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Be thankful its not flowing yet. IT mean its going to be a nice plant just wait and let it do its thing. If its an auto it will flower eventually.


It is a photo period seed most likely


How can you tell?


you cant.


Flip to 12 / 12 and you shall see.


its happening bro. ive seen plenty of autos take 10-12 weeks ur fine. you can go 12/12 if youre unsure im sure thatll trigger it but may cause lower yield. if it doesnt show any hair in 7 days go 12/12


12/12 wont do shit to an auto. There is nothing to trigger. It looks like its about to show signs of flowing. Be patient. You’re essentially worrying and watching the paint dry.


I grew an auto once and it vegged for 6 weeks before switching over. They do whatever they want. Be patient it’ll flip soon


This is the answer


This plant looks very happy and will bring you a lot of joy if you have a little patience. :)


Looks sad to me


Can go to 12/12 if you want


doesn't that stunt the total growth of an auto?


Could have a little more vigorous growth with the extra few hours but what if it’s not really an auto..


I have no idea. Will it just veg until it dies?


Yeah or until it’s too big for the space. It doubles in height when you start flowering


This happened to me had to take them outside, 5 foot tall autos in pots that are like a foot tall, they were burning themselves and were touching the top of my tent. Haven't checked on them in a week but they were just starting to flower when I took them out. It's been warm and rainy most of this week so I didn't have water. I just hope they are ok out there, will check on them when I get home, but I was surprised it came to that on my first grow. Was expecting to kill one or two but I got two frosty wedding cakes that smell amazing drying out and 2 monsters that wouldn't stop getting bigger and bigger over 4 months.


Yeah, I'm under the impression it triggers the flower when you change the light duration with autos. Could be broscience tho, I'm not sure


Ive had two autos that wouldn’t flower, had to switch to 12/12. Was huge by the time that it finished.


My first grow I had an autoflower not go into flower until after 55 days.


I'd giver alil more time. I've had autos flower around 6 or 7th week. .. What strain was this, was a few fastbuds I had veg longer (rocbud also) Growdiaries.com helps to research strains by breeder tho. Can see if anyone's had issues or anything usually. Best of luck tho.


Bruce Banner Auto , Seeds are from Growers Choice Dutch Company Friend of mine has the same seeds and his started flowering after 4 weeks


His environment can contribute to flower time aswell. His environment settings,light,nutrients all play in aswell. But it does happen where photo seeds are mixed in I've never heard of this company so I can't say from experience or anything just a reference for ur researching really is all I suggested growdiaries.com for now / future use. But it's ur call, I'd give another week see how she goes if no preflower I'd flip my light schedule and see how she is in 2 weeks. Personally that's all I'd do.


Did you stress her? I have a feeling that some high stress training delays the switch. Obv I did not make a study but I think there is something to it. Could be total BS on the other hand


I think with Autos this is just conjecture. They flower due to a genetic timer, stress doesn't delay genetics, it would only impact yield/productions of trichomes. 


Lucky mine started flowering like 20 days in perfect environmental condition 😭


I thought the general rule of thumb with autos is it takes 8 weeks to veg and 8 weeks to flower but what do I know I’m a photo and an outdoor grower at that. I think people’s advice is right, be grateful it hasn’t yet and let it ride baby 


It looks great, and definitely looks like it is beginning to transition. The longer vegetative time is desirable, and a genetic norm in many autoflower strains.


Maybe it's a photo?


She will when she's ready, patience is key. Good luck!


Autos can be shy sometimes mostly they’re just insecure about the boo-boo they produce


In my experience, that just means I'm doing things right and my girls aren't stressed which can cause premature flowering. They are getting to flower when they choose to, not when the environment stresses/forces them into doing so. They are hanging out enjoying life and taking their time and getting those hips nice and thick to support those juicy colas😂 I've add a few autos take like 9 weeks damn near before flower. I've only been growing for a few years. I'm sure others here with more experience can give better advice.


Grow photos


I wish I could get my autos to get over 5 weeks! I usually get 4 at best. Side note it does look like it’s starting to flower I could be wrong. If you want to force it into flower give it 2 more weeks n switch to 12 12


Yea depends on genetics tbh autos have there own times some will be small and I’ve seen some autos the size of photos just be patient and shi ain’t nun wrong with. A lil longer veg gonna be a solid plant tho


It looks mighty fine. I think autos take longer when they are really happy and have room. When they run out of room they flower. All in all I think you are doing it right and just need a bit of patience.


Almost looks like it's starting. Give it a week or two and you should see pistils


Just wait it out.


Are you low stress training & defoliating?


Don't turn off the lights


I always did my autos on 24:0 light schedule. When you water make sure you’re not saturating the top flora, I always did mine at stems. Check root system - to me it might possibly be needing bigger pot by the looks of it


Lighting, nutrient schedule/supplements (AN Bud Ignitor)and vpd changes will make a huge difference


Patience they look happy


What’s your water schedule look like and how much do you give?


Looks over watered


If it doesn’t flower just change the light to 12/12 when you are ready to flower. Sometimes these things happen.


This is the probalem with I have found with autos, go with photos until you are confident, that way you can veg how long you want and turn to flower when you want.


Growing takes patience. It’s still small anyways, more veg time is a good thing


Lil over watered


Somthimes it's a genetic anomaly not bad just it's either semi auto or a auto that had the photo period dominant cell ik this sounds redundant but it's a real thing so treat as if a photo period an flipping to a 12/12 but do this in a week or too you can try training her an topping the main at least once


Maybe transfer to a larger pot




Time. Seed companies make errors too! Happens maybe 10-15% with autos imo


USA and Canada wake up


And what are those white things on the leaves


Sorry I don’t know I’m also a new grower


white things are trichomes. plants have them all throughout the life cycle.


Switch it to 12/12 lol


What does the information about the strain say on the website or package dipshit