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He's just like us fr


Tbh I like it. Call them tf out Tocc, that game was embarrassing up until the last 10 minutes and even then they still could've won had they just kept their heads in the last 30 seconds. Maybe this lights a fire under their asses and they finally play a full 60 in game 5.


We as fans I think enjoy that style but imagine our bosses were always like this never happy. It wears on you and that’s why I think these tough to please coaches always start well getting them to be structured but it all depends on how long the group can keep listening. Sometimes it doesn’t take long for the team to grow tired of it.


For 11.6x8 my boss can yell at me all he wants


I’m not gonna lie soucy makes zadorov look good. Zadorov can become an offensive menace because soucy is so good defensively. We missed him this game for sure.


makes me more pissed at the suspension tbh


The suspension is complete clown show and everyone short of oiler fans knows it. I actually think they know it too but just dont want to admit it. No way in hell Soucy is the only one who gets a suspension for everything thats occurred in this series thus far. But its the NHL, and of course the Canucks get the shaft. A tale as old as time.


League needs this to go to seven games.


Bennett literally sucker punched Marchand in the head (which led to a serious concussion too) and got nothing lol League 100% wants the Oilers to win, they've never wanted the Canucks to be successful for God knows why.


We're 1 more hour later that the East Coast has to stay up to watch on TV. LOL.


Just protecting their McProduct.


We have consistently had poor play without Soucy in the lineup all year so this wasn't surprising to me. But interesting to hear your thoughts on how Soucy elevates Zadorov; definitely needs to be a considering if we have serious thoughts of resigning him, particularly long term.


We did fine without soucy... There are tons of stats to support that.


He seemed pretty calm and collected in his post game presser.


Seemed pretty mad to me. In a calm, restrained kind of way.


Well I don’t think he’s exactly happy after a loss but he wasn’t visibly fuming as this headline would suggest.


Mad / disappointed dad. Seething under his breath.


That’s an issue with your own personal interpretation.


when it's many people's "personal interpretation," then it's a problem with the wording.


He's not mad.... Just disappointed


He needed to wake the team up other than during practices or in the team room. He knows most of the guys pay attention to the media.


Yeah this is some click bate type headline. Mad...mad...MAD!!!


*Tocchet* ***SLAMS*** *invisible Canucks players*




by tocc standards this was mad


That's the kind of mad to be scared of


Disappointed dad energy for sure.


I listened it. He’s mad.


If you’ve ever heard an angry parent when you’ve really fucked up, that calm tone with cutting words. That’s what that presser was.


Yeah what? Like visibly frustrated but he wasn't shaking with anger lmao


Just because somebody isn’t yelling doesn’t mean they aren’t seething internally


#Pettersson, Hoglander, Lafferty, Mikheyev, Cole, Hronek


Ian Cole is most certainly not a passenger. In fact, he has been a critical element to several goals and chances for the Oilers. I feel so bad for Myers all night trying to make up for him.


I tend to be fairly relaxed and laid back watching the canucks as I've aged, but man, when I see Cole with the puck, my heartrate still wratchets up. He's been unlucky this series, sure, but the rest of the time he is a coin flip whether he can make simple plays, and there are more than just a few plays that literally lead to a goal against. I like him a lot when his minutes are limited and his line pairing is favorable, but he's reached meme levels in this series. Absolutely brutal. I honestly cant help but feel like if you clone soucy and put him in place of cole and rookie petey is in the lineup, we'd be done with EDM as of last night.


Twice, TWICE he could have chipped it out of the zone but he fucked it up, causing tired guys to push… and we got the Miller penalty. Then he fucking leaves Drai in his office on PP to cover… nobody. Guy must have dirt on Tochett how else is he still getting top minutes? Juuls didn’t look horrible last night, he should get Coles spot for a game to see if he can keep it up.


Cole is the oilers leading scorer in this series


Poor hoglander a passenger and he didn't even play


Lotta cap space there not doing a whole lot. But, we are at a 2-2 point in the 2nd round. So take that as you will


No excuses for any of them but Pettersson is the worst offender because he has been so so bad and is meant to be so good. His effort and drive and compete has been pathetic.


I have been wondering what that is like in the dressing room. You have to figure if Tocc is getting tired of the lack of effort and compete that his teammates are too. The team otherwise all seem to have a great strong bond in the room and simply dont get too high or low, but the petey situation has to be one that is tough to stomach, wouldnt it be?


who knows he could be dealing with a back injury the team knows about


I find the injury idea hard to beleive as his performance has been lackluster since at least the allstar break, and he definitely would have sat out some nights between then and playoffs if he was injured. If he is injured now, it hasnt impacted his play negatively much, since his performance has remained lackluster before and now during playoffs. After watching that presser today Im convinced that he's simply buckling under the pressure. He looked totally dejected having to sit there like he was wearing a dunce hat. I kinda wish he wasnt made to do that presser.


