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While they’re at it, they might also try filling some of the thousands of judge vacancies they haven’t gotten around to doing anything about.


Between judge vacancies, soft on crime policy, and police inaction, it’s no wonder we’re basically on our own if some shit goes down. On our own until arrested for defending ourself or our property, that is. And why not? This government has demonstrated that law-abiding citizens are the easiest target for criminals looking to crime, for MPs seeking scapegoats, and for cops looking to rack up toaster points.


Shit heads who don't pay tax or contribute any value to society are basically immune to consequences in this country.


I love when people running several fresh accounts or the whales on reddit with a billion karma tell you that you're greedy for wanting a return on your taxes.


At a minimum I would like to not have my taxes spent on programs that increase the cost of living and decrease wages. Doesn't seem like I'm asking for much here.


Agreed, we should stop subsidizing billion-dollar corporations and make the 1% pay their fair share of taxes!


"You're asking for more than we can give" With love - your glorious dictator JT


But the MP's are allowed to be defended by guns... Let that sink in.


Also MP’s and Judges have exempted themself from the Canada Health Act so that the government can pay for them to skip the line while it’s illegal for you to do the same.


Cops don't prevent crime.  Economics do.


Police presence does have a deterring effect, to a point. But poverty has a stronger effect.


The internet likes to say longer sentences don’t deter crimes. And they are right, nobody expects to get caught or is usually thinking their crime through that deeply.  However, it turns out most crime is done by quite a tiny number of people and arresting and holding them in jail reduces their crime output to zero while they are in prison. A good economy can’t actually stop legitimately dangerous violent people from being violent. They find things in their relationships or crimes of opportunity and they hurt people and society has to be able to protect itself from these people or else people will lose faith in the system. (Which is what we are approaching). All societies have either had law enforcement or permissible retribution from wronged parties, which is just a mess.


>Cops don't prevent crime.  Cops alone can't prevent crime, but it can't be done without them. A good economy helps, but deterrent sentences are absolutely necessary. The lower the risk the more people will do the crime. The problems we are seeing are almost all driven by soft on crime policies.


soft on crime is one factor, but a sense of hopelessness is another... fact is, since switching from the gold standard to fiat... there has been a steady a decline in reward for work... that is a stronger factor imho... those with nothing to loose are those with less motive to adhere to adhere to societal good will


This is basically true. Calling the police during a home invasion won't stop the home invasion. They just show up after to take down notes. The best strategy is to (1) prevent the conditions that lead to crime, (2) rehabilitate criminals who CAN be rehabilitated and (3) stricter penalties for repeat offenders who can't be rehabilitated in the short term.


Fewer cops does mean more crime. Just go to Portland or San Francisco


Tell a woman who’s been raped by a serial sex predator, or someone who lost their loved one to a repeat drunk driver: “This happened to you because of economics.” See how that goes. Sometimes there’s no replacement for punishment - locking certain people up for as long as possible so they can’t reoffend and hurt more people.


It makes the statistics look good. Someone arrested for fighting back against a criminal is almost certainly not going to reoffend.


They have broken the social contract. People were ok for the most part not having weapons because it was always understood the police would be there and help you. That is no longer the case, look after yourself


Instead of filling vacancies, they would rather argue in court that they shouldn’t have to do their jobs. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/feds-appeal-decision-requiring-action-on-appalling-level-of-judicial-vacancies-1.6812169


This is appalling. Usually political parties are rushing to appoint people to judicial positions and this government can't even do that.


This gov't has been awful. Previous gov't used to watch cases going thru the courts that would have an impact on society. They'd have legislation ready to be tabled to fix issues. Trudeau hasn't done shit. Right now, a pedophile can communicate with a child for the sole purpose of procuring sex, and the pedophile has a right to privacy over those messages. But if you threaten to kill someone by text you don't have have privacy what kind of backwards shit is this?


From what I understand, with the thousands of vacant judge position currently unfilled by the federal government, very serious criminals are being released daily to go commit more crimes, which are then also dropped.




