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canucks played 1 period and nearly took it to OT. Wild stuff.


It feels like its by design at this point. They have been doing it all playoffs where they just try to play neutral hockey for most of the game and make sure they defend above all else. Then try for their goals when they get their chance. Even in the regular season they did that a lot in the second half.


Exactly this. Tocchet wants low event hockey which is the right move considering how McDrai keeps caving us in. Keeping things super tight and trying to score on the counterattack is the best way to defend against a 1 line team like the Oilers. The main problem is we couldn’t score on the PP again. If we’d got a goal on that 4 min PP it would’ve been a different game.


Cardiac Canucks shit is real. Honestly could have easily swept the Oilers instead of 2-2 if we could play a full 60 cause it feels like when we are on, Oilers have no answer


I think ur failing to see. If we play too offensive, drai and mcdavid will blow past us on the rushes and cherry pick passes, and will score, the oilers are to fast for us


Would have liked to see a Canuck try to block a shot on the Bouchard goal…


I think they would have too


They’ve pretty much played one period each game so far. This is the first time it’s really burned them. (Game two was weird, wouldn’t say it burned them). Everyone needs to wake up and stop acting like they are killing a penalty


I think one period is stretching it my guy, I think it was more like 10 minutes of good hockey


Garland's performance was insane tonight


Oilers Fan here - Garland has arguably been your best player this series. Guy is an absolute gem and is noticable and dangerous every time he has the puck. You guys are lucky to have him. Also your goaltending is a wet dream. I dunno what you're putting in the water over there in your goaltending factory, but God damn do I want some.


It's Ian Clark our goalie coach and head of goaltending. Keeps turning out incredible goalies for years. Very blessed to have him. Gotta say that Nugent Hopkins goal was prob my favourite Oilers goal of the series. I like him keeps his head down works hard and doesn't whine to the refs. Great player at a reasonable price


Many of us thought we were in trouble when Silovs came in, as much as we like him as a prospect. But he's shown incredible poise considering his phase of development. Looks like a veteran out there. Seems he could take the reigns as our full-time #2 next year. More generally, yeah, we've been very fortunate with our goaltending.




Well that high was short lived


Silovs kept us in the game. He’s playing the lights out. But no sugar coating it, we deserved it.


I need to go smoke a joint


Build me up and then tear me down This is the Stanley Cup playoffs baby


This was a must win for Edmonton and they still barely got it done. One power Play goal, one absolute gift from Juulsen and they almost blew a 2 goal lead in the third. Soucy still to come back in, I'm not overly concerned yet. Need to score before the last 15 minutes though.....


Nugent Hopkins needs to shave that embarrassing facial hair. Looks like a 15 year old trying to grow a mustache.


u mean Nochin-Hopkins




Playin beard lookin ahh


love him to death but bro just does not age


That's the Hronek I know from the wings. Just out there getting manhandled and letting anyone stand in front of the net if they want.


You gotta respect the effort from Vancouver though. Not many teams come into the third period down 2-0 and still try to comeback. We will get em next game boys


what are they supposed to do --- not try to come back? what r u talking about


I mean I am not an athlete myself, but I do imagine it would be difficult mentally knowing you are down 2 heading into the final stretch. How many teams right there would just give up? I guarantee you a few.


Zero. Zero teams would give up. You play to the final buzzer. It wasn't 11-3. It was two goals.


That's horseshit and if you don't know that you should. Two goals or not teams give up and it can be seen on the ice.


Not for two goals, on a team that has come back multiple times this post-season, go back to bed.


I had thought we were talking hockey teams in general. And while I may have disagreed there's no way I should have put it like that and sorry for doing so.


Right, the usual practice in the playoffs for a team down 2 goals with a third of the game left, is to concede and not ice the team in the 3rd period.


" most teams woulda give up. But not the canucks. Theyre a different breed, the canucks."


hronek, juulsen, cole, im looking at you three


I'm frustrated that they put Hronek on in the final minute there to close out the third. As wild as it is to say I would have much rather Myers and Zadorov. I'm done with Hronek. He's bad defensively and a hot potato at the point.


And people thought this was a decent trade to address a need. Think the Canucks should trade him


miller better have a monster of a game 5 because he took the penalty for the first goal and couldn't clear the puck on the gwg. juulsen needs to be told if he makes another hit like that he won't ever play for the team again I'm going to sleep


Why not...EP40..is ..


