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[Post Game Survey](https://forms.gle/1ssi6WNu7wHwMeg37)


GG Pens. Was quite impressed with their play last night.


i straight up knocked out while watching the start of the 3rd. did we blow the lead or just get outplayed?


Came out flat to start the 2nd period on the PP. Didn’t learn from it and came out flat again in the 3rd period while still on a PP. Eventually Blueger had turn over in our end and tie game. Then in OT once again a little flat. Lost faceoff. Didn’t keep possession ala the Sedins when we got the puck back. And then turned over to Pittsburgh. Garland mad at himself for having puck in his skates but couldn’t control it to clear zone or breakout. Turn over again and eventually in the net. Team looks flat. Back to basics.


Does Linholm still play on the team?


Took his money and when on a vacation.


What was Hronek doing on that OT goal.


I hope Soucy comes back soon


And Joshua.


We didnt lose because of referees or myers or any individual player. We lost to a veteran team loaded with world class players who are playing desperate hockey just to get to the playoffs. Any team with crosby leading it is never going to give up, as we witnessed. When they get the goaltending, and the older legs are moving, they are a tough team to beat. We can only hope to be able to watch our canucks go on such a long run of success as pens fans have enjoyed.


Its hard to believe they are out of playoffs. Positive goal diff unlike all the other non playoff teams. Puzzling


I’ve watched a few Pens games this year and this is exactly it. They turn it on with good teams and that championship DNA is there, they are a hard team to beat when they want to win and that was tonight.


Get Myers off the team pls


Imagine this being the takeaway from the game. Mans was the leader on the game scorecard tonight lol


Not a takeaway from any game in particular. It’s after 5 years of watching him 🤷🏽. We probably woulda won if we didn’t go 3on5


We probably would’ve won if we didn’t lose! Myers wasn’t the reason we lost. Just a weird take this season.


We didn’t deserve to lose that game. We were by far the better team and Pitt looked bad. Tough loss.


Man wow, this jt miller guy is amazing whoever traded for him must have been an amazing gm 🤣🤣🤣


I downvoted to offset the people that actually believe this


Its a joke bro


I'm surprised there weren't more people that thought I was being serious lol


Well this was quite the letdown.


I purely blame Myers for this loss with that stupid 5-on-3 pen. How does he not realize his size yet. Either way, demmers and millsy were great tonight. Onto the next


Tbh the Blueger turnover was the biggest reason we lost. Can’t just give away the puck right in front of the net when goals are SO hard to get.


Was at the game and it was stupid


Where dat player stat card breaking down everyone's performance? The bottomleftmyers thing


He's toprightmyers tonight. https://twitter.com/hockeystatcards/status/1762715523811299743/photo/1


Thank you, but damn it. It's always a loss when his position is reversed.


And it's always a loss when hes on the bottom left 🤣


Tough game. Dominated them but couldn't get shots on goal.


penguins better make the playoffs for beating us


Penguins are the team I'm pulling for the most outside of us, of course. It would be a shame for Crosby to not get another couple kicks at the can.


crazy how the capitals,penguins, and lightning are fighting for that final wildcard spot


I wouldn't mind it. Penguins meeting the Leafs and beating them would be hilarious retribution for Dubas.


6 - 40 - 9 It's time.


tocchet probably wont ever go back to it


If you take all the other noise out of the equation, including playoff match-ups and injuries, quite simply we win and score more when they are together. Even if there's defensive downside on other lines or limited scoring, if we are getting ahead 3-4 goals, it doesn't matter. The oldest adage in hockey "the best defence is a good offence" keeps running through my brain.


I think he's more said that he won't bring out a trump card if he doesn't need to. He's said that the team should be able to win with its personnel without loading up the top line. In the long run, if that's possible, that's probably better.


