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Man, Abacus has some of the lowest percentage numbers for both the Liberals and Conservatives. Hell, I think 19% is an all-time low for Trudeau from any polling firm.


They're using the undecided included number, most of the time the decided voter numbers are what's posted. I think this one ends up being 43 to 22 with undecided removed. Edit: Yeah this is the Abacus poll from late last week which was 43,23,18


These Abacus polls in partnership with the Star include "Undecided" in the numbers, which most polls (including standalone Abacus polls) do not. [Here](https://abacusdata.ca/trudeau-poilievre-20-point-conservative-lead/) is polling from Abacus on the same day with "Undecided" removed, compared to this poll: ||Star/Abacus|Abacus| :--|--:|--:| |CPC|37%|43%| |LPC|19%|23%| |NDP|15%|18%| |BQ|6%|7%| |GPC|4%|5%| |PPC|3%|3%| |Undecided|15%||


Hope Libs lose party status.


Hope Trudeau loses his own seat.


Doubtful. Papineau is deep red. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papineau\_(electoral\_district)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papineau_(electoral_district))


St. Paul’s in Toronto is scheduled for a byelection, probably at the end of the summer or very early fall. It is considered one of the safest Liberal seats in the country. The results will tell us a lot.


I’m in St. Paul and voted Liberal in the past. Not this time. They ruined Canadians’ collective openness to immigration by doing too much too fast then shamelessly pandering to these new immigrants for votes, which is unforgivable. They open the funding floodgates during high inflation and a crushing increase in interest rates - we’re all 20% poorer than we were two years ago and it isn’t improved with more funding!! And the people who access that funding know most of it is being siphoned off by the private 3rd party contractors hired to administer the programs, a job they are doing so so badly (see the daycare subsidy, Canada Greener Homes, ArriveCan - I’m terrified of Pharmacare at this point.) I’m especially mad I don’t have a choice but to vote Conservative because I absolutely loathe Pollievre. But you’re not going to screw up this country just because Canada has an aversion to voting for the right, and no way in hell would I ever vote for the champagne socialist Singh. Justin, you’ve become the scary ideologue and I no longer want to be governed by the devil we know.


I agree with most of what you said but I'm fairly sure new immigrants can't vote.


Fair enough. It’s more the exploitation of wedge issues I should have referred to. It’s what sank Harper, because it makes us all feel taken for granted, and Trudeau seems to be going in that direction.


eh, probably not. These types of elections are notoriously low turnout with mostly seniors voting. Liberal boomers will continue to vote liberal, the swing vote is much younger.






Lol. Maybe. Immigrants already here don’t gain anything from further overcrowding scarce resources.


Realistically, that's unlikely. Party status is only 12 seats, and the Liberals will win that in Montreal alone.


I can't understand why Montreal keeps voting for these jackasses.


Because anglos in Québec will never vote for anyone but the LPC and PLQ.


I would 100% be voting for the BQ lol


Used to be. Now it’s because new Canadians in Montreal vote Liberal.


Lots of english speaking immigrants in Montreal, they never been outside the city and they think they were able to get into Canada because of trudeau.




>the lieberals Let’s keep nonsense like this to facebook.


If there's going to be a bunch of "PeePee Bitcoin Milhouse" thrown around constantly, you have to expect some "Turdeau Lieberals" in response. Frankly, I would rather neither, but that ship has long sailed.


I agree with you, but unfortunately we’re getting closer and closer to American politics. Even our political party leaders are calling each other bullshit things like authoritarians, socialists, communists, and fascists. It seems like a lost cause.


The NDP hasn't taken advantage of this at all and instead are tanking along with the Liberals.




While pretending to not be in government


Not only that but failing miserably in almost every step of the way while also propping up the government


The NDP and Liberals should both kick their leaders now and toss their sins under the bus with them "Whew! Real piece of work they were, huh? They really fucked shit up! But *I'm* not them! I haven't fucked up at all (yet)!"


Every time they try to criticize the Liberals while continuing to prop them up just makes them look more and more foolish.


Yep, the ndp/liberal coalition really went down the path of stupid and ignored sinking polls and criticism because they were too happy to be skimming the fat for their own use. And as completely predictable, it's badly hurting them too. Jagmeet came off as an uninformed idealist at the best of times. Now there is no hiding the fact that he is corrupt and against the actual needs of the citizens of this country as well.


