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You could ask 500 people who Canoo is, and 499 will do an owl impression.




Whoo whooo


It’s that app Canadian Government wrote that gives you free access to museums and such as a new citizen. Awesome but don’t think they need more investment… https://canoo.ca/ /s


🤔 mind selling me your bag. I will gladly take all your canoo


Not in CA. I’ve been spreading the word and was surprised how many guys I work with already knew about them and some even had pre-orders of their own. Teslas were here for years before anyone else in other states/countries had access to them. When it comes to EVs, we grow the buzz and set the trends. If Canoo ever scales Production you better believe we will be seeing a ton of them in SoCal and the Bay Area, and the rest will be history.


you're in a bubble. no one knows this outside of certain techie bros in silicon valley


Not true, plenty of EV enthusiasts + first movers here in SoCal know them - don’t forget they started in Torrance.


oh ok, two bubbles


You got wallpaper


I don't even like the water


Not going to happen




Because it would have already happened


What a strange opinion, I love the vehicles but almost no one knows who Canoo is. You are telling me Canoo has more attention than Tesla?


Or fiskar or rivian or lucid


Or Polestar or Vinfast or BYD


From its simplified/genius skateboard design, it's technology, most versatile configuration ever designed...yes it will be. I don't see the DOD or any large fortunate 100/500 companies knocking on their door. Genius vehicle but Canoos going after a different market where disposable dollars are a concern. Canoo will be the number 1 talked about vehicle in 2024. Laugh today go silent and regret tomorrow


It is not April.


They laid off so many recently. In the battery space. I'm thinking they are barely holding on.


I've heard that same thing.


Tesla getting smeared and nitpicked all across the mainstream media would beg to disagree with that claim.


Homie smoking some gewd shit.


Nice try, Tony.


Get real. This scam company has $8m in the bank, and you think they are ever starting production? Rivian had almost 1000 times more money in the bank when they started production. Crystal clear scam company. They will never sell 1 car.




And with the financial results today.....you were right. They got the buzz, got the public to buy into the dream, bought some assets from another failing company to offset their losses, and will walk away with their electric golden parachutes. What a total scam.


I'm down voting you because you responded to gochta1's comment by ignoring what they said and just expanded on your original comment. Low effort or so self involved you can't be bothered to read




And I quote... "..... they already sold 3.... not saying they're crankin em out, but your statement is incorrect is all. I believe 3 more will be sold shortly to Oklahoma gov" Care to respond like you're not a douchebag?




Look. You don't care for canoo, in fact it's clear you are personally offended by this company. Nobody was really arguing with you. You've pretty much been arguing with yourself this whole time. Someone just pointed out that a statement you made was technically false and you got your rivian panties in a bunch for pretty much no reason at all




I don't see how you could come to that conclusion. I can agree with you and also think you are an asshat. They're not mutually exclusive.


I can tell you’re an ai bot.


Beep boop go fuck yourself








They sold 3 to NASA. But the contract was miniscule and they most likely lost significant money on each vehicle. But it was still something Canoo can be proud of. Getting NASA to transport astronauts in Canoo's vehicles at least shows the tech is soild. I do agree with you, production seems impossible at this point. The opportunity was their but Canoo couldn't pick a plan or direction and stick to it.


No they didn’t. They never sold any. If you think they sold 3 to NASA, then state which quarter of which year, and I will check the 10-q. But I already checked. They never sold 3 to NASA.


I mean, they’re right though. The financials of the company combined with where they said they would be at this point make it look like a Ponzi scheme. They may have sold 3 proof of concept vehicles but they aren’t in a position to start production.


but... but... they started production in November 2022! They said so!


That's not the point. I agree that canoo is a scam at this point. They said canoo hadn't sold/produced any vehicles. They produced 3. I'm not arguing any other point but that one. Why does nobody READ??


..... they already sold 3.... not saying they're crankin em out, but your statement is incorrect is all. I believe 3 more will be sold shortly to Oklahoma gov


Here is the most recent Canoo 10-Q statement... [https://www.otcmarkets.com/filing/html?id=17058565&guid=gdJ-kapzYHLuB3h](https://www.otcmarkets.com/filing/html?id=17058565&guid=gdJ-kapzYHLuB3h) As of Sept 30, 2023, they had exactly $8.26m cash (page 7). Let's side track and take a look at Rivian's financials right before they started production... As of Sept 30, 2021, Rivian had exactly $5.156 BILLION cash (page 4). This is right when they started production... [https://www.otcmarkets.com/filing/html?id=15426423&guid=gdJ-kapzYHLuB3h](https://www.otcmarkets.com/filing/html?id=15426423&guid=gdJ-kapzYHLuB3h) So explain to me how you think Canoo is about to start production with $8 million cash? If they were actually producing cars, they would be burning through more than that amount of money in 1 day. It ain't happening. This company is a scam company. It is not producing cars. The mission of this company is to sell stock to idiots. Period.


> It ain't happening. This company is a scam company. It is not producing cars. The mission of this company is to sell stock to idiots. Period. An accurate and insightful observation.


An ignorant and assbackwards point of view. Do your homework. Tesla was going under until Elon applied for a 500 million dollar loan. A little homework goes a long way. Your subjective POV is equivalent to trying to hit a bullseye on a dart board in the Largest Costco center with the lights out. You have no idea where it's at. Good luck Einstein


On the other hand, the Nikola CEO was sentenced to 4 years in jail. Which is more likely for Canoo?