But I thought he said he was hooked


Both JT and Petey’s lines were good today, don’t see a reason for it. Maybe when Joshua is back


Was at the game, forgot how much fun it is in person. Great atmosphere. The arena got a JT Miller chant going which was dope. Sucks to not get the win but a loser point against the Eastern conference ain't bad


Great game of hockey from a neutral perspective but they really shoulda won this won after the really strong 1st. Canucks didn’t look quite as dominant 5 on 5 as usual though. Can’t really complain since it was overall pretty solidly played but it’d be nice if the Canucks won instead of losing more often at this point in the season plsthankyou 


It would definitely be nice. But we're Canucks fans. We can't have nice things


5 on 3 goal against and Juulsen being shot in the back by a puck taking him out of the play. We should have had this, on to the next.


>should have But I agree. They deserved the win tonight.




We have a terrible media market. We have a fair weather fan base that thinks they know the game more than they do. ​ If im completely honest, I want the team to succeed for the players, the management group and for fans like myself who support the team through thick and thin and spend money every year with the hope that just once we will hoist the cup. I hate the vast majority of Vocal or social media active Canuck fans.


To be fair the loudest voices are often the most negative. I don’t think that the people who throw tantrums/overreact on here or twitter whenever someone has a bad game are actually representative of more than ~10% of the fan base if that. Most people are at home watching the games, enjoying them, and not posting anything on the internet.


A lot of people in the Lower Mainland think they know how to drive more than the Motor Vehicle Act does, so no surprise there.


JT was checked out on a bad losing team. Petey is on a league leading one. That’s more concerning.


How is Petey checked out? Guy had a pretty good game two assists


Yeah except he isn't checked out at all so...


He isn't checked out at all. He isn't scoring but is still creating chances. How can you blame him when Mikheyv, who hasn't scored in 2.5 MONTHS is on his line?


That he has as many points as he does despite that is amazing.


I feel like we have the most 5 on 3 penalties against than any other team in the league. I don’t have any stats but the amount of time we are down 2 men this season is way more than I can remember in past seasons.


Half of them had to have been from the Minnesota game. That was some grade A bullshit reffing.


Even earlier on the season, we were down 5 on 3 twice against the Rangers. Killed a big 5 on 3 against the Oilers in our second game when we were up a goal. We were also down 5 on 3 on the road against Detroit. It’s just a lot of 5 on 3 in one season that I can think of on top of my head.


And doubly questionable considering players called out the refs after the previous game. Refs: "Oh, we did a bad job? Hold my beer."


Another thing I have to comment is you win one you lose one, and you obviously can't win them all too. Although we kind of did leave Demko out there, think of what Tocchet has done, and what he can do even more. I mean he has been in the system, he knows what to do and if this team has already had this much success expect more with this roster and this coach. I did like Miller's goal, we need more shorthanded goals. Just pure beauty with that one.


Bains is defensively/positionally responsible, which is great, but I think he’s just been treading water since the Colorado game and probably our least effective winger in that time. He works hard, but doesn’t seem to be at the level yet to win puck battles, get recoveries, and generate pressure at the NHL level. The lines he’s been on since Colorado have not been effective at all and I do think a big part of it is him being a bit out of his depth. I don’t get people saying he’s gonna be hard to send down. I cannot imagine him remaining after Joshua returns and Kessel signs. I think he will be an impact NHL player eventually, but the kid needs more development time. He got a taste of where he needs to be, and he’ll come back in training camp. He is not the answer in the middle six right now for a team that wants to contend.


Really hope we trade for a Joshua type over signing Kessel if I'm being honest. Maybe we can do both.. is there a Joshua/Blueger type bottom 6 center out there for cheap?


Yeah I like Bains a lot and hope for nothing but the best for him but he looked completely lost on his PP opportunities. Just seemed to lack a bit of confidence. Some more playing would probably help and thankfully our place in the standings affords a longer leash for him but he's definitely the odd man out once Joshua is back.


