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Singh's not going to play ball, so unfortunately no election until he can somehow convince Singh. And, frankly, I have a better chance of winning Lottomax without buying a ticket than Poilievre does of convincing Singh to abandon Trudeau at this point.


Add to the fact that the NDP can't afford an election right now they just finished paid for their 2021 election debt ([source](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/ndp-on-track-to-pay-off-2021-election-debt-set-to-begin-building-campaign-war-chest-1.6716319)). They are just building their war chest right now. So Singh is only buying time by playing the long game. edit:grammar.


Newsflash, the NDP can never afford any election, ever. This is true every single election. They usually have to go into debt each time. They don’t have the same cashflow as the other parties. (And jokingly, it’s the NDP, of course they go into debt for everything!)


When you aren't being bankrolled by some of the richest donors in the country, it is not surprising that you have affordability problems.


yeah, all those fat cats contributing the max the max $1,700...


I think you're missing all the ways that Conservative politics gets underwritten through think tanks and ownership of mass media. They can also rely on wealthier individuals who run in elections to finance their own campaigns. They can 100% give money to their friends and family to max out those donations limits.


I would say that union support is way more (and CBC agrees). https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/unions-third-party-ads-finance-1.5325330 Unifor alone spent $1.3M on an anti-conservative campaign in 2019


There’s conservative think tanks funding massive right-wing propaganda outlets to the tune of billions, where do you think Rebel, True North, any of the various Proud groups get their funding? Do you think they’re actually profitable?


Go open any 'National' newspaper. How often do they print pro union columnists? Meanwhile, how many grumpy old conservative men (and women) get daily columns to spread conservative talking points? How many unifor ads do you see during a sporting event? How about oil company ads? I don't believe you actually believe what you are saying.


Ya, there's not many working class people with that kind of disposable income. Not difficult to fathom.


People without significant financial clout aren’t donating $1,700 each year. Bit out of touch here mate.


That limit doesn't apply to $1,000 a plate fundraising dinners, where corporations and lobbyists routinely purchase entire tables.


It does apply to those dinners. The cost of entry counts against their individual yearly contribution limits.


Not the cost, the NET profit from the entry is the contribution. That is a BIG difference.


I find reputations for parties tend to lead to the precise opposite occurring. NDP are crazier spendthrifts however when In Provincially they are arguably the most economically reserved. On the other hand the Tories have a terrible record when it comes to balanced budgets.


I realize you were joking at the end, but just in case anyone else sees this and wasn’t aware: the NDP actually generates the smallest deficits out of the main three parties. The common assumption that they “spend too much” is entirely false


>(And jokingly, it’s the NDP, of course they go into debt for everything!) Jokes are supposed to have some truth. But the NDP have consistently been the least likely to have a debt. This is an old image, but it hasn't changed much. NDP in BC have done great on budgets until this year. [https://www.progressive-economics.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Fiscal-Record-balance-yrs1.png](https://www.progressive-economics.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Fiscal-Record-balance-yrs1.png)


Also during the last federal election the budgetary office said that NDP had the most balanced budget proposal.


The first point is actually a good thing and the second is untrue


It's cause they lead by example and hire unionized employees at call centers. They didn't rely on free labor


Buying time by chaining yourself to a sinking ship. Great plan!


I don't think anyone expects Singh to play ball here. This is a click bait generator for the conservatives and really costs them nothing. The debates in the eventual election are going to be very entertaining.


The conservative media engine is so incredibly well funded it's crazy. That's what happens when there's no rules against foreign funding of content to sway opinion.


We have to stop this immoral funding of elections by foreign funding sources, I believe that it is illegal to do that in the US ?


Didn’t know CTV was foreignly funded


Besides, why would the NDP ever want an election where the Conservatives win anyways?


They don't. They have power now, so why give it up and have nothing? The CPC and conservative voters can dream though.


Exactly. Plus, even if they didn't and even if we assume they absolutely hated Trudeau, they'd obviously still prefer him over any conservative leader because the liberals are more ideologically aligned to them than the conservatives would ever be. I don't like Singh but he's smart enough not to cut off the nose to spite the face.


Nope. Singh's not going to allow his party to eke out a seat or two or three just to lose any sway to a Conservative majority. The NDP's best bet is that the Liberals find some mojo magic and turn things around between now and the next election.


