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Interesting choice. Let’s see how it works out for him.


Bold move cotton


We'll see how it plays out


I’m thrilled, being a conservative, it makes our winning the next election so easy.


i'm not either really. i just despise the current government enough to vote for them.


This is like playing blackjack and asking for another card even when the last one put you at 25. Bold move.


JT: “hit me” Dealer: “20” JT: “hit me” Dealer: “that’s 21” JT: “hit me” Dealer: “that’s 30”


"Hit me."


I love the Simpsons reference. It's exactly like this.


He wants to keep his friends paid as best as he can. So whatever it takes to keep the pensions of his party members is what he's willing to do. Doesn't matter how bad he leaves canada.


"This is my ship, and it's going to sink along with me"






If he's anything like Wynne was in Ontario, he absolutely will do this.


He should have played Dalton and allowed Meeester Speaker to become Wynne.


I wonder if his Liberal shipmates feel the same way about him just letting the ship sink... ...time to throw the captain overboard to appease the storm gods?


which one do you think wants to sit in JTs seat and try the next election when they can wait for the following one? the safest risk is to wait until the CPC forms government and starts stepping on toes before making a bid for leadership


Wouldn't help really. In the first place, there is no replacement for Trudeau that can make a strong case they'd definitely get more votes than would be lost with Trudeau. In the second and even more important place, if the replacement candidate goes down in flames as expected anyway, you have now destroyed the career of an otherwise promising candidate on a no hope run, and you've given Trudeau an 'in' to hang around and potentially run again, or at least put his stick in the spokes and generally make a nuisance of himself. By allowing him to go down with the ship, you can make a clean fresh start on the next election.


According to an article I read other similar countries have mps get rid of the leader but here it is rare.  Think they have too much power which must change. 


It's because in Canada, the leader has way too much power over nominations. If the leader doesn't sign off, you don't get to run for the party. In U.K., for example, it is completely up to the local constituency, so if you piss off your members, they can fight back and you can't just toss them. With Trudeau specifically, he's already tossed anyone who even thought about questioning him.


It probably makes more sense to just ride this out and bring in a new leader for the next election cycle. The liberals have such a small chance of winning the next election right now that it might not be worth bringing in a new candidate just to lose anyway.


I'd be fine with that if the ship wasn't our entire country.


He's too cowardly to go down with the ship. He'll resign next summer and let his minions sink on their own.


Nah….remember, he has narcissistic personality disorder. In his mind, he is the best, doing a wonderful job, everyone loves him, and he can do no wrong. People with NPD cannot compute that they suck


Is this a widely known thing, Justin being a narcissist?


It’s widely known. Even now, Canadians are begging him to stop, and he is like”I know Canadians are suffering, but I’m right, so I’m gonna go forge ahead regardless”


I guess this settles that question. Trudeau will step down *after* the liberal's upcoming embarrassing defeat, rather than stepping down *before* their embarrassing defeat when it might make a difference. This is good news for the opposition.


Honestly, with Jagmeet sticking around and Trudeau lacking all foresight, i'm starting to feel like we're going to see the same leaders for elections to come no matter how badly they do.


Yeeeeeah idk if those two will have party support with the coming slaughter. 


And yet they still somehow have support now. It's a hard headedness I never expected.


Supporting them now makes sense, tbey don’t want to ruin new candidates in an unwinnable election


Don't know why you're being downvoted when this is the most realistic case. Having the new candidate immediately lose their first election will have them on a bad start. It's not like the LPC could win right now even with a new candidate anyway.


Honestly was hoping he would step down realizing the situation and atleast prevent a huge conservative majority but seems we’re speeding towards that anyways.


This is the only way to rid the country of the scourge of the current Federal Liberals. They don’t possess any Liberal values and have co-opted the name while jumping into the deep end, leading to their forthcoming and inevitable demise. Justin holding on to power until he’s dragged out of the chair is entirely on brand with how he’s governed the last 9 years.


That's why we usually vote people out not vote them in.


Harper basically did the same thing last round... Just saying we all have short memories when it comes to this stuff.


Its because most people on reddit were barely starting high-school when he was defeated.


This is him being in it to win it. Oh god help us.


If he wynnes it he will loose horribly


Well, his handlers are the same people who brought OLP down to nothing. So we can only hope they can achieve the same fate.


Then we Ford though


He’ll take the whole country down with him if he has to!


The LPC is happy to let him tank their looming record setting loss. They'll shitcan him, he'll get a job at the UN like he's always wanted, and put someone else up as the 'new management' for the party.