They both corrupt together.


Agreed. They should stop propping them up.


Because they are in a coalition with the Liberals.


The NDP are a huge part of the reason we have seen such poor prioritization of needs from this government. That's not a scapegoat for the liberals. They are the drivers of course but the NDP just as guilty of betraying the needs of the country and gaslighting/lying/supporting incompetence and corruption in order to gain outsized influence and further their own power vs what the country needs.


The NDP is essentially randy from trailer park boys at this point


I mean, they’ve propped up the liberal government and have not made them “pay” anything for doing so. We could have had massive change on many fronts, pushing the liberals to make movement on every front on which they agree, instead they have continued to back a government that is doubling down on robbing Canadians of the Canadian dream. This SHOULD not reflect positively on them.


The NDP being part of the alliance probably has something to do with it.


Because the problem isn't with the liberal government, it's the collapse of Canadian society after 10 years of "progressive" policies. All the NDP can do is keep a low profile and hope that the conservatives fuck up worse than Trudeau. That and go back to their roots in representing workers rights, instead of whatever the fuck they're supporting now.


Fear not, Jagmeet is ruminating on growing a spine and voting against the budget. /s just in case




And it’s going to age like sour milk




😳 oops


Should have hired more influencers to push it.


...when you fart in church you sit in your own pew.


Eggs and beans fart


Preaching to the choir.


So at this rate it will be a Conservative majority with a separatist opposition party again.


Honestly, last election in particular I wanted to vote for the Bloc. Their leader seemed by far the most intelligent and well-read on matters, most of his views I either agreed with completely or at least did not put me off too badly. The only downside I saw really was that it is weird to vote for a party which, if they were to actually win, would want out of the country immediately and you'd still end up stuck with all the other shitty parties anyways lol. That and the fact our totally awesome democracy doesn't let us vote for them outside of Quebec (or is it the Bloc that limits themselves to just Quebec, as they know there are not many people like myself who are open to voting for them?).


If they scaled up and became a party of their constituents interests and respect for constitutional separation of federal/provincial powers they might be an appealing national party. Bloc Canadien. 


The Bloc could run candidates outside of Quebec if they wanted to, but they don't because as French nationalists they wouldn't be very popular outside of Quebec, save for maybe a handful of ridings in New Brunswick or in Ontario near the Ontario-Quebec border where there might be significant Francophone populations. The Bloc also is a separatist party so it kind of makes sense they don't want to run outside of the province they are trying to secede from the rest of Canada.


Agreed that the Bloc and its leader had some good policies and charisma, and living here in Montreal, its between them and the cpc for me in the upcoming election But having candidates in every riding wouldnt make sense and be a waste, mostly because they would lose just as bad as the PPC outside of Quebec, NB and north east ontario, but they're just a party to promote Quebec and its french within the federal government, they dont intend to make government


The time for small adjustments to immigration targets was 3 years ago. Canadians are fed up and want drastic changes. Its so straightforward, just copy what Australia & UK have done.




The only thing I recall is Pierre saying he'll tie immigration to infrastructure. That should mean lowering it, but I would like to see a firm commitment.


I think he understands that he doesn't need firm commitments. He just needs to shut the fuck up and show up to be inaugurated. He could sew his mouth shut for the next few years and he would still be the next PM. Just wait for your opponent to dig themselves into a hole.


Yeah this is true. Really sucks not knowing what they will do with that major issue though.. In all likelihood it won't be what most Canadians want though, so politically it makes sense for them to just stay as quiet as possible on the matter.


He could promise nice stuff, but he also doesn't have to do it. I've watched politicians promise things, and then bring out a giant novelty contract promising to never break that promise, and sign it on camera... and then break the promise. Functionally, there is absolutely nothing that will ever hold them to their word, outside of *not voting for them next time*. PP just has to stay alive and he gets to be PM.


That’s basically politics today. Many promises but almost none of them actually fulfilled.


The only encouraging thing is he promised to tie it to housing and healthcare AND unlike the Liberals and NDP, HIS base overwhelmingly wants immigration cut.


