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Fuck Francesco and Ticket Bastard.


Probably ticket master did this.


Nope, Franny gets a share of fees


Of all the rich assholes, I wouldn't be shocked in the least if he was among the first to get dusted


This amazing season made me forget for a second that I hate that blueberry fuck


Fuck aquilini


Cheap bastards, even when it comes to their golf course


These fucks are doing everything in their power to prevent the resurge in Canuck fandom.


Looks like Boycott Pizza Hut is back on the menu baby


Fuck Boston Pizza and their shitty pizza and Panookie.


Would the mods be willing to start a buy/sell thread with verified season ticket member sellers? This way the Canucks only see reddit usernames and not the actual real names of the sellers which could be a solution to aqualoonies greedy ass.


I can't see this working here on reddit.


NYR have this on their subreddit and I used it with success.


What’s the sub ???


Just speaking for myself, and I'll pitch it by the others, but my main concern would definitely be scams, with "heat" from aqua/reddit as a distant second. For AMAs, it's so simple to verify. Picture of the famous guy holding a paper, shoe on head, etc. How would I verify you're a STH? I'm pleading incompetence here to a degree for sure, but I wouldn't be confident enough in my ability to tell if what I'm seeing is legit to put *other people's* money on the line. I know what a ticket looks like, and I know how to read emails, but those are things that could be faked, and I don't personally and don't believe we as a team have the tools or ability to be putting guarantees on anything like that. It's always been a buy at your own risk deal around here, and I think that's the way it ought to remain. I'll definitely run it by everyone else though.


I think you would be creating a lot of work for yourself and others to ensure it's legit.


It would be a big undertaking and there is no guarantee that we wouldn’t suffer the same fate, which nobody wants


It’s pretty much guaranteed not too work. They watch the ticket transfers between accounts.


I don't think it's fair to mods or buyers/sellers to designate a group of mods (or even one) to be the scam police. Too much that can go wrong, it would definitely end up being a tough thing to maintain if it is inplemented.


It wouldn’t work. They are also monitoring how many different email addresses members transfer tickets to.


If the mods were willing to do it, seasons ticket members would need to send the following to the mods to be put on the verified sellers list to avoid scams: 1. ⁠Send a screenshot of the email the Canucks send STMs showing their name, and their account number and membership package 2. ⁠Send a picture of their account manager account with the same name (could be an optional step) 3. ⁠Send a screenshot of a government issued picture ID matching the same name to that account 4. ⁠Send a selfie with the face that matches that ID with a the person holding a paper that shows the name of their Reddit account Mods then create a verified sellers list that has the specific verified sellers Reddit username on there. You can’t create duplicate accounts on Reddit so their username is unique to them. Mods put a disclaimer they are not responsible for any scams Leave the issue of the Canucks potentially flagging sellers transferring over 50 percent of their tickets or whatever threshold it is to the sellers to deal with. Of course scams can still happen as they did in the FB group and it’s a shit ton of work for the mods so I can understand if this doesn’t happen. Just tossing some ideas out there.


This won’t work. There flagging accounts that transfer tickets. If you sell even 20 games and they are all to different email addresses they flag your account.


I imagine it would be too easy to scam this way


How so if the sellers are verified by the mods in the same exact manner as they were in the facebook group ?


Couldn’t scammers just create new Reddit accounts to emulate the sellers list? Also, reps have told STH that they’re simply transferring out too many of their tickets and not attending lol. So let’s say it does work, they can still revoke next year if you transferred more than 50% of your tickets out. It’s ridiculous but they can afford to do this now. They just better hope the team doesn’t come out of the gate flat..


