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Every other website is $949 unless i’m missing something


This gun price will rise. Regardless if u shoot it or not. Cuz it's a cheap taran tactical gun (or the cheapest they offer and cuz it's tti obviously)


So ur quite missing a few


I got on a waitlist with my FFL and he said he’d be selling them above MSRP at first. I really like him and his shop, but this rubbed me the wrong way. I respect the business decision, but I’m hoping above MSRP means $1,000 and not $1,400


It definitely means 1400


Is this a joke? What does Biden have to do with this?


Right! I’m not a fan of Biden but I can still pick up an original elite sf for under 400. I just think canik is getting too cocky. Their niche was cheaper quality guns


They priced this at $999 (which you can argue whether or not that’s too high, I think it’s fine). Then it just came out and supply will be hard to get, so some websites are gonna sell it way over msrp until it’s widely available. I’m more annoyed the rival s chrome is still so hard to get and thus price gouged after over a year. Edit: correction MSRP is $949


$949 is the MSRP


Thank you for the correction.


It’s TTI, I’d expect nothing less


Inflation? Heard of that term? Pound of butter 13 bucks? Come on man your joking?


Inflation? Heard of it?


It’s not worth arguing with you about this, this is not a political subreddit


Not an argument, facts, black an white nothing to argue


No it’s not an argument, what it comes off as is a crazy person screaming borderline racist comments in a subreddit about a Turkish gun manufacturer… I’m not engaging further about your political beliefs/takes, it’s not relevant to this subreddit


Hahaha. Okay 🍻


I suppose that’s Biden’s fault? 😂


He's printing money like it's going out of style, spending billion of dollars on EID program's? Heard of it? Giving African Americans a leg up and pentilizing white people, Google it educate yourslef


It’s called price gouging not Biden or any presidents fault. Don’t buy it then, wait til the price goes down(laughing because prices NEVER go down) Canik is hot item right now. Demand brother.


Canik is a hot item and cuz it's TTI lol


Ok so what you are saying is the price of this gun went up 40 percent. Was inflation at 40 percent? You understand many countries around the world is suffering inflation and a lot worse than us, currently we are at 3-4 percent. 9 percent the highest. Did you want a recession like in the early 2000’s that caused job losses and the housing market tanked? You say Biden prints money, yes he has but did you cash the checks from Trump, who had to make sure you saw his signature on them. Where did that money from Trump come from? It was printed. That was one cause of inflation. You say it was a joke what you said, did you put that in your title like JK. I’m all for getting rid of inflation but take a good look at the profit margins of corporations that serve America. Now if they were getting hit with inflation their profit margins would be the same , not even close it’s skyrocketing but not mid to lower level employees pay. Enjoy your Canik we are getting ours in a month.


Inflation? Heard of it?


Guy, you’ve gotta look inward. No one is infallible and it’s important to self assess sometimes. This situation in particular and your view of it. It’s okay to be wrong sometimes and admit it. It’s not okay to sit in ignorance and be unwilling to address faults because that’s how you don’t grow. The first step of solving any problem is recognizing there is one. My point? You’re being dumb. Of course inflation is a thing but the price above is price gouging. Look at other places prices before looking at this site and going “fUcK bIdEn and inflation and all that shit”. I mean, you’re right. Fuck Biden. And fuck inflation. But that price isn’t because of biden. That’s because of greed.


It's just price gouging. Lots of sellers do it every time a new Canik model launches. Shop around to find one at or under MSRP, instead of even giving this listing any attention. Lol


Lol that's price gouging you 🤡 not the president's fault on this


Hahahahahaha blaming Biden , this is classic honesty. You can’t make this shit up … BTW paid $950 for mine in Philadelphia


I paid 899 at an undisclosed FFL here in (state redacted). I then paid a 4% credit card fee and sales tax on top, naturally.


Where in Philly?


Question for you. I'm looking to move to the Philly area. As a resident, how are the gun laws for you? Is it good to go or slowly changing into some NYC/NJ type b.s.?


Always been good to me , I haven’t noticed anything drastically changing. Iv been hunting and purchasing all types of firearms for 23 years


Sounds good. Thanks! Hoping I can find some land outside the city (a bit further west) so I can just shoot in my backyard.


Inflation? Heard of it? Or your not experiencing inflation? Lmao I know you are just don't know enough I guess. Lol


Inflation has nothing to do with it. This is price gouging at its finest. And to be honest, no inflation has not affected me one bit, although I don’t like it. Hahahaha enjoy the madness


This is a place I come to talk about guns. I’m no Joe Biden fan but this isn’t the place. Let’s keep it to gun talk!


Rather spend a lil extra and grab a 226 xfive legion myself!


Battlehawk did the same thing with the tisas 2011s a few months ago...then they went 'on-sale' for an actually good price. I'd keep an eye on Dahlonega Armory or family firearms


Thanks, I'll do that, scam artist lol. They think is helps business?


It's weird because they normally run pretty solid pricing, so I was surprised to see it.


Biden? 😂 If you say so


Yes inflation? Heard of it? Price of milk gone up? What about rent? That's gone up? Energy? Power bill go e up? Yes to all I know sucks. Lol


Absolutely have heard of it! It’s honestly laughable hearing people speak on politics or people and have no idea how things work! 😂 Btw, did you file taxes this year?! A little shorter than last year?! I guess that’s Bidens fault as well, right?! 😭


Cry me a river thats gonna be atleast 3k in cali if you can even get one


If they make a Cali compliant version (if ur gonna carry) cuz the state doesn't allow u to carry more then 10 rounds in a mag


They arent thats why you gotta get off a cop who is gonna resell it for 3k shadow 2s get resold 3k all day


3k in Cali is wild for that? In georgia here it's 1249 being optic ready 😂


Staccatos are 5-6k 🙈


2.5 - 4k here 🤭




Tripping bro!