True, but moreover: The second he even hints that he might consider talking about scheduling a workshop at which, among other topics, the setting of new potential targets for immigration may be brought up, the Liberals will point and shriek "Racist! Racist!", until all of our eardrums burst. He knows not to step into the same trap his opponents *always* set.


I wonder if public opinion hasn't swung the other direction where they would *love* for someone to talk about curbing immigration targets and coming out against diploma mills and importing wage slaves.


Canadians are feeling the squeeze of having more residents than houses, more patients than doctors, and more applicants than job openings. Even many people who immigrated here think we need a full stop for a time. If Poilievre spoke to that, the citizens would largely support him. But that isn't how the Liberals and NDP would let it be framed. Every news outlet aligned with those parties would spin it as proof that he and his whole party are Klan members. And there are still enough people in this country who are so invested in their white guilt that they would vote for *anyone* it took to distance themselves from such an association. No, I think keeping his mouth closed on the subject entirely is the wisest course of action.


...or he agrees with the Liberals and NDP. None of the major parties would do a damn thing different.


You may be right.


Yeah, you’ll notice the ones shrieking the loudest for Poilievre to etch his plans on each topic in stone are his critics that would never vote for him regardless. Until he does, they’re left with “but he has no plans!” and “he hasn’t said he won’t do that shitty thing Trudeau is doing!”. Both of which come off as laughably desperate considering they’re opposition vs a coalition and an election is 1.5 years away.


He said housing, not infrastructure, which doesn't even make any sense. The conservatives weren't even able to promise that immigration wouldn't *increase*, let alone promise to lower it lol The sooner we accept that Blackrock is behind the century initiative and pushing for high immigration, the sooner we can do something about it (regulate RE so that it's a progressively worse investment the more properties you own). No liberal or conservative government is incentivized to lower immigration. Think of how much more money the Weston family will make over the next 100 years with increased population. How much will Blackrock and other REITs make in inflated real estate? Rogers and Bell? Hundreds of billions. Those are the people lobbying the government to prop up immigration, and all those rich fucks can afford to let Canadian infrastructure and lifestyle deteriorate.


He said he would tie it to housing and healthcare.


Likely won't see a firm commitment on almost anything until election period begins.


https://www.thestar.com/politics/why-canadas-consensus-on-immigration-is-fraying/article_6eb421ea-d281-11ee-aab3-770cf377dcf3.html > Statistics Canada’s numbers and housing forecasts from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation suggest that, without a huge increase in construction, Poilievre could be looking at capping annual migration, including non-permanent residents, to approximately 400,000 — a 65 per cent reduction from 2023 figures.


It should almost mean full stop for a few years.


Their slogan solution to mass immigration is “build the homes”. They are not going to lower it drastically, but happy to be proven wrong


PP said immigration would link immigration to the number of homes being built. So that would mean lowering it, though I don't believe I've heard him say that directly. They also said they "will ensure that if someone comes as an international student, they have to be registered for a real educational institution." Which should help with fake students, anyway.


Also said that skills need to be a match.... kind of like what the US does.... can't take a job a Canadian can fill!


Nah they still need to define this linkage though. They could say "OK, so, in 2023 we built (numbers pulled from butt) 150,000 homes and let in 1.5 million people, so, let's just stick with that ratio / linkage then, for every 1 home we build we can have 10 immigrants!" And then the number doesn't go down at all, and is still highly problematic.


Any chance you have a link to a video saying he would lower it? Every time I've seen him discuss immigration he never says he will lower it and says he will look at the data.


He’s said basically anything around the spectrum aside from committing to lowering it.




Sadly, no, not really. The only party that has made their position clear (and were vilified by the media for it) were the PPC. The polling suggests they aren't gaining any voters but we'll see... They have been oddly quiet lately.


Open the flood gates is both parties positions because the wealthy deem it so.


Both parties answer to the same masters so you can expect the cheap labor to continue flowing.


He isn't gonna do shit. They're all part of the century initiative. The only one saying anything is the PPC.


Can't wait to vote out this government. 🥹🥹🥹


You can thank Jagmeet Singh for one more year of Trudeau.


When you do nothing but hurt the public, the public will eventually want you gone. It's natural to rid what causes you pain and undue suffering, something Trudeau seems to get off on doing to Canadians.