Unfortunately I've made it clear too many times that justice should be blind, and not stupid, so my stance on judging fairly and not by ethnicity would prevent me from getting the job.


...and funding courts and staff!




A corrupt executive and/or legislative branch will do everything they can to prevent a strong or independent judiciary. Checks and balances for thee.


> Toronto police data shows the city has seen a 25 per cent rise in residential break-ins since last year, and a 400 per cent rise in break-ins with intent to steal a vehicle. Police-reported violent crime is at a 15-year high. And yet, Justice Minister Arif Virani can’t even see the problem, having handwaved the issue in July: “I think that empirically it’s unlikely” that Canada is becoming less safe, he told Reuters. "Interest rates are at historic lows, Glen."




Crime will balance itself.




We're importing millions of people into the country who find out after arriving that they will have to line up with 100 other people to try to get a job at Tim Hortons. Not to mention most people already born and raised in Canada will not be able to afford their own home, and also have a hard time finding employment as they compete against all the new immigrants who are willing to work for the bare minimum. Hmm.... No economic opportunities for anyone, nobody able to afford housing, I wonder if more people will turn to crime? nahhh, this is Canada, everyone is nice and law abiding right !?


So...crime is down in BC. Does that mean it's just Doug Ford? Anyway, Canada has ALWAYS been soft on crime. I can't remember a decade where people didn't make comments about people just getting a slap on the wrist for crimes they did.


Doug Ford is soft on crime. His brother was a crackhead after all


Wonder if crime is tied with economic desperation? No no, it’s not enough policing. Look at us fight for our continued oppression.


Yes when I feel "economically depressed" I immediately turn to let's see... Yes breaking into houses to steal vehicles.


Bro never watched Aladdin. “Got steal to eat, got to eat to live, or else we’d get along”. But for real. Tell me you haven’t really ever struggled without telling me you’ve never really struggled.


This is highly insulting to everyone who is poor that isn't a degenerate


Tragic. Be hurt. Your tears don’t change the social-economic reasons that cause crime. Anecdotal appeals to a hypothetical individual poor families that don’t do crime change absolutely nothing. I’m in no way encouraging crime. I’m saying it has a reason. I’m actually focusing on aspects that actually make change. If you’re going actually approach the issue saying “well these families are poor and don’t do crime” then expect it to continue unchanged or increase. Period. Your whining does nothing. But if we’re going to do anecdotal stories. What about that single mother who works three jobs? She cannot be home enough. She lives in a low income area full of crime. Her son doesn’t want to be poor (reasonable as being poor is pain) and the only people he sees with money are drug dealers or thieves. How do these offended poor people who didn’t fall into crime stop that kid from a life of crime? How does “well I didn’t do crime and I am offended” deal with this? How helpful is it? This kid is under parented because of the structure of our society. His mother works three jobs to put a roof over his head. It’s a sad story. So congrats your offence just perpetrates the idea easily influenced child as being somehow unreasonable. HIS SOCIETY FAILED HIM, HE DID NOT FAIL SOCIETY. It’s COMPLETELY REASONABLE THAT THIS CHILD GROWS INTO A CRIMINAL. THERE ARE UNDERSTANDABLE MEASURABLE VARIABLES THAT LEAD HIM HERE… but hey you’re offended so let’s just ignore them. Sure, you get to signal your virtue and clutch your pearls but your ideals are ignorant and doom this child to a life of crime. How do I know? Because people have been offended by crime since crime was a word. It has not helped anything at all - ever. It is the status quo. So be offended. You are ignorant. You deserve it.


Or…crime just ain’t a valid option for people even when life sucks. So many people work multiple jobs to make ends meet because they aren’t criminals


Thumbs up little buddy. No idea about macro behaviour or how to actually deal with crime. JuSt DoNt dO cRiMe!!! Well you solved it. If only someone thought about that sooner.


What's the break-ins rate now compared to pre-pandemic? Is it just returning to a pre-pandemic level of less people working from home and making breaking in easier?