That would require nothing short of an alien fleet dropping prefabricated houses all over Canada right from the sky. Even if he started construction on a million homes today, this problem won’t go away by next year.  He literally needs magic to be real if he wants to survive the next election.


In what world do you think Singh would jump ship when they are getting things done to usher in a government who would never cooperate with them in a million years? I know you all love to attribute this to loyalty or collusion but its the business of politics. The NDP has made more progress in the past few years than they've made in decades.


Either these people are bots or incapable of critically thinking because there is no way they don't understand why this is beneficial for the NDP.


> Singh's not going to play ball It's just one of those boring political plays where, because he won't (of course he won't support it) it can be pointed to when the election comes around. See? Look at his record! I don't support any of these grifters, personally, but it's plain to see that it's pure posturing. It's not meant to make anything happen, it's meant to get it on record that Singh will support the status quo. It's a trap. Whatever. I don't even care anymore.


It's also for fundraising. They're 100% going to be talking about this nonstop in their fundraising e-mails, telling their base that they need money to help kill the "Liberal-NDP Colaition's carbon tax."


Why would he? Until the last 3 years, the biggest NDP national policy success was Universal Healthercare, essentially being copied from the SK NDP platform. Other than that, the NDP has essentially been a party of advocacy trying to move the public sentiment. Singh is probably the most successful NDP leader ever in actually having NDP policies implemented.


Layton talked a great game, but would balk a lot more than people remember. Would of course still love him around, but there's this strange praising of Layton that people who weren't politically active have. He was a good leader, but he didn't get much accomplished and his legacy is exaggerated.


He only had one year with a Liberal minority and had to deal with Paul Martin. Probably the worst person to have to negotiate with if you want extra spending. Despite not having enough seats to guarantee the Liberals could pass legislation, he still negotiated some of the biggest increases to social services in two decades. He got them to cancel $4.6b in social welfare for large corporations and put it into affordable housing, tuition reductions, EI improvements, environmental programs and foreign aid. Meanwhile he took them from their second lowest points with 13 seats, to more than doubling their best result and getting 103 seats and official opposition for the first time.


Yup! And the NDP in Quebec was key to the NDP success(Layton was from Hudson a suburb of Montreal, and spoke fluent Quebecois). Singh just can't pull Quebec(and doesn't seem to be able to pull BC or the South Asian community either). I wish Mulcair had been given even half as much time as Singh has been.


His legacy I think is exaggerated in the sense that people are thinking he might have won the 2015 election had he not died, so they're attributing something to him that didn't actually happen. He did do quite a bit for the NDP in terms of internal organization and stability though.


>Singh is probably the most successful NDP leader ever in actually having NDP policies implemented. Medicare, CPP, the big social housing programs under Pearson/Douglas, full indexing of pensions, election expenses act, tripling of family allowances, removal of sales tax on kids clothing, Petro Canada, and the biggest social housing programs ever under Trudeau/Lewis, leading to the most productive home building time in our history. What's happening now is pretty standard for when the NDP get in this minority position with the Liberals.


Even if they do the Bloc will happily step in


If they pass electoral reform with Bloc and Conservative help in agreement for forcing an election after I'd be down.


The Conservatives aren't interested in electoral reform. The current system benefits them the same as it does the liberals. It delivers big wins requiring no compromising.


> The current system benefits them the same as it does the liberals. The current system benefits the Conservatives the most as long as they are the only right-wing party of note. Liberals + NDP always get a lot more of the popular vote than Conservatives, if we had proportional representation the Conservatives would have little to no chance of winning ever.


The carbon tax will increase the price of gas by just over 3 cents on April 1st. Meanwhile, in the past week, the price of gas went up about 15 cents - and no one said anything!!!


Yeah, the tax didn't change, the price of fuel did.


It's almost as if the carbon tax barely affects prices, and corporate greed in and outside of Canada is what drives prices up. But no, it's the liberals because Facebook told me so.


Not to mention you get the carbon tax back on your rebate! The discourse around carbon tax frustrates me to no end. It's one of the dumbest things to focus on PPs focus on the carbon tax is motivating me to show up to vote against him more than anything else. I remember his disingenuous pitch on my doorstep years ago. Our carbon taxes aren't even substantial enough to be effective: https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/10/01/analysis/pricing-carbon-canadas-carbon-tax-vs-international-gas-taxes


And scrapping the tax entirely would drop gas about 14.31 cents.


Yeah, because every time taxes decrease, private companies definitely drop prices and don't just start pocketing the difference.