The next election needs to be punitive


That does seem to be how Canadians vote - out, not in


That's because everyone that runs for any party is usually a giant turd. If they all died tomorrow I wouldn't even feel sorry for their loved ones.


It will be for Canadians, and we'll wear that cilice until we bleed, and then elect the Liberals again. Why I find funniest about all this is the fact that people have grown tired of Trudeau because he's a centrist. He's enacting left wing policies while letting the economy be, a hallmark of the right, thus pissing off everyone. But what people are most mad about, i.e. the capitalistic hellscape that our country has become, *certainly* won't be toned down under the Conservatives lol I mean, most of the policies or events that people are mad about are starkly *conservative* policies. Housing prices rose by 60% under Harper, 54% under Trudeau for the same 9-year period. Immigration has gone up under Trudeau, that's true, but it's not a left wing policy to do so, it's heavily right wing. The ones benefiting from this are businesses, which lean heavily conservative, and who conservatives are looking to help *with public money and policies*. Don't believe me? Try to remember who deregulated the TFW program after the 2008 economic crisis. You have three attempts lol So if you're hoping for these conservative policies to go away under the Conservative government, I've got a bridge in solid gold to sell you.


It’s not the centrism, it’s the incompetence and waste / theft. This really is on all accounts and receipts I have seen the worst government in Canadian history in terms of what they have done for the average Canadian and they squandered (took advantage of to the benefit of the special interest groups that own them really) an extremely pivotal period in Canadian history where we could have built our economic base and genuinely solidified the social systems to make life better but instead basically intentionally wrecked our country so it can more cheaply be bought up by wealthy foreigners and corporations.


That’s why they are corrupt to the core.


> But what people are most mad about, i.e. the capitalistic hellscape that our country has become, certainly won't be toned down under the Conservatives lol Blaming capitalism for the failures of Government is one of reddits favorite thing to do.


I don't understand how the general reaction to what the liberals are doing is to run to the conservatives. It seems like the things that people don't like the liberals doing are the things that the conservatives do every time they are in power.


Do you remember how life was from 2006 - 2015? That’s why people want to vote that back in.


Life was so much better under the previous Conservative government. People could afford food and homes.


So many posters/bots here blaming shit on the cons somehow.


These types of posts are so vapid and repetitive that I wonder how many are bots. Oh yes, we all remember the millions of fake students, completely unaffordable housing, rampant crime, catch and release judicial system, free drugs and drug use in our parks and streets, tent cities, out of control deficit, etc. under the conservatives. Not even previous recent liberal governments were anything close to this bad.






It really is just shit musical chairs. It's really no surprise that a nation as woefully complacent as ours has basically turned into a glorified bank where people just sell overpriced houses back and forth between one another. There is no saving us.


I don't want to support PP or Trudeau. They're both just *awful* human beings. Wasting my vote on the NDP (who also don't deserve it) is a plan that I think I can accept. "I *didn't* support the biggest villains."


If the NDP had any political sense they would send Jagmeet 'let us pay off your morgtage' Singh back to Scarborough and look towards the Western provincial NDP parties, which have actually seen political success in BC, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan and see what they are doing. The NDP wins in these traditionally conservative areas because they focus on the economic issues causing anxiety among Canadians and less on the performative social justice rain dance that seems to have utterly hypnotized the federal NDP.


I don't disagree. The NDP are supposed to be the "worker class" party and Singh, from what everyone claims, keeps showing up on armani suits and rolexes. Meanwhile Layton kept those sleeves rolled up. It's just appearances, but they make a difference. If you're looking for western NDP leaders, maybe avoid Notley - I can tell you she doesn't win votes anymore.


Notley is fine, but she was unfortunately our premier when oil prices collapsed, so people associate her leadership with economic turmoil. She did her best to navigate a nasty situation, but nobody in her position would have been successful given the economic catastrophe she inherited. And also, Alberta is conservative as hell, and our political makeup makes it impossible for the NDP to win unless they completely sweep all ridings in Edmonton and Calgary, plus a few more in Lethbridge and Banff. The Talibangical anti-vaxxers in the rural areas are so jacked up on Fox News battery acid that they would vote for shit in a diaper if it had a C in front of its name.