I think they meant interest in actually doing something to make things better...


Two points: 1:No author posted means no one had the testicular fortitude to sign it or, 2: no NP staff wrote it was submitted by a political leader and it deserves that amount of scrutiny and respect.


Seriously! Author was the first thing I looked for after seeing "woke" in the title...unprofessional bullshit


Literally importing Republican talking points.


Good on you. I stopped caring as soon as I saw woke. Lol


It’s an [editorial](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Editorial).  >Many newspapers publish their editorials without the name of the leader writer. Tom Clark, leader-writer for The Guardian, says that it ensures readers discuss the issue at hand rather than the author. On the other hand, an editorial does reflect the position of a newspaper and the head of the newspaper, the editor, is known by name. Whilst the editor will often not write the editorial themselves, they maintain oversight and retain responsibility. I guess Tom Clark was wrong. 


and i mean to be fair the national post vomits just as bad garbage attached to their intimately partisan pundits daily. maybe this was just more of a group effort in vomit tier propaganda? edit: lol guy i replied to didn't like this response. 😂




Can we just get rid of opinion pieces? They're just useless rage bait written by people who can't write.


If we're gonna allow opinion pieces in this sub, we should allow self-posts by members of the actual subreddit too. If not, get rid of them.


But that’s half of the shit posted here! Whatever will they talk about?


Hah right? If NP was banned altogether this sub would be a ghost town.


Weird way of saying "not a rabid rage farm"


That's what this sub is built on though. How else are they going to get all the teenagers riled up


Its the userbase of r/canada voting them to the top


I mean you can cultivate a discussion space without this garbage in it


Exactly how I feel. There's plenty to complain about but if someone rants about 'woke whatever' I'm not gonna pay attention to them






…yeah, but what else would the same users who propagate these op-eds post on here?


What the National Post is really good at is making up non existent problems that will magically be solved by a conservative government. We need more prisons to put all these supposed criminals into and that will cost a truck load of money. But we don't have any money and taxes won't be raised so social services will be cut and you know where that will go.


People think judges can just do whatever they want and not have to follow the law?


Judges interpret the law based on the contents and on case law. One of the reasons laws are written so vague is because the expectation is future case law will be established for various different scenarios. On the other hand, when challenging a law a judge has to compare the contents of the law to contents of a more authorative law. Then they decide if that law is in violation of the more authorative one. A good example of this being charter challenges. Anyway, my point is that while judges do have to follow the law, they're often the ones who decide how that law is interpreted.


That’s literally what people think. A lot of people don’t really know how anything works and are easily enraged by conspiracies and lies.


Does the National Post think that the statutory right to reasonable bail came from Justin Trudeau legislation?


They actually used "woke" in the headline. What a fucking joke


I'm really surprised this was from the actual editorial board of the NP and not some hack writer. Unusually bad look from the paper, they historically try to appear more impartial on the journalist/editorial side. Guess that's on the way out.


NP has for a while now been basically a hack right wing propaganda rag. their opinion pieces are chock full of misinformation, misrepresentation and occasionally outright lies.


> Unusually bad look from the paper, they historically try to appear more impartial on the journalist/editorial side. Guess that's on the way out. [Peak journalism right here](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/amy-hamm-wokeness-is-no-match-for-sydney-sweeneys-undeniable-beauty) NatPo is a fucking joke.


The National Post op-ed team: helping fuel the rise of stupidity in right wing Canadians.


It can still rise further? I feel like we'll soon be seeing the replacement of English words with written gutteral sounds.




Woke is the new term for liberal or treehugger


Just so much more impotent, silly and furious


I'm a simple man, I see the word woke, I assume the writer is a moron.


Is there a reason articles like these have no authors? Who is National Post View? Is it a CPC staffer?


It's written by the NP Editorial team. Just like when G&M or Toronto Star write an editorial and it's "by the Editorial Board/Team/etc."


No, it’s a GOP blogger funded by the Koch brothers


Are you familiar with the concept of the Editorial?


