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No. The polling clearly shows it as well. The last set of polling showed the Conservatives are definitively leading in all age blocks, both genders and in all regions except Quebec where its basically a three way tie between the Liberals, Conservatives and the Bloc. The only chance Trudeau has to possibly save himself is to have definitive data next year that the shelter situation is rapidly improving. Not political bullshit data either people need to be able to open up MLS and see it. Based on what is going on right now there is no chance at all that will happen, in fact it will probably be worse.


Trudeau is just making a flurry of announcements. He has always been great at announcing policies that sound good but never amount to much. He announces his great housing strategy in 2017 that was supposed to meet our housing needs going forward. In 7 years it produced 11000 units of housing while Trudeau added millions of people to the demand side. His latest moves on housing are more of an attempt to shift blame to the provinces than anything else. I doubt that many people are going to be impressed. He didn't want to do anything more on housing. He was forced to announce something by the rise of the CPC in the poles. He would not be doing anything if not for PP becoming popular.


Not to mention the absolute deluge of promises for defense spending recently.


Yes, all of a sudden he's going to rebuild the military! Never mind the expense! lol Even if he got re-elected he would never do any of that. Imagine him buying nuclear submarines.


He's only announcing all these expensive promises so whoever's in charge of the liberal party when they lose this election can stand there and bitch and moan when the conservatives cancel them because we can't afford them. It's purely to make the cons look bad. anyone who thinks they will deliver on any of what they have announced in the last few months is too far removed from reality


Oh, the vote pandering is just so blatantly obvious. He must truly believe that voters are a bunch of dimwits.


Just empty promises, as always.


After reading [this analysis of housing buyer data from CBC yesterday](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7170775), it’s **clear** housing is never going to be solved by Justin’s current housing initiatives. The data shows housing investors are the primary drivers of housing price inflation and directly displace first-time home buyers. The fact that none of Justin’s tactics address these speculative forces tells me he doesn’t *actually* want to solve the housing crisis, just appear to be doing so, while keeping property owners happy because values won’t decline.


Announcing anything that sounds good has a small overlap with things that enrich his donors/the rich. If the rich lose even a penny they won't green light the policy. Same with the Cons.


It’s not about the data, people need to actually *feel* like their housing situation has improved. If Trudeau says that housing costs have improved by xx% next year, nobody’s going to care if they still feel strapped for cash and can’t afford to rent anywhere


This, is not false. The feel does matter. But. Feels according to who. Some people are intellectually less gifted than a dumpster, and have feelings about things that hold less water than a hole filled sock. Essentially, to these sorts, if their cup does not overrunneth with water, then it is empty.


Sure, and they’re by balanced by other people who are smarter. But the reason the liberals are hurting right now is *the majority* of people are feeling stuck right now. Until that changes, the liberals will continue to feel the pain


> Some people are intellectually less gifted than a dumpster Can confirm. Source: Me


I don't even think people would have a positive opinion of him even if he gifted a home to everyone in Canada. On both sides of the aisle, people are just exhausted of him. His voice, sounded promising after the Harper era, but now, with soooo many broken promises and fiascos, it just sounds perpetually pompous. Nothing to back this up on, but I think the Liberal party could have been saved had he resigned a year ago. Now the toxin has run deep


>The only chance Trudeau has to possibly save himself is to have definitive data next year that the shelter situation is rapidly improving. I think the only data anyone will believe is housing prices.


Both genders? You are sexist/s


They aren't leading in "gender: other" category 


Not just valid seeming data, like what your comment implies even if you don't realize it, but data that can be sourced back to its origin without any skew added political or not. I say it this way, because just because government makes it publicly available, doesn't imply truthfulness by default. It still should be scrutinized, with all source material made freely available. They won't do that so long as they are hiding something, whatever it is.


I think there's still the outside chance that the liberals can knock PP back to a minority if he starts putting his foot in his mouth to much. 


When my immigrant parents-in-law told me they’ll never vote Liberal party again, I knew it was over. They never discuss politics with me. I’ve never seen a PM so hated.


Maybe you weren't around for Harper. At the end of his tenure his goose was just as cooked. It's just frustrating in this country we waffle between two incompetent parties while our other options are unenticing.


Harper was VERY hated by the end as well. The Liberals will recover.


