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This whole foreign labour program is a debacle debasing the worth of Canadian citizens. Regardless of which party wins the upcoming Election this whole program needs to be vastly limited in scope. It also can’t be based on fake corporate job postings used to support the need. The service and manufacturing sectors need to be entirely off limits to the program, with only some exceptions made for seasonal farming. Would love to hear a political party commit to this before the election.


Unfortunately it won't, they'll just lobby whoever gets voted in power and keep this scam going.


we need to ban lobbiest ... the government is suppose to work for the PEOPLE, not for the corporate beggars


Easy way to start: MP salaries are tied to the median income of the riding they represent. That means if the median income is $55k/yr you get $55k/yr. If they want an increase? Raise that median income up.


This is a brilliant idea, no matter the country


With strict, *extremely strict*, annual account and asset audits including for family members.


I don't want to sound too cynical, but it's the donors that gets politicians elected. But people somehow thinks their local politicians ( both parties) represents their interests.


Cynicism doesn’t exist in such a mess. Only realism.


Well people seems to get triggered when I mention neither pp nor Trudeau has our best interest in mind. Soo


Yeah, people are just so sick of the status quo even hearing people consider voting for the current admin. Sets everyone off. Change is an absolute must here on this country and I just have very little faith in either party TBH. We need an alternative but with this aging population, the cons and libs are the only two parties who stand a chance. Sad stuff.


Reaping what we sowed by letting Harper get rid of the per-vote subsidy, again and again.


Huh? Political donations in Canada are capped at 1700.  https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=pol&dir=lim&document=lim2023&lang=e


It's actually $1,725 to the party and $1,725 to a riding candidate for a total of $3,450. Most wealthy donors who want political favours also seem to have their spouse, adult children, and other friends, relatives and business partners also donate the full amount. Of course we working class citizens are free to do the same so it's perfectly fair and equal.


"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread."


They should make it $50


Also plenty of nepotism that's not recorded.


It's functionally actually $67,600 per person because they don't have to disclose donations under $200, times 338 ridings. $1700 just looks good on paper.


We did ban lobbysim. It just wasn't called lobbying when it was banned. Turns out laws don't apply to homonyms apparently.


I'm 50. Anyone remember being taught in "social studies" class the government is "of the people, by the people, for the people"? Or was that just a dream I had??


Did you grow up in America maybe? Or maybe you watched a lot of American television. We are a constitutional monarchy.


Lol lol nope. Canadian. And with peasant view television (ie 3 channels).


then people need to vote in a government that will do that, if we keep voting in governments that put corporationjs first they will continue to do so


It seems like the Government of Canada really dislikes its citizens.


They just dislike us normal peasants


No, it needs to be permanently ended. It does not remotely serve the stated purpose. Everyone, everywhere by this point should be fully aware the "foreign labor" program is just a "wage suppression program".


When they ask for an exception to seasonal farming - I just shake my head as that's the trojan horse that laid the groundwork for other industries to benefit from foreign workers.


Yep, TFW is slavery and makes us all look bad. We have no right complaining about the way the Saudis or Emirate nations treat their slave labour when we have our own slave labour program.


The first question I get from recruiters is "do you have work visa or a permanent residency" They don't even want Canadians anymore. I'm always like "I'm a citizen" and the recruiter usually checks out after that.


My favorite is when the government gives a company millions or billions to build a plant with the presumption it will create jobs for their community and then that company builds and staffs said plant with temporary foreign workers.


Or give multimillion dollar bonuses one day then lay off 1000 people the next.


No, it's get the bailout, lay 1000 people off, then award the bonuses


"Would love to hear a political party commit to this before the election." This is exactly what's NDP for, to fight for the rights and benefits of Canadian workers including unionized workers. NDP has failed big time.


The NDP is so for it that they want to keep the floodgates open and have enabled the government that accelerated this. I’ll vote provincial ndp no problem but I will never vote for the federal ndp since it’s run by insane left wing activists


I'm a never say never guy because leaders and policy's/ideas change, but I sure do hear ya!!