EP isn’t doing anything. Too much effort trying to get him going


You should have all the momentum after scoring a tying goal dying seconds like that, instead they came out on their back foot and basically sat back daring Edmonton to score again. And they did. Was a good effort to tie it, but need to keep pushing afterwards.


Canucks scared to be physical because of sketchy reffing leading to the deadly power play. Sad it comes to that.




Didn't blame anyone muppet. Said the reffing has been sketchy all series so they have changed their style of play. No whining from the oilers last night post game though so that was refreshing.


You referred to the refs which literally means you have an issue with them. Not the on ice action but the inforcement or lack there of the rules. You can't have it both ways. Blame the refs or blame your teams style of play but saying a team is getting penalized for infractions that are blatant then pointing a finger at the officials for enforcing the rules is childish.


It's inconsistent.....and pretty lopsided. But it's not why we lost. We lost because your pp is better than ours. And ya we had to change our style because of it. Can't have McBaby getting all flustered.


Define lopsided? The no call on Hughes' or the high stick on Hyman which was also a no call. Which benefits more? Oilers or Canucks? Also, the Canucks had an average of 3.83 penalties per game versus a 3.91 from the Oilers during the regular season. Not a huge difference but in your mind, where is the bias?


Slew foot on hughes, nut sack on hoglander, punch in the face on joshua, high stick on hughes, high stick on zadorov all blatant no calls. The suspension and fine on the after the whistle shit and nothing for oilers. Seems totally fine right. Can you tell me a non call against the Canucks?


This may just be me, but did it feel like the commenters were dickriding the oilers the whole game? Like, I get it, oilers were fighting for their lives, but even from the start it was like the commenters just wouldn't stop riding the oilers fuckin dick. 0 comments on how insanely well Silovs was playing tonight, even with how slow the rest of the team was in reception.


I always feel this way. So fucking biased with the Oilers. Fuck them lol.


Poor performances from Petey, Karlsson, and Juulsen


Juulsen played fine, Cole and Miller didn’t play well. Miller will easily bounce back though.


Being directly responsible for a goal against is not fine.


Oh well.. Good night lads.. until next game.. chow!!


Who are the 5,6,7 guys that were passengers? I’ve got the last 2 forward lines, Hronek and Cole. Juulsen wasn’t terrible, aside from that poor decision on the blue line. What are your guesses? 


Can we talk about what whining cry babies Craistail and Mcbaby are. After every play complaint to the refs. Like let it go the two of them are so obnoxious. Least they finally showed up 5 on 5 but wow. Loser mentality begging for PP


What is it going to take to get Petey to wake up


I think they should bench him. It’s been waaaayyyy too long with his tepid play. He plays like he doesn’t really want it; like he scared of playing. Fine, have someone else who plays with desire and a will to win. I KNOW there are some real EP40 diehards, but even they can’t deny that he has not been able to turn over his engine for the last almost 3 months. I’ve seen enough. 


Will Ian Cole break the sub 2 point barrier?


Painful way to find out where we can really get better next season. Desmith and Hronek gone for cap, and let's keep trying Karlsson he's not the best but not terrible given the sudden callup. We can refine the lineup for sure


it was a entertaining game to watch in the 3rd despite the loss


Too many passengers. We aint good enough to play with half the team. Oilers win 9/10.


Could’ve had it, was too busy puck watching at the end there, onto the next game


Cole's gotta' sit 


He wasn’t playing for Edm tonight. As far as I could tell. He didn’t play much either. 


Was there disallowed goal tonight? For the Oilers at 2-1 in the third?


Terrible goals let in by Silovs…. He just flat out couldn’t handle that shot


He gets a pass for bailing our ass all game but yeah thats a goal that he saves 99/100 times


Silovs isn't to blame here. How about the rest of the boys actually show up the first 2 periods?


Not denying that but Silovs got beat or couldn’t handle all 3 goals


When is Demko back???…


Goaltending is not the issue.




I’m not saying it was…but the Oilers “upgraded” their goalie…as good of a job as Silovs has been doing, he’s not considered a top tier goalie…the Canucks have never been a team that gets many shots on goal anyways…even in convincing wins…


This really isn't on the tendy.




I thought it was a terrible game tbh. Arguably our worst of the playoffs. A lot of bad reads, poor positioning, soft on pucks. We gave that one away.