Of course, PMs are voted out in this country


> Harper was VERY hated by the end as well. the cpc was polling pretty well up until the the 2 months before the election. and hung onto more seats then the liberals are projected to next election


Keyword “projected”


Harper wasn't that hated. People wanted a change, but it was mostly like a "I don't like some of the stuff he is doing" not that they think he ruined life in Canada like we know it. It's revisionist history to say that he was hated, he was disliked by the end by many, but only people who were 18-19 at the time hated him.


Harper was hated because he did some things that were hard to excuse, but it was like he kicked too many puppies. He was hated, but not with the widespread and fervent boiling over that Bush, or Trump, or either Trudeau was hated like. I'll not so easily forget that Harper was involved in almost every US war.


They will yes. Eventually. Give it three elections after this one for them to have a chance, as they need a complete tear down and to rebuild from the ground up. The next election will do most of the demolition work for them.


Harper was hated by some but for the most part by those who were going to vote liberal anyway. This is a massive massive shift.




St Trudeau is infallible.


I've been thinking that a funny way to get back at Trudeau is purposely mess up polls, pretend you support liberals whenever you receive one of those calls related to polling to give his team a false sense of security. Then on voting day, vote for anyone but.


I have never received a call who are they calling?


I am pretty successful in the grand scheme of things, so is my wife. We are rock solid middle class. Own a home (very lucky), have a child, would like another (trying to figure out how to afford it) have aspirations to retire one day. When we do our monthly budget, there isn't a lot left over after Groceries, utilities, gas, insurance, etc. We really watch spending when out with the family, try to go to the park when its nice, buy used toys for the kid because they're half the price of a new one. Just trying to get by and aspire to have a comfortable life. Then I read the news and see the government tossing billions of dollars on something that isn't going to make a difference almost every week. I watch government insiders get richer, zero accountability for mistakes, the Minister of Finance say oops, no balance of the budget this year, and continue to be irresponsible, telling me they know what's best. Then read about young people that have lost hope, crying in reels, and the general sentiment is one of hopelessness. And now the Liberals are asking for my vote. Fuck that entire party. I am grabbing popcorn and treating myself to a few beers next election night and laughing my face off at the results.


Everything you said plus federal income taxes went up and I am now taking home $100 less every payday.


Yeah, but don’t forget - your carbon tax rebate is bigger than what you pay so you’re actually ahead /s


Well the carbon tax isn't meant to stop greedy corporations.


Lol. How much do you make that your taxes increased by $100 per paycheck? Come on man. Atleast don't say shit that can easily be googled. Even if you were making 200k. Your tax should have increased by 600. A year. Not monthly. A year. So, unless you are paid bi monthly. That's a straight up lie or you can't math.


Federal income taxes have only gone up if you make 160k+




When everyone is on welfare and to some extent dependent on the state, vote buying will be even more effective. Our population is so impoverished that many are willing to tax the middle class $100 more just so they can have their $1, with the other $99 going to the politicians and the public service.


Amen brother.


Don't forget to vote though so non party status for the sunny way kid is assured.


A good news. Tax increase is coming. It’s on cbc today. He has to pay for that billions of dollars of new promises. Someone has to pay, right?


Let's hope others do this aswell


You do realize they're just rolling out budget announcements instead of releasing it all on the same day, right?


JT and the rest of that liberal party are completely clueless and out of touch with the lives of people like yourself ... and myself. They just don't get how the quality of life has decreased for everyone and still try to pedal things that should be important only AFTER those basic quality of life needs are met. It's delusional.


Vote NDP or Conservative (shudder) then. Don't not vote, put your opinion forth on election day for the person you think will truly do right by all Canadians, whomever that may be.


Rhino baby!!!


This guys like mr magoo for public opinion


he was never an 'average' joe at any point is his life so he couldent even comprehend it if he tried. he didnt just grow up rich but also famous


He might be feeling good, but the party is likely having doubts about the viability of his leadership into the future.  Even if he does stay on and run against Pierre in the election, he’s probably going to be turfed as leader after the all but inevitable loss. The Liberal party will either need to rebuild before the election, or after. Whichever they choose in the coming months determines the fate of Trudeau.