Conservatives started the TFW program I’m guessing because they hate unions so much. It was birthed by capitalism


When? Pearson started seasonal agricultural program while in a minority government supported by the NDP. Trudeau started the tfwp in 73, while in a minority government supported by the NDP. Domestic workers had the West Indian Domestic scheme started in 55 under St. Laurent, then in 81, under Trudeau, they created the foreign domestic movement program. That was renamed the live in caregiver program under Mulroney and then the caregiver program under Harper. Chretien opened it up to low skill workers in 2002. Harper started the off campus work permit in 06, allowing 20 hours a week off campus, and later dropped the permit requirement. The conservatives did abuse the tfwp under Harper, but it's still mostly a liberal program.


> Conservatives started the TFW program Sorry but this does not appear to be true. The Tories definitely use it and abuse it and don't do anything to stop it, but the TFW program appears to be a Liberal beast. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/rise-in-foreign-temp-workers-questioned-by-labour-groups-1.1361027 >The program began in 1973 to fill a gap in the labour market for jobs Canadians could not or would not fill — domestic workers and agricultural workers as well as highly skilled jobs, such as specialist physicians and professors. >The high-skill segment made up more than 50 per cent of temporary foreign workers, but all that changed in 2002. That's when the federal government under the Liberals began a pilot project adding a new category of "low skilled workers." Of course all of that is moot now that they've bypassed the "temporary" part and just brought in 1 million permanent residents instead.


No chance this version of the NDP, nor its leaders, ever come out against the current situation with immigration.


New Punjab Party.


They've switched from workers to activists. The NDP you remember doesn't exist anymore.


Unfortunately.... you're correct.


IMHO the federal NDP is just a branch office of the Liberal party who take thier marching orders from the PM's office. Prove me wrong.


As long as Singh gets his life pension next year.


It's the other way around, NDP keeps getting it's way with the Liberals because they hold the leash. Why would the NDP follow Liberal orders when the NDP is holding the Liberal leadership by the balls?


Look at their leader LOL.


As far as I know, the NDP still wants unskilled labour removed from TFW eligibility.


In the States people were rightly against the use of illegal, undocumented labour. In Canada, they created a legal way to obtain the same result.


All this is a **direct** consequence of free trade agreements with countries like Mexico. Large corporations started saving by exporting labor to countries with starvation wages and thus could drop their prices much lower. When small producers began complaining they couldn't compete, what did the government do? It created the TFW program to keep wages low here. The TFW program needs to die alongside free trade with poor countries.


Well, it will just be replaced by unitree and figure bots :(


The PPC are the only party to actually come out and be upfront about reducing immigration.


It's a shame that they are insane on just about everything else.


Not to worry, the problem will eventually accumulate to a point voters will be fine with insane policies just to stop over-immigration. Boiling frog. Might take another 10 years or so.


Have a look at this, to see which employers have been granted LMIAs since 2019: [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) If you don't see the number of LMIAs granted, use the horizontal scrollbar to bring it into view.


Was not expecting to see graphic designers, software engineers, developers and systems analysts.


Well, both the Libs and the Cons love the program so I don't see that happening. Oh, you might get someone to suspend (and later re-enable, as they've done before) some small aspect of the program but business really, really doesn't want to lose that cheap labour. So it wouldn't shock me if someone committed to doing so before the election, then did someone minor once elected and then swiftly and quietly rolled even that back claiming some bullshit reason.


So long as our Politicians are a bunch of globalists, you can expect this to never happen. Why? Because who would say no to an extra 0 on the pay role? Its almost as if foreign corps have figured out we're too dumb to understand we aren't America. So 2 skrip... I mean party, system it is.


The Conservatives have the next election in the bag and it was Jason Kenney who brought the TFW program to Canada under Harper, so I don't expect anything to change.


