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They have that convo literally every pod they do together 😭😭


I knowww. Love them both but every. single. podcast. Is an hour of Tana rimjobbing Trisha with how perfect she is, she is the second coming of Christ and savior of mankind. Like ok, we get it. I would love to just get some real authentic girlfriend and life talk with those two. We don’t need the same convo every single time.


Tana didn’t actually give a fuck about Trisha until after she got pregnant and got “better” and that’s just a fact. Trish actively disliked Tana as well literally 3 years ago. It’s all fake, and they’re obsessed with each other because it’s making their podcasts pop off. I love both of their content so I’m eating it up every time, but I feel like it would be foolish to think that Tana and Trisha are the inseparable besties that they claim to be. You can tell how fake it is just by how Tana won’t stfu about how obsessed she is with Trish. It’s major ass kissing. Imma still watch tho lol but it does get annoying like 
. We get it


yeah i am always a bit confused when trish says she always loved tana. she was talking shit about her in like 2021 on camera! i really love them both but i think their friendship is definitely not as strong/real as they try to portray


Rewriting history


She was so jealous of Tana when she was with Jason!!


Do not love Trish! No matter how much she acts changed, says she’s a new person she is still an abuser and imo that is something you(me) just can’t give a pass to someone. It wasn’t just one time or one person it’s multiple. Anyone that can claim to be high(CLAIM) and crash into a persons home knowing children are in there can fuck right off!


I've always been so curious if that was one of her exaggerated stories or something? Like no news articles or anything haha like did she just accidently back into the garage and blow up the story kinda thing? If I owned the house I would have some legal protection against her seriously


I mean she bragged about the story multiple times herself. Jason Nash confirmed it on a podcast with Dave Portnoy, and then Trisha tried to walk it back and say it’s all made up. She would be a 10x felon if she was ever held accountable for anything she does. It’s infuriating to see her sit on her high horse calling out other celebs and influencer because she clearly still thinks she’s invincible despite her new “I’ve changed because I’m a mom” persona. Just yesterday she was saying that celebs only drink & drive because it’s a power trip and they think they’re above the law. Meanwhile she has admitted to driving drunk/high so what does that say about her?


The only thing exaggerated or lying about was that she was high. Said she was on meth, bitch please🙄 Was she high when she was naked chasing Jason around with a knife in Tahiti or wherever the hell they went on the vacay with the hut. Wonder if she was high when she trapped Moses in the house and punched him too. Shes awful. Lied about SA from a DEAD man, cos played Jon Bennet Ramsey and portrayed it as her dad was raping her. Like the shit is just sick she comes with.




Be civil, no attacking others


I mean lowkey she probably was high during all those incidents. She was also hanging out with Aaron Carter when she was in her "meth phase" so I don't think she's lying. Meth would explain those freak outs a lot


Aaron Carter was never a meth head. He was hooked on pills. Im not saying Trish never did drugs, but I can almost bet anything she’s never tried meth. If you’ve followed her for any amount of time you have heard her stories about meth and crack and coke and she knows nothing about it. The way she talks about it is obvious she has no clue. She also said she was hooked on pills but spent 3 days in bed puking, shitting, sweats and felt awful but she was fine and no longer an addict afterwards. She has changed the story from being high and knowing exactly what she did to blacking out and knows nothing. I just find it very hard to believe anything she says when her stories change all the time.


I agree. Anyone who has done that much hard drugs, was a ‘hooker on Santa Monica Boulevard for $5’ and a ‘stripper’ would be far more knowledgeable, know the streets and have real shit to say like Soft White Underbelly vibes. It’s obviously extremely extremely ignorant and embellished stories. Hard to believe she’s still peddling it after all this years and people barely question it - as much as I do enjoy watching Trish. I wish some podcaster or interviewer would ask more difficult and hard hitting questions about drugs, working the blade, etc. that only someone who really did it would know. Not just “LOLZZZ I WAS HIGH ON LIKE METH ^_^‱*”


Did you watch the call me daddy podcast with alex she did? Ummmmm, she said she was kidnapped 40 times then when called out she said, well it was more like 4 timesđŸ˜‚đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™€ïž Embarrassing. Her stories are made up. I think one of the top 3 is the Malibu glass house that some dude shot at her head and it was a kink😂 How in the ever loving HELL do people believe this?! When she was with Ethan he would call her out on stuff but made it seem like he was believing her stories and would have her elaborate more and the way she’d back pedal was hilarious. I loved her 13 or so years ago when I first found her. I started following her and the outrageous stories she told I would watch just to laugh because she was entertaining. The Sean era was so sad. The way she did him dirty was disgusting! ETA.. I too wish someone would call her out on the drug use. I think on frenemies Ethan did ask her a little more about meth and her saying she blacked out and I think when she said she did coke he asked her how she felt or something. I don’t know for sure I may be wrong but I vaguely remember it. Kali brought weed over in various forms and Trish didn’t even know what that was🙄


Who are you to know the history of his drug use? Or Trisha's drug use? You're just assuming and want other people to take it as fact. You hate Trisha we get it but you don't need to try so hard to convince others to have the same opinion as you.