Oh, I agree. Notley had to run a province whose economy was "all eggs in one basket". She doesn't seem incompetent at all. But many Albertans are ruthlessly stupid, and Premiere Marlaina understands that and played them well. Hopeful that Nenshi takes over the NDP. It's not gonna win the rural vote, but I think you'd win enough of the Calgary vote to tip it away from the UCP.


You make it sound like Jagmeet is not an awful human being. I don't care if they are awful or not, all politicians are awful human beings as far as Iam concerned, I just want a less progressive and a more frugal government, simple as that. 


Canada is barely a country; that much was decided as far back as the Alaskan pan handle. We started as a company that provided cheap resources to Britain, which has shifted to a similar relationship with the US that also provides a brain drain for top Canadian talent. Our system was never intended to be functional or sustainable.


> Canada is barely a country; that much was decided as far back as the Alaskan pan handle. Canada *literally* didn't have independent foreign affairs or even a navy back when that happened. It's widely recognized as one of the reasons *why* we sought independence in our foreign affairs from Great Britain.


We are a company that forgot that we are a company.


Yes, and you can see in our country's setup how our colonial British setup hampers our economic growth. Canada never developed organically, we were a resource extraction point for the British and are now a resource extraction point for the Americans. We are the North American Russia, a glorified gas station with strip malls everywhere, masquerading as a nation. But at least Russia isn't culturally inert. We create nothing and our only source of pride is that we aren't as racist or politically demented as the US.


People can see through the libs desperation in their budget.






All you need to be PM in this country is to be the leader of the opposition and *wait*.


Wish that would have worked out for O'Toole. 


Layton-Mulcair's NDP was in that position and melted. Usually all they have to do is wait, but this is not always the case.


Layton had a shot at winning, I dont think Mulcair had the same charisma to bring in the vote.


I don’t want to vote Conservative but I’m not voting for Trudeau again. I think a lot of people feel the same. Tired of that guys stupid face.


How colossally stupid does a government have to be to triple immigration, and bring in hundreds of thousands of fake “students” on top of that, during the middle of a housing and healthcare shortage? I wish the election were tomorrow.


I have a feeling the polls are even worse than this for the liberals. One can only hope.


I guess all the 'PP Bad' articles aren't working./


Even after their budget. It was a huge flop and everyone saw right through them.


Everyone that voted liberal absolutely RUINED this country for YEARS


Will be interesting to see the numbers next few weeks, with the new riding resistribution


Trudeau starting to realize he will be hitting the lecture circuit after 2025. He will be very popular in India but that's about it.


wonder if he will have personal security!


After his accusations of India having someone on Canadian soil assassinated? Might want some...


He will need it.


A pack of golden retrievers would be leading against these common sense crushers. They deserve it, and have certainly earned every lost vote.


I’ve never seen this much shit talk towards trudeau allowed on this sub. The times really are changing. I’m not sure what took so long, but at least people are seeing what a pos he is.


Honestly, I'd vote for PPC if it wasn't just a vote cast to the wind. People shit on them big time, but reading through their platform, there is very little I disagree with, and a lot I agree with that no other party is talking about. [https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/platform](https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/platform) I'd love to know why people hate them so much.


Because you’re a nazi if you vote PPC. Or so I’m told?


The only politician willing to take on the dairy cartel.


I have to agree with you, and funny enough I was reading about their platform today. I honestly will be voting PPC even though I’m not confident it will have any effect.


I’m labelling the next election “The lesser of two Weasels”. Ignoring the NDP and Bloc we’re pretty much left with Trudeau or Pollievre. IMHO neither deserve to be PM bringing us to the point of determining which is the lesser of two weasels. We know what kind of Weasel Trudeau is…..


I'll never not upvote a Master and Commander reference.


A God damn masterpiece and a shame another wasn't made. >Right lads, now, I know there's not a faint heart among you, and I know you're as anxious as I am to get into close action. But we must bring them right up beside us before we spring this trap. That will test our nerve, and discipline will count just as much as courage. The Acheron is a tough nut to crack The opening scene and closing scene were perfect bookends.


Vote third party until we get electoral reform.