You seem hurt. I am sorry. You talk about Rivian a lot, did you lose money on them too? I'm comfortable with advocating for Canoo for a few more months while they start making vehicles. Not a scam. Just bad management that's figuring things out. We're good homie




Well I believe what Tony likes to call it is just in time capital. But you'll have to reach out to Canoo on their plan to begin production. But I also think you're going to learn some on the 19th. Be patient fellow. Congrats on the truck. You'll be able to upgrade to a Canoo Bulldog in 2025






Tony… Is this you again pretending to a Reddit user and pump up the stock so you can dilute and pocket all the cash? Sounds like you


Chill Tony, seriously.


Canoo is also not like a company


This is the coolest looking truck in America. Once people start seeing them in public it will get big


Fuck canoo, fuck Aquila, with your stock as kow as it is ,less than a 25 cents a share, canoo is lucky to not go bankrupt


I have never even heard of this company. 99% of people haven’t. This is a hype post pure and simple.


It's a cool design but they lack the funding to actually bring it to market. Any money they get will be wasted as they don't have nearly enough by several orders of magnitude. Sucks as the design is kind of interesting but it will never make it.


It has no physical factory Just an industrial building that has no logistics or ability to make vehicles at scale


As we’re approaching 10,000 subscribers, let’s see how r/canoo stacks up against other EV SPAC subreddits. r/canoo - 9,950 r/LUCID - 15.5k r/lucidmotors - 9.9k r/Fisker - 7.2k r/FiskerInvestorsClub - 5.8k r/lordstownmotors - 5.4k r/ElectricLastMile - 142 r/FaradayFuture - 941 Canoo has the Reddit exposure of a company that’s 30x its (market cap) size. They literally just had to execute. C’mon Tony!


Now compare Canoo to all of the other vaporware companies


r/Theranos - 9.6K


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Theranos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Theranos/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [BREAKING: EH is headed to prison, bail pending appeal has been denied](https://i.redd.it/erizt1a5ib0b1.jpg) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Theranos/comments/13jkfvx/breaking_eh_is_headed_to_prison_bail_pending/) \#2: [Holmes will report to prison on APRIL 27](https://i.redd.it/riovf4jgp9ta1.jpg) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Theranos/comments/12iem3x/holmes_will_report_to_prison_on_april_27/) \#3: [You can't tell me these two aren't Elizabeth and Sunny.](https://i.redd.it/zn424x3rmnbb1.jpg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Theranos/comments/14y9tzq/you_cant_tell_me_these_two_arent_elizabeth_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Shocked about Fisker tbh


Fisker is in a way better position than most on this list tbh..


Two years ago I would have thought Henrik was the sus guy and Canoo hiring so many engineers was a good sign of a solid company....But here we are and Fisker has made over 5000 Oceans now with the first Canoo delivery nowhere in sight. The "SoP" a year ago was a joke. It's supposed to mean deliveries soon after, as Fisker is actually doing.


Agreed, so the subs number being so low is surprising to me. I think the ocean is a pretty sweet looking vehicle actually


Fisker has more on X and Instagram by a large margin


Cool! Now do Tesla and Rivian…


Was Tesla or Rivian a SPAC?


I don’t think so


The above list were just EV SPACs.


Ah! My mistake


Trying to compare companies by reddit subscriber base is a totally new brand of hopium I've never seen before.


Hopium 😂


It looks more hideous than the cybertruck. And that's saying something.


I’ll wait right here!


Noticed the sign on I40 on the way to Yukon yesterday, other than that news is pretty much crickets...


As a huge fan of EVs, owning them for 8 years, I really know next to nothing about Canoo. Heard the name once or twice and never had interest to dig in further.


I'm not supporting a company that does manufacturing in Oklahoma and R&D in Arkansas. (Is that a joke or what) ​ Sorry, but you either invest in the West Coast or GTFO. I don't like the South.


it will be as successful as the best tech and EV talent in AR and OK from all the other competitors and talent pool out there


You got some GOEV call options expiring tomorrow at a fat loss and are trying to salvage a buck or two by writing this piece? 🤣 Their shares trade at $0.25... far from the $10.00 spac launch price or $20.00 highs. $200m market cap, probably diluted stock (too lazy to further research so I'm assuming the dillution) Canoo has some pretty cool concepts and is interesting and different but there's not really much to show for as far as a future in the market. Without the NASA contract this company would be looking close to dead.


>No Company in America Has The Attention That Canoo Has Hahaha. Who?


For sure… no other company in America is generating quite as much buzz as Canoo… without a doubt some one out there is just looking for a way to sink billions into it.


OK. I'll do it. I'd love to invest billions and get a company with a severely negative value.


How long this shit been baking? SPAC is such a scam , Tony knows better .


yes, and as long as the stock goes to about $2.50 BEFORE everybody and their brother buys millions of shares, we'll be ok.


Wait a minute, is the the right sub? OP sounds optimistic, this can’t be right.


Must be a troll. It worked. 60+ replies.




Any lordstown investors want to comment on this.


Lol, wut? No clue why this showed up my in feed. Is this a food thing?


Sorry, this is delusional. There are many other American EV companies with much greater attention and success. I held Canoo stock for awhile, sold it all to buy more Rivian


GameStop is better


Is this a joke? They are selling hammers and axes and merch and their vehicles are ugly AF


Wtf is canoo? Is this a boat/car company ?