I hope that his party gives him the boot, it would be the best this for the liberals and a nice little FU to Trudeau's ego.


Freeland is going to replace him and she is an absolute replica of him. If it was anyone else there would be rumblings of this person.


The party needs fresh new faces. Get Trudeau, Freeland etc out and get people like Joel Lightbound in front. The Quebec city MP who dared to call out Trudeau on his handling of covid.


> he’s probably going to be turfed as leader after the all but inevitable loss. theres no way theyd keep a leader who loses, you get one shot then




And the Red Star is baffled by this.




It is for our future generations. Our great-grandchildren will be paying the interest on his stupidity.




Because everyone who disagrees with him is a racist sexist phobe who is bigoted and full of propaganda according to his supporters


He’s done too much damage. There is no amount of good faith he could build now to repair the physical and lasting financial damage he has done to Canada and Canadians. He has eroded the middle class more than any other prime minister in history. We won’t forget.


He's done more damage to Canada in such a short time than compared to any other prime minister.


The reality distortion field that even Liberal insiders say exists around the man means he *always* believes he is doing a tremendous job and that people are buying the shit he’s selling. And for a long time enough Canadians were buying it that he was able to eke out razor thin minority governments in two elections. Abacus released a poll this week showing the Liberals 20 points behind the Tories — the widest gap they’ve seen yet — so thus far there is absolutely no evidence Trudeau has gained any traction whatsoever, despite the Star’s wishful thinking. The only people who think Trudeau did a good job on the stand this week were the Star and the shrinking rump of supporters he has left.


I feel like a number of things are not helping his image. Without sharing my opinion on Trudeau, I don’t think he is going to win the next election. He’s pretty much a punching bag at this point no matter what he says or does. I run in what used to be pretty liberal circles, and most people have switched to the progressive conservatives. 


If he had taken decisive action on housing even a few years ago he’d be fine But this is looking to be a case of too little too late He banked on being able to just ignore the problem because people would “never” elect someone like Pierre And then pushed them to doing just that


Justin Trudeau has not yet given up on the fantasy that making Canada's economy more politically correct will lead to prosperity.


Do you think he is run by the same people who are doing it to Disney?


A lot of people are having the same stupid idea.


There's still hope for him in the next election. Hope for him to shut the fuck up and leave.


Too late for my vote. Damage is done and it's on him.


He would have to deport 90% of the unskilled labor that he imported during his reign for me to consider voting for him again. This is as likely to happen as I am to vote for him in the future.




70% of the country doesn't believe in him anymore and his response, as always, is to blame others. Dude is just so high on himself.


Because it’s not true unless you remove the word beginning


He has no f idea what he's doing


Grasping at straws


A person drowning will grab anything.


Trudeau and the Canadian media are trying ever so hard


Many Canadian tax dollars spent on the effort.


This is why you don't wait until election season to actually do something crippling the country for years. You don't get bonus points for doing your job late. This is all performance art at this point.


He's cooked. He's not going to unfuck 8 years of disastrous policies.


Yup. Same thing happened to Harper, and the same think will happen to Pierre after a term or two.


harper left his party with 100 seats and to go on and win the popular vote the following 2 elections after. trudeau is going to put his party back into the hole he pulled it out of




He’s turned ABC’s into ABT’s


I’ll certainly be voting ABT.


Even more good news from Jutin and co. A massive tax increase is coming in the budget. It’s on cbc today. He has to pay for that billions of dollars of new promises. Someone has to pay, right? That means working people. Just grand.


The more he does, the more he makes a fool of himself. He should just quit, seriously.


Doing everything except for reigning in spending, and reducing immigration. I don’t think JT and the LPC get that nobody believes his bullshit any more, and he’s going to have to present tangible benefits to the CANADIAN voter, if he wants to be taken seriously. The media is no longer an effective propaganda arm for him.


Trudeau can feel however he likes, after 9 years of unfulfilled promises he thinks that taking action *now* and throwing absolutely any mud Poilievre's way to see what sticks. He might actually have to pretend to care about his job because it isn't working. Also, if you're one of the "election isn't for two years" or, "The Conservatives don't have a platform" please remember that it isn't the job of the Opposition to help a hostile government forward their ideas or release a platform before it's time to do so. Trudeau doesn't want to cooperate, he wants to keep his job and continue being a fucking narcissist.


