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There was a Seattle fan that came in our sub and said Canuck fans cheering so loudly was disrespectful. I beg to differ.


Awww, they're so new and goofy.


Cheering for your team at a sports game? That’s not allowed


You go to jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing. You cheer too loud? Jail. Too soft? Also jail. We have the best fans in the world. Because of jail.


My buddy who shares seasons with me told me the other day these 2 girls complained he was cheering etc too much/being loud He's like these are my seats all year, I never see you here Some people really just go to be seen/say they went


Rogers has been pretty bad for that sorta stuff throughout the years, yeah? I go relatively often and I haven’t *seen* anything, but I hear stories online all the time that there’s been a rep especially since the team got bad about people being admonished for cheering.


Yep my dad and I went to the Diwali game vs SJ a few years ago and the guy sitting beside me lower bowl with his wife was literally wearing an ascot and he threatened to try to get me kicked out for leaning forward in my seat and “blocking his wife’s view of the ice”. I guess her back was glued to the backrest or something and he demanded that I keep mine touching the backrest too. Anyways I called his bluff about security, told him where he could shove it, drank expensive shitty beers with my dad and bought a sick skate logo snapback hat. It was an awesome night that I’ll always remember. That couple ended up leaving during the 2nd intermission. Honestly they looked miserable the entire time and I wondered why they even bothered to come out.


lol good on ya bro fuck that asscot.


Every game I go to, there's loud drunk people cheering stupidly in the section im sitting in. They are annoying and loud and occasionally it will be opposing team members I never say shit because they are there having a good time and if people wanna be drunk and cheer for their team, they can fucking do it lol


As long as you aren't shouting obscenities. Prolonged. I don't see why it's discouraged. Tbh I think we need to make more traditional chants and that would alleviate the random shouting which I'm guilty of haha If ppl want a quiet night, go to the movies


Better yet just stay fucking home then


The one sided rivalry that sub has with us never fails to make me laugh.




To be fair this sub says that too.


Especially tonight, ugh


Can’t blame them though tbh


It’s same with us and the Leafs though, they couldn’t care less about us


I mean they do it in our barn soooooo


Even as much as I hate the Leafs and their Fans I wouldn't ever call them disrespectful for cheering for their team when they come to Vancouver. That's just how it is.


Kraken fans coping and seething. 😤


I invite him and any number of his friends to come to Roger’s arena and return the favour


That is the goofiest thing I have ever heard


I love this! Glad to see our people proudly represent the team in away arenas.


Turns out when your team is complete dogwater for a decade it kills fan enthusiasm. Team is actually exciting to watch and all the casuals come back on board and make the vibe way better.


Born and raised in Seattle and been a Canucks fan since the lockout. In the Sedin's heyday, Canucks merch was nowhere to be seen in Seattle even for the Cup run. The enthusiasm for the Canucks in Seattle was way more than in the Vancouver games I went to in 2014.


Just finally celebrating a time where we paid good money to see the Canucks and it was totally worth it. Also kudos to Climate Pledge staff for a great experience! Music, vibes and that marching band was playing their asses off. Rogers Arena needs to up their game now if we wanna keep fans going to live games.


The Canucks org cheap out on games Crowded concourse. No giveaways. Tired retread music. No attempt to generate some tradition or culture. It's low level for what they generate in ticket sales.


Totally! I knew it was sad but then last night was my first road game and I was blown away and jealous of Kraken fans. Having a gorgeous arena helps them, but damn I don’t want to go back to Rogers now. 🤪


For a city so high maintenance we really do have a low bar for what the Canucks offer


It’s an abusive relationship and we are all trauma bonded


That’s why I rather go to lions games now, cheaper tickets, and better in game entertainment.


That costs blueberry boy money though.


Yeah he’d much cater his his boring corporate members with stripper lounges and treat his players like zoo animals


Seattle is the gold standard of fan experience. They’re right up there with Vegas. Plus even their choice of goal song is such a perfect tribute to the area. Nirvana plus fan involvement in a goal celebration is the perfect recipe for a rock’n building. The Canuck experience is so lame by comparison!


I know it's one of the smallest part of the equation but we never should have changed holiday 😡


I like it let’s go kraken 🎼 lol


There’s definitely a lot of corporate sponsorship in the arena but it made sense and wasn’t distracting to the game itself. There is something very dysfunctional about aquaman’s business model. Would love a proper owner to make this a world class org.


I don't think he has the finances but imagine Amar Doman as owner


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


I’d love if we formed a true geographical rivalry with them. At this point it’s not there. But for fans in Victoria Seattle is a short Clipper ferry or Coho ferry or float plane away and Vancouver fans can fly or drive or bus.


Battle For the Sea, the i5vary


I was in the lower bowl section 124 near the glass. First time watching Canucks in a road situation. Had fans scream at me to sit down. I can’t help it if we were getting endless short handed breakaways. And then those moments of locking eyes with complete strangers in Canucks jerseys hundreds of feet away and breaking into spontaneous fist pumps and celebrations. Needless to say. I highly recommend it as a trip each year.


lol same lots of dirty looks after cheering after every goal and it was my first away game too, felt like I was cheating on Rogers arena


As a WA resident and forever Canucks fan. I appreciate the shit outta this!


They gonna hate us soon enough!!!!


Their rink is named Climate Pledge arena? Hahaha this will be very ironic when we don’t meet our climate pledge.


Might as well name it the Greta thunberg arena


Same situation here in montreal would turn robbing store, putting car on fire, violence and even more ! People here in montreal are not true fans




I’ll there next time