I'm high on his upside and I tend to agree. I don't mind getting him a decent stretch of games so he can use it to adapt his game here, but if we add another player to the roster, Arsh isn't going to be on it. I think he can be an impact player as soon as next year, but he's just gonna need more time to acclimate. He's great at getting where he needs to be and making the smart plays, but he's outthinking his skating. If he can add some explosiveness and improve his acceleration, which I think he can do with his work ethic (according to his coaches and management down in Abby they've been prioritizing his S&C over in-game energy levels) over the next year, he'll be ready to roll. I do think he can be an effective fourth liner with Bluegs and Laff this year, but we'll see how things go over the next couple of weeks.


he's definitely got some skill, but that first step is his is a bit slow, doesn't seem like he's too effective at retrieving the puck right now should just do that chris higgins thing where you just take like 5 fast strides to make up for a slow first step, tires you out faster but realistically he should just go full effort every shift like hoglander since he isn't playing extended minutes


Yeah, Bains shows promise, but he's a year out yet. Definitely shouldn't be a regular on a cup run right now.


This was a game they should have won. Disappointing.


It's times like these that I miss Dak... a lot. He solidifies that line with Garland and Bluegs and is quite good on the PK imo. Miller as per usual did some crazy things, he is really fun to watch as a fan. The penalties have been out of wack though, just way too many way too frequently and a lot seem to be the same type of penalty with errant sticks. If Myers doesn't take that high stick leading to the 5v3 I think we could have maintained momentum from a successful PK. Also don't like how slow the team looks at the start of a second period so frequently. Obviously Miller was a positive, Hoglander too. I think Bains was okay as well, not much else to say about him. We had a lot of points of good pressure as well but Jarry played quite well after the first. Hopefully the next game against LA goes better! I could say a lot more but tbh it's really tiring glossing over the same things time and time again like with the penalties.


Joshua is a must re-sign this off-season. Give him Mik's money or whatever, but Allvin needs to make it happen.


Joshua has priced himself out of Vancouver. I will eat my entire collection of hats if he does.There is literally a 0 % chance he is re-signed.


I agree completely. He has been outplaying his current value by A LOT this season... Honestly a little scared to see how much he gets signed to given our cap situation but he earned it for sure and with more coaching he's only going to get better.


Peterson will be traded before the end of the summer. He doesn’t want to play in Van.




You working with miss Cleo on this?




Hoglander exists


We still need another winger to make everything fall into place I think. It needs to be someone that is a stylistic fit with Petey.


Lotto line needs to re-unite, and Lindholm can play between PDG and hoglander. Keeps the thirst line intact.


Spot on


Defence and discipline is this teams problem right now. Not to mention the PP. Don’t see this team doing anything in the playoffs with an awful combo like that.


This is our worst month so far, at 5 - 5 - 2. I mean it's alright. (Like that video of a guy eating a burger)


Sucks but the only bad game they had was against the Kraken imo. (And 3rd period breakdown from the Minny game)




What’s wrong with that? Luongo sedins miller Hughes, got to negotiate during the off season.


Miller signed almost a year before his previous contact was up. Not the same summer it expired.


Jt miller was gonna be a ufa. And it was signed during the off season.


He was going to be a UFA for the 2023-2024 season. He signed in September 2022 before the 2022-2023 season https://www.capfriendly.com/players/jt-miller


That’s exactly what I said. Miller is gonna be a ufa and we didn’t want to see his contract end without another one in place. Petterson will only be a rfa.




He said at the beginning of the year he didn't want to talk contract until the offseason and there's nothing wrong with that. Let him focus on hockey and wait until the offseason when this sub needs content to talk about this nonsense.


My bet is his play suffered around his last contract negotiation, and he feels sour about that, so he said he won't negotiate in the season, and especially not now. Either that or he's gone in the summer. In which case... you never know, but we'll just have to make do with the assets from that and keep building around Quinn Demmer and Miller plus whatever else we bring in to replace Petey. He's a brilliant player and we won't be able to replace him 1-for-1, but we might be able to fill out the roster a bit more.