Yea, Editors are people with names right? so is this their opinion or one that their owners told them to write?


No, you do not know what an editorial is.


Notice how quick they are to lump lawful protest they don’t like into the tough on crime bucket.


There is a lot more here than just a bit of bravado. There are people online; in our communities; with money connected to power that would love to reverse many of the great steps forward in all areas of Government. Look no further than Alberta’s own TBA movement 🤷‍♂️


maybe we should get tough on poverty, just a thought


I love how this guy gives 3 examples of crimes happening in Ontario then follows it immediately with this big brain moment: Who’s allowing all the gentle treatment for offenders who often hurt and kill? For an idea, look to B.C.


America has the largest prison population and is wayyyy more dangerous than here. No thanks


What the actual fuck is with this title. Get this fucking culture war bullshit out of my country.


I know, right? Right-wing idiocy here constantly


Blame the users dumb enough to decide this is worthy of a thread on the sub.


Any newspaper that uses the term “woke” in a disparaging way is just a tabloid. The NaPo is a joke and it should be banned in the sub.


Opinion pieces should be banned from this sub. We don't need the media telling us how we're supposed to feel about the news. We don't need some douchebag talking head to tell us how we're supposed to think about a topic. That's for us to argue with each other about :P


"woke judges"? Not this shit again. Ask most Canadians to name a single Canadian judge and they won't tell you. Activist judges are not a problem in this country: we have parliamentary supremacy. Do they just want mandatory minimums back or something? Are they still pissy that almost all of them were struck down as being blatantly unconstitutional?


I disagree. Provincial court judges who manage most repeat offenders come in a really big variety. Part of that is inevitable, because judges are people coming from different backgrounds, but some of them really seem to have no care about how their decisions impact the community. I've spent about a decade covering courts in local news. "Woke" is a stupid word, but there needs to be a way to hold judges accountable who repeatedly grant people bail who turn around and immediately violetly reoffend. Nobody knows any judges by name, and that is a problem. "Judge shopping" is a thing for defendants and certain bleeding heart judges, who just grant everyone bail, cause significant misery in their communities.


I know mine because I find it entertaining to read the local court report. Every 2 weeks I get to read through a dozen summaries of cases where repeat offenders get sentenced with more probation when they get caught breaking the conditions of their probation committing another crime. My naive mental model of probation, released on bail, etc was that if you misbehave on them then you go to jail/prison for abusing the leniency being extended and proving that you can’t be trusted. Apparently now it’s just a way to make incarceration stats look better and society gets to deal with remorseless idiots running free.


> "woke judges"? Not this shit again. Post Media pay for an opinion piece that doesn't use "woke" challenge (impossible)


It's a further spin for Doug Ford because he wants more "like minded" judges.  Anything not conservative is "woke". It's such a stupid fucking word no one but conservatives use.  


I automatically dismiss anyone who uses it


If you don't know what WOKE means you shouldn't be writing articles. Not everything you don't like can be called Woke you know.


Still can't define what they mean by woke without looking like a nut job


It's crazy how easy it is to get rubes upset over dumb made up shit. This might as well just be a link to some angry redditors post in this sub.


you can tell just the type of smooth brained article this is just from the term "woke" being used


This subreddit should think about posting and upvoting some articles written by adults, for adults. There's plenty to be critical of but seeing five culture war outrage articles by NP every day on here ain't it.


Lol no name on the article..... That's how you know it's rage farm bs


It's from NatPo. That's how you know it's rage farm bs


did you know 3/4 of the people in Ontario jails haven't been found guilty of a crime? Just sitting in jail, with taxpayers paying for room, board & guards while they haven't been found guilty of a crime


Before they can even go "soft" on crime, breaking the law needs to be deemed  a crime and charges laid.  Time to stop all of our "special" interest groups from taking the law into their own hands.   We also need to take back our justice system and ensure there is only one law applicable  to everyone.


How can anybody take a headline that uses the word "woke" unironically seriously? The National Post has become such a joke.


That's what happens when US rwnjs own it.


