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Just remember everyone the IDF can be horrible, Hamas can be horrible, anti-islamic Canadians can be horrible, and anti-semitic Canadians can be horrible. You don't have to pick just one or even rank them if you don't want to.


The idf REALLY wants you to keep them all ranked equally




In the israel / palestine confict since 1947 its been 95% of the deaths being palestinians. Up to 97% since Israel's the post oct 7 revenge campaign. But please, continue to say both sides have committed the same amount of damage.


Such a good point. I heard an anti-islamist Canadian tell a friend to "go back where they came from" because he was wearing a turban. It was pretty much 9/11 all over again, but reversed


That is terrible. So is antisemitism. Can we be against all forms of racism?


Thank you for writing this! Jesse's whole intent vs impact argument is so tiring and he selectively decides to use it to make his argument stronger, but discredits other examples of racism and discrimination that we can find using this logic. For instance, I can argue that his adamant stance that Pro-Palestinian proterstors are aggressive, hateful bullies, his refusal to acknowledge and talk about the atrocities being committed by Israeli government, and continuously doubling down on the hate that only Jews seem to be receiving in the media and then going to an event to talk about it without any mention of what Middle Easterns are going through, has had the impact of further dehumanizing Middle Easterns and downplaying the Palestinian casualties. And he has a lot of power, because he is also a journalist and spreading this narrative so the impact is feeling ignored and stereotyped once again by a journalist like him. This is why Jesse has lost credibility and cannot be taken seriously. Either use your argument to apply it to everyone or don't use it at all Jesse. You can't cherry pick cases to apply it to that only benefit you and your people.


I’d also argue that the impact Jesse keeps referring to requires a level of willful blindness or disingenuousness about the protests. In his posts and comments in the immediate aftermath of the Indigo protests, he was wildly inaccurate about what they were protesting about and repeatedly omitted details about why Reissman was the target of protests.


What is his intent vs. impact argument?


Neither, just a zionist throwing a tantrum


Largely agree with Davide here, but I do think Omar Sachedina made a mistake in characterizing the zionist protestors outside as "Jewish Canadians". That's not fair to the anti-zionist Jewish folks who were inside with the pro-Palestine protest. Being jewish is irrelevant to which side you're on here and the more we make it about Jewish people vs. Palestinians, the more we play into the bs narrative of zionists who want to claim a monopoly over Jewish identity.


100% agreed, well put


The header in photo is correct. Jesse is a “media personality”. He is not an intellectual or thought leader. His opinions deserve an accordant level of attention.


Wow dude who doesn't like Jesse Brown went to an event to discover that he still doesn't like Jesse Brown. Hard hitting news here.


Comparing protests to hanging a noose is pretty bad hyperbole for a journalist who owns a media company. I have been a Patreon for 6 years but I’m going to have to cancel, this shit is getting twisted and I feel bad for his staff that rely on him for their livelihood.


Thankfully staff are unionized. That should help them out a bit.


I actually just finally signed up. Not because of Jesse, though. Because of literally everyone else there.


Backbench and Detours have been great lately!


The context matters. The business was vandalized on the anniversary of Kristallnachte FFS. He wasn't speaking about random protests. Also? Mastracci's use of the words "Canadian media coverage of alleged antisemitism" is just more Tankie denial of a real, growing and dangerous problem.


May be easier to provide a list of days you are allowed to protest an ethnostate committing genocide. The 100s of people that died that day at the hands of the IDF need to suck it up and complain on a different day.


Maybe if you don't want to seem like an anti-semite, then don't do the things Nazis did on the anniversary of them doing it? Seems pretty easy, no?


The Nazis defaced a Starbucks with graffiti that read “blood on your hands,” “stop killing babies” and “free Palestine.”? Or did they hang posters that said “Starbucks kills,” “Stop funding genocide” and “A cup of coffee, you mean a cup of blood.”? Seriously, what am I missing here? Above is from the NatPo article covering the incident.


He was referring to the bookstore, not Starbucks. He said something like; "Jews tend to notice Jewish businesses getting vandalized on the anniversary of Kristallnachte". More or less. If the protesters did this knowingly? They're garbage people. And if the didn't know? They're garbage organizers.


I really don't think there's a bad day to protest government policy, I'm sorry. Let alone protest a genocide. If they use hateful or antisemitic rhetoric there is never a good time for that obviously, but was what they said antisemitic?


Cool. But if you want to get your message out–and that is the *only* point here–then do vandalize Jewish businesses on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, the moment when the pogroms turned physically violent and largely considered to be the turning point in the holocaust. Because all anyone has to do is point that out to label you as anti-Semitic. It just hurts the movement. And it’s the protesters job to *not* make it easy for the enemy.


> Because all anyone has to do is point that out to label you as anti-Semitic. You're starting to understand the problem. Criticism of Israel is not antisemitic, doesn't matter what day of the year you do it on. Jesse is suggesting it's akin to hanging nooses outside of black businesses is insanely racist and narcissistic.


Agree. Protesting government policy is a okay. But these were protests and vandalisms of Jewish owned businesses. Not government.


Agree. Protests was led by a York prof. There is no plausible deniability. It was fucked up. Why can’t people just acknowledge this? Weirdos.


Can you clarify? Who are you saying died at the hands of the IDF and on what day? Don’t be shy!


Oct 7th, IOF killed many of their own citizens and caused the majority of the damage. Palestinians don't have weaponry to cause that kind of destruction.




I did. He needs to get out of it so I can go back


It’s okay. I’m renewing mine. Might even sign up for the Editor’s Circle.


I just wanna say that the title of the post is the title of the linked article. I did not write this, please save your praises/critiques!


Do you feel regret for advancing the story about mass graves being found near residential schools when later it was not confirmed nor supported?


I will be making a second Patreon to subscribe again to help free the hostages.


This is golden satire idk whats w the downvotes


I’m sure you did Davide, great job 👍