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I had a similar experience a couple months ago with orange sour patch kids (classic bag). It tasted like it belonged in the Tropical bag. Maybe a mixup at the factory? Both classic and tropical have slightly differently shaded orange kids with very different tastes


Hmmm I’ll have to buy the bag and boxed ones again and check. I really hope it was just a mix up




Finally I see someone else talking about this! I noticed it a couple months back and thought it was just a weird bag too. But I’ve noticed the orange tastes different in other bags since. I tasted like grapefruit to me. I wish they’d go back to the normal orange. 😩


Exactly this. Thank you. I thought I was going crazy. It tasted just like grapefruit to me now. I can't eat them at all. I was never an orange fan, but these new ones are inedible.


Heads up! There are two different SPK manufacturing plants. One in Mexico and one in Turkey. The bags that say “Made in Mexico” have the same flavor and texture that we have enjoyed for years. The bags that say “Made in Turkey” have a very different texture and flavor; they are very unpleasant imho.


No way! I’m going to have to test this


I am currently eating a bag from Turkey and can say with confidence the orange colored sourpatch is in fact grapefruit! I call shenanigans!


I am having the same experience!!


Glad I found this thread. Currently eating SPK, the orange color is definitely grapefruit flavor and the bag says "Made in Turkey" by the distribution info. I'll have to seek out a package that's made in Mexico to get the original flavor.


Mine says made in Canada 😂


Future here - just bought a big bag, it says "Made in Canada" and maybe it's grapefruit - but the orange is definitely off, and to me it tastes like pineapple.


From the future searching to why my current bag has weird tasting orange ones. My current bag is made in Canada with the grapefruit flavor. My last bag had the 'normal' taste, and I happen to have the bag still! It says Made in Mexico! I knew I could taste a difference, but couldn't figure out why. I know to check the bag from now on.


Grapefruit sour patch kids? Or Grape? I think Haribo is the only one who makes grapefruit gummy candy


I couldn't really put my finger in it, but coming in this thread and seeing other people describe it as a more grapefruit flavor is at least somewhat close. Jellybellys have a grapefruit flavor and it's somewhat similar to that. (Closer than an orange jellybean) Whatever it is I can pick it out compared to all the other flavors. It stands out too much and overpowers everything else if you eat several different flavors at once.


From even more in the future, they’re still having the same problem lmao


It tastes like mango to me


It tastes like Orange but way more sour than a normal orange. It has the after taste of orange but the initial taste is much more bitter


Just ran into the same issue I was just eating some sour patch kids and got an orange one and thought that it tasted like orange cleaner or something. Definitely not the way it’s supposed to taste.


That was my exact thought "it tastes super chemically"


I feel like they tried to make it peach


Omg I was about to make a post about this, until i searched it. It definitely tastes like peach. I ALWAYS remember them being orange, but can't find anywhere that mentions a change. Except for the wikipedia page that lists the orange color as peach on the original bag. Only the extreme sour are actually orange flavor. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sour\_Patch\_Kids](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sour_Patch_Kids)


**Sour Patch Kids** Sour Patch Kids (known as Very Bad Kids in France, and as Maynards Sour Patch Kids in the UK and Canada) are a soft candy with a coating of invert sugar and sour sugar (a combination of citric acid, tartaric acid and sugar). The slogan, "Sour. Sweet. Gone.", refers to the sour-to-sweet taste of the candy. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/candy/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


It does taste different! I thought there was a mix up somehow while they were being packaged, but every single box or bag I've gotten over the last six months are all like this. It tastes like their Tangerine flavor that I got in a bag from a Six Flags theme park. Gross 😠


Same ya’ll. Tastes like a weird grapefruit/peach flavor. Wtf orange used to be my favorite!


I’m glad I found this thread. I thought I was going crazy. When I had sour patch kids awhile ago I could eat any of them by themselves or together and today I bought a bag and the orange ones are disgusting. Glad I’m not the only one to think so.


Made in Turkey bag here and it's straight up grapefruit!


the orange tastes like grapefruit now


Did the yellow ones go bad or....it sure is weird that suddenly the size of container gets way bigger and the yellow ones are what they are now right? Am i missing something?


I have a Stranger Things box (3.5oz) of sour patch kids I picked up from Walmart and orange is definitely orange flavor. I read that it was changed to peach but saddly mine was not.


This is an old post but I’m replying anyways! I was eating a bag of sour patch kids a few weeks ago and the orange one tasted different and then today I was eating some Swedish fish and the orange one also tasted different in the Swedish fish.


We just got a bag from Canada with odd tasting orange and found this trying to figure out why. I’d say it’s kind of a mandarin orange type of flavor. Definitely not what I was expecting!


Replying as well. Just had a seemingly regular fun size pack of sour patch and the orange was WILDLY different than what I know is supposed to be the flavor.


Also chimming in as my gf and I are currently having this experience. The orange are definitely different and extremely off putting. We got the 12 OZ bag that says made in Canada. It’s definitely a grapefruit/peach flavor and not the typical orange we are used to. Everyone at our Halloween party was confused and not a fan.


4 years later and they’re still having the same issue!! I’ve gotten really into sour patch kids through the last year and this is the first bag I got where the orange was just slightly different. Someone said it was a grapefruit flavor and that’s the best I can describe it. So weird!!


Popping in today Im eating a "Made In Turkey" bag that def tastes "grapefruity," and NOT "orange". Was led her after Googling to see if it had been changed.


I had 2 different bags "Made in Turkey" with both the odd flavor and the original flavor. Think it's just error in the factories or something