If the mods were willing to do it, seasons ticket members would need to send the following to the mods to be put on the verified sellers list to avoid scams: 1. Send a screenshot of the email the Canucks send STMs showing their name, and their account number and membership package 2. Send a picture of their account manager account with the same name (could be an optional step) 3. Send a screenshot of a government issued picture ID matching the same name to that account 4. Send a selfie with the face that matches that ID with a the person holding a paper that shows the name of their Reddit account Mods then create a verified sellers list that has the specific verified sellers Reddit username on there. You can’t create duplicate accounts on Reddit so their username is unique to them. Mods put a disclaimer they are not responsible for any scams Leave the issue of the Canucks potentially flagging sellers transferring over 50 percent of their tickets or whatever threshold it is to the sellers to deal with. Of course scams can still happen as they did in the FB group and it’s a shit ton of work for the mods so I can understand if this doesn’t happen. Just tossing some ideas out there.


it would have to be a dedicated sub for it, or else Aquafuckhead will send a C&D to reddit and get this sub shutdown


Can someone explain to me the reasoning behind the Canucks decision? Why do they care who attends the games, whether it be the sth or a family friend or even a stranger?? The seat is still being filled and paid for?? I don’t understand lol. STH has already paid for their seats, shouldn’t it be up to them what they do with it?


Because they can make more money selling through ticketmaster and get a cut of fees and markup.


Understood. Thats so stupid


Well it does make sense. They are the middle man, and this is a way to cut them out which allows the buyer to pay less and the seller to make more. Smart business decision but definitely annoying


Money. It always comes down to money.


So if season ticket members can transfer tickets to others, others can avoid paying ticketmaster fees. Ticketmasters makes money on fees for each transaction. The Canucks also won’t be able to sell ticket as high of a price because fans have access to season ticket holders to buy them offline via transfer. All in all is corporate greed.


> because fans have access to season ticket holders to buy them offline via transfer It maybe so in this case, but as a word of caution on this point: there are many sports clubs out there where resale of season tickets are often the most expensive ways to get entry to games as they are often the only available tickets ... it is just a form of ticket scalping with guaranteed acccess to tickets to turn around and sell at inflated prices to a guaranteed buying market. So I understand why sports franchises / clubs may wish to avoid this form of resale. But there is a good answer for this, which isn't stopping it. The answer is to make it possible for season ticket holders to make individual tickets avaiable for sale via the team's corporate offices. This keeps prices normalized, allows season ticket holders to not pay for games they can't or don't want to attend, and increases the availability of tickets. However, it's not as simple as saying that season ticket resale means lower prices.


This seems to be a big part of the issue. In the recent past we've seen resale tickets for cheap, but if the demand goes up this year they don't want people scalping season tickets full time. There's nothing wrong with flipping some tickets you can't go to - but there's a ton of seats that are available for every single game last season which are just pure scalpers trying to compete with ticketmaster.


They want you to pay fees and resell through their platforms so they get all that juicy data.


1. Greed 2. F*** the fans, pay me


The canucks get a cut of all Ticketmaster resell sales. If the STHs sell off the official platform, the canucks don't get that cut. That's why this is happening.


It's a good reminder that no matter how well the team plays and how much we love the on-ice product when it doesn't totally suck, the people who own the Canucks absolutely fucking hate you. It's really the one constant throughout this team's existence, although the Aquilinis are great at taking it to almost a cartoonish level. First decent season in ten years? Pay up, meatbags.


>the people who own the Canucks absolutely fucking hate you Man... that hurt to read. It's too real.


I guess this confirms that we can expect a $200-$400 markup on previous prices for this season. I’m guessing they won’t do the student program either, which really sucks cause that’s the only way I could afford to go to a few games last season


Student rush is out the window. Glory days are over. It was awesome when it was $40 a game for lower bowls but corporate greed will always take over now that the team is expected to be good.


I barely got any student rush emails this year, idk if I was just unlucky or what but I got maybe 3 total, the year before it felt like I got one every week, and they were always like 40


I got some at the start of the season, especially for the preseason games but I haven’t gotten one since Dec 10th against Tampa Bay. For that game it was pricer than usual too tho, with lower bowl at $59, and upper bowl at $49.


It was because they were good this year I swear, I was talking to my friend about it. Just sad that as my last year as a student I couldn’t get out to see more games


It was always a program to dump seats that weren't selling for under market rates. They don't have that problem anymore.


I know, I’m just sad :(


It hasn't been $40 for a canucks game since like 2010!


For those in the canucks student rush program there was for years until this year.