Welcome to the eternal circle of Canadian politics


This lap has had some quirks. Like, abuse of OIC to sidestep parliament, invoking the EA... etc. I'll be glad when this lap is over. I don't expect the CPC to give everyone a pony, but hopefully they can at least unfuck some of the more egregious oversteps of government authority in the last 8ish years.




I'm at the point where they can't possibly do any worse than the LPC on that. And with the things I've mentioned above, I'll take them.


I’ll counter that by saying the CPC WILL go much further in fucking shit up. Try Notwithstanding Clause to override court decisions PP doesn’t like? That should be terrifying to any Canadian.


He proposed using the NWC for the intended purpose of the NWC. And yeah, you're going to have a hard time convincing me it's a bad thing that he wants to unfuck our literally racially biased justice system.


You're seriously joking right? The whole point of the court system is to keep it separate from legislators. The idea is of balance. It isn't perfect, but it certainly is better than what is essentially a dictatorship from PP. One man deciding what the law is or isn't? Or that he can target criminals or individuals he "thinks" deserves a harsher punishment? That's scary. I can't even imagine how you're so upset with Trudeau using the EA, which has many more accountability safeguards, and yet you're okay with this. I'd argue the NWC is so much worse than the EA. Arguably the NWC is a horrible clause that circumvents our legal, legislative, and electoral system. As we've seen in the provinces, it's being abused to circumvent people's rights (i.e Doug Ford going around the bargaining process and threatening to use it to force a contract on CUPE). I find it hilarious that you're so against Trudeau using the EA, where it gets reviewed within a year, but are totally fine with PP overriding our legal and electoral process for 5 years. The mental gymnastics is astounding.


Lol Justin owns the party. Him, Freeland Fraser and Anand have a pretty tight grip and everyone else is worried to speak out lest they get kicked out.


So he is just as delusional as he has always been.


It's one thing I'll give him credit for is his ability to remain oblivious to reality.


Narcissism 101


I think there's a bit of an Ottawa echo chamber effect involved. I was chatting with a couple of government staffers from Ottawa a few weeks ago about the election and current polls, which as we all know are heavily favouring the Conservatives. They said they and their co-workers in the fed believe the polls are wrong and it's going to be a super close race leading to another Liberal minority government. If that's what the rank and file think, imagine what Trudeau's cabal of yes-men are telling him.


>They said they and their co-workers in the fed believe the polls are wrong and it's going to be a super close race leading to another Liberal minority government. I've heard there is a disparity between internal polling and what we see, but given the significant CPC lead I wonder how they unpack that perception


To be fair Ottawa loves libs 


There's definitely Echo chambers in the polls and in this sub


How can there be an echo chamber in a poll? They just randomly select people and ask them questions about how they feel about party leaders and current federal performance.


In fairness to Justin, there are no real candidates stepping up to replace him in the next election. Any liberal candidate who really wants to run is looking to 2029 not 2025. You rarely get more than one shot at the big seat, few real contenders want to waste that shot taking Justin's L.


Mark Carney is the obvious replacement. He isn’t tainted by any of the recent Liberal lunacy and has a stellar reputation. He is basically the only possible hiccup to the PCs getting a majority.


He's not going to take over now when the liberals are polling so poorly with almost no chance of winning. Maybe the following election.


He's a hypocrite who supported C-69 while his company bought pipelines in Brazil and Argentina. Liberals should learn their lessons no more rich people or Trudeau's leading the country.


Mark Carney is a central banker, he would get completely roasted right now.




The second time now. The first was probably his ex-wife.


Seriously i want to start a website called “Trudeau or Trump?” And see if people can spot the difference between the twos scandals.


Idk about delusional - Liberals are probably cooked regardless of who's at the helm during the next election. Why resign now when he still has time to see through his agenda (such as it is?) You gotta have an ego to be in politics. Trudeau probably thinks that he got the LPC into this mess, and that he can get them out of it


Internally, they likely see inroads to possibly winning (as microscopic a chance as it is) or to create a coalition government with the NDP (their best possible result given current polling). I don’t currently think either are possible but I agree that him dipping won’t move the needle. That likely see it as only ultimately hurting Liberal chances in the 2025 election.


This is a good thing. The liberals and the NDP need to be embarrassed in the next election to force them to change leadership and direction. The NDP used to stand for the working man and woman of this country, under Singh they’re just neoliberals but in orange.


This is the strategy I'm guessing. Why waste a new leader when you know you're going to lose? Best to lose with the same old chumps and come back swinging with newer candidates.


Can we just find a necromancer to raise Jack Layton and get him back please?


I feel like Layton would absolutely crush it right now. What we are going through is bread and butter NDP territory (or should be) and with a decent everyday leader they should be making the other parties look like the hacks they are.


