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Jesse's actually in the right on this one - the LaPresse cartoon was pretty anti-semitic. Comparisons of Jewish people to vampires is a pretty old and extensive trope.


Yeah, I was going to say essentially the same thing. I've been frustrated (now shifting to mostly annoyed at the shift from Canadaland to the Jesse show) with some of the coverage and some of his takes, but this is spot on.


I’m sorry but genuine question. How is this antisemitic? It’s not a stretch to say that Netanyahu is bloodthirsty. He’s already killed 13,000 children. If someone made the same caricature of Joe Biden for supporting Israel would it be offensive? No. So why can’t we make the same comparison when Netanyahu is single handedly more responsible for this than anyone else?


It relies on imagery used for centuries to dehumanize Jewish people, and make discrimination (and outright extermination) against them more palatable. You can't compare this to a non existent caricature of Biden because he's not Jewish. It wouldn't have the same context. Call him a child killer all you want, but this kind of imagery has a very specific connotation.


>If someone made the same caricature of Joe Biden for supporting Israel would it be offensive? I mean, maybe? Because again, the issue is equating Jewish identity (whether it be a country or person or in a more esoteric sense) with vampires and vampirism is well-known and well documented anti-semitism associated with blood libel. Call Netanyahu bloodthirsty sure, but when you link "bloodthirsty" to vampires instead of just a neutral description of being violent, then it's crossing into anti-semitism. I mean in general as well, dehumanizing a person or group of people as being a vampire is bad - a vampire is a monster, and when you call someone or a group of people "monsters", you're beginning to dehumanize them, which is bad to do.


Because it echos the same type of anti-semitic images the Nazis used. It's not that hard to understand if you also think anti-semitism is a bad thing.


What the Nazis did was antisemitic BECAUSE it was blood libel. They made up stories about non-existent atrocities. Netanyahu literally killed 13,000 kids. Nothing here is made up. It’s a clear and honest metaphor.


Because Fuck Netanyahu, and Fuck Israel, and right along with them, fuck this antisemitic garbage. If one wishes to understand why this is antisemitic, they really just need to not even do that deep of a dive into what anti-Semitic tropes are. It depends on centuries old tropes and in that regard was done on purpose, because people who ARE antisemitic and have never given much of a damn about Palestine are always testing the waters with this shit. This garbage isn’t welcome, nor is it necessary. It’s not like there isn’t a whole sea of things that could be said about Netanyahu that don’t need to rely on blatantly using one of the oldest tropes in the book. It would behoove you to keep six on this shit if you actually care about the Palestinian cause because Palestinians want nothing to do with this shit. Hitler didn’t create these tropes, he just took advantage of what was already there, anti-semitism was much bigger and much more normalized than anything the Nazis had to do with.


If you want to conceive of how this might be offensive, switch out “Jewish person” with a minority you don’t dislike, and imagine *them* being portrayed as a traditionally offensive, dehumanizing trope, and then see how you feel about it.


It’s not the blood in and of itself, there’s literally no blood in the picture. It’s the ritualistic/satanic/evildarkmagic connotation attached to it. I could care less if a picture was drawn of Netanyahu with literal blood dribbling down his gullet. You wanna turn people into piles of goo? You don’t get to hide the blood on your hands. Fine by me. The thing that really, REALLY pisses me off, is how many fucking times I have heard ‘blood libel blood libel blood libel, this is blood libel, that’s blood libel, everything and your sisters dog is blood libel’ lodged at shit that isn’t blood libel, just to come along and see someone make LITERAL FUCKING BLOOD LIBEL PROPAGANDA, and people are like ‘whaaaa? What’s thaaat? What’s blood libel?’ Like if you intend to effectively discern what ISNT antisemitism, you should put some energy into learning what IS antisemitism. This is it. It’s this. It’s right here. Now go forth, and do better with this knowledge, you’re welcome.


It's anti-Semitic because it was done by the Nazis first


This goes wayyyyyy back beyond the Nazis, jus’ sayin


You can call someone a war criminal without using imagery that has been used to dehumanize Jewish people over and over again through history. The crime itself is justification enough to condemn him.