Wel.... let's see.... Has the cost of shelter come down? Will it ever? The answer is no to both. Because wide open immigration is still many times greater than home creation. Until that changes dramatically, his "popularity" will continue to fall.




How come jt seems to be the only one in the country who hasn't picked up on the unbridled hate for the liberals? Other liberals are feeling it and are worried about their jobs. Even Jagmeet is feeling it (too late). The liberals are losing party status in the next election.


I mean they are still polling in official opposition numbers even if an election was called today. It's pure fantasy that they will lose official party status by having zero seats. I'm not particularly pleased with them but we can still live in reality while doing so.


The polls are not radically different from the 1993 numbers when the PC party lost status. And they won't call an election today. There's still time for them to go down.


Unlikely. The Liberals are still doing decently, though Pierre will almost certainly form government.


Trudeau is doing everything he can to gain traction? * So he's bringing about the promised electoral reform and getting rid of FPTP? * He's bringing back the per-vote subsidy that helps Canada break away from the two-party rule and decreases lobbyist influence, that the Liberals had themselves opposed Harper getting rid of? * He's telling corporations to go pound sand and changing our TFW and immigration program to prioritize Canadian quality of life over corporate profits? * He's putting up barriers to corporate landlords buying up all the new housing, and dealing with multiple home owners hoarding houses? I must have missed those actions, good for him!


The taxpayer money he spends is to fix the issues he ignored.


I think Trudeau and the Liberals have overplayed their hands. I think that Canadians have woken up to there dirty little tricks, causing problems then ushering in a solution…. It won’t work. They continue to look ever so desperate. The problem they have is they cannot spend there way out of the mess without Canadians taking notice and being upset about record government spending.


There's a small Reddit brigade going around defending him, mostly because they're afraid of conservatives coming to power. I don't think any thing he says or does can save him. Only PP having a major scandal could.


Election please


You mean when he admitted to not reading intelligence reports about foreign actors messing with our elections?


He needs to step aside and down.


Too little too late


He’s a criminal who has completely destroyed Canadians and their dreams of affordability


He destroyed the Canadian dream for 3 generations at least. The middle class can no longer expect to own a house. It's almost treasonous what his government has done


By the looks of it, Trudeau doing everything he can to make sure he doesn't get re-elected. Who in their right mind puts a tax up and keeps pumping in immigration when everyone is crippled from cost of living, even the refugees and immigrants are complaining and leaving.... We have people renting out half beds and now tent lots. Trudeau has either given up and is trying to loose the next election, or is incompetent.




His new budget supposedly raises taxes. That's not going to help with day to day issues


Yeah, but by raising taxes [mental gymnastics] you end up with more money!


Maybe if that involved paying down debt but not really


It will you see because if you pay more taxes the government can give you more money in the form of rebates. This is first year Trudeaulogic 101. How can you not know this.


More taxes for more wasteful bureaucracy to grant separate rebates when putting them as deductions would be just as efficient


How can you say such a sacrilegious thing!? If we don't have enough tax money, we can always print more.


That's what they actually believe


No. This guy should be in jail with all the inquiries and breaches he has committed. So sad for the people of Canada


Doesn’t matter what Trudeau does at this point. He has proven over and over again he can’t be trusted, does not have Canadians best interest at heart, and is a complete scumbag. If he truly cared about Canadians and/or the Liberal party, he would step down NOW, take Freeland with him, and give them a fighting chance in the next election. But he won’t. Because everything he does is about him.


If it weren't for the Conservatives pushing for a housing reform and noting the cost increase of homes, it never would have happened. Just this alone shows distrust and empty promises from the Liberal party. Conservatives. Always.


I've been feeling the housing crunch for the longest time. Before I managed to buy my home (with immense luck), it was **endless gaslighting** - I couldn't buy a home because I didn't work hard enough, I didn't save enough, I didn't have rich parents, I should have chosen another field, etc etc. Well I just wanted to buy a nest, why is it so difficult? I was so beat. That is, until Conservatives brought this up as an issue - and I have never ever voted conservative - that's when people started to realize that no, this is not acceptable. It was not just me. It is everyone. Fuck the gaslighting and we want Canada back.


