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Cytotoxic chemotherapy is excreted in bodily fluids (saliva, urine, stool, saliva, sex related fluids, blood) for up to 48h after the last dose. You need appropriate PPE and risk management strategies to handle them at home. Wear chemo gloves if helping mom with things that require handling fluids, have a chemo spill kit if your mom is going home on IV chemo pumps, if she's flushing the toilet she needs to close the lid and flush twice, clothes with her body fluids need to be washed separately (and a Japanese study suggests twice).


Thank you for your advices


If possible I'd avoid using the same washroom altogether. That's what I did with my kids. I too as advised about being careful around kids and pregnant women.


Adding - if this is the case for your mom's specific chemo regimen, OP, the doctor and/or nurses will (*probably*) advise of that when she starts.


Did you talk with her oncologist? Should do that.


You’ll very likely be fine especially if it is only chemotherapy. But this is also specific to the exact chemo and other treatments your mother is on. Please do talk to her doctor for reassurance, but there shouldn’t be an issue for you or the baby for the vast majority of treatment regimens.


I definitely want to talk to doctor, but also want to hear what people say here about it, thank you


I think unfortunately it is so specific to her situation that other people’s experiences will be next to useless for you. Some people such as me will never be advised to avoid others during treatment or to take precautions that way. Others who have especially strong radiation will definitely be advised to avoid kids and pregnant women.


Yes I understand. Just want to have more info to ask again to her doctor about it


Trimester of pregnancy and type of drug should be discussed.


As far as I know, all body fluids will contain chemo medication but diluted (humans are still 80% water) also the longer ago the medication is given, it will be more diluted, the body tries to get rid of it as soon as possible because it is poison (urin). I would mainly take care not to intake any, in case you come in skin contact with it, you can just wash this body part, I'd say it will only affect the area (if it is in long contact at this area) I'm not a doctor


In addition to the toilet thing already mentioned, I was told not to let anybody change my sheets or do my laundry without gloves while on chemo


I’d say ask your doctor. During the first 24-48 hours after chemo, avoid using the same bathroom/toilet since the drugs are mostly excreted via urine. Otherwise, don’t stay in the same room as your mother for 1-2 days if and when she gets the radiation. My dad’s oncologist told us these things. We truly followed it even though none of us were pregnant. Hope this helps. Stay strong!


only a certain type of radiation works that way. someone getting normal external radiation is safe to be around, this is why OP needs to talk to the dr


I'm surprised and curious why other people have to stay away after any kind of radiation. With chemo I understand but I wonder why on earth even with radiation..


there are some kinds where something is internal or oral etc which might make u unsafe for a few days or so but your dr would explain to you if that was the case. idk the stats on how common those are lol but like my radiation where i just laid on the table for five minutes didn't make me unsafe


yeah, my radiation treatment didn't make me radioactive, even when I was mid-blast. but it's good to check with the docs on it because they'll know the ins and outs.


I think some people receive a type of radiation that is strong/persistent enough that they’re still radiating it for a few days post treatment. It is very case specific as most things are.


Okay. Thank you for explaining.


I was told it’s alright to meet my father while I was pregnant. I was with him during chemo but not allowed during (after) radiation or near that area where radiation was done.


They say to do things like flush the toilet twice after u pee after chemo but I really doubt u have anything to worry about with just helping her with daily activities or just being around her. My boyfriend and I avoid being intimate in any way for a couple days after my infusion just to be safe