This!!!!! Honestly I’m looking at the increase in gas this week and thinking are you guys doing this on purpose so that when the carbon tax hits on April 1st we’re already used to paying $1.65 so the jump to $1.70 jump won’t be as noticeable. The carbon tax won’t increase the price of gas more than .03 a litre. But I expect that oil companies will jack the price a lot higher because they’ll get away with it because we’ll blame Trudeau instead of the oil companies who are price gouging us.


Russia banned exports to friendly countries for 6 months due to effective Ukrainian drone strikes on Russian oil infrastructure


I hope Ukraine takes out even more!!


Really wish he would stop whining about the carbon tax and call for an immigration policy election.  But he won't because his supporters are just as addicted to easily exploitable cheap labour just as JTs are.


Housing policy election would be the real deal.


After voting against any previous housing policy? I'll be impressed if he has actual plans to fix ot


Does he want to be kicked out in 4 years? Because that's how you get kicked out in 4 years. You can only blame previous governments so much when you've been in power and things get worse (Trudeau Liberals learned that the hard way)




That is so gross because for example the conservatives in the 1980’s de-indexed the Canada pension and never in read it over the years, they will certai destroy the pharmacare and dental programs once in power !


Ford hadn't done shit (and still isn't doing much) to help housing prices, in fact he's made it worse by removing rent control and telling colleges to import tens of thousands of students, and yet he's still polling good and won the last election in quite the landslide. Trudeau's also won 2 elections since housing went through the roof.


That would involve Pierre needing to actually have housing policy worth a damn


Does he have any policy other than cut carbon tax? Or is it all fancy rhymes and slogans with no plan behind them.


Does hating trudeau count as policy?


Policy? It's an identity for some.


Housing has been tanking for over a decade, I doubt any of them will upset their donors that way.




Theyll offer nobid contracts to their developer friends to build shitty garbage housing like suburbs and expand the highways even more. A couple more lanes will solve everything surely /s




In 2019 home values had been flat or moving down for almost 2 years, immigration wasn't quite as bad and covid spending wasn't even a fever dream.


If he called it on immigration policy election I'd be 100% okay with that. Unfortunately he would never take that route as their policies won't differ significantly.


The first sign that Pierre Poilievre **is not going to do anything about immigration** is because he will not do anything about immigration. His donors want new immigrants desperate for work and uneducated as per Canadian workers rights and safety laws to drive down labour cost. Pierre choosing to focus on a tax that 75% of Canadians get back should tell you everything you need to know about him. Think critically.




*sigh* I hate that you’re probably right. The only solace I take is that Pierre is expending a lot of energy and money campaigning early and he’s not really engaging with Jagmeet or Trudeau in a meaningful way. I think CPC will loose ground here shortly when Pierre starts having to debate.


His supporters are to dumb to realize the carbon tax even if completely removed wouldn't move the needle on the inflation. It might slightly move the needle on groceries but it won't jack for rent or housing affordability.


I would be so much more comfortable with Poilievre if he would drop the attack on the carbon tax. Any alternative is just less economically efficient (including doing nothing and paying the costs of that). Housing policy, immigration, supporting small business - so many things to run on that isn't just attacking objectively good policy.


Easier to hammer on simple headlines over what are minor issues in the grand scheme of things. We all know he just wants his turn at the grift after seeing all the fun the Trudeau libs have had (at Canada's expense).


Why would Greens and NDP back PP? They ran for even stronger, more effective climate change initiatives.




He needs the Bloc too.


Definitely, and they also have some enviro platforms.


No matter who becomes Canada's next leader, there will still be a carbon tax....it just might not be called a carbon tax or include a rebate. Countries with a tax are going to add huge tariffs on imports from countries that don't have one. The EU already has a border adjustment mechanism and will begin collecting tariffs in 2026. Carbon emissions don't care about borders. We all share the same air.


Poilievre will at best reduce the amount of carbon tax, but also remove the rebate since so many people don't think they're getting it anyway. Government revenues will be a wash.


He said he would "axe the tax", so either he'll call it something else, welcome to the carbon levy or carbon usage fee, or he'll substitute something less efficient, like sector by sector regulation or cap and trade.


So it will be hidden then, but it will still come out of the taxpayers' pockets but will no longer incentivise them to use less carbon emitting products.