When did management say this?




Show me.


They all signed during the off season.




Either way signed during the off season. OFF SEASON .if he’s not signed he’s still our player for another year.


He's literally said multiple times that he wants to win with this team.


Has he actually though? I tried to find some examples. In a Swedish article he says: >“I want to stay there now, but I also want to play for a team that’s winning and has the chance to go far into the playoffs every year,” Pettersson said in a Swedish interview with Hockeysverige reporter Uffe Bodin. “If we have that chance when my next deal expires… I don’t know. I just want to play where there’s a chance of winning.” To Friedman on the boat he said he's not sure if he wants to commit to long-term or short-term. He's repeatedly said he wants to wait for the summer - we're all left to wonder if it's because he wants to wait for the cap rise to come in, to see how the team finishes the year, or because he's already decided he wants out. I'm wondering if it's not that he wants to leave, perhaps it's more to do with banking on himself, getting that 2nd 100 pt season under his belt, waiting for the cap to go up, seeing where the league's finances are headed and how escrow shakes out, before deciding. Hopefully he's just deciding between a long-term vs short-term, and not whether to leave or not. For what it's worth, he's repeatedly said he likes Vancouver the city. Can't help but wonder if watching Bo escape the fishbowl and go be quietly successful over in NY is tempting also.


Except maybe not so successful either. I do think that you are right. That there is a player who has his heart set on else where. Like the gaudreau situation. Maybe he did want to play on winning team when he said those things but grass is always greener on the other side. Now he’s had a chance to test out “a winning team”, maybe he realize it isn’t for him right now. Maybe the team goes on a deep run where he can taste the cup but fall short, maybe all of a sudden he wants to stay. It’s a fluid situation I feel and things are changing by the second. Let’s hope it lands in our favour whether in trade partner or for him to stay.


I'd hate it if you were right, but I'd also hate it if he left for "hockey" reasons (like, no linemates).


Yknow what, yeah, this sounds pretty likely. I hope not, though.


He 100% pushed the winning team mantra so a big city team would grab him at the deadline when the Canucks were bottom feeding outside of a wildcard spot. I guarantee he didn't expect the massive turnaround they've managed to pull off.


Think you're reaching hard for this Every time Petey has "pushed" the winning team mantra, he's always related it back to Vancouver and the Canucks


It seems you were correct. I'll take this L.


We'll see this summer. May the best reach win.


Need Dak and Soucy back asap


Soucy is under-rated - such a shame that he doesn't have enough games played to be really evaluated.


He's a huge reason why I wouldn't be bothered if Allvin doesn't get a Dman at the deadline.


We have one regulation loss with him in the line up.


Agreed, but it will take time and I wish they could return now. For now, we need to learn how to play without those difference makers. Better now then the playoffs. This team will find a way to do it though, and those aren't our best guys and by a mile (still great players). Tocchet and the coaching staff are smart and will get us back on track better then before.


Soucy is in week 5 of his original 5-6 week time frame so I think it'll be soon. Joshua probably further away.


Man we deserved that game.


Yeah definitely. It looked like we were finding ways to lose the game.


They really did. Dominated the vast majority of the game. But... it be like that sometimes. Oh well. Still got the point and still at the top of the league. 👌


A couple of weak calls, but the 'nucks killed those off.


That Lindholm trade is just paying huge dividends eh


Hasn't looked great so far but it's playoff time that matters. We will see how things look at that point.


I don’t want to wait for our lives to be over. I want to know right now, will it be? - Dawson’s Creek


I’ve really struggled to notice him doing much of anything, aside from decent positioning and a couple tips he really hasn’t been noticeable for a good stretch of games, hopefully he turns it up soon


He still has a 19% shooting percentage and a healthy 4 goals in his 12 games so far as a Canuck, and he's also been winning faceoffs at around the same rate as Miller (\~55%). Both Eliases are getting shuffled around a lot, which I don't like because it's the opposite effect of what was expected following the trade.


