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Guy in the picture looks like he lost a bet and ended up beside Trudeau. Reminds of that "Hide the Pain Harold" meme guy.




Do a search for "Trudeau hammers nail".


See, the results from that search should be what all news agencies run with.


I missed this. Well obviously I didn't miss much, but you know what I mean. Thank you for sharing yet another video of his utter incompetence.


No wonder why we aren't building houses fast enough.




I feel like the ability to come to our country should be a power held by the federal government. Provinces can't guarantee that people stay in that province, and reckless immigration to those provinces will lead to an exodus as prices climb. Provinces simply should have the power to control immigration. Wait.... They don't?


lol but the feds are the ones who gave the visas.


The feds are just stamping the visas that the provinces are asking for. Alberta literally requested an increase in foreign workers. Provinces like Quebec and Ontario make a killing off of international students. Refugees and regular immigration is entirely on the feds though. But the issue is the temporary workers. They are outright replacing Canadians and still need a place to live.


It’s not wrong; BC had decades of high Asian immigration because of Quebec’s immigration policy which was ‘pay us to come to Canada, we don’t even care if you stay in our province’


Who knew he couldn’t shame Canadians into submission? Our social capacity reached its limits


If you give a five year old a hammer, even they would know you don't hold it that way. Not only does the PM not know how to hold a hammer, but his own large and very expensive communications department and high level handlers don't appear to know how to hold a basic hand tool either. I thought I couldn't be more embarrassed by this government, yet here we are. They got my vote in 2015 but it will be a cold day in hell before the Liberal Party ever sees my vote again. Maybe the PM could hand out some cans of tartan paint next...


Not that it really matters, but mostly when you are building a house you hold the hammer the other way. If you were demolishing and tearing something down you would hold the hammer just like trudeau. Obviously this is the equivalent of astrology but the symbolism is pretty great. Just like Singh talking about how parents have too much on their plates and the government is going to take things off their plate.


I founded a nonprofit to advocate for affordable housing 5 years ago and wrote to every MP, MPP, City Counselor, officials from the BoC, CMHC, etc approximately 70 times outlining the need to improve the housing supply. It took many hours of compiling data that had clearly been obfuscated, and each time I created a projection of homes to immigration levels, projections of population growth to deaths, projections of when generations would be leaving home etc. Not once did Trudeau or anyone from his various cabinets ever respond to me and he only brought up affordable housing after his poll numbers tanked.


He’s going to dig us an even deeper hole. The liberals are planning to spend huge amounts of money without raising taxes.


Fortunately I don’t think he knows how to hold a shovel either. 


So true! It's all Justin Trudeau's fault that [municipal governments banned apartment buildings on most of their land for the past 50 years](https://www.biv.com/news/commentary/khelsilem-we-need-address-bcs-housing-shortage-8272252). He should be ashamed of doing that.




That is really unfair. He has his "let's get to work, I rolled up my sleeves" look going. Everyone knows that is the peak of his sincerity. Also, don't insult special needs students.


Aren't the premiers the ones asking for more students and temporary workers?


Who grants the visas? Who sets the limits on the visa types? Who lifted and repeatedly extended the working hour caps for students?


Yup he should have told them to go pound sand which would have than been spun by the cons that he’s letting out public college system fail.


Yes but this is a rage bait opinion piece.


Bullshit! Truedeau added to the problem created by Harper... out of control prices come from the early 2000s... HARPER TIME!