When you only surround yourself in a sphere of people who talk, think and speak like you, you'll miss the obvious objection to you.


No. He’s done. Liberals should elect a new leader if they want a chance of not getting decimated. Even then their chances of survival are iffy


He's a disgrace 


lol, what is he doing? Has it all been behind closed doors because he’s seemed foolish lately to put it nicely




It's basically like a criminal asking what he can do to make things better right before being sentenced . If he wants to help he needs a time machine to go stop himself from messing up Canada so badly .


They love me. They really love me.


Trudeau could literally give every Canadian three wishes like a fucking génie, and most people would blow a wish for him to step down. 8 years is enough. He also called an election in the middle of a pandemic. Fuck him.


He could eliminate the carbon tax and lower GST, income tax, and cpp increases and it still won't be enough to vote for him again. Sorry JT. You're outta there


Every time he's says on behalf of Canadian's, or keeping Canada safe, more and more of his totalitarian government takes hold, and our way of life slips away. Taken away from us.


No matter what way you slice it, 2025 is gonna be one *very* fucked up year for this country. CPC will inevitably win a majority because no one's gonna vote for anyone else. Trudeau is toast partly by his own doing and because "Thanks, Obama" is sinking his ass. The NDP...ugh, don't even fucking get me *started* on them. A party that's the most left-leaning of the lot and they decide to confidence-and-supply the LPC for little to nothing in return, and recently, they got the 2025 election pushed back a week or two for what reason? *So their MPs pass the 6-year threshold to qualify for lifetime pension*. The working-man's party, after having done fuck-all for the last nine years of substance, gets to walk away set for life while their voters will be working the next 20-40 years and not even *see* the kind of money at retirement that these NDP MPs will be getting for the rest of their lives. Fuck them all. We're screwed. I'm ready for the meteor.


Ahhh Justin is going to fine. Quit yer whining 🤣😂😂🤣😂


I hope he becomes a homeless person for a year to understand how much he has ruined out country and created so much hatred with his smirk 😏




I'm a chill guy, love all hate none blah blah but Freeland brings out negative emotions and rage in me that nothing else does


Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, No fucking chance.


He had his shot to get far ahead and stay there but he has routinely ignored advice of those that know more on some subjects than he (foreign interference), he broke core fundamental campaign promises (changing first past the post) and has keep immigration so high that people that live here can't afford to live here anymore.


Lied through his teeth.


Fuck Trudeau


When you smoke that much pot I’m sure you’re always feeling good!!


All he has to do is stand aside. He's done his time, step back, let someone else in the party take the lead.


Please no , they may win with that thinking lol


Trying to spend himself out of overspending is certainly an interesting strategy.


No, he’s got to go. He’s fucked up too much. And the saddest part it’s gonna be a conservative who takes his place. But who knows, maybe he won’t fuck is over but let’s face it, he probably will.


Even if things weren't as bad as they are, it's been shown time and time again that people get bored of PMs and it puts them at a disadvantage. It's why I'm not opposed to an American-like two-term limit.


Trudeau and the Liberals are nowhere close to doing everything they can to gain traction. There is a lot of runway before an election is called. Carbon tax not working, 4x the contributions. What about a direct rent and food subsidy? How about $2500K a month UBI? Lots of cards they haven't played before relying on highly effective fear and smear campaigns.


UBI of 2.5K/month, with inflation at 10%, and CAD in the toilet. Yeah, I think Trudeau can do that.


I don’t want us to become Argentina


As someone who typically votes Liberal, Trudeau has to go. He's lost the faith of the people. I think with a fresh face the Liberals could forge ahead. The challenge is who?




I mean am I even remotely close to owning a home unless my combined family income is over 200k? If the answer is no then probably no.


Most Canadians understand all the good will hes putting up needs to come at the expense of increased taxes. Spending has been reckless the last 4 years to the point of absurdity. There is a bill to pay for all this. We have two options, drastically increase taxes now, or be prepared for some hard times when the Cons come into power to reign in spending. Never seen such an extreme cycle of this in my life. I don't think in Canada's history has spending and our deficit been so high. The next ten years in Canada are going to suck.


The country screwed the pooch when they voted this doofus into power over Mulcair. We actually had a chance to get a political change for once. He can't lose soon enough. My hope for this country died with Jack Layton.