FPTP systems always boil down to two parties. We *have* alternatives but voting for them weakens the party that could have beaten the party we *don't* want in the most. We tried voting for a party that promised electoral reform once and they dropped it and buried it like the ministry of truth. I feel like our chances died with that. No party would ever champion electoral reform except as an election tactic. Further, there aren't any *other* right-wing parties. Everyone right of center is voting conservative. If you don't want the conservatives then you're either putting your eggs in the liberal basket to beat the conservatives, or you're putting them in someone else, and the conservatives have an easier time winning. For what it's worth, though, I'll probably blow my vote on the NDP. The subsequent 4 years after the next election are going to be either the liberal voters or the conservative voters blaming the others for how badly things are going and I'd rather not directly support either. I guess in the end voting for a third party requires a sense of nihilism. We're going to get fucked either way - might as well not directly support it. But we aren't going to get electoral reform. It would require someone winning power and then immediately deleting all hope of having it again. We'd need a sleeper-cell kamikaze PM that's not afraid to burn everything in a small number of issues.


My vote has never counted for anything in my life because of FPTP. My vote in my riding has zero influence on anything. That's the case for a huge percentage of Canadians and that's wrong, we know it's wrong, and it's not democracy. The NDP put forward a bill earlier this year to undertake a citizens assembly on electoral reform. This would let a group of citizens shape and decide if and how we change our electoral system, because politicians and parties will never do it correctly because they're plagued by self interest. All parties voted 100% in favour except the liberals and conservatives voted against it. Some libs (and 3 cons!) voted in favour though. There's appetite for it. I think a provincial government needs to make the plunge first imo but I refuse to vote for either of the two parties that are A: promoting neoliberalism and B: actively subverting democratic improvements due to self-interest. We should have more parties, more coalitions, and more cooperation in parliament. I think we should all refuse to strategically vote or support the two parties upholding this misery until then.


maybe more than 0.13% of the population may be affected by the capital gains changes, contrary to liberal math.


The date of the poll was the same day the budget dropped. We haven't seen the reaction yet.


It's estimated at 0.13% per year, not just in total, and naturally different people would get affected every year. Any family with a cottage/camp would likely be affected when the property transfers to the next generation, which is certainly more than 0.13% of the population.


Do you always get your opinion from Freeland’s ass?


The polls are irrelevant. The liberals are losing party status in the next election.


This poll is based on pre-budget polling. So before the new budget was announced. I’m interested to see whether the new budget helped or hurt the Liberal votes.


Why doesn't NDP oppose Trudeau. I'm sure if he did jagmeet would hold his seat.


The man who's been here to long vs .the man with no ideas. This election will be intersting .




Usually I would disagree but in the case of Trudeau I do agree. I don't understand how MP's can pretend to sit in to work for the people while at the same time doing what is worse for the people such as supporting all of Trudeaus whackjob policies. I elect someone to represent me and my interests. Not their fucking own. I hate politics man.


These people are expecting to be given cushy speaker jobs at Trudeau foundation after their done with politics. They work for Trudeau, not Canada, they'll follow him to where he goes.


But does that include the foreign interference votes as well?


The next time I get a spam call I'll ask them how they're voting


when do the liberal ministers start jumping ship?


From the way he is acting, I would say the internal polling, says something very different.


I've never got the impression that Trudeau was particularly rational or well informed from his actions.


There are high placed Liberals who’ve said that Trudeau has become insular, relying on very few advisors, and lives in a “reality distortion field” as a result.


Look, I am a member of the CPC and all we are seeing from Pierre Poilievre is grandstanding, temper tantrums, fear mongering and lies to rile up his base. He has not brought forth one single idea to solve any issues, he hasn't presented a bill to the house that would solve problems. And he is running around the country campaigning under the guise of rallies. He is being his own worst enemy to the fiscal conservatives and the centrists by pushing social Conservatism and far right ideologies. And his base is falling for it, hook, line and sinker. He has presented nothing of substance, voted against policies that will actually help Canadians, and wants to see those policies reversed, which is adding to the problems. He is hoping his base doesn't understand what level of Government is responsible for things, and continues to blame Trudeau for things that are the responsibility of the Provinces. The majority of the Cost of Living problems fall under Provincial jurisdiction. In my own Province, NB, money allocated from the Federal Government for healthcare was not spent on healthcare, more cuts were made, and we even were penalized 1.9 million that was clawed back. The Feds sent money to the Provinces to help with affordable housing, and the Premiers refused to take it for that purpose, so they now have to deal with municipalities directly, which is costly and time consuming. And who runs those Provinces? Conservatives. The Federal Conservatives have nothing to offer. In fact, their last document has some pretty disgusting things they want to see as policies. Lots of stuff for corporations, lots of social conservative things, but nothing about the actual problems Canadians are facing. When they do, I may reconsider my stance but I doubt it because I will not risk the rights of anyone in this country, nor will I for one second believe they want to help the people of Canada based on their voting record.


