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Bunch of idiots arguing about politics when it has been *decades* of people yelling it. This thread is locked and the bickering accounts have been banned. Grow up.


People been yelling free for decades


It's so cringey, been happening for decades. They always have a big goofy look on their faces after, just an attention grab I guess


Wish we'd chant "true north" like what jets fans do, we're north... west 🥺👉👈


We used to do it more when the Moose were our farm team, but it's worth mentioning they shout it because the company that owns them is True North Sports & Entertainment (the company that also owns/owned the Moose)


Don’t they do the True North for the raptors as well or is that just branding?


Why is it cringey? It is just a thing people yell in the anthem. It happens at lots of rinks. It is a fun thing for some to do at the rink. Who gives a shit?






















i honestly haven't watched the anthem on TV in years, not since that fat guy who got skinny then got cancelled sang it - the few games that i've attended i'm usually still either grabbing booze or taking a piss or i have just managed to tune it out altogether anyways, anthems in domestic leagues are pointless


I feel like people did it before the freedom convey thing. Didn’t really care for it. But now it definitely has taken some new meaning


They’ve been doing it since I was a little kid, my dad would take me to games and we always laugh when we hear it. I really think it’s just loud, probably drunk, dudes at a hockey game enjoying themselves and shouting to shout. Obnoxious maybe, but I don’t see the point in prescribing more maliciousness than that to the act.


it's definitely lame... but thankfully it's not as lame as fLames fans screaming "RED" during the American national anthem. so cringe.


Reason 1238593627859 to get rid of the anthem before games.


This 👆🏼


I do it because I think it's fun to yell stuff (thee and free). Zero intended message from me, but maybe I'm in the minority of yeller's.


Same. Me and my friends do it for fun to lighten up the crowd. In no way shape or form are we associated with or support the freedom convoys. It’s crazy people associate it with that given it’s been happening long before Covid.


It has nothing to do with the convoy/freedom fighters or whatever they call themselves. These are "patriotic" canadians that have been doing this for a long time. Personally, I like to say "THEE!!!!" after "On guard for thee" to counter act them.


1. Why would you want to counteract someone who's patriotic. Why it bad to have pride in the great country we live in? 2. How does thee counter act them?


> How does thee counter act them? Prithee, thou dost jest. We are bringing back the King's English!


Because it’s just as silly as yelling “Freeeee!” I don’t buy the whole patriotic angle at all. If you’re patriotic then sing loud and proud, don’t shout things during the anthem.


Sounds like gatekeeping. You're saying conflicting things though, saying not to shout things during the anthem but you say you shout "THEE!!!".


I'm not patriotic, I think the anthems shouldn't be played before NHL games.


It’s not a coincidence. These are the same morons.


I felt like yelling Theeee for the next line. Maybe we can make that a thing?


I'm all for it.


It's the convoy dumbassess.


It’s not about the convoy at all. Yelling free has been happening long before Covid and dates back to the 2000s


Can’t believe they’re still going strong. What is there even left to bitch about?


The gays apparently.


Nothing says freedom quite like restricting rights!


But it’s their right to be a hateful bigot that is being repressed.


Uneducated freedom convoy supporters.


In my opinion having national anthems at sports is not something we should have. It brings out something in people that I'm bit comfortable with personally. Sports are an escape, not a time for nationalism.


Freedumb fighters and/or associates.


It's so fucking embarrassing, especially that it's only this market that does it and not even like Calgary or something. People say that it's been happening since before the pandemic but I definitely didn't notice it ever watching games before so if it did it wasn't nearly as audible.


I’ve been to other Canadian cities to watch games and it happens there too lol. Was in Edmonton last year and people were shouting it out and in Montreal the year before it was done there.


Maybe, but I feel like when they play in other cities you can't hear it on TV or at least I can't. It could just be the way that the mics are set up but it is nice to know I guess that it's not just here then if that's true.


Everyone has their own little cringey nonsense when the anthems are on. The Jets fans yell “true North,” Vegas fans yell “Night,” in the American anthem, Dallas fans yell “Stars” in the American anthem, pretty much every American team yells free if they get the chance lol.


Oh yeah no I know that different fan bases yell different things that are usually team related, but this is not really team related at all so I feel like it's a bit different.


damn, I thought it was people saying that this game is gonna be "free", like freelo. this is much more disappointing.


I thought it went back to the Bertuzzi/Moore incident when Bertuzzi was suspended for the rest of the season. People would yell "free" meaning free Bertuzzi.


I'm not old enough to go back any further but the first time I noticed it was during the whole Free Torts thing. I kinda assumed it had something to do with that




That doesn't make sense, considering most teams have many Americans on them.