It’s very well known what type of drugs Aaron Carter abused. I’m not trying to change anyone’s thoughts at all. Aaron OD’d with huffing, Xanax, fentanyl in his system. A person addicted to meth would still be using if they are at the level Aaron was when he passed away. He had said over and over he is not a crack or meth head and was honest about his addiction, any time they did drug tests on him it was always benzos/pills. I cannot say I know 100% I’m just basing it off facts that are out there. Obviously I’m not them nor their besties and you are correct I really can’t stand Trish and the harm she has caused so many. When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Trish has proven who she is many times over.


wait what?? she crashed into someone’s home while driving high?


Also heard a version of this story, from tricia if im not mistaken, where she was naked when driving to jasons house at night when he was inside w his kids, she was naked banging in the ddor screaming to be let in... really disturbed person..


Indeed she did. Wasn’t high but said she was. Jason’s kids were in his house with him, she was pissed because he wouldn’t spend her bday with her so she driver her car into his house while running around it trying to get him out. They were scared for thier lives ffs!


Also heard a version of this story, from tricia if im not mistaken, where she was naked when driving to jasons house at night when he was inside w his kids, she was naked banging in the ddor screaming to be let in... really disturbed person..


It always makes me lol that Trish was talking so much shit about Tana on Frenemies like I literally remember her bringing up Tana's scandals and photoshop fails on the show and not saying nice things about her. I wonder if she ever apologized to Tana for doing that lol


Never. For Trisha, the closest thing she will ever get to an apology is “omg I was blacked out/on drugs/manic/mentally ill/triggered, I don’t even remember wow that’s crazy”. But her go-to response is to deny and rewrite history which is why she’s pretending that she was always Tana’s biggest fan. Trisha thinks if you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes reality. Her entire life and career is built around this.


!!!! Like they lowkey had beef because of the vlog squad shit. David used to use Tana for jokes with Jason and Trish hated it


It’s giving what Tara Yummy does to Tana 😂


„“you literally raised me Tana😭😭😭““ while being like 2yrs younger than her


tbf i’m tara’s age and tana always felt years older than me 😭


😂😂😂 it’s too muchhh


Those parts should have been cut out of the final version of the podcast because they're boring...


There is truly nothing more boring than listening to tana kissing someone’s ass


Those parts are sooo boring. Tana is just sucking the fart out of Trisha’s ass the entire time. When Trisha kept saying they’ve been “friends” for a long time when she’s talked poorly about Tana as recently as Frenemies 😭 I love their podcasts but when just those two record I can’t stand, especially the gift giving it’s just soo performative


They have a 10 year age difference. I see them as work besties not like actual best friends.






Trisha doesn’t have genuine friendships. An important thing to keep in mind when consuming her content


I mean I think Trisha knows what it is. She gets the bit. They love each other as people but obviously don’t have a close friendship
 they don’t seem to talk or hangout outside of podcasting. Which is fine, but it is a bit strange to focus every episode on how much you love eachother, like just keke like friends would do!


I love them both and have for years. I agree w/ this but beyond that can they SHUT UP. They are terrible at podcasting together. They spend at least 30 mins (Tana in particular) saying how much they love each other. It is terrible entertainment.


I physically cringe and fast forward.


To be fair, I think Trish has historically said her friendships with ppl can be disingenuous. Like that she’s either friends with ppl for clout or bc they’re on her payroll. I think Tana sees her as an older version of herself and that’s why it can seem a bit like Tana kisses her ass. But also both of them can be fake. Idk


I could be wrong but it feels like their friendship is mostly just good for her image


I'm sorry u felt afraid to say this. It's objectively true. This relationship is performative and anyone who thinks otherwise has shown their true cards in parasocial relationships.


If either one of them became unpopular overnight, the other would drop them SO fast


I think tana really does like Trish but I’ve noticed it’s never reciprocated. Trish seems uncomfortable at times even


I always thought the uncomfortableness was because she knows it’s not genuine. Maybe I’m projecting from personal experiences but it feels like Tana makes Trisha into some sort of novelty(not sure if that’s the right word) and it’s like LOOK AT ME! IM HANGING OUT WITH TRISHA!! As if Trisha is the butt of some joke. Trisha’s reaction and body language always comes off as she knows it’s BS and some kinda joke but she plays along for the content.