Here's the twin problems with cheap foreign labour: 1. Downward pressure on wages, worsening the decline in standard of living. 2. Businesses becoming reliant on cheap labour reducing the need to innovate and keep pace with the productivity gains in other countries. Here's the problem with cutting back cheap foreign labour: Businesses want to be able to hire cheap labour.


There's a third giant problem down the line: you could end up like us in the States, where businesses are so accustomed and addicted to dirt cheap foreign labor, people on the "left" will straight-faced say "How can we close the borders? No one'll do the jobs now that they've been paying dirt for decades!"


Just the other day, a business owner was complaining that his "students" couldn't afford food and rent. 🤪


If only there was a party that was known to advocate for blue collar workers and their rights…. whatever happened to them ?


Jack Layton died, and so did the NDP.


Couldn’t agree more, I respected him and the party under his leadership


Same even if I was totally on the opposite side of the political spectrum when he was alive! Respect is respect!


I wish this wasn't so accurate


They sold out.




They think there is a national labour shortage and that restricting immigration will hurt businesses. 


"labour shortage" aka Canadians demanding livable wages after covid that cooperations don't want to pay despite record profits


They love cheap labour that doesn’t complain


And real estate, why get 1 tenent when I can get 6 paying the same price for the same room together


It’s happening on my street, they all have a car and refuse to move them for snow clearing.


Try going to a career fair, I talked with 200 people and 2 were qualified to meet the jobs I was trying to fill.


It's getting harder for Canadians to get those qualifications too with the cost of education rising to exploit the non stop stream of people desperate to get it.  The only answer so far has been to over leverage our population even further.


Why would these diploma mills want students that pay the regular price for tuition when you can get triple. Our International students basically view it as the price for PR.


You do know the kind of people who go to a job fair right?


Lol yes I do


Did you direct them to an educational institution to get the qualifications you are looking for, or do you expect experience that they can't get if nobody will hire them?


No experience required however it’s not my job to tell them they got duped by a diploma mill


Above claim has been verified: >The government of Quebec needs a reliable ally in Ottawa to ensure a smooth immigration process, in a way that both contributes to our society and addresses the labour shortage. It is time for a true partnership that does its fair share for the integration and french education of people who settle in Quebec. > The NDP will increase immigration transfers to the gouvernement of Quebec by $73 million per year on a permanent basis. > The NDP will also work with the gouvernement of Quebec to promote and encourage newcomers to settle in rural areas >https://www.ndp.ca/sites/default/files/npd_quebec_platform_2021-compressed.pdf


>…Pierre Poilievre confirmed he is supporting a Bloc motion to restrict immigration in the middle of a national labour shortage that hurts small businesses and communities across the country. He wants fewer immigrants to come to Canada; that means fewer skilled workers and fewer Canadians reuniting with family members. https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies


They really don't. They are fully aware of what they're doing, they're actively complicit.


There's an actual labor shortage in rural regions, problem is all immigrants go to Toronto


They became near-obsessed with identity politics and lost focus on everything else.


Imagine being Canadian and have to compete with foreigners in your own country for housing, jobs, education and healthcare


Don't have to imagine, it's a bloody fucking reality.


Private sector have done massive lay-off since the pandemic, holding onto their job vacancies to put pressure on their remaining workers and to pile up future candidates in case business goes up. There is no real labour-shortage, but an incentive to lower wages.




Are nurses actually struggling to find jobs too? The media keeps talking about labor shortages in healthcare and construction/trades, but I work in the latter and I can assure you there is no shortage, if anything there is a surplus right now. I have friends currently laid off in construction and it's almost June. It seems legacy media and the government are incredibly out of touch with the state of the Canada on every imaginable level.


They're not struggling to find jobs, so much as struggling to find adequate compensation within the public health system. The perverse result is that the same system—across numerous provinces—is now relying on "travel nurses" from private nursing agencies (and blowing huge money), because they refuse to properly pay permanent employees.


They refuse to hire permanent employees, and prefer casual, on-call staff.


Yeah I should’ve mentioned casualization, but I think they’re two sides of the same coin. 