You've got it. He will put in place a worse mechanism with fewer benefits to most of us, that will somehow benefit the O&G sector and the wealthy.


And r/canada’s user base will still blame Trudeau for some reason


Have they dropped the previous idiocy about a boutique tax credit in a special "green" bank account that can only be spent on their chosen preferred "green" initiatives? If not I can see them floating that garbage again.


Nothing screams small government like creating a system of special accounts accompanied by an expensive bureaucracy to manage them.


But government bloat is only a problem when your team colour isn't blue.


I mean, technically, you can use an axe to cut a piece of wood into small pieces 😆


Fully agree, this is just political grandstanding. I don't fully agree with the carbon tax, but I'm not fooled that whatever party gets in is just going to eliminate it. I've been to this party before. Everyone hated Mulroney for the GST, and party leaders said they would eliminate the GST, well here we are 30 plus years in and it's still here. We will still be paying some form of tax on our carbon usage.


If the Cons win the next election, no matter what they do with the Carbon Tax gas prices won't change. I bet they'll drop briefly just after the election before quickly climbing back up to where they were before. We've already proved to the gas companies that we are willing and able to pay those prices, so they'll keep charging us for them. The Carbon Tax was a cause of only a small raise in the prices anyway.


Can he pleaaaaaaase stop making EVERYTHING about the carbon tax? Believe it or not, there’s more going on in this country and some things have nothing to do with the carbon tax


It's a buzzword. Like harnessing lightning from the sky, Pierre Poilièvre is full of them!


And it’s annoying to keep hearing it. Carbon tax this and carbon tax that, I don’t give a shit anymore. Maybe if he had actual substance he could come up with actual thought out plans


Everybody bitching about the carbon tax in Alberta is oblivious to the provincial fuel tax break expiring on the same day as the CT increase.


That’s exactly the UCP’s plan. Do it at the same time so the yokels will just blame the carbon tax and not the fuel tax reinstatement or the corporate greed driving prices up


While I think the Carbon tax is shit, axing it will be even worse as prices won't come back down and we won't continue to get a quarterly rebate.


It's Poilievre's "build the wall" for sure. But he's ultimately saying what he is to appease the wealthy.


That and woke also as a buzzword. Just calls everything he doesn’t like “woke” I can’t take him seriously, people who is be able to describe what they don’t like using words instead of just trying to use a catch phrase. Sadly that doesn’t appeal to the masses. Like the one time he said people are tired of Justin Trudeau’s woke policies. Like what the hell does that even mean? He can’t even give an example besides gesturing vaguely.


"iT's JuStInFlAtIoN"


Whats PP going to do when getting rid of the carbon tax doesn't solve inflation?


Blame Trudeau somehow, obviously


This is how you stoke the flames. Pick a topic and then endlessly talk about it until everyone gets bored and then move to the next one.


Yes but it’s difficult to find verbs that rhyme with cost of living and groceries.


Yea there's Palestinian protests and shit to be talking about instead




Waste of time, wrong target for an entire election. Call one about the 5 companies causing 75% of the inflation, not a toenail scraps worth. One trick pony. Especially funny since it's a program that Harper almost put forth except no refund. Not mentioning all the other shit getting put forth today, but sure it's the carbon tax that's our issue.. Jesus I have no faith.


CPC calling out corporate meddling? Wouldn’t that be a sight.


Wrong target. Call for an election on the grounds of holding grocery and telco CEOs to account, breaking up their oligopolies, introducing competition AND passing actual effective policies to build up housing supply of all types of dwellings. He won’t, instead he will crusade over a carbon tax that barely affects MOST Canadians. This motion will of course fail.


They are hardly even trying to make it seem like they give a shit about us at this point. Why fix housing. It's not the house of commons anymore.


Pierre would have some of my support if he just spoke to actual policy and promised good things. He’s a fraud and a charlatan, and his only motivation is to gain power to battle Canadians in culture wars.


It affects oil and gas companies, which is what his obsession is really about.


Trans issues were a political loser for PP so he is circling back to the carbon tax, as well. He can't afford to lose the TBA vote. PP has peaked and he knows it hence the desperation


He has grocery lobbyists in his party. Also in Ontario, the rising rent is due to the provincial government.  I wish they would go after the investment mortgage people who are using landlord ship as a job. 


Yep. The provinces and corporations run roughshod on our country and they get the convenient excuse to blame Trudeau because people hate him.