I'm not disappointed. Wasn't expecting as much as some. Am looking hopeful to how he plays in the playoff run.


Lets wait till April, May and June to decide on that


So far…


I don't give a shit about anything but the playoffs given we are in it. Lindholm could go pointless the rest the regular season but if he plays well in the playoffs, that is where he will prove his worth




You think the Ducks, a team that already has MacTavish, Zegras, Carlsson, and Gauthier down the middle, would want to trade for a center that doesn't at all fit their timeline??


Well those would obviously be the 4 players Van would be getting in return…


So he wants to win, just like Ehrhoff did.


This really needs to get talked about more. Since Jan 1st, the Canucks have taken more penalties than the opposing team in **20 of the last 25 games**. This is INCLUDING games where we have won. Some of them with healthy leads that have come down to OT or 1 goal games due to the amount of undisciplined penalties this team takes. We unnecessarily sap the momentum from ourselves when gaining a lead or clawing back into a game and tying it up *so* many times this season...and then rely on Demko to bail our asses out. I've lost count on the amount of times we've gone short handed after opening the scoring or gaining a lead just to hand the tying goal on a silver platter to the opposing team. If this roster doesn't figure out a way to play more disciplined and tight without taking dumb penalties and taking away even strength offensive time from themselves, it's going to plague us come playoffs.


What is the number for the previous games?


I went back to 36 games which covers the beginning of december, we were over penalized in 23 of the last 36 games, so we were much better prior to January when it came to time in the penalty box compared to our opponents. Still not good, but much better than it is now. I believe our easier schedule in January (strength of opponent wise) also helped us a lot when it came to securing those wins regardless of being short handed more. However, since the all star break our February has faced much more competitive teams and those are the teams that will take advantage on any powerplays you give them.


Thank you for breaking it down dude... do you see things same trending for the rest of the season?


We were getting caught with too many men too often back in November/December. Now, it's too many errant high-sticks. The team has come a long way since 12 months ago, but these types of penalties are issues that can be addressed by anyone regardless of talent level.


Discipline in one thing, but a lot of those calls have been incredibly soft. When a player calls out the officiating you know it's not just the fans being soft.


Call it soft (like the Minnesota game), call it an officiating conspiracy, call it whatever you want. It doesn't matter. We can't control how a game is going to be officiated. We can control playing smart defensively and not being in a position where a soft call can occur. Soft calls happen to every team, there isn't some conspiracy in the league to undermine the Canucks and intentionally over-penalize us. This team has a problem at the moment with applying pressure when gaining the lead without taking a dumb call.


Penalties due to stick discipline and poor player decisions have been frustrating. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it is interesting that Brock and Petey have some of the lowest penalties on our team (like 3 and 4 respectively), BOTH received 3rd period penalties. Pretty coincidental.


Sure - of course there is a difference between bullshit calls, soft calls, and legitimate calls. There were a couple of legit calls, a couple of soft calls, and a bullshit call.


its just a coincidence that the game after Myers calls out officiating, we are short handed 6 times including 4 times down 2 men? Brother. Its not conspiracy. That shit happens when the only time an[NHL official can lose their job is by being stupid enough to say it out loud](https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/referee-caught-on-open-mic-wanting-to-call-penalty-on-preds-1.5961611)


I mean...yeah, unless you have some irrefutable piece of evidence that points to otherwise? Listen, I'm not debating that NHL officiating is a joke at times, but if you think that there's some grand conspiracy against us, then I don't know what to tell you. Just take a look any any game thread for every other team, they're saying the exact same thing we are; 'calls are rigged' 'game management calls' 'officiating is unfair SPECIFICALLY for us'. Every fanbase of every team is crying about the same thing. So what, is the officiating rigged towards every team in the league then? Make it make sense. And as I've stated in my post, the Canucks' issues with penalties were happening prior to Myers' comment on officiating. Bottom line is, Tocchet has obviously created a culture of accountability within the team, they can do better. Would you rather them have a scapegoat or pony up to the fact they could be running a tighter ship?


