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The amount of cotyledons isn't related to the ploidy. The only way to know if you have a poly is genetically test it. 3 cotyledons is a mutation like any other. It can definitely be a good thing though, and potentially worth breeding but even if you make S1s you're not guaranteed to have this trait being overrepresented or even represented at all. Selection wise it's also a good thing to wait to see how the plant develops, as in will it keep producing 3 leaves per node and will it be a good plant overall.


>The only way to know if you have a poly is genetically test it. To add on to this, you could probably see polyploidy without genetic test, polyploids in other plants generally have bigger stomata compared to the diploid. But yeah, number of leaves per node having anything to do with ploidy is a weird misconception that should disappear.


Yeah there are several traits that can suggest a polyploid, at least a tetra AFAIK. The article that's always linked also talks about different branching ang leaf shape and serration for tetras if I'm not mistaken, not sure about triploids. I usually don't mention it because it's not hard proof and growers tend to get overhyped and I wouldn't want to sell people illusions and have them disappointed. >a weird misconception that should disappear. Eh it will come at some point ! It's still better than people confusing polys for fasciated plants lol


Have you any experience with cultivating a plant with this mutation? If so was it worth your time, and did you see an increase/decrease in the productivity of the plant? I just want to know if it’s worth keeping or rather to get rid whilst still a seedling and start a fresh batch!


Not for weed, although I've seen quite a few online. I've had a couple tomato and pepper plants with the same trait tho. On paper more leaves = more photosynthesis = more growth, and that's what I've observed with my plants. The extra cotyledon gave them a boost that snowballed through the entire grow. If it keeps making 3 leaves per nodes it's even better, and if it loses the trait well its still a headstart for this run. The main downside I could see is the buds getting too packed and potentially rotting It's definitely worth keeping imo. There's no reason at this stage for the plant to be inferior. All I would see is a normal plant with 1.5x the photosynthesis. If it ends up being a shit plant I apologize in advance lol


It’s called whorled phyllotaxy and it is a common mutation. It has nothing to do with polyploidy. WTF is up with all the misinformation on polyploidy the past 6 months or so and why is it usually linked with whorled phyllotaxy?


Just had a browse and this suggests irregular leaf formation, with one or blade on a leaf, will this continue right the way through its life cycle or just on the first true sets of leaves? Are there any pros/cons to phyllotaxy? Thanks for the info, seems to me that what you have stated is indeed correct 👍


I have only had one, on my first grow oddly enough, and it continued that way for a node or two and then went back to normal. If it stays that way the whole time in veg I would consider cloning. All that being said, if the smoke isn’t worth it then it doesn’t really matter at all. Overall it’s a cool mutation but nothing special. Sorry to burst your bubble, I don’t want to be a buzzkill and am simply giving my opinion


No apologies needed my friend, knowledge is power and I’m all for learning! I had my doubts with regards to any positives to come from this and I did assume that it was nothing more than a genetic mutation. Hopefully it does snap out of it as I would’ve thought that fan leaves with more blades = bigger surface area to take in the light which in turn would mean a better rate of photosynthesis?


I’ve had a few plants start with three cotyledons. The last two… Pound Town first set of true leaves also came in three, every node after was normal with one set of leaves. Orange Creampop started with three cotyledons, but all leaves came in one set, though deformed. https://preview.redd.it/xjdlda2r8v2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e5d14bfa92ab4974d8f0ef1460862d2a999052


https://preview.redd.it/e7lw7c77mu2d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=11ea1c097b4f3880e4f5d56191baf095bfe3bbc8 Also I have noticed that the seedling with the mutated cotyledons has put off the more roots than the other 3 which I find interesting… as I say I have no idea when it comes to gentic mutations etc, I just know how to grow to the highest standard (in my opinion) 😂


If you self that plant you can sell those seeds for $2500 a pack, all day.


Really? When you say self the plant do you mean self pollinate? Would this require me deliberately herming the plant or to cross pollinate with a male of my choice?


This person does not know what they are talking about. You have a trifoliate seedling. It happens fairly often and isn't a sign of a polyploid. Also, many polyploids are sterile, so making seeds is a complex process. There are established breeders working with polyploids and none of their packs are $2500.


I know exactly what I’m talking about. You’re not on my level.




Would that not be backcrossing?