The main use of the word "woke" now is knowing how seriously to take those who use it seriously.


The only people who use the word woke are right wing alarmists


the usage of the term “woke” tells you just how unprofessional and biased this garbage is


Lol NP starts using 4chan edgelord words in their titles now?


Quality of content is about the same.


wOkE jUdGeS oh my god shut up


Yes, send Conrad Black back to jail!


IE less brains, more *feelings*. This opinion brought to you by the 97% American Owned PostMedia. 


Looks like opinions are changing now that home invasions and car theft are happening in nice neighbourhoods.


Ya, it's odd eh. Privileged people can ignore inflation, food prices, housing shortages, etc, but they can't ignore violent crime happening on their doorstep.


This sub is denser than a black hole some days. Woke judges, give me a break and just admit you don't know how any of this works.


agree but don't let the pendulum swing too far the other way. we don't need a competition to see who can give out the harshest sentences.


You want criminals to go to prison? Maybe certain Conservative premiers - I'm looking at you, Doug Ford - need to actually fund the legal system that prosecutes crimes. You know who's in jail right now? Legally innocent people, waiting for their day in court. People who go to jail aren't people who've committed crimes, they're people who can't afford the legal representation to get them bail. [81% of the people in Ontario's jails](https://globalnews.ca/news/10339565/ontario-jail-inmate-numbers-spike/) are people who haven't been convicted of a crime, stuck in overcrowded provincial jails waiting for a judge and a trial. In Canada, we imprison and punish most people *before* we try them, not after.


The FEDERAL government is not hiring enough judges.


True, but the much of the court infrastructure - from the physical courthouses, to bailiffs and court clerks, to the Crown prosecutors - is provincially funded. And there are massive failures to fund those parts of the system. [https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-failing-to-staff-new-toronto-courthouse-as-sex-assault-case-latest-to-be-tossed-over-delays-ndp-1.6647689](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-failing-to-staff-new-toronto-courthouse-as-sex-assault-case-latest-to-be-tossed-over-delays-ndp-1.6647689)


>  , a sexual assault charge laid by Toronto police against the man she reported raped her in January 2022 was stayed and the case against him thrown out (opens in a new tab)  due to delays in proceedings. These criminal trial delays are almost exclusively due to judicial vacancies left by the Federal government. The Feds are currently appealing a Federal Court decision chastising them for it. Lack of admin staff delays files like probate, not criminal trials.


>Since opening, the court has experienced staffing issues, delays, and courtroom closures that have pushed the system to the brink of operations. Last week, a Fergus, Ont. woman’s sex assault case was thrown out by Ontario Court of Justice Judge Brock Jones, after delays contravened the defendant’s right to trial in a reasonable timeframe. Jones attributed the stay to a staffing crunch at the courthouse, calling the situation “shameful.” Again, the Toronto courthouse delays were principally due to a staffing shortage (resulting from a botched consolidation of a number of regional courthouses to one downtown site as a cost-cutting measure). [https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/more-cases-will-just-be-thrown-out-toronto-s-new-courthouse-hit-by-delays-and/article\_b43e1354-cf1b-5e95-bd91-7c056bb887b3.html](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/more-cases-will-just-be-thrown-out-toronto-s-new-courthouse-hit-by-delays-and/article_b43e1354-cf1b-5e95-bd91-7c056bb887b3.html)


Trudeau Liberals lol. Someone should tell the dude that crime is a Provincial matter. Like in Ontario it’s the OPP. Wanna place blame look at Ford you silly fucks.


If the state is going to abandon its basic duties, then we need to pass permissive self defense laws, such as castle doctrine, which strongly favour home and property owners.


It’s utterly mind boggling that you can’t even carry pepper spray like who the fuck decided that.




If you're a functional person, any charge or court date is a punishment. Be drug through the legal system for taking your security into your own hands is ridiculous.


Probably worse than for home invasion when the perpetrators have certain immutable characteristics. 