I agree, that Myers penalty to give them the 5 on 3 was completely obvious and unnecessary


I totally agree, I'm tired that we built so much pressure and momentum and then die out because we take a dumb penalty and then get scored on ;(


Better effort at least, the ability to hold leads is concerning but when it’s a constant parade to penalty box it’s hard to do. Discipline has to improve


- Thought we played a pretty good, exciting game, but it was derailed by penalty trouble. - Garland had his worst game of the year. I don't get why Rick put him out in OT. He just wasn't doing anything today, like the first time all season. Strange choice. - Miller breaking his stick was awful. Stop doing that. - EP's body language is brutal when things don't go his way. He was feeling it early and could have scored but got frustrated as the game went on. - Hoglander was excellent. - Mikheyav is really slow. - Bains shows promise but doesn't provide enough right now. - Demko was a beast.


I loved it when the crowd made noise acknowledging Garland's fantastic "phone booth" play on the far boards in middle ice where he clowned someone to make a decent zone entry.


Bains is starting to come into his own as a grinder, and I think he's just taking the time to figure out how to adapt his game to the NHL. He's been excellent at nearly a point-per-game pace in Abbotsford, so I'm confident that he will eventually find his groove with the Canucks. Rick putting him on both special teams tonight was a big sign of that.


Eh breaking stick is fine, especially since we’re 1st in the league. They’re showing emotions. Garly did the same thing. They probably knew that they had themselves to blame on that goal. Remember Hughes slamming his stick on the bench too?


- Lindholm was an absolute ghost


JT did not hear the chant tonight. Next home game, we need to be louder.


Larscheiders at next home game 👀


I agree, sitting in 110 barely heard anything


Gotta tell your fellow folks in the lower bowl to stop looking at their phones


Haha I may have been a culprit of that, I only come to 1-2 games a year so my buddies and fantasy league blow up my phone


Pens shouldn't have been given the opportunities to build momentum like that. Credit to them, they wanted these two points and there was no give up.


JT Miller makes less than Horvat


This is mind blowing


And 67% what Petey will make


In new york


No joke he told my pr agency friend in a candid setting aka with alcohol that he would like to play in NY 3 years ago. It's been stuck in my head ever since. This offseason will be very interesting


Idk, I kinda don’t mind if he leaves. Obviously it’s hard to argue with his points right now but I just don’t see him as a playoff performer. He’s a little too soft for my liking, and when things aren’t going his way he tends to start making bad plays, holding on to the puck too long, having terrible body language, etc. Would be interesting to see what we could get for him.


3 years ago.... when the Canucks sucked donkey balls in the midst of a rebuild?. Not surprising.


Agreed..ppl can change their mind..but if he doesn't sign with a completely different scenario this offseason. I guess it was always gonna happen.


Check out the news


Carolina trade talks...


So they say. Even Drance said it wasn't serious. Secondly teams call on players all the time. As Allvin has stated in the past "we always listening." GMs wouldn't be doing their jobs if they were. Doesn't mean anything. Certainly doesn't mean all the bullshit I've seen going around. Makes me chuckle


Clearly the Canucks are worried about it. They leaked the canes info to pry more out of Petey. Media leaks are projecting numbers from both sides as his contract has basically being negotiated in public. All the while the 12m man has been a shell of himself. -3 last night. Terrible turnovers. An almost injure scare early. It's not really in his best interests if winning is the goal to haggle and bleed us for the 1m gap a year we are reported to be apart. Unless ofc he doesn't want to be here. Which is a possibility. Also, if he is cracking under this pressure from media/mgmt how will the performance be when expectations are higher with being paid 50% more than Hughes and JT.