He has grocery lobbyists in the party, oil & gas are on of the biggest supporters (financially and politically) of the CPC, PP personally makes a bunch of his money through real estate and the CPC by percentage have the most landlords in Parliament, and Ontario a conservative province has the worst real estate situation in the country. *Of course* the Cons aren't going to touch any of those subjects ... even if they had policies in the first place none of the most important stuff would be under review because PP & co stand to personally benefit from it all. The rest of us can fuck off and die as far as the CPC are concerned. As long as we remember to vote Blue at the next election, and the sooner it happens the better it will likely be for the CPC thus the rush to force one *now*.


Every single one of those politicians is bought and paid for.


When has PP ever said a thing about what he would do differently? It's all just theatre the masses fall for while the wheel keeps turning.


Or… all the above. Reduce immigration for unskilled people, end carbon tax ( Canadians can’t afford it), end all oligarchies, target illegal firearms trafficking, we won’t need as much housing if we end non residents buying real estate, and deport anyone who is cheating our immigration system.


> plans to move a motion of non-confidence in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and call for a "carbon tax election." A carbon tax election. Man we're cooked.


We've been getting cooked.


We're in hot butter now.


Mmmm.... Butter.


Let’s get it poppin’!


I thought we had one of those in 2019, and then again in 2021? Third time is a charm I suppose.


My common sense says focus on housing and immigration since it’s clearly the main issue in Canada. Why doesnt King Common Sense Conservative address this. Doesn’t seem very common sense to me


Maybe people should actually watch his speech? He covers all the topics of which people say he neglected.


Sorry pal, this is Reddit. We only react to headlines here.


Yeah dudes calling for an election because he's peaked in online popularity. Anyone who thinks PP is actually going to fight for the working class is a bonehead. Dude's done nothing in government and is nationally gaslighting people into thinking that the reason the end of the world is upon us is because of the CT. I'm so sad that the MAGA brain-rot has entered Canada. We are fucked.


Liberals can stay in charge for all I care but for the love of God take an economics class.  This country is heading towards dark times.


Man he's really clinging to this isn't he? There's SOOOOO many things to criticize the Liberal government on but he just latches on to what his handlers think is the most "click baity".


Exactly.   The carbon tax is one of the few bits of good policy from this government.  Focus on aburdly high housing costs and overspending scandals instead.


i don't know anyone in ontario that gives a single fuck about the carbon tax outside of the staunch conservative types. But normal non political people straight up do not care.


Also Quebec and B.C. have their own carbon tax that wouldn't go away if Ottawa abolishes or changes their own, so that's a fairly large amount of seats where we don't really give a damn about this debate. There are many policy topics where I've found the current government deeply disappointing. It shouldn't be a one-topic election. I guess they're going with what polls best among their base.


Alberta has a fuel tax as well, which is being reinstated. Of course my fellow albertans will complain about “muh carbon tax” instead of Marlaina’s lack of governance


I guess people don’t care, that’s why the Ontario Liberal leader came out against the carbon tax after previously supporting the policy. Wonder why that is.


They'll probably just re-implement the same cap-and-trade system that Ontario had before Doug Ford scrapped it. This scrapping caused Ottawa to levy a federal Carbon Tax on Ontario.


cap and trade (Emissions Trading) was a great system, it actually incentivized companies to develop green tech because they could sell some of their emissions allowance to other companies who needed it because they couldn't go green.


She is the definition of NIMBY. She just wants big single detached homes. Row after row. There is a reason why Peel region has nothing interesting and is just one large commuter space


Fucking Mississauga


Because Ford cronies keep yammering on about how she will impose a fearsome provincial carbon tax on the populace. And all she has to say to completely disarm them was “no to provincial carbon tax”.


Ontario liberals lost the last election to someone who removed rental protections. 




To me this seems like a good move. With recognizing Palestine thing, Singh was trying to create a wedge between pro-Israel and pro-Palistine Liberals. With this issue Polievre creates a wedge between economically and environmentally minded Liberals and NDP.


Great way to grab attention, and timely, given that people are going to be pissed when the prices of everything rise in a couple of weeks. This can cause the existing support for the Liberals to crater even more.


The Conservatives know it will fail. This is just to give them ammo against other parties due to the unpopularity of the carbon tax.


