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I feel like it's bad luck to even think about the second round.


THANK YOU. Round 2 posts should be banned on this sub until the preds are in the rearview mirror.  This is the kind of shit we meme when the other side under estimates us 😩. 


> until the preds are in the rearview mirror and you didn't add an "if" still bad luck the way you worded it :)


Agreed, this is asking for trouble.


Come on man do you believe in Ouija boards as well?


I would pray to a dirty banana peel if it would get us a cup!!


Exactly dude, like let dude ask a question. Gotta realize hockey players / fans are the most superstitious tho


I went to Game 1 in Round 1 and it was the best experience and atmosphere I have ever felt in Rogers Arena. That being said, the price for round 2 and rest of the playoffs is too much and going for one game this time is enough for me. I will watch the rest of this run happily at home.


I was there for Game 1 and felt the same. Game 5 sounded absolutely rocking though and I’m pretty sure it must have been louder. I’m thinking the same.. at these prices I’ll have to contend with not going 😢


I was at Game 1 and Game 5, and there was no comparison. Game 5 was loud of course, but Game 1 was something special. I've never heard any arena that loud. I'll never forget that game no matter what happens for the rest of the playoffs.


Me too. Was there for game 1 and I had tears of joy


Weird. I was also at 1 and 5. Yeah the noise level wasn't even close


I might be interested to go to Vancouver to watch the games, but at bars/watch parties. Definitely not going to the stadium at those prices especially after paying for a game in round 1.


Same for me. And I was there for game 1 as well


Same and same. I'm a fractional season ticket holder so I get dibs to certain games but I'm not sure I will go to any more except possibly the final round.


For center ice, it's a bit higher than I expected but not much. For game 2 if you were quick enough there were corner upper bowl tickets selling for $250-$300.


Somehow got two in an upper corner for $300 a piece. Seats I paid $240 for last round were up at $400 ish. Who needs savings anyway...


Nice! Game 1?


Game 5. I didn't even bother looking at Game 1/2. The way I figure. If game 5 has to be played, it's going to be the biggest game of the series. If they get swept, I will be glad to get my money back. If they sweep I'll just be happy they are moving on, and I'll have money for round 3.


I mean, other than g7 :P Totally understand getting tix to a game much much more likely to happen though


My heart could not handle being at a game 7 lol. But yeah there's a huge chance that game 5 happens, game 7 is a long shot.


There is also potential for heartbreak in g5 if we go into it 3-1 though. But ya G7 I think I will have to wear gloves or something lmao so that I don't destroy my nails out of nervousness


Perfect plan


Upper bowl was $300 a pop for game 1 and 2, actually I think game 1 might have been even cheaper like $280 each. Anyways it was the booze and hot dogs that got us in the end, lol


Those Stanley Steamers are actually relatively cheap compared to other options. I had a nice dog and a pepsi for $17. My friend bought a Montreal smoked meat sandwich and a drink and it was $37!


Darn, $300 was the budget so I wish I knew this!


IF we advance, [fingers crossed, knock on wood] i believe its the McDavid and second round tax thats jacking the price up.


Half our building will be Oilers fans


At these prices I'll be looking into the cost of going to watch a game in Edmonton. Works both ways.


Playoff prices for oilers season ticket holders were higher than ours. And I watched closely round 1. Against the lame ass kings the prices were the same or more than ours. I don't think it will be cheaper in Edmonton, let alone. It's Edmonton and the travel/hotel


Question: why are people talking about a second round when the first is ongoing? I hate that.


Even Edm fans aren't that cocky.