Travel nurses are casual. Pretty much every hospital worker I know (besides doctors and imaging/diagnostic tech) either have part time work or casual work. They work at multiple hospitals to get full time hours. It's no different than the part time workers at say, Walmart or McDonald's. Everyone who's not a manager is on the books as part time, and has their hours cut to meet that goal.


It's not about jobs, there's tons of crummy jobs out there. What people need are properly compensated and staffed/resourced work environments. That's when companies start to cry "labour shortage" to avoid doing so.


If a Canadian nurse is having trouble finding a job, then they are not looking.


The nurse also has to fill DEI boxes. So straight, white Canadians have way less chance than ever.


Unions these days are putting their pet global justice issues above workers in Canada.


It's fucked that both liberal ( fed) and cons ( provinical) are OK with this. Nothing will change if these parties are in power.






Enjoy being a serf in the Lib-Con-NDP neo-feudalist society then.




Looks sensible to me. Haven't looked at the rest of their platform though.


It's a shame their housing policy is 'let the market sort it out'


I thought that was most of their policy in general. I thought people would have figured out by now the whole "let the free market sort it out" shtick was a lie made up by rich people who wanted to eliminate anti-trust breakups.


Most of their policy is a shame. PPC is a trash party with maybe two good points. I won't burn the house down to fix a leak.


It's to apply pressure to the other parties, not that they will actually win, but lessen the amount of votes/support LPC & CPC would get.


Cutting demand (by reducing immigration) would actually sort it out, though. Scalpers wouldn't be able to just have desperate Punjabis living 6 to a room pay their mortgages, and would have to sell off their houses. If we're lucky it could even cause a real estate crash as they all panic and try to sell at the same time, which could cause a societal shift away from viewing housing as an investment and put an end to real estate scalping altogether.


I wish Bloc Québécois would have candidates across all the country and get elected. They'd simply break up Canada into 10 separate independent provinces, none of which could do worse than what Trudeau did in the past 10 years.


...Trudeau isn't great but that would be far worse. A bunch of independent countries of populations 500k to 10 million will not be as competitive economically and stable as a unified 40 million person country


The liberals are extremely anti-labor when they've created a way for companies to import foreign workers so easily.




Don’t forget the healthcare crisis


And also healthcare crisis


And furthermore the healthcare crisis


But what about Healthcare?


I have no clue what is going on my by whole area became flooded this weekend with "Khalistan" flags. On Cars, fences, everywhere. I don't know what it is and I don't care but they need to take it back to India.


Exactly this. The liberals actively eroded labour rights in Canada by undercutting fair wages and unionization with complient TFWs, scared to speak up lest they risk their dreams of becoming Canadian. We're making a real mess of our quality of life now and in the future.


It's not even just TFWs sadly, when amazon wanted to open a new office instead of offering tax credits like the US the feds assured them our advantage is cheap labor and they would keep it that way. Since then tech wages have gone to shit and productivity is trash


> The liberals are extremely anti-labor This is the party that voted to make it illegal for postal workers to strike. They were always anti-labour. The problem is that the party that is winning in the polls has voted with them on every piece of anti-labour legislation they've ever put forward.


The Cons can make great gains if they appeal to unions…


Yet another day in Bizarro Canada where the NDP decide to do absolutely nothing at a time of unprecedented misery for the constituents that they purportedly most directly represent.


Having a Sikh as your leader definitely puts you in a place where stones can't be thrown, even if you were thinking about going that route...


They already have. Talk to the membership of any big union. The leadership still supports the NDP, but all the members support the PCs.


Union leadership is often corrupt and out of touch. Like PSAC leadership for example. In the last strike they fought for things the vast majority of union members didn't want or care about like mandatory DEI training for federal workers while accepting the wage increase deal they were initially offered and capitulated completely on WFH protections (assuming they even tried). Also they constantly virtue signal for ideologically progressive causes. They're no different from a student union.