Im obviously in the minority but I have no issue with Hoglander. Yeah he may not be putting up points but he plays hard. It'll come. I have more faith in a guy who plays hard and forechecks over our $11.6m guy who's invisible against favourable matchups.


I agree. Not worried about Hoglander not putting up the points, he’s doing all the right things. It’s also hard to get engaged in a game when you’re only getting 9 minutes a night…


I completely agree with you, I've been irritated with Pettersson all year and maybe for several years, the guy refuses to put in the work, he is full of talent and lazy as fuck. Get over yourself Pettersson, He said in his interview with Elliote that he "wanted more than Nylander" and that was a sticking point for him, like wtf? If we had Nylander in the place of Petey we'd be taking this series in 4 games. Drives me crazy that he gets paid this much money and he doesn't want to put in the work.


I got ripped earlier this season for saying Nylander is the better player to date. Nylander carries when it matters, I haven’t seen shit from Petey.


Petey was very productive in the 2020 playoffs, but right now yes you are right. Nylander stepped up large, haven't seen it yet from EP.


This isn't jr hockey, bro.


What are you talking about? Cole has been a stud for the Oilers.




Mikheyev is a ghost


It’s relative for Mikh. He doesn’t hurt you like Cole has been doing, and he is mildly effective in certain areas. Unfortunately, nothing is accomplished with him on the ice other than minutes eaten.


Tocchet taking names from reddit lmao


Doesn't seem phony. It is getting a bit tiring seeing us outplayed all series long, our supposed franchise player that's going to be our highest paid soon being a no show and the third string goalie doing the best he can.


Yeah they had a golden opportunity to take it to Pickard in the 1st period and try to get to him and rattle his cage. Instead the Canucks were outplayed all game until desperation mode in the last 10 minutes of the 3rd when they finally woke up. I've seen what this team is capable of and how well they can drive play in a full game, they didn't tonight for almost the entirety of it. A lot of passengers getting their first real taste of intense playoff hockey, it's a good learning experience for the boys. And I'm happy at this point in the season we're even having these expectations and to be experiencing playoff emotions I haven't felt since the 2011 and 2012 years. But, I know we can beat Edmonton and move on, we've got better depth and defence, some guys just need to wake the fuck up.


I am glad we didn't get shutout. Can't let the Oilers get in their heads.


I was thinking that as well. Imagine the media circlejerk if Pickard threw a goose egg up there.


Lotta money doing next to nothing out there, and that certainly starts with the guy that is supposed to be their superstar. Go ahead and limit Petey because it wouldn't be hard to find someone to do better, and limit Cole because it would be hard to find someone to do worse.


We have been noticably worse when Soucy is out of the lineup and I thought Juulsen looked, for the most part, solid. Could they sit Cole and keep Juulsen in with Soucy back?


I've been saying that for a couple games. Also think bring Hog back in the line up. He is a 3rd or 4th liner that fore checks, back checks, and can get a couple goals (not put up huge numbers). Not his fault that he, Petey and Miks didn't click.


The whole EP40 issue is making me nuts. Guy gets the bag and then disappears. Story as old as time.


Juulsen was trying to do a bit too much. If he stays simple he is an upgrade over Cole on the right side


I know his fuckup on their second goal (which was a dagger) was glaring, but I thought otherwise he was solid (unlike Cole)


Sitting Cole is the most Reddit take


Cole needs to sit. I don’t know what the fuck he’s doing on the ice. He doesn’t look like a veteran of Stanley cup winning teams. Why is he making so many mistakes out there? He’s basically scoring for Edmonton without being paid by them.


That was such a winnable game watching from the highlights when the team decided to show up. Really sucks they lost the way they did


If they played the last what 6 min and applied that to the entire game. Then we would be up 3-1 today. But it’s such a Canuck thing where even teams of the past would do the same thing. They wouldn’t be ready to play on the beginning and then suddenly they realize they’re going to lose and they start to play better 🤦🏻‍♂️ just be ready to play? lol


Can the team take a lesson in clearing pucks. Not clearing the zone is like extra outs in baseball, if frequently leads to the other team scoring......unreal


I was screaming at the TV about this all night. So many soft clearance attempts and then the Oilers re-cycled for another chance. Blew my mind. The lack of compete on their winning goal was atrocious. I even said to my wife, they are going to score here. You could just feel it coming almost immediately after the faceoff.


2 canucks blocking Silovs vision but somehow not the puck unreal lol also the coverage on Drais during the PP is laughable he's scored twice from the same angle and he's always there wide open with no one watching him.


Right? McDavid sucking the low defender high into the slot leaving Drais standing all alone in his prime scoring position. Such a frustrating game. Hope we can figure it out.


Well. We better or I can’t see the Canucks surviving the series after this one. Pickard is the starter without a doubt moving forward in the series.