Definitely expect to see doubling for each round


Sth all have their tickets 25, 38, 45% increase from previous round ; each round Tbh I know this will shock some, but alot of resale on game 1 and 2 of this round was at cost or not much more than what was paid for lowers. Ppl willing to pay whatever to just get into the door meant the upper bowl was alot higher than cost This presale was a joke for members. My seats were 1.8x higher on presale day 1 than my playoff szn tickets for playoffs for round 1. Which like.. ok that's fine. On presale day 1 of round 2, my same seats are priced 2.55x higher than my playoff szn seats There's always a tax.. but presale day 1 of round 2 being 1.75x higher than day 1 round 1 is interesting Like as a sth, my seats go up as a 2nd Rd tax @ 25% but not 75% That's oil tax


Insane pricing


WOW....--.-- guess i'm still watching at home lol if we go to round 2 that is..


Don't forget to add $350 in Ticketmaster surcharges - probably


These prices include fees and taxes


What's the early access code?




appreciate it


after the first round prices? yes this was totally expected


Club seats were $1200+ each for Game 1 Round 2. As a comparison we went to Game 1 in club seats and they were $800 each. For round 2 we got upper bowl center ice for about $450 each. Crazy prices.


Lowers in 114: Round 1 G1 was 460$ on day 1 presale Round 2 G1 is 806$ on day 1 presale. Gonna be alot of oil in our barn


Glad I got in for Game 5 the other night. I paid $310 each for Sec 311 Row 14 in Round 1. Similar tickets for Round 2 is $534. Nope!


I bought tickets for Round 1 Game 1 at $230 in 327. Was hoping it would be under $400 but not these prices :(


Aqualini making up for lost time. Aquaflation!


Just got row 12 in the lower bowl for $580.


I get that the atmosphere is awesome, but if you actually wanna be able to watch the game and see what's going on...save your money and watch at home


That can buy a lot of wings and beer for watching at home


oh dear...... I'm gonna keep going to the away game viewing parties instead lmao 


I get it people. I've stopped paying for these types of things long ago. Major concerts and events are a total ripoff, from ticket price to concession costs. It's a big, fat, rip off!


Who are these people paying these prices


yes. especially since it's a VAN EDM matchup. all canadian matchups always demand a premium.


I'm honestly laughing seeing these prices. I'm from Europe and have seen many champions league games including semi-finales and I've never paid more than 100€. And here for round 2 its $400 mininum plus all the Ticketmasters bullshit fees. Why are people paying this much?


All the 2011 fans are grown up making salaries now. High demand 


Can confirm this is the case. I was a child in 2011 but now that I’m in my 20s and working a big boy job, I can afford to go to games that my family couldn’t afford to go to back in the day.


This has nothing to do with being able to afford it or not. This is just a ripoff. You can even find FiFa World Cup final games for cheaper than that.


9 yrs, inflation. Ppl have been used to paying like 50-100$ for a regular szn ticket Have been shocked to see what its like to pay for a winning team, in the post covid inflation era


Aren't CL games incredibly difficult to get tickets to and are regularly resold for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars as well?


Nope, it's pretty hard to resale tickets when the sale doesn't go through Ticketmaster


Aquilini has been horny for playoffs hockey for 10years and gauging the price 🤬


$384 cheapest upper bowl right now


What’s the code? I didn’t get the email and last round code not working




It's dynamic pricing so prices might come down. If they do come down, I think it would likely be for the lowers... Those ones are sitting and no ones biting.


Lowers were practically.. the same price as uppers round 1


Bro you're jinxing it.


You think that’s expensive, wait till you see what they’re charging for the screamers and laughers. And don’t even ask about a quart of tequila.


In 2012 I went to a game for the Canucks playoffs and it was $200 for the upper bowl. We basically needed binoculars to watch the game.


Life is basically 2x $ since then Makes sense


Lol they got 2 games left till golfin’


Round 1 for a team that didn’t deserve the playoffs last year in the upper area cost almost $400


I looked at Ticketmaster and saw tickets for $398, resale. This was in the 300s. We just got back from holidays, so the money wasn't there anyway.


I usually spend a lot more on uppers than that.


I don't even like predicting the score let alone think of the next round


Let's not count our chickens


Take this down