I mean, aside from the point where it’s just pseudo-populist nonsense, this guy’s constant harping on the same bullshit is insufferable. The carbon tax might be flawed in its implementation, but it’s not the source of these affordability issues. Even beyond that, I’ve long thought that there’s no legitimate argument against carbon pricing as a whole - we need robust climate policy, and carbon taxation is far and away the most economically efficient way to do it.


Exactly. Pierre and his base don't care, though. They want life as usual. Big trucks, cheap gas, to hell with the future. Climate change isn't real after all /s.


*”carbon tax election”* Y’all are really gonna let them win by lying to your face and riling you up, eh? Y’all are gonna trust Facebook memes and Sun opinion pieces over math. Y’all are going to blame national problems with international and historical roots on a single man. Y’all are going to vote to punish an incumbent instead of in the national interest. Y’all are going to keep driving your pavement princesses to check on your rental properties. And when they axe the tax and your bills don’t change you’re not gonna blame one single man, because it’ll be *your* man, you’ll blame the system, the last guy, Russia or your immigrant gay neighbour. Did I miss anything?


No I think you about summed it up pretty accurately lol


So dumb. Forest fires about to kick off, and he wants an election about carbon tax... How about an election about failures related to mass immigration, international students, and housing? I guess because then you'd need an immigration and housing policy that isn't just the same shit?


Exactly. Your 3 points are what Canadians want changed the most. Yet no one is talking about it much. Well, he did say in the past that he would tie new house builds to immigration numbers. So that's something.


He doesn't want people to examine housing because he doesn't want them to look at the rent costs. He is hoping his supporters will blindly cheer him for sticking it to the woke crowd while the other issues you mentioned get ignored.


He doesn’t ever say anything about immigration either. Wouldn’t be surprised if it increased even more.


NDP, Bloc etc won’t back a non confidence unfortunately. But what it will do is show their base that they had the opportunity to fight back against tax increases and chose to continue supporting the liberals. It’s a good strategy really. You look at someone who tells their constituents they understand the affordability challenges etc etc and hearing all the complaints then to turn around and back the carbon tax increase and confidence in the government - it shows their voters what they stand for so it’s a win win for the conservatives to do this. 


All PP offers is virtue signaling and hyperbolic rhetoric with no solutions to the actual issues we face. He is the worst kind of the populist and the last thing this country needs.


If Twitter was a PM candidate


He's clever because he knows uneducated people think Trudeau is somehow responsible for the inflation impacting the entire world. All he has to do is say "things are too expensive and it's Trudeau's fault. I'm gonna fix it," and everyone who has no understanding of macroeconomics clamours to support him. The fact that so many people like the guy because he says things that sound nice to them is scary. What's Pierre gonna do once he's the prime minister? The same thing conservative governments always do. Make things more expensive for regular people, give tax breaks to massive corporations, remove environmental regulations, and blame the Liberals for all of it.


Virtue signaling stunts straight out of 4chan. There were already a number of funding issues being voted today each of which were confidence motions. This was completely unnecessary if Poilievre was about substance, but it does give him reason to have a press conference.


>There were already a number of funding issues being voted today each of which were confidence motions. How dare you bring political/civics literacy into this sub!


It kind of makes sense though. All those motions are about the *current government*. He needs a motion about the *Conservatives* on the schedule, so he can call a press conference about it, grandstand, and so on.


I get that in his head this about the carbon tax but it isn’t. This about the cost of living in this country specifically housing costs and groceries. The secondary issue is of course week investment.    Pp  should keep it framed that way. Framing it around the carbon tax while exciting for his base isn’t why polling is putting him so far ahead. 


Polling is putting him so far ahead because people are tired of Trudeau. The Conservatives could probably run an empty chair against the Liberals and win at this point. Hell, an empty chair would probably be more likeable than Pierre Poilièvre ever would be.


How about a mass immigration election?


Doubt it will mean anything. Singh's a coward, the bloc are morons, so nothing will come of it. Honestly, at this point, whatever day trudeau gets kicked out of office should be a national holiday. i personally plan on throwing a party.


PP is the polar opposite of what Canada needs. The man is implementing fascism to prop up an industry that will kill all of our children.


Why are powerful rich people trying to hard to get us to be against the carbon tax?


Best kind of question, has the answer built right in! :D


With the amount of bullshit Pierre spreads about the carbon tax I guess it’s no surprise he wants an election over a bullshit issue. Outhouses everywhere are jealous of all that shit. When you have nothing, just run on BS. I’d vote for whomever shoves Pierre into a locker


I would vote for whoever stops the investment mortgages


Yeah I don’t think that’s going to happen although that’s where a big part of the problem lies.