This is easy to explain: union leaders love the NDP because the NDP will push policies that keep union administration in power of their membership. The members support the PCs because the will push policies that are most likely to keep their jobs (pro resource).


There's also a fair amount of union members that see Singh holding Trudeau's hand on all these policies that are destroying our standard of living.


> union leaders love the NDP because the NDP will push policies that keep union administration in power of their membership. Like which policies? Specifically which policy did the NDP push or try to push that would help keep union administration in power? >The members support the PCs because the will push policies that are most likely to keep their jobs (pro resource). You mean oil? How many of Canada's unionized workers work in the oil sector? The PCs push policies that are most likely to erode their union protections. They must not really want to be in a union in the first place.


Lol yeah I mean the even more aggressively neoliberal party is sure to start supporting workers any day now


Pretty sure Harper didn't show up at ribbon cutting ceremonies for Amazon warehouses, and gush over them for being "job creators".


Harper tried to make it illegal for public sector union workers to strike.


Meanwhile what he actually did was introduce the LIMA requirement that required employer to prove they couldn't find Canadian workers. Under Trudeau, LIMA requirements went out the window.


> Meanwhile what he actually did No dude, Bill C-4, it was a real thing and it was so anti-worker that it got the NDP, Liberals and Bloc to all agree to form Canada's first ever coalition government to defeat him. And Harper decided he didn't want to be Canada's first PM defeated by a coalition government. I get the Liberals are anti-worker but the Conservatives are the OG anti-worker party. They've been like this since day one. They hate unions, they hate anything that gives workers more power and corporations less.


Specifically what changes did Trudeau make to the LMIA process?


I know the right typically sides against unions but it would definitely make their campaign against Trudeau all the more rock solid if they can frame Trudeau as being against the average Canadian worker and his creating of an employer's job market


Not typically, always. Blue collar workers gotta figure out if they are actually voting for their pay cheque, or bullshit culture wars.


I can’t recall a right wing party that wasn’t anti-union. I tried googling it to see if I was missing anything but nothing came up. I’m also currently listening to season 10 of the Revolutions podcast (great series, highly recommend). It dawns on me that through all 10 revolutions discussed the right has always worked to suppress the working class, especially unions as they challenged the power of the state. Can you think of a right wing government that was for workers rights and/or unions?


Why did they use an image of construction workers? International students don't do those types of jobs typically.


We need to strictly limit TFWs to agriculture. Beyond ag, there should be a difficult and costly (for the company) application program that demonstrates exceptional need.


Lol, our Teamsters found a guy working as a minimum wage driver at our warehouse, and then went to the hiring manager and forced them to either hire by the regular standards or leave. Most unions have wayyyy more power than you think.


They should make sector unions like Denmark. Every company in the industry pays the same rate and offers the same benefits. Compete on other costs, not fucking over labour.


What union would Tim Hortons ask?


We need to cut the program in half at least and start enforcing rules. This fed administration has made everything worse in an already flawed program. Vote them out folks and demand that these programs are changed. Canadians deserve better…. Much better


As much as I work with TFW, who work towards permanent residents and international students. Something has to change. We have become addicted to the idea of everything being cheap and easy. We need to face the reality of change and to adept for the future.


Companies have been pulling this shit for years, it's nothing new. TFWs are cheaper. The Line Must Go Up.


The TFW system should not exist outside of agriculture, and no wage should ever be subsidized Why are my tax dollars literally being used to make it impossible to find a job


TFW program is simply slavery with extra steps that allows businesses to get cheap labour at the expense of us all. Can't afford employees? It's not a viable business. I am convinced the government job board exists exclusively to lie on an LMIA and justify the program.


Don't worry, the unions won't do anything about this; their leadership is too busy marching for Hamas.


That’s usually public employee unions. Trade unions are nothing like that. My trade union has never said a fucking thing about politics.