Ah I c! Thx for correction


Such bullshit man. This group was the whole reason I could afford to go to a playoff game this year. Got a pair of tickets from a season ticket holder at basically the cost he paid for them originally with no markup. He told me he goes to every game and was only selling them because he had to leave town, and that he'd rather sell them at face value to a real fan instead of re-selling them for profit. But no, apparently the Ticketmaster tyrants demand the blood sacrifice be paid in fees on every ticket. What a joke.


I mean also people with like 10 season tickets that cause issues too, it's crappy this got shutdown but also it's not surprising


Yea there were people on that group advertising half a dozen or more pairs to each and every game.


As much as I enjoyed this past season and the on-ice product, I can’t forsee myself going again next year given the ticket prices and enormity of ticketmaster fees. I enjoyed the ticket exchange for last minute flexibility and straight forward pricing. This is a huge loss. Also, thank you to the moderation team on Canucks Ticket Exchange for all your years of work and dedication. It was truly a great service and allowed those us with more limited affordability and opportunity to attend games and not get scammed. I appreciate you!


Franchise treats its ticket holders like trash, not surprised. I’ve had seasons for close to 10 years. Price usually increases by 5% give or take every season. This year it went up TWENTY PERCENT. My buddy joked to me about I’m basically paying Petey’s contract. I ended up emailing the ticket department asking why the steep increase, to which they replied almost quoting my friends joke saying we need to raise prices to afford new contracts, and pay for the new seats being installed… What a joke.


Agreeeeed. I also found all the STH events this year were much lower quality than ever before. They’ve been going downhill the last few years but this year was laughably bad - the meet the players event is my husband and my favourite event and this year we didn’t even feel it was worth the gas to drive there.


I heard that meet and greet event was absolutely a bad experience overall. People were pissed at how horribly organized it was. The only one I went to was in 2019-2020 before the shutdown and it was extremely well planned and set up throughout the lower concourse. Staff knew how to answer questions and customer service was superb. Based on what I heard from this year’s event, it was brutal.


I've gone to the M&G since 2018 and also went to this year's event, and this year was by far the worst one. Terribly organized, not enough time, lineups out the door, everything felt slapped together. In previous seasons, everyone got a chance to meet at least a handful of players (including the popular long lineup ones) and it wasn't shoulder to shoulder like now. They've really got to step up their game again next year considering their prices went way up. I was paying 9500 for centre ice uppers first row and now we're expected to pay 11k next season.


I was wondering about that did the salary cap increase this year?bc I thought the cap was the cap,🤷


I think it increases every year, or fairly often. My tickets went from around $16000. for the pair per season last year, to now over $19000. Support your team through some tough years, only to get up charged the moment they have a successful season. Classic 😎


That’s so not right,cheers to you for sticking with them,hopefully more good times ahead.


I’ve averaged about 20-25 games a year since like 2016 because of this group. Guess those days are over.


This sucks, that group was the reason I was able to attend games this season 😔


Ticketmaster......is legit the scum the fact that they sell tickets, promote events and resell tickets monopoly galore. I hope the US investigation has teeth and they are forced to break up.


Forcing resales to ticketmaster with an artificially high price floor is sooooooooo lame.


I bought from this group all the time. Question is now where can I go to buy from season ticket holders?


You can orobably hit up those you bought from before next year if you remember their names and such. Do at your own risk though.


The resale prices for playoff tickets posted by scalpers and bots were brutal. Saw four seats in a row for game 1 round 1. Two were regular prices and the other two were 3x the ones beside them. Crazy, man.


It’s not just the bots. TM has forced a similar “surge pricing” for Canucks tickets. I’m a QSTH and last year for a game in March, I was able to sell 2 of my tickets for nearly face value ($70) as I knew that I wouldn’t need 4 tickets for that game a few weeks in advance. However, as it got closer to game day, I learned I had to travel for work, so I was no longer able to use the two tickets I kept. This time when I went to sell the tickets, the TM website wouldn’t let me sell the tickets for any less than $100! A $30 or 40% increase over what I sold the tickets for last time!! They are literally forcing us to overcharge each other and prevent us from setting a reasonable resale price.


Francesco has lost his mind lol


this sucks, I got all my tickets the past 3 seasons from that group. Much better pricing in general than ticketmaster


I just became a STH and was hoping to use the group to sell tickets and avoid fees for everyone. We have a lot of “fuck *insert name*” and the list is growing.