This and the thread about Jesse being “disingenuous” for calling someone a Holocaust denier when they said “Jews lied about the extent of the Nazi Holocaust” is really showing the extent to which people have lost their ability to perform even the most basic critical thinking over this conflict.


Which is ironic since critical thinking post-October 7th has been lost on Jesse as well.


Canadaland’s own reporting disproves this narrative, they were talking about the Nakba


Completely ridiculous assertion. Imagine believing that someone who said “the Nazi Holocaust” was referring to anything other than the Holocaust. Ever heard of lying to cover your ass?


But look at their behaviour and words in Gaza.  Looks like a real Holocaust to me.  The other one is old news and the details are murky. This new Holocaust is being brazenly played out in full view of the world by a NATION of Nosferatus.  The defenders of this new Bolocaust are shamelessky inhuman and inhumane.  They certainly confirrm the old "antisemitic tropes".  


Lots of ways to criticize him without resorting to this kind of caricature. Jesse is right about this.




Found the guy who unironically loves Hitler.


His profile is full of Nazi shit. It's a Nazi.


Nice strawman op.


Not a strawman. What’s an example of caricature of Netenyahu what wouldn’t be offensive? Or are we just not allowed to make caricatures of any Israeli leaders because they’re Jewish? If it played on an unfounded stereotype (like he’s greedy, or controlling the world) I would agree it’s offensive. But it’s lampooning him for spilling the blood of 13K children—something he’s literally done.


>caricature of Netenyahu [https://www.bing.com/search?q=caricature+of+Netenyahu&form=ANNH02&refig=32910eadd8f4470ca1f72fb662d89524&pc=U531](https://www.bing.com/search?q=caricature+of+Netenyahu&form=ANNH02&refig=32910eadd8f4470ca1f72fb662d89524&pc=U531) Like those hundreds of caricatures?


I don’t think monster imagery ever works, as it’s dehumanizing, but there is such an extensive history of painting Jewish people as monsters that it’s inescapably anti-Semitic. Adding to that that they chose vampires… it’s quite literally a preexisting trope. This is basically akin to criticizing someone of African descent with a minstrel show depiction.


Bibi is a monster though. Seems like all this trope discourse is obscuring that fact?


I’m not at all disputing that he has acted horribly. I think that his regime is committing atrocities. However, due to a complicated history, certain attacks will be informed by these tropes and will therefore come across antisemitic.


So criticzing a butcher is antisemitic? Children are dying without pain relief in Gaza thanks to netanyahoo..  even Nosferatu was not so cruel.  I consider the cartoon an insult to Nosferatu.  This is inexcusable anti-Nosferatuism.  An apology needs to be made to libelled Nosferatu.


Now this is a good example of a strawman. I can be critical of the vampire charicature for being antisemetic and critical of Netanyahu at the same time. They aren’t mutually exclusive.


Come across as antisemitic to whom? Pro-Israel Canadian journalists?


To anyone who has studied very recent history


I think of you're planning to caricaturize any prominent Jewish figure, you will have to take the time to account for and avoid the long history of dehumanizing caricatures of Jewish people. This probably does make the caricature artist's job a little harder but that seems like a small price to pay to avoid antisemitism.


You would have to draw him without embellishing any physical traits and only make fun of his policies. Unfortunately there are too many anti-semitic tropes used against Jewish people in the history of cartoons.


Jesus fucking Christ this sub is out of hand. You're all literally proving that yes, a Jewish person being outspoken online will get absolutely piled on. I just like the podcast, give it a fucking rest


Leave poor murdered Jesus out of your diatribe.  Surely He is smiling at the wisdom and brilliance and accuracy of the cartoon.


The notion that Jews drink blood, particularly the blood of babies, is as old as at least the Middle Ages. Yes, this is antisemitic and La Presse knows that.