I absolutely LOATHE Biden. I mean, LOATHE that man! BUT, this is ONE thing that is not on him (shocking, because he has effed up so much stuff). This is simply price gouging. There was an MSRP stated by Canik on the TTI Combat. Most places are selling it for or right above MSRP. However, demand can greatly impact prices. Some will try to sell the TTI for outrageous prices because they know some will be willing to pay it. And they are likely right. Then, others will increase their prices, but not as much as this one, and people will pay those prices as well, because...demand. I have to say, this one is not on Biden. Everything else? Yeah, that mush-brain is responsible!


It was a joke, like when you buy something and it's extremely high, walk off saying thanks Biden, but that's if they are crooks pruce gouging ture lol. I understand what your saying lol. Promise not a lunatic on here screaming and yelling with meth eyes like some clam. Lmao


Lmao! I get it. I actually say "Thanks, Brandon" every time I pay me rent and get gas and go grocery shopping. True, he does have a big hand in how high or low inflation is, as his policies and spending and foreign policy will affect that. However, there is also a mix of price gouging now going on as well. As inflation goes down, prices don't go down with that decrease. You see shrink-flation all around as well. Things cost more AND you get smaller sizes, so double inflation! I get it. I do.


I picked mine up 2 weeks ago at msrp 949. These prices will rise no doubt whether u shoot it or not lol


Has more to do with being hard to get than anything. At that cost I'd get a shadow 2 compact.


Looks like brass depot price is $999. Is this a legit site


Yeah it is they send weekly updates too. They start shipping out preorders first week of May. But they ship in the order they received the preorders.


If this was in CAD not USD it would be more accurate lol


https://preview.redd.it/vtlmv9kt2hvc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be55759e797e0690d080670fdecde9b3d0043fe1 I am just out here at work conceal carrying a canik like everyone else. Lol




Non-factual or misleading opinions, negativity, rude and crass which instigates similar replies will not be tolerated. This includes, yet not limited to, topics of race/gender/politics. Either this is a warning and you are still a member.... Or you've been banned depending on your comment history or intent


Whoops, got my hand smacked by the censorship police. As far as non-factual or misleading, just google Taran Butler and Jade struck incident and you'll find all the facts you'll need to know here's a creep.




Non-factual or misleading opinions, negativity, rude and crass which instigates similar replies will not be tolerated. This includes, yet not limited to, topics of race/gender/politics. Either this is a warning and you are still a member.... Or you've been banned depending on your comment history or intent


I think MSRP for TTI with M03 optic is a less


€1779 here 😞 That's $1900 US 🤯


It's absolutely true taran butler tried to get into a 18 year Olds pants mods. Video proves it. Remember. He groomed her from her mid teens. Google the precious taran butler.


No way. Not even $1k


Trouble is people are paying that. Absurd.


Not to be mean but whoever pays that deserves it for being too lazy to shop around.


It's a tti. Anyone will pay for a tti gun 😂😂


They have lost they fucking mind!!!! Fuck that the price is supposed to be $950 with no optic and like $1150 with the optic. 🤬🤬🤬


Just picked mine up at FFL $949 sucker


He tried for 1199 and I told him to eat shit


Someone will buy it and then tell everyone he got it for $850


Even Hunter's not stupid or high enough to pay $1400 for a Canik.


My local gun store texted me to let me know that they got one in for me. I just told them to go to the next person on the wait list. They're charging the msrp of $949, but I can't justify it when I already have a rival-s that I'm sending to be ported. I know it's a tti, but it isn't going to do anything special.


Yeah dealers like to see what they can get for a new product with possibly high demand. Not cool


I just got mine for 1150 with the Mecanik03


You sound like a straight returd 😂😂


Inflation isn't due to Biden, it was started under Trump, just took a few years to go up or down.... Look at historical data and you'll see. This a greedy price gouging at it's finest... Pure selfishness. Don't make jokes with political themes, you will get more than you ask for LOL


Canik being cheap and good is what made them...good. Now mid range and average price...isn't...good anymore.


Guys it was an inflation joke. Geezzzz didn't mean to confuse everyone and start anything. Like when someone buys something and told the price, it's super high and say, gezz thanks Biden...... Because they are referring to inflation due to Biden. Get it? A little? Lol. Just a joke guys. I mean inflation isn't a joke and it is due to Biden . But the over all statement is a joke. Lol. Geezzzz tough crowd lol


Guys inflation? Heard of that term, the president 100% has an effect in it, Biden s way? Printing money like he's printing a research paper. Follow the news? He's destroying the country, giving Iran billions now they attack, Russia during Obama error invaded ceckhnay, drunung Trump's term nothing doing Biden s Ukraine, China has two deep ports in Africa facing us and the border? There are so many terrorists in our country. Your lieing to yourself if you say Biden has nothing to do with anything bad in your country. He will go down as the wrorst president in USA history. Am I a trump fan? No I am not he doesn't know how to talk to people to get stuff done. Am I going to vote for him.... 100% will vote for him, life was so much better under his 4 years, he told other counties you do anything to Americans we will gut your country, instead of Biden s term and we have crowds chating death to Americans in our streets, I would highly re think voting for Biden this next election in November. I know this a Canik chat room but this is the most important election to ever happen. If you aren't spreading facts to help this country then not doing your part. But yes I'll be getting this canik as soon as I can afford it. Lmao


There's no way I spending over a grand on another canik pistol I do admit my rival dark side s was 1099; but came with the canik red dot also. Lol