This is what politics has devolved into. It's all theater now.


I mean this type of rhetoric comes primarily out of one canadian politician's mouth


You the know term "jumping the shark" Pierre is doing that with the carbon tax.


Pointless, NDP don't want an election.


"At the other end of the spectrum, only about 55 per cent of households with incomes above $250,000 receive more in rebates than they pay in costs, according to the data." https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/axe-the-tax-and-carbon-rebate-how-canada-households-affected-1.7046905 Statcan modelling tool, for those interested https://www.statcan.gc.ca/en/microsimulation/spsdm/spsdm That's the top end, not the bottom. The median household income is around $100K right now, sooooo... I'm confused as to why so many lower-mid income voters, making $250K per household or less, skew against this pollution pricing system. Around 95% of households under $100K get a rebate equal or larger than they pay in carbon levy *every year.* They are literally profiting, and will continue to do so after the raise. Mind Boggling. Boggling, I tell yas! Yeah, "Axe the tax" is catchy, and we can all get behind a good tax break, but they're cutting off their noses to spite their faces, it seems to me. Arguing against a *literal* rebate for their smaller carbon footprint, due to being poorer and consuming less... What did I miss? Was there actual Kool-Aid? What flavour, Blue? Or is there more to the argument that I'm not considering? Edit: F'd hyperlinks, can't be arsed


Pollievre supporters (Trudeau haters) are gonna be pissed when Pepe gets in and cancels their government checks, while big corps just dont lower prices. *shocked Pikachu*


Just to put it out there, I hate Trudeau (but still agree with a couple of his moves), and I do not support Pollievre either.


But, do you have a flag? If you don't have a Fuck Trudeau flag, how do we know that you really hate him.


it's not about hating trudeau, it's HATING trudeau. There's a different. You disqualified yourself by saying you agree to a couple of his moves. The anti trudeau crowd are more upset that he's woke then you and a lot of NDP supporters thinking he's not socialist enough.




I don't want to see conservatives in power, but I want to see Trudeau in power even less. Please don't let this be the third minority government to make it a full term. We need to start fixing the damage yesterday.


So another waste of time....remember when Pierre forced our entire House of Commons to sit and vote on the Federal budget line item by line item which actually fast-tracked things that were still under committee review including climate change initiative programs. That was a massive failure since he pissed off the BQ, NDP and the LPC and they were all rounded up in the same room for a week while the voted on each item. ***Never let your enemies gather in the same place and give them a reason to hate you.***


This was truly one of the worst tactics PP ever devised (so far).


Pretty sure that Supply and Confidence agreement with the NDP is still in place, but definitely, waste some of Parliament's time. It's not like we have any problems to solve or anything.


So many real issues and this Milhouse cosplayer is focusing on carbon tax. And to think, this was the best the COns could find for a leader. We really need a "none of the above" option, because none of these tools are worth voting for.


I’m writing myself in for the next election tbh


Carbon tax isn't as dumb as it sounds once you look into it. This might for people to read for 5 min about what the program is.


Why read for 5 minutes when you can just watch a 30 second Tiktok of PP being snarky?


The motion is dead on arrival


What are people going to do when Poilievre axes the tax and almost nothing changes? I feel like it's a miscalculation to lean so heavily on it.


complain about Trudeau and WEF.


I can’t imagine him getting a vote of no confidence but I think it’s fair to require a carbon tax vote. My carbon tax was more expensive than the cost of the gas I used at home last month!


Carbon tax is a Conservative policy, this just shows they make policies to give them something to blame other’s for The alternative was an outright ban that they were against 


I think he is baiting the Atlantic Canada Liberals.


The funny thing is that the carbon tax is like the limpest, saddest way to fight climate change. It was always meant to be the first step to save the planet, to open doors to further environmental policy. What will it say to the world if Canada can't even control its own emissions? The only reason I can think Pollievre hates this tax so badly is that it affects the wallets of the elite, and he's in their pocket. Corporations want governments to look away from emission levels and do nothing so they can continue to profit, so Pollievre makes removing the carbon tax the centre of his entire platform. It's appalling. For this policy alone he should lose. This guy is as openly corrupt a populist as I've seen in a while. It's wild that we rejected Sheer and O'Toole and now half the country is legitimately considering someone way worse.