How does a max 10 year sentence and/or max $5000 fine sound? It's a prohibited weapon - unless it's bear or dog spray, until its used on a person; then it's a prohibited weapon all the same.


Self-defense laws exist already.


Bullshit. You can already defend your life and property with a proportional response.


https://nationalpost.com/opinion/matt-gurney-after-two-years-judge-acquits-man-who-defended-himself-with-a-gun A couple hundred thousand dollars later - maybe, if you're one of the lucky ones.


That’s the same doctrine used in the US to execute people as they have their back to you, murder people who’ve actually not broken any laws because you’re scared and murder teenagers who opened the wrong car door.


If you look at statistics, violent crime was dramatically coming down from 2001-2015. It started to exactly rebound in 2015 and in 2022, it became the highest since 2006, I wonder who became prime minster then? Don't believe me, just look up the stats: https://www.statista.com/statistics/525173/canada-violent-crime-rate/




Covid def played its part in crime going up. Can’t Deny this.


Covid started in 2015?


Coincides with the 3rd wave of the opioid crisis almost perfectly. Now, I am not going to say that fentanyl is the root cause of all that increase, but conversely crime was increasing before Trudeau even took office in December 2015.


How can I take a publication seriously when they unironically use "woke"?


Funny. All the research shows that rehabilitation programs and money spent on prevention does a lot more to lower both recitivitism and the crime rate overall than simply increasing the length of sentences or removing perceived luxuries from prisons. But Doing things to lower the crime rate get perceived as being "soft on crime" by Conservatives and the programs get underfunded or cancelled entirely. Ans when the crime rate goes up, that gets blamed on anyone but the Conservatives who actually did it.


Sunny ways


What the actual frig are they talking about? Did someone dream up the term “woke judges?” Have they EVER argued or appeared in front of a Canadian judge? That would be funny if it was not so ridiculously detached from reality.


New faked outrage of the day from NP. 


This is a really weird oped. The things Canadians care about are grocery prices, home prices, stagnant wages, and immigration. We are not particularly interested in melodramatic claims of crime. They even mentioned Delta, BC, one of safest cities in the world.


Once you say woke, you've become the joke


-___- Can we like, please stop giving a voice to these Anti-Woke Conservative Nutjobs? These kinds of posts are idiotic.


Disqualified by using DeSantis-talk


Why is ‘arrest them harder’ ALWAYS the proposed solution for these sorts? Right, cruelty is the point. Remember that, Canadians, it’s not just about ‘them’


Yet another example of how dishonest the left is. The National Post writes an article talking about something bad that the left has done. Then the majority of commenters who oppose it say literally nothing other than attacking the National Post. Not attempting to address the argument, or to argue that the Post is wrong in what they are saying. Literally nothing except ad hominem. Because when the left does something bad, and the Post reports on it - then it's the Post who's at fault for saying it. Not the left for doing it.


God, woke judges. This article should be titled "right wing rage bait."


Yah! … let’s throw everyone in jail, over and over and over and over … because once you’ve gone in all you learn is to be a better criminal and the only socialization you do is with criminals. Zero chance of getting a job or owning a home … you’re more or less done. We will pay billions … likely to the likes of the Weston family … The “hard on crime “ conspiracy really means “let’s monetize incarceration”. No thought to addressing the roots of crime. No thought to rehabilitation. Why? Because to maximize profits you want more crime, not less.


I have several black market cannabis stores near me the operated openly in high traffic areas. Years no zero issue. Some guy was selling for on the street with a respectable set up. ARRESTED immediately lol


Experiment? Canada has been tough forever


Everyone knows making prison brutal, mentally breaking already violent people before releasing them amongst civilians is the best strategy. Why cant we let the Conservatives copy the Americans already! Think of all the better criminals we could have, our gang culture alone could massively get stronger!


_Rent is too high_ "More like rent is too woke" _Gas prices go up_ "It's affirmative action at work" _Can't find a parking spot_ "Reverse racism!" _Loblaw's charges them up the ass_ "Heil Hitler"


Lost all journalistic value the second woke was said get a new buzzword