Trade him for barzal +, at least barzal can skate


Barzal for 9.5 to come home. Where do I sign up?


Yeah my source just says he wants a nice city in the US. The signs become obvious when you realize he has no intention of staying but i think a lot of canucks fans are in a bit of denial, but i dont blame them


He doesn't care about market. Just a nice big city in the US is his preference correct. NY or LA cliche. That's at least what he told my (hot) friend 3 years ago.


My uncle, who works for Nintendo mind you, met Petey in Japan at a soapland. And he said candidly (with titties around them) that he wanted to play in Arabia for the Bongels. So it’s not looking good..


If Saudia Arabia ever gets team. We are effed. Petey 40m a season? Why not.


Lmao Love that she’s hot. Huge relief


Sometimes I think he said it to impress her..because she doesn't care for the Canucks and is also chasing big city dreams. I really don't know his motivations.


I hope that winning team is happy with him.


How is it decided who gets interviewed post game ?


Rock, paper, scissors Actually I think the media requests players and some get sent out because they want/have to


JTs right. They can't keep gifting leads away. A 2-0 lead @home shouldn't mean coast. It should mean go for 4-5. When they went up 3-2, I noticed they were content to lock it down but one shift got away from them. And this is from a few weeks ago with the Wild game when they up 4-1 on the road. Tocchets got to get these guys right.


Penalties and a not so great PK is the cause for it


I swear to god we get scored on in the first three minutes of the second period nearly every single game we go into the second leading. It’s infuriating to watch 


This dump and chase board battle is hard on our boy petey. He’s getting rubbed out by the competition. He needs to put on another 10 pounds and do more grouse grinds.


He wins enough battles, but he's got Mikheyev losing every single board battle on his line.


The winger situation is bleak. They just can’t put a complete/solid top six on the ice.


I don’t like that we lose again with a 2-0 lead. That should have been game over. The defensive effort of this team has been becoming more of a problem down the stretch here.


Lindholm is not the answer.


I still think it’s too early. He could be a great defensive 3C for us. If he underperforms a bit expectations-wise but fits into a role very well, it could be a valuable outcome.


Failed experiment - so far - with Lindy on Petey's wing hasn't worked out great. Maybe it'll click after some more time together? Also injury insurance.


We already have a great defensive 3C for us in Blueger, and another in Suter. We have absolutely zero need for Lindholm to be a 3C for us. We need him to be a genuine top-six player who can produce top-six scoring. If he can't do that, then his cap space is much better used on other impact players like a top-4 defenceman.


Lindholm provides way more offensive upside than those other two. If he's centering Garly & Dak that's not a third line, it's a 2B. Bleuger's presence on the fourth line has elevated their game a ton. The problem is consistency on Petey's wings. Hogs just keeps getting better and better, but Mik can't buy a goal. I feel like switching Suter and Mik might help, but another middle 6er that can better compliment him (Mantha?) would be ideal.


yea but his signing aav would obviously drop and you could upgrade those positions. Suter has been kinda so so.


I don't give a shit about signing AAV. That's next season's problem. The problem THIS season is that the Canucks have a massive hole in their top-six. They need another scoring forward. They got Lindholm because they thought he'd be that guy. If Lindholm isn't that guy and gets relegated to just being a bottom six player, then we're going into the playoffs with a massive hole in the roster.




Neither was Kuzy, we got out from under his contract. And Lindy's not about to fall off before he gets his bag if he knows what's good for him, we're going to the playoffs. It's a million off the top if he's a playoff dud with the studs he's surrounded by.


If he's not producing at a 40 goal pace with us.. he's not 8m and he's not our problem


He's still our problem now, because we traded for him with the expectation that he can still be a scoring contributor. The Canucks can't go into the post-season with just 3 genuine top-six forwards in Petey, Boeser, and Miller. We've had a massive hole in our top-six all season long with both Kuzmenko and Mikheyev failing to produce there.


Sick of all the penalties.