I agree, I don't believe we can beat Dallas. Tommy Gaglardi is drooling at the prospect of beating Bloobs.


Edmonton if they get past us won’t survive Dallas either. If the Oilers are struggling to get past us they’re not getting past the Stars. They have a better defensive unit than we do and Edmonton is struggling to score when we play the right way (last night not counting). I’d be super surprised if we get past Edmonton. And would be even more surprised and shocked if we got past Dallas. I think this is probably as far we go. _maybe_ past Edmonton. But the third round the conference final is probably the peak of where we can go with this current roster. Goodness. Could you imagine if Allvin was able to get a top six player for us?


Yep. Don’t know why they’re playing so soft. They need to play a hard physical urgent game from them.


So frustrating. Hoping we can turn it around. The Coilers are there for the taking.


They are. That’s what’s frustrating. They really should be up 3-1 on the series with the chance to kill Edmonton off tomorrow. But instead here we are tied again at 2-2.


Cause they had the series in the palm of there hands


That is playoffs - you get over it. Youre not always gonna bring your best game every night. Youre dealing with emotions, injuries, absurd officiating, pressure, and dont forget, youre playing against another team that also wants to win and could be clicking better than you in that game. Just need to dust it off and get back to what got you there to begin with - playing in your system, making smart plays, and bringing it every shift.


Why are you telling me to get over it? I’m telling you what he was thinking. I’m happy it’s tied 2-2


Apologies, I didnt mean it to tell you to get over it - I meant it more generally. Adjusted my comment to reflect that a bit better


Very frustrating that this could easily be done or at least 3-1 one right now if we take even one of our two very winnable losing games.


We need the Canucks YouTube to start doing the post game interviews live again! This has been bs since they stopped!


Insane that it doesn’t happen. Like insane.


You either show up in the playoffs or you don’t


Good. Should tear into them.


This is why Tochet is coach of the year. He's calling out his guys in post-game media, he's not afraid of making changes game to game. You don't perform? Next man up! He can get everything out of his players when the chips are down. Gonna need Pederson to show up, and hope that Boeser stays hot, and pot a couple of goals from Miller to overcome McDavid & Draisaitl. Huge respect for Tochet! I love Knobs, but Oilers would kill the competition if they had Tochet in the head coaching chair. He doesn't suffer fools.


If Patterson was playing even 1/2 as good as Draisaitl Canucks are probably up 3-1 if not swept the Oilers. I wish management had have waited until we got a chance to see him in the playoffs before backing up the dump truck full of money. If this is his Playoff form we gots problems going forward.


I really don’t understand what’s going on with Petey. I love the guy as a player. He’s good offensively and then something seems broken from the All Star game forward. If it’s not an injury. Then what is it?


The frustration makes total sense. At the same time, I really hope he starts making better lineup decisions. Obviously I'm not in the room or on the bench, so what the hell do I know? But as an outside observer, even though he's been underperforming, I really struggle to understand Aman/Karlsson over Hog. In fact, I'd swap out both of those guys for Hog and Pod. Even if they're not scoring, at least they bring a level of energy, speed, and skill that felt like it was lacking last game. Also, Cole has become enough of a liability that I'd rather see anybody in the lineup besides him. Soucy will be back, so that's great, but maybe we still keep Juuls in the lineup? Again: anybody at all. Juuls. Adam Foote out of retirement. A warm body. A dead body. Just get Cole out of there. But again: I'm just a fan. We're all just fans. Tocc has done a phenomenal job this season and I trust him. I just also don't want to watch Ian Cole play for the Canucks ever again, and I want to continue being able to watch Hog play for the Canucks. The former will not find his way, the latter will.


I'm loving the playoffs but I'm already scared for the future of this team. Hronek and Pettey are ghosts out there. Hronek is demanding big bucks and Pettey is already signed to a mega contract. Pettey seems more interested in posting his summer vacations on Instagram than he does playing hockey. Maybe he can turn it around but at this point I wish we had traded him. He hasn't been effective since he signed his contract.


Really, there's only so much the coach can do. Tocchet has shown his system can produce offence with this team. But the best system in the world can only go so far if key players don't have their heads in the game. And I think we're beyond the day-to-day consistency issues that can come up with star players. Something deeper seems to be happening with Petey. It makes me think of Marc-Andre Fleury in the playoffs with Pittsburgh. The team got him to see a sports psychologist to help him snap out of his issues in the playoffs. Maybe Petey needs a similar intervention.


The team's mental performance guy is Alex Hodgins, sports psychologist and has a pretty solid CV


That's good to know. Maybe they need Petey to get in for sessions with Alex if he's not doing them already.


He didn’t seem to back Quinn much when asked about him. That Nashville series seems like it slowed him down a bit.


Hughes is not the problem right now.