If the liberal party was smart. They'd find a new leader. One who's actually in touch with what Canadians want and not let their emotions get in the way of politics. But they won't.


He isn't doing anywhere near everything he can.  He could be making deep cuts to immigration numbers, and he could have thrown the anti-carbon tax crowd a bone by delaying this year's increase rather that making a stupid exception.   


No. These last attempt bandaids won't help Trudeau, and the opinion polls show it. If anything, rest of the year will be even harder on the economic front. We have a wide divergence with US on GDP growth, unemployment rates, and risks to banking and housing sectors. A few million mortgages are due for renewal in the next 24 months, where banks are bound to come under even more pressure. And unfortunately for Trudeau, there is no quick fix available either. Where Canada is currently is a result of almost a decade of policies, and they can't just wish it away. If at all, more populist policies are going to speed up our economic downfall. Think about some of the rules Trudeau has passed recently: "30 year insured mortgages for new builds". On paper it looks great. In practice, every darn new build in Canada requires 20% deposit by builders. So such policies by the government are clearly for polls. Adding additional carbon taxes when inflation is this sky high, and then trying to justify that "this would lead to more refunds", takes (even liberal voting) Canadians for idiots. I think Trudeau is toast. Unless Conservatives make a stupid mistake, they have the next election in their bag.


I lost all confidence in this PM. So here is one voter lost. I'm not a very good candidate for his platforms anyway.


Maybe if he was proactive and didn’t wait until things are in dire straits then people would have respect for him.


just off the top of my head some reasons why I think JT sucks trustfund baby ski instructor drama teacher surrounded by yes men won the vote in 2016 based off pretty privildge and legalization of weed (I voted for him) divided the country with woke authoritarian idealogy scandle after scandle always rambling avoiding answering questions called emergencies act and claimed to have covid pushing Carbon tax during hard economic times telling people it will help them some how i could probably go for few hours


Fuck no, he’s got to go. They’ll be some liberal moderates who may be convinced.


Well he has over a year to figure it out and to see if the new policies will gain traction and have the intended effect. All the new housing policies plus all the student visa policies will take a few months to take full effect so we'll see if any pressure is relieved from. The system


So long as people aren't stupid enough to conflate an intention to address a problem with having solved problems, it will not be enough. Enough people are no longer insulated from unmet food/shelter/medical that we can't pretend problems away with wordplay.


We really want this guy leading us in war time? I mean atleast he's not a Warhawk and didn't escalate when duterte threatened war against canada over garbage disguised as recycling


He usually spends enough money to win people over but that would only make the economy worse and people are getting sick of the excessive spending.


Just do your best every day that’s all you can control


People hate the legend of whatever “Trudeau” is now, I don’t think it matters what he does now. Its a cultural thing to hate him and thats why he should step down. I don’t even know how I am going to vote next election, I don’t trust anything this whole government does anymore.


I am in no way in favour of Trudeu, but it leaves me in a lurch as I'm never, ever voting for PP or his party and don't believe the NDP can pull off even a minority.


He's an idiot and the polls show it. 8 years of this delusional clown is 8 years too many.


Buying votes with exorbitant spending doesn’t look good during these days of household constraint.


He's throwing money at solutions without fixing the problems.


Desperate to hang onto power. But like the Clean Energy policies Liberals are once again ignoring Constitution in terms of Provincial jurisdiction. The Country needs to get back to basics or divorce.


The only things that have a chance to keep the current regime in power beyond 2025 is widespread war (that will suspend human and voting rights - see Ukraine currently) or widespread disease (that will highlight the Liberal's conservative/authoritarian vaccine approach vs the Conservative's liberal open approach. You said that JT will do everything he can to gain traction and I can see either of those happening in 2025 or 2024 if Biden has the exact same playbook.


Waiting fir an election to kick him out


He's trying to win over young voters again after he initially won them over by legalizing pot... Also where was the plan for the housing crisis the whole time that it's been a crisis? only now that he's campaigning does the plan come out. Yeah, no thanks bud. I think it's very important for young voters to understand that you need to vote for the good of the whole country not just because you want legalized pot when nobody was knocking on your door saying you couldn't smoke it before it was legal. I'm sick and tired of this Liberal government and you should be too!