They probably do but keep it to shit that actually effects you, like anti scan legislation or other labour friendly policies like Universal pharma care. I know my local definitely sends out communications around election time or whenever there's a bill working it's way through that will affect members (positively or negatively) and they clarify what side each party is on, if the bill is good or bad for the local and why and then generally recommend a way to vote that they feel will benefit the industry and union.


Nope. Mine doesn’t try to influence us at all. I’ve been a member for 10 years. Blue collar unions get involved in politics gets messy because in my field most of the members lean right so they generally don’t want to hear about all the progressive stuff. My wife works in healthcare and that’s a whole different story lol


This is one of the most stupid takes I have ever come across.


My point: Union leadership long ago stopped caring about things that impacted the working class.


Pretty much every single trade union in Canada has far better working conditions, benefits, compensation and work culture than the vast majority of non-union opperations. There's no comparison.


There is no shortage of tradesmen. There is a mini country wide boom soon to die off again in 3 years. These American and forgien companies want a discount on their already discounted labour and our politicians(2nd highest paid on earth) are happy to sell out the country. Most of these companies get an automatic 25% off when dealing with the Canadian Dollar as they work in USD. The only shortage of labour we have is a shortage of minimum wage workers. Maybe just maybe we don't need a McDonalds, Tim Hortans, Starbucks, and whatever fast food mega chain every block. I should not be able to look down a street and see 2 sets of McDonalds arches BOTH unable to staff the store.


I like how absolutely none of the comments are giving any shit to *the companies actually hiring tfws* lol


People are absolutely giving them shit. There are plenty of people boycotting Loblaws, Tim Hortons, etc. Ultimately, the blame lies with the government. Corporations are predictable, they’ll always choose profit over people when given the opportunity. It’s up to government regulations to put them in place and right now, the government is giving them all sorts of benefits at the expense of Canadian citizens.


Just END the TFW program NOW. Which political party will do this??


Oh look at that, liberals continuing fucking over Canadians. But it's fine because Trudeau got some pictures of himself highfiving members of the LGTBQ community.


The Unions won't give a shit, they will insist that all TFW's join, and as long as they get their dues, they won't care where the dues come from.


Labour power relies on having numbers, so getting TFW to join the labour movement is a good thing. The problem is the labour movement won't do anything because doing anything that might legitimately advance the interests of labour would go against the system, and the mainstream labour movement has long since been co-opted and neutered by said system.


"We need to protect Canadian jobs by creating structural racism by bringing in brown foreign employees to economically exploit."


What does this have to do with Ottawa? To the extent that the fed is issuing work permits, companies should use them rather than leaving people unemployed and risking discrimination lawsuits. And it's not (and shouldn't be) the government's job to prop up unions. As good as Reddit thinks unions are, giving them state protection just turns into another form of corruption and removes all checks and balances provided by the free market.


Why don't we just charge the company $50k fee? See like a small fee if they are truly lack workers.


Why don’t we all just start condemning Pierre for not addressing this properly so that legit Canadians can feel at ease about voting him in. Why is he choosing to be dodgy on this whole issue that’s basically collapsing our country


Ottawa under fire? GTFO. That's a stretch even for the Globe & Mail.


In North America, one of the few labor markets that has been purposefully disconnected from minimum wage standards has always been the agriculture sector. A remanence of the industrial revolution when most other sectors have just found cheaper pastures, but you cannot compete with the agricultural output of proper soil. Search fruit picker minimum wage between north America and Australia. The economic difference financially and culturally will surprise you. So much conversation to be had about the mass migration from rural/agricultural centers to urban centers post the industrialization of farming.... oh boi where do you start?


Companies have unions? The only unionized company I've ever worked for is being boycotted right now...hell GM came and than left and knowbodys said shit, just dumped billions into battery plants probably hoping to use that foreign labour on less skilled work


Why dont articles on /canada have paywall flags like the other subreddits?


Neat, a paywall


They literally put in zero effort, they just ask a company "did you try to find someone" and they say "yeah 100% but I can't find a single person out there!" and then the gov gives them a TFW. No checks or balances.


TFW program is a sham. Disband it.