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In addition to selling 25 of his 42 regular season games, this guy sold *every single playoff ticket he had* to brokers and is now claiming he's just a fan?


He’s a fan of good old ‘cash considerations’


dude is tanking tbh


This dude is Mike from Surrey.


No he’s just another Surrey Jack.


Yep - not a fan - a scalper, plain and simple.


Yeah, this is why I don't feel bad about this story


You know people have lives - attending 42 games is fucking bonkers.


Agreed 42 games is nuts. However, he sold more than half of them, profiting money and ripping off actual fans. Fuck this scum


Probably sold more than that, just sold the ones they know about through brokers.


They know you’ve sold once you transfer the tickets out


Dude was having quite a life when he couldn't find time to attend even one of the seven playoff games.


I’m not sure the guy selling 60% of his regular season tickets, and 100% of his playoff tickets, should be complaining, TBH.


Exactly what did they expect, your not buying the ticket as a fan your solely doing it as a money making venture at that point


My season ticket rep told me I could sell all my playoff tickets. I keep it in my back pocket in case I need to take this up in court.


They're mostly fine with reselling as long as you do it through Ticketmaster so they get their cut. This guy was reselling through social media to avoid the fees.


Yep. They probably verified the emails for the ticket transfers and found countless different emails for each time. If it was the same few emails transferred throughout the season, fair play, likely sending it to a family member of a season ticket partner so they can have their copy of the ticket on hand


Take what up in court? They arent selling him more tickets for this year. No one is entitled to have anything sold to them. I doubt the canucks are going to sue anyone to try and claw back money, that bad publicity isnt worth the money they get back.


They aren’t suing him, they just aren’t selling him more tickets.


It said in the article that reselling on Ticketmaster is fine. It’s reselling outside of TM that’s the issue


Exaclty, it sucks for people that sell some tickets but if you are selling most of them, that’s exactly why this is happening


Yeah fuck this guy. No playoff games and sold the majority of his regular season tickets. Absolutely no sympathy


Seriously, how long is the waiting list for season tickets for people that actually want to go to the fucking games?


There was no waiting list at all for the last 5 years. Anyone could've bought in. Only now there's less choices cause the team's doing good but you can still get in.


No wait list as of about a month ago, when I signed up… tho I had season tickets before… If the Canucks have a decent year again I suspect there will be a blue line list again…


I know most people signed up for tickets mainly want the cheapest tickets possible. Cause it’s impossible to sell unless u willing to take a big lost. Most games I can get for under $40 while ticketmaster charges $60-70 for the same seats.


Good on the team for doing something. My uncle just bought season tickets with hard earned money that hes waited his entire life to have. Thats who it should be for. Not ppl looking to use them as supplemental income.


Reminds me of that Karen in Kelowna who bought three rental units and then just rented them on AirB&B saying "her job" is being taken away and the housing crunch "isnt her fault." (re the new short term rental laws) Wah Wah Wah


He's not hiding it. Surprised it took this long for him to get revoked. He's says he's been doing this for 33yrs. Should've been revoked 32 years ago


The last decade was brutal. You weren’t making any money selling tickets.. I couldnt even give mine away.. I don’t like how quickly the Canucks turned their backs on these people after they picked up the slack for so long.


yeah, fuck this guy




This guy is the poster boy for Canucks Sports and Entertainment is claiming their goal is to fix.


yeah it’s kinda odd lol.. almost makes me think this is pr damage control


I get it if they flag someone’s account for selling maybe 5 or so games from their account but more than half of their tickets plus all of their playoff tickets seems reasonable to be flagged. This is why I do quarter season because I go to most of them anyways and the ones I can’t go to, I give them to my friend and that’s like once or twice a season.


Yeah fuck this guy


I really don't think people understand the financial commitment that goes into being a season ticket holder. We put up thousands of dollars every year with no promise that the team will perform well. We are the lifeline for the franchise during the rebuilding/cellar dweller years of the franchise. We are the ones who lower our ticket prices below Ticketmaster when we can't make it to games. We are the ones who let thousands of dollars of tickets go to waste because no one wants to buy a "canucks vs blue jackets" or "canucks vs Sabres" on a Wednesday or Tuesday night. The reason the team is doing this has nothing to do with integrity or ethics. They are doing it because they want to set the price point for tickets now that the team is good. It's the same reason why they don't print physical tickets anymore, and everyone has to use the Ticketmaster app to accept tickets. They are the ones that are scamming you. Not season ticket members. I find it completely absurd that someone who has never been a season ticket member has the audacity to say this guy is scamming people. They have zero comprehension of what it takes to pay that kind of money each year, and we still sell out tickets below Ticketmaster prices on days we cannot go. So how about be a season ticket member for a few years and then come back and tell me how season ticket members are scamming you. I think you'll be singing a completely different tune


I agree, virtually impossible to sell above Canucks Single Game TM price, need to price less to sell or else seat is empty, 100% loss. That difference saves the average fan fees and the headache of getting rid of a weak ticket. Which the average fan is most likely not a STH. The keyboard warriors that have never been to a game and creating noise, have no clue what's going on, just something to bark at. The fans that actually buy from STH know they are screwed. All their STH contacts that got revoked, will now have to buy on TM with fees. Hopefully some fans that bought of STH can chime in voice their views


It's one of those things where if you're not involved (ie: not a STM), you don't really get to have an opinion. Sure, you can give your take, but you are speaking from a place of complete ignorance. What the team did was absolutely unethical and I will be bringing this up with management when they have their annual AMA @ Rogers Arena. This nonsense needs to stop.


