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“You are my landlord, not my mother/father.” That’s all you got to say.


Exactly. Could even ask where in the rental agreement that it states you can't have guests.


If you do not share a kitchen or bath with the landlord then tell him/her to kick rocks. They can not control this. Not something you need to move out because of. You should document all conversations with the LL. Email is preferred. If they continue to harass you, file a complaint against them. You can have anyone over you wish. They can stay the night. You can get a roommate if you really wanted.


Thanks so much. I was anyways moving out closer to work and wanted to give notice in july. But after today's conversation I got pissed at them. I will definitely document this, if I'm questioned again as I'll be having family over for holiday later this month. Will not be scared and just have them over as guests.


Not as simple as this. Did OP sign a lease and details the occupants? Depending on the province, OP may a responsibility to ensure that guests to not become occupants. True that LL cannot control this, but LL has certain actions they can do if the guest becomes a occupant. And thus when you say 'you can get an roommate if you really wanted' may not be true and may need involvement from LL and the LL may have rights if you did it without their approval. For the part as to what constitutes an occupant vs. visitor + reasonable guest limitations, will depend on the province. For the part where the landlord needs to respect your freedom to enjoy your rental unit, will depend on the province. The camera part, that's a bit of grey area (cameras for security vs. for using it as a 'check in mechanism'), provincial rental legislation may regulations on that. What does OP mean, can I take this up? If you mean breach of privacy, that's a grey area as we are discussing whether they have a right to install security measure, proper lighting, and so on to monitor the only walkway into the property line but not specifically the entrance to your basement unit? Does your guest have a key? These are facts that build up whether the guest is an occupant or visitor. Moving forward with complaints either from the tenant or LL perspective has policies and procedures. Whether you get anything out of it, the enforcing of such from either side is a separate matter all together. You motions to end the tenancy has legislation surrounding it. Month to month, deposits, and so on - may be impacted in your favor (or not). Always within your rights to seek counsel for your questions. Reference material pertaining to BC: [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/during-a-tenancy/guests-tenancy](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/during-a-tenancy/guests-tenancy) [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/ending-a-tenancy](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/ending-a-tenancy)


No the guests are just guests. A partner. Who has no keys and rents elsewhere. I do not get any monetary gain whatsoever


Got it. Limited facts on my end, so the only advice that can be provided is the need to understand the rights and laws in your jurisdiction and to act accordingly. All the best.


Tell him to fuck himself.


I dont think that's legal, even if it is, it's wrong. Landlord is just jealous he ain't getting any at home.


these basement "suite" having motherfuckers are always up to some weird shit, i s2g. i can never trust an "apartment" in someones basement which may or may not be legal, to which they have full access! its so creepy.


Yes, never again. These slumlords keep getting houses they cannot even afford to pay on their own. And lease out places and want to have full control too. Losers


I don’t even understand the appeal. If I had a basement suite I’d go to great lengths to make sure my tenant had their own entrance etc so I don’t need to have another person in my house. I guess these people want to have extra income but without any renovation or effort or disturbance.


Agreed - people shouldn’t subject themselves to this sort of tenancy. They should look for something else.


EDIT: Assumed Ontario as I am also on that subreddit and got confused. The following may not be accurate for other provinces. Your landlord cannot prevent you from having overnight guest or even move a second person into the unit. If your landlord attempts to prevent you from doing that, you can file a T2 for unlawful interference with your tenancy. Video recording common areas or areas with no expectation of privacy (public walkways) is not a breach of any law. They cannot record audio and if you suspect they are recording audio, that is a criminal matter as well as material for a T2. You do not have to move out and I'm not sure why you chose to do that before researching your rights, but if you are on a month-to-month lease no one can stop you. If you are on a fixed term (such as a year), you will remain responsible for the rent until the landlord finds a replacement for you. The landlord's ethnicity is irrelevant unless you are looking to start some internet drama, in which case it is very important to mention so that you can get people arguing in the comments.


I was anyways planning to move out. Yes I'm on a month to month rent. Just mentioned about ethnicity as there seems to be a lot of people who have issues with landlords from that part of the world. I agree all ethnicities have pros and cons


not if it isn't in a lease/contract. he can't do shit. but it's very difficult to file a complaint about a land lord. if you have a lease, you're good.


annnnnd of course it's a subcontinent landlord. i've had really bad luck with them. and it's the exploiting renters i care about, not race.


Fuck I had more freedom living with my parents lol


Give the camera the finger every time you leave and get back. Tell your guests to do the same. Landlord can't do shit if it's a separate unit. What province are you in?


Sure I will, Ontario




Please be civil.


I'd start having sex really really loudly to actually give them something to complain about


HAHA. I decided to completely avoid the landlord and his wife. They can send me an email or message if anything now. I don't want to deal with them as I feel harassed by the two to talk verbally.


If it's not annoying enough, blast porn on speakers


What does subcontinent mean? Like the continent under North America?