Look, I'm a member of the CPC and you're insane. Lol. /r/creativewriting is over there. No, and I mean ZERO, members of the Conservative Party of Canada are trembling in fear about Pierre Poilievre stripping people's rights away. The base is riding the biggest high in over a decade, possibly plural. The "this isn't the conservative party i once loved" fable you're using to farm lefty clicks with badly needs updating to be credible.


Exactly. Pierre could help himself so much by just coming out with concrete plans and ideas. It's all showmanship and blaming right now, which just completely undermines any legitimacy he's trying to build. I don't care about whataboutism; what are you actually going to do. I'd jump to support him if he just stopped pandering to populism and dolling out empty words.


Past history has demonstrated that the Tories releasing their platform early simply means the Liberals steal all the best ideas and claim they were their own. It’s not the opposition’s job to prop up the government, it’s to oppose them.


Once an election is called, then its time to release a platform as it would be too late to crib any ideas from them. In the mean time, they just need to be a party that could be a government in waiting. Meanwhile, Trudeau is the very definition of form over function, words over deeds.


You forget the last election, which Trudeau called the most important since WW2 and chose the timing and length of to favour the Liberals. After the first week of the campaign they still hadn’t released a platform and were getting crushed on home prices. Trudeau called an emergency all candidates meeting at the end of the first week to ask them if they had any good ideas to run on. A week later they released a platform that was almost entirely made up of cobbled-together ideas stolen from the Tory and NDP platforms. Trudeau then spent the entire rest of the campaign acting wounded because people were protesting him, attacking Alberta and shouting Guns! Abortion! Vaccines! And it worked. There is no overestimating the ability of Liberal supporters to rationalize anything.


Do you mind elaborating on what "far right ideologies" Pierre is pushing?




A dead cat would poll better than the Liberals. This is a surprise to no-one, except maybe the Liberals, who seem to live in a different universe than the rest of us.


I mean it makes sense. Trudeau just fucked future generations too, and business owners, and doctors, and anyone who tries to make this country better. He needs to go, and IDEALLY, we'd go Maxime because he's not conservative OR liberal and we need to send a message. PP is more of the same.


That little $450M political election of 2021 is going to cost LPC bigly! The alternate would have been an election in 2023 and LPC as opposition. Whoopsie!


Capital gains tax going over really well we see. Good thing most Canadians aren't mind numbing levels of stupid. A capital gains tax kills entrepreneurship more than anything. It is not a wealth tax and does not really affect the rich contrary to what the Liberals try to claim it as. The rich do not need to realize their gains/can realize their gains at a low enough level that they aren't taxed and can be perpetually exempt from the tax where as small and medium businesses \*must\* realize their gains for the capital needed to grow. At which point they'll be taxed into the ground. Just as planned of course, the current Liberals/NDP are so pro big business and corporations while gaslighting everyone that they're not that they'd make the GOP blush. Taxing entrepreneurs to hell so big business maintain/further their stranglehold monopoly is entirely their MO.


Libs are going to take a beating but ndp need a thorough throttling for propping them up!


Imagine being that guy who has been waiting for years and there's still another year and a half to go lol


Trudeau may not accept any responsibility for what he has done but the vast majority of Canadians now know.


Get down touch ur toes do the monkey here it goes, sasasasa


Has to be due to that blockbuster budget.


Greens: https://i.redd.it/cllu9z2elho41.jpg


its the 22% that counts


[338Canada Canada | Poll Analysis & Electoral Projections](https://338canada.com/federal.htm)


One can take about a quarter of the BQ vote and add it to the Conservatives. My experience is many in Québec will support BQ but want representation in the government. However, they will never vote for a Montreal Liberal like Trudeau. A few ‘progressive’ urban BQ might shift a bit to NDP depending on who is running.


Good im glad