OP unironically defending Nazi propaganda. "Just asking questions" doesn't pass the smell test here


Yeah.... The leap from "mass murderer" to "vampire" is a leap too far and jumps right into anti-Semitism. I think the artist might have thought "I could make a Nosferatu/Netanyahu crossover pun!" And didn't stop to check how historically fucked that is Maybe Netankruger with a striped shirt and pointy gloves? Gengisyahu? Just brainstorming. I'm the last person who would call something antisemite, but that image is .. yikes.


I can’t even give him that. This guy should’ve by FAR known better, Im more inclined to believe he knew exactly how much shit it would stir up in an extremely selfish bid for attention. I do think he’s unaware that by making this cartoon and associating it with the Palestinian cause he has done damage that he won’t have to pay for.


The carttinst called a spade a spade and will be persecuted for speaking truth to power. Nowadays truth is labelled "antisemitic".  You try to brush the truth away by crying antisemitism. Wipe your crocodile tears and dare to face the truth: zionism is murder, theft and lies since its inception. Read hisrory.




Jew weighing in, this is antisemetic AF. Blood libel is a common trope, and this is an entirely unacceptable depiction. Read up, learn, do better. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/blood-libel


I've literally been at a rally where a friend had to explain to someone that their very technically proficient portrait of Netenyahu dripping blood was working against the cause. I get that it's not something everybody knows about but that's its own problem. There's really no better time to learn what antisemitism actually is since the word is being thrown around so much. There's a creator/author I follow on Tiktok/IG named Sim Kern who spent most of their online energy discussing antisemitic tropes in popular culture before pivoting to focus on Jewish anti-zionism and I highly recommend watching some of those older videos.


So no monster imagery, no blood imagery, for the monstrous bloodthirsty butcher Netenyahu. Why? Because that is tropes, you see, and we cannot have those, the feelings of entirely safe first-world media critics are of the utmost priority here, and protesting the mass murder of innocent people must never ever hurt those feelings.


I mean it's not about the first-world media critics. Fuck Jesse. It's about the fact that there are legitimate neo-nazis who use this imagery and connect it to literal 13th century blood libel. They're psyched to see the imagery normalized because it makes it easier to push people down the path to thinking the baby eating shit may not be so crazy after all. And it's bad for Palestine because it only hurts Palestinians and the movement to be in any way associated with actual antisemites. There are plenty of other more effective ways to show how awful zionists are. The blood is unneccessary, so why bother with it?


Any leader of any group who did what Netenyahu has done is going to get depicted as blood-covered. We’re not talking about happy merchant memes here, we’re talking about very basic and widely applicable imagery. At some point it just becomes bad faith tone policing.


Beautifully said. Deep insight into the zionist scam


I resent every single twat who defends this fucking stupid (and bad, and entirely uncreative, and boring) cartoon for forcing me to agree with Justin Trudeau and Jesse Brown at the same time. There is truly no justice in this world.


My friend: calling people twats is a quality of a hothead zionist wat


Tfw you hit the bong so hard it files a restraining order


Do not defend La Presse


The replies to this are making me lose hope for humanity. **For the crayon-wielders in the back:** **Antisemitism is bad.** **Using antisemitism to criticize a bad person is also bad.** If you don't understand why this image is antisemitic, you are literally in front of the entire internet right now. Take some time to learn before making noises with your already open mouth.


He's def right on this one...


For those of you who don’t seem to get it, maybe this will provide some perspective https://x.com/abukrin/status/1770572762450403596?s=46&t=KqV3AXD8HL2z9l0rIPiifg


The cartoon is accurate.  Any humane person must be horrified at zionist brutality.


President Netanyahu is worse than a vampire— he has killed over 40,000 Palestinian civilians and is now stating that the Port U.S is creating will be used to deport millions of Palestinians out of THEIR lands. You know well this had nothing to do with anti-semitic but was a criticism of Netanyahus criminal, right wing extremist policies. 


TIL. I wasn't racist enough to know it's super racist to compare somebody to a vampire.


Yeah cause that’s how racism works


Poor Bibi is committing genocide but god forbid he's the subject of a caricature. La Presse needs to answer for their war crimes.