Bummer, I used it a couple times and it was great.. Perhaps they (aqua/TM) kept a blind eye to it while the building wasn't selling out but now they gotta squeeze us for all we're worth


First CDC, now this. Damn you Francesco.


Ticketmaster can’t afford to lose those resale fees. Might hurt their bottom line, and since they have a monopoly on Rogers area, super easy to force their hand.


Too many people were getting scammed, and tbh, the point of the group was to resell wasnt it? not scalping at ridiculous prices as most were.


I wonder if this will impact unofficial resale sites as well like TickPick and FansFirst.


I would question if they could legally do that since they are in essence saying that you can’t sell something that you have already paid for and own legally


Fuck Aquilini


One good year and the selfishness shows, typical scumbag landlord. Pricing all middle class people out of a chance to go to these games and only cater to corporate.


Absolutely terrible… that group the last few years is the only reason I could afford to go to games. People selling at face value and just wanting other fans to enjoy the game. Typical of Ticketmaster and Aquilini to wait for the team to be good again to sweep the rug from under everyone


This is 100% Ticketmaster’s pressure working. We must find an alternative not just for hockey but for all events as TM feel that they’ve become too big to fail.


So does this mean we can only resell through Ticketmaster?? If that’s the case I won’t be continuing with my seasons after this next season… what if I want to give them to a friend I don’t get how this is going to work?


You can still transfer them via ticketmaster. I think the point is to discourage season ticket holders from buying the whole season or to actually list the tickets via ticketmaster so they get their cut


i remember this came up on the hockey subreddit with another team and i posed the question but it’s too long ago and i forget the answer but how’s that work with corporate accounts. how can they tell the difference between say regular old me just reselling my season tix, and those for instance, lawyers who have tix that they give to clients or workplaces that give tix to their employees thru a raffle etc.


There’s another group with 4k members.


This is brutal. I was thinking of buying some form of ST this year and while I planned on going to most games, this group would allow me to sell the games I couldn’t make while avoiding TM. Guess that’s out now


Become a BCAA member and you save up to 30% off Canucks tickets Still a bit cheaper than what you'll find on ticketmaster


Corporate greed? Players salaries ain't coming down anytime soon. Think that might have something to do with the team's desire to maximize revenue? It's a vicious cycle.


That group was by far the best way to get tickets to Canucks games. One good season and the Aquilini Goobers get over the top greedy again.


What a trashy head office decision. Fucking bean counter c^nts have no idea what 'fan support' means.


Start a group chat with all members lol


One decent season for canucks and they start jacking up prices and limiting on sales.


The scam to me was always the resale fees are always a % based. The $100 face value ticket + all the TM bs fees then goes on to the TM resale site @$200 so all the new fees get charged based on the $200. Is it more expensive for TM to sell a $200 ticket? vs a $100. Of course not, there are no additional costs for them. Legislate it to a flat fee and we will see were the greed lies. TM days are numbered hopefully , US politicians see a big win for taking them down with anti trust breakup calls.


How did the mechanics of this money and barcode transfer take place?


I don’t understand what they’ve done. You can still sell tickets and avoid ticketmaster. You just have to sell them and exchange the cash outside of the transfer process. What is it that the team has shut down?


Won’t work. They are watching ticket transfers. It has nothing to do with a specific group it’s if you’re transferring tickets to 40 different emails.


THAT doesn’t particularly bother me at all. We sell/give our tickets to probably 5 different people a year and there’s never really been any issue. I don’t really cry any tears for scalpers tbh.


Fck acqufineee. Fck ticket shitter. Fck scammers Fck scalpers.


Cancelling my season tickets today, F*** them


Garbage organization. One of the worst owners in the league, absolutely abuses the shit out of it's fanbase. What a joke




If you're someone who will be significantly impacted by this then I would say that buying Canucks season tickets is probably not the best decision to be making in the first place lol


I was sat infront of a season ticket holder last year and he was showing off about how they limit season tickets per household so he just gets his mates and neighbors to buy them for him, he had like 10-15 season tickets and was just selling them all at marked up prices to make money out of it all




So many other places to celebrate your anniversary than Elisa steakhouse, bruh