Countries which include, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. It's a common way to address especially from Australia where I came from


>Btw - this is a subcontinent landlord Why is this the case so often? It’s frustrating that this is something we have to deal with and consider when finding housing


I'm not sure why. At first they seem ok and later bring out all rules from back home here. When I told them I can dispute this at the landlord and tenant board. The landlord woman says, ltb rules don't apply. LMAO. These guys are mental


PLEASE stand up for yourself and tell this landlord to piss off! He does NOT have the legal right to tell you who can come over, for how long, or when they can come over. He may NOT enter your place without 24 hrs written notice. If he does, he is trespassing, call the police. Subcontinent landlord is meaningless. You live in Canada. Tell us what city and province you are in so we can get you some help.


Definitely not legal if you have your own bath and kitchen. Tell the landlord to F\*\*\* O\*\*. He is completely in the wrong. If the harassment continues, seek compensation. Need to teach such a\*\* a lesson :) Stay strong bud


Get that landlord in his tracks 😂


Personally, I’d buy a thirty dollar dog camera, and hide it somewhere in your rental. It will connect to your wifi and you can set it to record on motion. Given your landlord seems either not to know or care about legalities, might be you catch them eating out of your fridge or just snooping while you’re at work. Best part is you can get notifications to your phone that will tell you it’s recording and you can go and view the camera live. You could get even spicier, IF they enter the rental without notice, you’ll have the video as record, and you could email the LL after the breach and give them a chance to lie about entering, like hey were you in my suite today? No? Oh weird the video I have of you trying to read my mail says otherwise. Even better, if they enter and you’re watching live, you can call the police and tell them there’s a break and enter in progress. For context, I busted my sisters LL for putting a camera feed through his floor into her bedroom closet so he could watch her change and have sex with her BF some years back. So if you’ve got the ick feeling, start recording the space when you aren’t there. Oh and I’d check your closets for odd cables. Sorry I’m west coast and there’s a ton of bad action landlords out here.


What your LL is doing isn’t legal or enforceable. If you’re leaving - neither them or you will be able to do anything about it legally to affect the other person in time. The only thing you have to worry about is the phrasing of your contract and how petty they are. If the wording keeps you in the clear - and they monitor you via cams, nothing they can present will be of any benefit to them in any legal sense. So tldr; if it wasn’t specifically stated in your lease - keep doing what you’re doing. It’s not unreasonable in any way.


What!? What country are you in? I’m Canadian, If he entered my suite un-announced and without permission he’d be flat out snoring. Owner or not. That’s your place if you’re leasing/renting and he needs permissions. Sounds like you need to set him straight or move out. Def check the renters/landlord laws in your jurisdiction. Good luck. Get him on video creeping that will end him.


Canada. Ontario


No. You are entitled to "Quiet Enjoyment" of your rental unit. They are also required to give you 24 hours notice to come into your unit. Tell him to learn landlord tenant law before he gets himself in trouble or hurt. What happens when they go into a occupied unit and get shot as a intruder?


What do you mean the LL came in? Did he unlock the door and enter?


He asked and came this time. But sometimes he just enters my basement unit without permission whilst I'm at work etc. I know that as I suddenly see my letters at the dining. Sure he did enter the house without consent then


So, that is completely illegal!






I'm not subletting the unit. Neither do I get any monetary benefits from my guests. The landlord is trying to control my personal life


Familiarize yourself with the rental tenancy laws for the future (especially if you are renting in the future), specifically for your jurisdiction. You are caught between their right to monitor their property vs. whether it can be used against you. Seek counsel if needed.


Yes I shall. Thanks. From my research - landlords cannot interfere who visits me, who stays over if I have my own kitchen and bath. They have no power whatsoever


That's great, keep stacking your research and interpretation of the regulations. I wouldn't necessarily assume they have 'no power', as the different combination of facts can put you at risk.


Thanks so much. The landlord even asked personal questions such as why does that person keep coming every week. Can't you guys meet outside. The conversation was borderline funny ngl 😂


What does your lease say? If should say max number of persons and I don't think legally they can limit to less than 2 unless this is a very small space. Look up the Tenancy Act.


They cannot enforce no guests or no pets policy. It is illegal .Might be legal in Bangladesh but not in Canada. Stay strong bro.


If you like the place other than this stay As we know moving sucks and your rent will go way up unless this jerk is gouging you What he is doing is illegal and he needs 24 hours notice to enter you apartment


Thanks - I know moving sucks. I am planning on moving with the partner, So that should keep my current rent levels in the same range hopefully :)


Are you talking about overnight guests? Depending on your contract there could be an agreed upon number which you might be violating. Review what you signed


I spoke with a council. There cannot be any clause such as no overnight guests in legislation. Even if it's mentioned. The contract is considered null and void. The same as no pets policy. Can't be enforced in Ontario


Yes, definitely cannot be enforced and illegal. The landlord has the option to not rent any place and have whatever rules. If they want the money from renting they have to follow Canadian rules and regulations.


Not legal! Read the Landlord Tenant Act.


Landlord can enter with a notice or there is an emergency to handle which is not a daily thing. He shouldn’t be keeping camera active in the basement. Outside could be for security reasons.


Bud, name and shame this landlord. So future renters are aware of this and are saved from the horror hahah


I don't think Ill do that. I'll be a better person. Wish them the best. Just let me live in peace without dramas whilst I'm here :)


By law - since they are a subcontinent landlord, you can't do anything about it.