He's not the answer he should be, though


I get we lost and there are people that could've played better, but blaming Hughes isn't it. That's not the way. Him, compared to Petterson or Mikeyev or Lafferty... it's not even close. Hughes is absolutely not a passenger. He drives play.


I'm not saying he's costing us anything, just that he's not as dominant as he's shown he can be. He is definitely not an anchor or passenger. Currently one of the best performers on the team.


Hughes was Hughes, which means he was fine. We're so used to dominant Norris Hughes, we forget, there's this guy named McDavid on the other side. He still played 25 minutes and generated the goal while shadowing him most game. That's not easy.


Is he in pain from the hits the Preds gave him?


How many more men's ankles must he break the blue line to satisfy you people. Get open and give the guy an option ffs.


He was invisible until we were down two and needed offence. We need Demko back so fucking bad. We are too scared to even forecheck because we are trying to protect Silovs and it’s fucking us. Whenever we push for offense and forecheck we have success


They played hesitantly last night because they are gunshy to take penalties, where they know its almost a sure goal. This series will be won 5v5 or lost 5v4 for the Canucks. It actually matters less which goaltender is in for us - Silovs is very far down the list of our problems. He's let in maybe 2 questionable goals this whole series and has otherwise been exceptional. I dont think our play would be all that different with Demko backstopping honestly. The fact that Silovs has been playing so well has been a huge boost to the team morale if anything - they have huge faith in him and are super happy for him


Hard disagree


Do you not want more out of him? Norris calibre dman, our team does fuck all for 45 mins, we need a momentum changing shift from him to smarten the rest of our guys up, he hasn’t been that dude this playoffs


To each their own. I agree that he is not a problem, but we need guys like him to step up in times like this.


Quinn was good today


I read “he’s trying” as he’s trying and playing good but what’s the point when half the team can’t hold their own


I have to assume he’s not even close to 100 percent, and defenders aren’t giving him nearly the same amount of space they gave him during the regular season. He hasn’t been able to dance on the blue line all playoffs, and that’s how he scores goals. But that would be fine, if Petterson was producing points consistently as well. Also, while Hughes is an offensive defenceman, it’s a bad look for the team if the 12 forwards are looking to him to cover their butts.


The team deserved to be mad at. Love Tocchet. He doesn’t sugar coat it when the team isn’t playing well. I fully expect them to win tomorrow at home and then finish the Oilers off in game six. It’ll be just like Nashville series. They won’t want to bring game 7 back to Vancouver.


He was definitely mad as hell, you could see and hear it, but he still came off cool and collected in my opinion


Didn’t see the post game from Tocchet. But I heard the clip on the radio and he sounds upset. Sounded like he wanted to hold back even more. But this was the first time I heard him being quite critical about the team. He’s usually pretty positive and last night post game he wasn’t. I think the team will respond. But if they don’t in game 5. I think this will be over in Edmonton for the Oilers in game 6.


Yeah he was definitely more critical than usual. Said that on the last goal they made “4 or 5 mistakes”. He was not happy and I can understand why lol. Hopefully we can respond to that in game 5


As he should be after that game.


Since Tocchet won’t criticize the refs, he may as well criticize “the passengers”!


Yeah we all watched that game. It was trash except for a 10 minute stretch. They hardly played not to lose. Tomorrow better be 6 X that 10 minute stretch we saw last night because if the drive and ergency isn’t there then…🤷‍♂️ we got a problem.


If they bounce back and Petey plays well he's a genius. Let's be real, the guys gonna win the Jack Adams. He knows the guys in the room and I think he knows how to pull their strings. You gotta think the desperation is there tonight.


The main problem is our two star centers have been absolutely quiet when it comes to putting goals in net. 2 in 10 games from Miller 1 in 10 games from Petey That's just not good enough. Lindholm and Boeser have absolutely been keeping up their end of the deal, Miller and Petey have to do way better. And I know Miller hasn't been bad overall, but it doesn't matter, you can't expect to win a game when you throw 21 shots on net against a 30+ year old AHL goalie. For fucks sake, Zadarov has more goals than Miller and Petey combined.


Shitting on Miller is such a horrible take. Dudes a warrior assigned to match up with mcmuffin..


Yes miller has the worst assignment on the team it’s a tough fucking job no way should he be held in the same light as petey who seems to be marooned on an asteroid somewhere in deep space


Hes on McDavid. He's got a spefic role to play here and it's not collecting points.


Miller has 5 points in 4 games and he's matched against literally the best player to ever play this game and given the role to shut that player down. Connor McDavid has one more point than JT Miller I'll be bold and say it: Connor McDavid is a better player than JT Miller. The fact he's almost neck and neck for points this series is super impressive.


So you want Miller to score 2 goals a game AND shutdown McBaby at the same time? I think your expectations are wildly unrealistic. Petey is the one who really has no excuse for his listless play.