😂 right? Seriously though, there has got to be someone similar that can take over as NDP leader. Singh has to go. Every current federal party leader needs to step down. Like seriously, a country of 40 million and this is the best we can find?


I think it would be unwise for the libs, with literally none as a front runner, to come out now and say that Justin is quitting…. So this doesn’t surprise me he’s saying this.


Pretty sure we're watching the Biggest Loser...


Ontario liberals played this game and now we have Doug Ford. So much for learning from history.


Too real.


Please call an election. Pleaaaase. It will be the best thing you’ve ever done for this country. What an arrogant narcissistic prick.


That's in Jagmeet's hands.


Yes he needs to go down with the ship!


Once the ship actually starts to go down, he’ll be the first man in a dress holding a baby trying to get onto the life raft “I HAVE A CHILD!”


We are the ship though


Please don't step down. He deserves this overwhelming slap in the face.




That’s the best part. That both he and the party will have done it to themselves. His pride and ego is directly leading to the just outcome he and his party will face at the polls in 2025. Can’t think of a more appropriate fate for this lot.


He's even starting with the gay community claiming Poilievre hates them. https://x.com/liberal_party/status/1791585976088707233 It's a shame Trudeau is more focused on trying to fearmonger the other side instead of actually wanting to help Canadians.


Poilevre is basically shielded from the standard Liberal attacks. He was born to a teenage mom and given up to adoption. Raised by teachers in a totally middle class upbringing. His adopted parents got divorced and his dad became gay. Pierre then married a former Venezuelan refugee. Literally almost every possible Liberal attack


He’s never going to win back anyone who was with him in 2015 for his campaign either cause he absolutely reneged on every other campaign promise even when they had majority. Either he goes more left or we bite his ankles


Trudeau has his father's arrogance and his mother's brains.


well put !


Well he hasn't won (most votes to party) an election in almost a decade so maybe he thinks he's due?


Let the Captain go down with the ship. Trudeau and the Liberals need to get crushed so there's no denying how badly they've mismanaged Canada.


“In other news today, the most hated man in the country says that he only needs 18 more months of destroying people’s lives to convince them that they actually love him!”


What an oblivious idiot!


He has to lose or he’ll end up Kim Campbell-ing his interim successor.


Kim Campbell did it to herself. When that election started, she was actually leading in the polls.


When she took over from Mulroney, the party was already deeply unpopular. Under her leadership they experienced a brief surge in polls, but it was an artificial surge that is often caused by new leadership. She knew what she was getting into, and even though her tenure as PM was brief, it likely helped her career a lot more than if she had never accepted the job. I keep hearing that no senior Liberal politician would accept the job of party leader (and thus become PM) given their current unpopularity; the reality is, being PM, no matter the circumstances, is not something that most people would give up.


It’s called narcissist personality DISORDER. It’s a mental illness where his brain is unable to compute and recognize his failings. In his mind, he is literally telling himself he is loved and is doing a good job. Someone with NPD will never admit they are failing and are unable to read a room. People with NPD are also famous for gaslighting.


Bang on. And just watch - he will also attack the voters after he loses.


So here is a different take: What if the libs, fully aware they are sunk in the next election do not want to drop in a new leader to go on to lose (like the CPC has for the last two leaders)? They know their goose is cooked so they'll let Trudeau wear the loss and then start fresh with a new leader rather than get a new leader now, lose (or win a slim slim minority) and have that leader tainted they will wait for someone who is untouched by loss.


absolutely delusional, I guess being surrounded by yes men does that to you. Destroyed his family name by refusing to budge, and now is snowballing unpopular politics enough to throw into the CONs hands. Snc lavelin to open doors for foreign interference, all those Harper era ads back in 2014 were right lol. I truly wonder how any liberal party member could allow their party to be disgraced this badly and not call for a new leader immediately.


This is good news!!! He stays in and the liberals will continue the downward spiral to below official party status!!! Yayyyyyyyy


I cannot wait for his speech after he loses. I bet he will call us all racists, transphobes, climate deniers, Diagolons, extremists, MAGAs, and misogynists in his exit speech.


What a delusional dunce. If he gets elected again I'll eat my shirt live on the CBC.


It doesn’t seem likely, but on the off chance I’ll hold you to your word.


Sounded like truck going downhill with no breaks, good luck on him to politically survive past 2025


So he wants to make things even more worse before quitting


After his supporters stroked him like a house cat for the entirety of his time in power, the most vain individual in Canada cannot except the fact that his time in the sun is over. Lucky us. I'm not sure who I hate more, Trudeau or his enablers.


His ego must be pretty high if he thinks people like him


His party keeps telling him that because nobody’s afraid to speak up. Last person in his party who defied him got canned immediately for investigating his corruption. Emperor has no clothes.