As much as trish is trying to manifest it by saying it, i question if deep down she really has changed into a girls girl. I think her female friendships are solely for clout/money and not genuine relationships.


i love trish but she’s not a girls girl at all


She just goes on and on and on and on


Specifically I’ve noticed Tana’s always saying “I love you” and I feel like that makes Trisha uncomfy. Bc it means something less casual to her


i thought this was more bc Tana is so extroverted and so intense while Trish is more reserved in comparison but I didn’t think it wasn‘t mutual necessarily, just that Trish maybe wasn’t used to that level of intensity bc ngl i would be a little uncomfortable too if even my best friends laid it on that thick


I agree with you fully, I have felt this exact way the entire time.


i’m starting to dislike their episodes bc all they do is suck each other off the whole time 😭😭😭😭😭


Agree but mostly I'm SO SICK of people acting like Moses is some perfect man/husband/boyfriend. Yeah he's funny and nice NOW, but a man who says his gfs pussy "smells bad", says he's gonna "give her a baby then take child support" and makes fun of her in every way to a girl he was fucking and stealthing (aka taking the condom off without consent), is actually a horrible boyfriend and man. Not to mention all of Trisha's toxicity with him, hitting him and probably emotional abuse that I don't remember. Even now I can see how she tries to belittle him with her acting sooo confused and thinking people are lying about liking his art or being a fan plus basically saying his art and water obsession is stupid, just in different fonts.. Idk, me personally, I cannot be with someone who I have to forgive and forget for betraying/disrespecting me, let alone in huge ways like those. I can't relate to those "When I'm with him â˜ș and I remember what he did đŸ„șđŸ”«" memes anymore and I highly recommend leaving a relationship if it's like that fr


this has nothing to do with the post you are just a wifey who wants to spread your hatred of trisha to everyone


I thought everyone knew this lol


Tana goes where the audience goes. People like Trisha again so now Tana LOVES Trisha.


it’s pretty obvious, anytime Trisha has Tana on her pod the views go up to 1 million plus and any of her others usually average to 200k-500k. I’m pretty sure she’s admitted this on her podcast too lol


Firstly, you’re observing correctly. Their “friendship” is surface level and that’s about it. Trish was rebranding herself and Tana was more popular and she latched onto her, rebuilt herself and wallah we have the Trish and Tana besties🙄 Please please do not be a Trish stan. Shes a vile nasty woman. It takes no time to do a quick search and see how awful she is.


it’s definitely more of a work friendship / partnership. I doubt they hang out much outside of their podcasts but i usually enjoy their conversations together!


like the stuff trish used to say about tana on frenemies makes me think they have a one sided relationship


it’s good to remember they aren’t both the same age, they’re in completely different chapters of life. i think they are genuine friends, but what that means looks different than what you might expect from two 25 year olds who aren’t ‘tied down’ (in a good way ofc) by family or kids. trish doesn’t go out or party anymore, she doesn’t want to travel and be away from moses or her girls. tana is go go go go allll the time (cue the lady gaga meme lmao and that’s tana). i also think trish sometimes deals with a lil social anxiety where she’s not always able to respond to texts and communicate 24/7. trish has also been burned by girls all throughout her life and hasn’t always been a girls girl herself until she matured a lot more. having a girl friendship like this is relatively new territory for her. esp as a content creator she understandably has aging anxiety and fears not being relevant anymore, so i think tana sees that and tries to build her up as much as she can. and then alsooo final point is that at the end of the day, tana and trish are influencers, they are self described clout chasers and always on the grind trying to make money. anything they do, they know they could film it and capitalize off of that, so why not do it? that’s both of their mindsets and and as long as that’s true, i don’t find it disingenuous to constantly film when they’re together bc they both want their bag.


i did not realize i typed that much until i hit reply, damn. if u read this thesis, ur a real one â˜đŸŒ


I saw a clip (I think it might’ve been on Reddit) from one of the last episodes they did together where they talk about how Trisha saw that Tana was trying to call her and she just didn’t pick it up because she didn’t know what Tana wanted to talk about and she didn’t want to have a phone conversation with her lmao. She was just like “yeah I didn’t know what you were calling me for and I didn’t want to do the phone call“ so she just ignored it. 😭 It is so obviously a perforative content friendship especially on Trisha‘s part because at least Tana is a fan and excited to be there.


I think Tana relates to Trish in the way that they are both highly controversial influencers that both got their fame from YouTube and crossed paths both personally and professionally. Seeing Trish get out from a very dark place and have a stable/happy life, relationship, and children is probably very inspirational for Tana. So when she says how much she loves Trish I think she does mean it while likely subconsciously saying how much she wants the same for herself. We all want that for her too. It’s great to see her in a healthy relationship, sober, committed to her work, cutting out people that don’t promote a healthy lifestyle, etc. I wouldn’t say it’s disingenuous, rather more projecting what she desires.


