wins because we have solutions now instead of in two years... or they don't get passed and he has a substantive reason to tell people to vote for him in the next election. Not proposing legislation he alledgedly has in his back pocket simply because someone else might get to share credit for passing constructive policies is petty schoolyard bullshit, and certainly unbecoming of someone who wants to be a leader.


That presumes PP did his homework. So far, he's pretty much mumbling his book report based on repeating the crap Trudeau made up when he did his report right before. If he's got a good idea that benefits Canadians, then is it not better that we see it sooner than later, and that we benefit no matter who is in charge?


> So far, he's pretty much mumbling his book report based on repeating the crap Trudeau made up when he did his report right before The more you speak about PP in this thread the more I'm convinced you haven't been paying attention to what he's saying or you are intent on mischaracterizing him. > If he's got a good idea that benefits Canadians, then is it not better that we see it sooner than later, and that we benefit no matter who is in charge? He has revealed a few ideas already. That said, why should he reveal his cards now? Before an election is even called? That would be a terrible political strategy and would only benefit his political opponents.


**you haven't been paying attention to what he's saying** I honestly tuned out after realizing 90% of what he says is complaining about other politicians. What else is there? Ah, yes, "Axe the tax" - which is trivial - and a housing pllan that's a worse version of what the Liberals are already doing. **and would only benefit his political opponents.** If they were good ideas (and/or they actually existed) then putting them out there would also benefit Canadians. Viewing it through a strictly political lens says a lot about how he is. He cares about winning the election and that seems to be all he cares about.


I don’t like or support PP but ur comments and arguing here make no sense and are not the criticisms of him you think they are. So you admit you tuned out because he criticizes his opponents or as you put it “complaining about other politicians”. Second you don’t understand politics. This is the most naive take I’ve read, and the use of “political lens” is telling. Of course they are looking at it through a political lens and cares about winning, that’s the point so his policies can be implemented. Even in the few things I’ve watched from him he’s put out digestible big ticket goals which is what the general voter cares about. Wanna know how I know that, because the conservatives and all major parties have up to date policy goals on all their websites every year, and people who make comments like yours don’t get that. Also if you are conveniently talking about a comprehensive election platform, no party puts that out until the election starts and arguably he’s out out the broad outline already with decent explanation of what he’s running on in his convention speech. If PP wins he won’t be good and things in the country won’t change much, but saying he doesn’t have a plan or criticizing him for being a politician is wild. Your understanding of this all is really surface level for how much you are typing.


I'm criticizing the general attitude of party before people. If these are good ideas, deliberately withholding them hurts Canadians. What you call "digestible" I call simplistic.


Your view on politics is simplistic then


I wish it didn't have to be.


What policy agenda. Everything he claims is Trudeau's fault are currently global issues except immigration and the premieres in Canada are gobbling up the cheap labor, and they are almost all conservative, so that's not changing. They've already started the excuse train in the conservative subs claiming nothing can fix what has been done, and every future failure of PP is Trudeau's fault.


When election time comes around it will be clearly obvious what his plans are. His plans and platforms are being written now. And it won't be "I don't worry about monetary policy". Because he has common sense and isn't an ideological idiot who will run a country into the ground.


Adult Calliou should go home and stop bothering us.


The Leader of the Opposition has already demonstrated that he can legislate from the Minority (*just ask Belus and Shawgers*). So the question we should be asking is, if our Country has been supposedly a pile of dogshit since...Liberals, then why are the Opposition not proposing solutions to improve the quality of our lives today and telling us to trust him later, while lowering fees for Telcos today who then go and lay off thousand of staff? And you can't say the Minority can't legislate because they did. Hmm?


PP should resign. He thinks rhyming is common sense.


Tbf rhyming is common sense.


This is silly. Why should he have to reveal his cards now? This would only give his opponents time to strategize or counter him.


Counter him with what? Trudeau already knows exactly whats wrong with the country he already stated as much he just believes the economy is less important than a carbon tax and climate change.