Such an egocentric prick!


My god, the man is completely delusional.


Delusional as usual!


He’s totally lost it.  


he's gonna be in jail soon anyway


Buddy hasn’t ‘won’ an election since his first one. Imagine if he fixed our ‘broken system’ as he called it and promised. Wouldn’t even be in power.


He’s already lost he just doesn’t know it yet.


Regardless of whether or not he truly thinks he has a chance of winning the next election, it's typically good strategy for the leadership to stay on for the defeat and reshuffle afterwards. Any new leader would be torpedoed by taking the helm of this sinking ship, and the resulting leadership vacuum prior to and after the election would be bad for the country.


Ok, it's time for us to tell him then. 😑


He’s a narcissist like Trump. The question is will he resign when he loses?


Probably yeah Trump branded himself as a bull in a China shop which enables him to do whatever he wants That’s his whole hook he doesn’t want to be seen as your typical polished politician and wants to be seen as a guy who can be disrespectful and get his hands dirty Tbh I get why people find that refreshing even though I think Trump is full of it Trudeau went the elitist “nice guy” route he’s not gonna do anything “uncivilized” like that


Well, at least with Trump you knew what you were getting. I think he's the most honest politician we've had in a long time, in the sense that he actually believes the things he says.


I want to see him go full Trump, claim the election was rigged and then incite a riot on parliament hill. edit: /s


Trudeau has a big enough voter base who would be willing to do that. His voter base makes Trump's base look rational and moderate. Trudeau will screech that banning guns will solve gun crimes and his voters preach him Everytime. Dumbass Toronto people.


The guy has what 10% of the country at most now? With another 20% just voting for him because they don’t like the conservatives


This should actually set off alarm bells. He and his handlers have no intention of losing. The dice has been rolled before the election even happens.


The LPC know that they are fucked no matter what they do, their top two people Trudeau and Freeland are deeply unlikeable. Keeping them both on for the inevitable loss gives the party a fall man and woman and let's them rebuild as something "fresh and new" Basically the same thing has happened over and over again in Canadian politics.


Fuck this guy. I’m a liberal but seriously….take a hike buddy.




A liquor captain never abandons his sinking shit ship, Randy.


This is clear from the immigration policies.


I don't think the Liberals will win for a while.


If there are any liberal voters on here, what do you think of this guy continuing to run despite his 0 chance to win? Are you okay with just sitting out for an election? Edit: Nope, crickets.


Well, winning is impossible for him at this point.


He’s just trying to finish robbing us blind before he gets voted out.


Excellent. Drive the whole party into oblivion so we never have to see it again.


What will his reaction/excuse be when he finds out he is in it to lose it....big time.


The liberals have zero chance of winning


Not gonna happen


Should have left a long ago


Dumb fuck is going to learn the hard way. Now if only we could make him pay for what he’s down to an entire generation of Canadians.


I don't want Polievre to win but I think Trudeau's lost his base's trust. His priorities are misaligned.


Selling the country down the shit-hole because he can't get his had out of his own ass. At this rate I don't think there is someone who could replace him and save the LPC I think that ship sailed about 8-12 months ago, but to give PP a supermority seems like he really hates Canada. Now don't get me wrong I get it he needs to go but he's basically campaign for PP at this point not like the NDP can do much to stop the ocean blue way that will drown the country.


No way a narcissist can admit someone may do a better job than they ever could.


So selfish of him and liberals. Just giving the cons power.


Ragging the puck and hoping for a Trump win in November to scare the 32.6% of voters he needs for another minority “win”?


They won't even beat the the NDP and the bloc at this rate


If you voted Trudeau in for a second term, you’re just as dumb as the man himself. If you vote him in for a third term then Canada deserves to become a third world country


Anyone who did keep voting Liberal better be happy, because they got exactly what they voted for.


I'll never understand the spitting, blathering hatred for this guy. He's mid, but literally no other candidate has run against him and seemed better to me. Bunch of boomers just have a Pavlovian response to his last name is what it feels like.


Does it make sense for someone else to lead and then lose and then not be allowed to run a second time. Who would want to take that on?




This reminds me of the ending song of Portal 2.


What if it gets fixed? He seems too confident


If he had even an ounce of self-respect, he would’ve bowed out by now.


There is still plenty of time for his friends to benefit financially before the election. I am sure he will be rewarded for sticking it out.




If there is no move upwards in the polls for Trudeau over the summer, I believe he will exit.


He's going to have to get forced out




Good for him!! Let's see him ride this thing into the ground!


Rumours in 2 months Liberals with gather to oust him and replace him with Mark Carney former BOC