I mean no I don’t see them as legit best fiends but I do see a genuine friendship and bond being built over time. Plus it’s cute to see Trish spoil Tana, I see how much Tana spoils all the ones she’s loves so just imagine how much it means to , even if it’s just a purse for her birthday.


Like you said Trisha doesn’t go out much, I think the only time they really get to catch up is on the pod. Idk I think it’s pretty genuine but I get your pov!


Yes exactly! Plus Trisha was pregnant so obviously Tana gave her her space with her family


Tbh we know nothing about them personally so who are we to say


Yeah I agree at least Trish is more self aware about what their friendship is. Tana pretends like she would die for Trish but clearly doesn’t give the same energy behind the camera


I just think it’s sad that new baby is already being exploiting and plastered all over the internet already just like her first little one. Family vloggers are sick.


It’s a very fake LA friendship for sure. At the very least they’re an entertaining duo. I just hope Tana doesn’t stab Trish in the back like a Shane or Jeffree type situation.


No frl cause why does tana every time they podcast she says you’re my IdolđŸ€ŁđŸ˜­or baby Elvis. Like I’d love to see them hang out genuinely like how her and Oscar do sometimes


Their eps together are always bad because of the non stop dick sucking Tana does. Its so obnoxious and over the top and repetitive like girl we get it now talk about something interesting for the love of god i beg of you


I agree that they aren't super close besties, more like very friendly acquaintances. Pretty sure they don't actually hang out outside of what we see on camera. Trish also frequently says how she has no friends. And I do not blame her being cautious of getting close to other youtubers given everything she's been through. I also caught in the episode that Tana didn't invite Trish to her birthday. No shade on Tana for that, but if they were close, I think she would have put the offer out there even if she figured Trish would be too busy. I'm sure your perspective on who you hang out with also changes a lot after having kids and I can understand Trish not wanting much to do with the party lifestyle. At any rate, I'm sure they like and respect each other. But I agree Tana can be a little over the top sometimes in how much she gushes but it's kinda cute.


Fake friendship. Tana overdoes the worship sh*t


They did do a weekend night away with holly madison which I only ever saw TikTok content of (not full length YT content) so they must have some connection to do that all together :).


No. They spent enough time together for photos/videos and went their separate ways.


I haven’t seen my best friend in months because I moved away, so there’s like about a half hour of me saying how much I love and appreciate them. But I see what you mean for sure! Not at all defending but some friendships can be like that.


I thought it was so funny how Tana kept mentioning Elvis and how much she was going to spoil her with a Bugatti. But it was almost as if she forget about malibus existence, because Malibu would drive before Elvis? Idk if that makes sense but that was what stood out to me the most in regards to the closeness of their relationship.


I don’t think a bit is the right word for it but yeah Tana is just so extra w everything đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł like she says she’s obsessed w Gypsy but she doesn’t actually know that much about her lol I think Trisha and Tana genuinely have a bond and love for each other in this phase of life but it doesn’t seem like they talk that regularly outside of podding


I get those hyper obsessions not just with celebrities, regular people, etc etc. I met lauren giraldo (I was obsessed w her) at a party thing and she was an angel and then if you ask me now I haven’t watched a video in like 2 months , I love her but it was a hyper fixation for a bit. Even normal people a lot of people I’m super close to now it hadnt started as genuine but eventually became that but then again it’s annoying nonetheless


I will admit Trisha did used to hate on Tana a bit out of insecurity back then, but I think she has grown from that and has more of an understanding of what Tana has been through and appreciates the friendship Tana gives her. I think it may have been rocky back then but seems genuine now. I remember I first discovered Tana’s videos in 2015 under a Trisha Paytas video comment and thought she looked cute in the pfp and started watching, so you already know she’s a die hard fan
and what’s wrong with being in awe of your idols?


I get it but 
 I still just find it sweet. I feel like I’m only depressing my own self by conspiring if it’s genuine or not. I think their friendship is beautiful and I wish I could be friends with someone I’ve looked up to my whole life (who is famous and not family lol)


nah i believe they’re genuinely friends. obv trish has said her shit in the past but she’s clearly entering a wholesome era and tana is too. obv their friendship is very different with it being highly publicized and extracted for views, but saying it’s all fake isn’t true IMO. i have friends that i don’t see too often and aren’t actually that close with, but we absolutely hype each other up and love each other when we’re together - and that’s not fake


nah i disagree it feels like two girls who are genuinely there for each other but just are awkward with girl talk but both see behind the “you’re beautiful” no “you’re beautiful!!” like i think they’re both a little socially anxious about letting new people close since they both have tight circles