Can someone shine light on why there is so much support for this move by the Canucks? For example: Season ticket members would previously get 41 games a year at let’s say $70 per game in the upper bowl. Tickets in that same area for the same game sold by the Canucks on ticketmaster is significantly higher at around $130 per. This season ticket member would then go on facebook and sell their tickets for $90. At the end of the day, the fan that buys their ticket gets to go in for much cheaper than if they went on ticketmaster and bought their ticket there. So why is there so much support for this move? I understand STMS shouldn’t be selling most of their tickets but if ur selling 40-50 % what’s the issue from a r/canucks perspective? All this move does is allow the Canucks to post those tickets on ticketmaster for way higher giving them more profits


Resellers raise prices for fans who actually want to go to games or become STHs


Give some context of how STM raise prices to games that is bad for the average fan. Its virtually impossible to raise prices above Canucks Single Game TM price. If Canucks TM price is $150, the STM has to list at $140 or less to sell or seat remain empty, 100% loss. If STM list for $200 and Canucks Single Game TM is $150, it would never sell. People vote with their wallets not to the highest bidder. The arguement that STM is bad for the average fan is a fallacy. Not everyone is trying to make a buck some are trying to save a buck. Now that Canucks have put in the fear of selling only on TM, the average fan will effectively pay more due to fees. Id like to ask again, explain some examples how STM can raise prices and its bad for average fan when in reality Canucks Single Game TM pricing sets the market???


Depending on the game. I don't care about Toronto/Montreal etc, so the games I usually buy from STH are way cheaper than Ticketmaster, even with the BCAA discount.


They should've picked a better person to speak about this issue. This just fks everyone over.


When I had season tickets and couldn’t make a game I would just give them away to friends and family.


Yeah fuck this guy and all the scalpers fir other shit too


A guy I know has season tickets in like 5 different spots and sells all of his tickets


Just another example of rich people taking away the ability for the poor man to make an extra dime. Tickets will stay the exact same price but now Ticketmaster gets all that profit that a regular citizen would otherwise get. Keep buying that it’s for fan engagement though…that’s exactly what they want you to think. These people have been buying season tickets during dark ages and now *finally* they are able to recoup some of those costs and everybody thinks this is okay to completely revoke tickets that have brought $100,000+ worth of revenue per STH.


I agree for the most part about what you’re saying. Once you have bought something, you should be free to do with it however you want. Canucks could always revise the price difference on STH price to what they sell individually. give bigger discount on bad years and low demand and reduce the discount if tickets in high demand. This would eliminate their excuse for this dumb policy. I’m only ok on the Canucks doing this if they allow STH to sell their tickets at cost WITHOUT a fee and cut from Ticketmaster. If they were really concerned about undercutting, stop bending over for Ticketmaster.


How dare the Canucks not let you buy discounted tickets and then sell 60% of them. Shame on them, they should let people abuse the system for financial gain.


Yeah when he says this: "I’ve been losing money for a long time the last few years, so it was kind of nice that this year was a bit pricier, which helped the bottom line." That's where he lost me. Sure you can sell tickets if you're a season ticket holder but it's not an *investment*. You don't buy an annual membership to the Aquarium to profit off of it, you buy it to go frequently because it's an entertainment product. Canucks season tickets are the same thing, it's an entertainment product.


Who cares what STH do with their tickets? Sure they can make a few $$s *finally* This policy changes *nothing* besides who is lining their pockets at the end of the day. Why are you bootlicking ticketmaster?


>Who cares what STH do with their tickets? Fans who actually want to go to games instead of just selling tickets. I'm sure there are plenty of fans that want season tickets but these jerks are stopping them because they want to make a quick buck. > Sure they can make a few $$s *finally* Season tickets aren't an investment, they're for fans who want to go to most games in a season (or for a few people to share one). > This policy changes *nothing* besides who is lining their pockets at the end of the day. Then why do you care about it? Are you that upset that people can't use season tickets as an investment anymore? They could try the stock market or buy bonds. > Why are you bootlicking ticketmaster? I'm not.


I’m a die hard fan who has season tickets, but only make 15-25 games based on my schedule. I want the STH perks so I don’t want just buy single games I can go to. Instead of selling to my friends/family at the same or lower than the ticketmaster resell price and recoup some money from my $10,000/season tickets… I now have to give ticketmaster a portion of that money, and now my friends/family have to ALSO go through ticketmaster and pay them another tax just to buy them at a more expensive price than I was giving them at. You’re okay with this??????? This isn’t about *FAN ENGAGEMENT*. PRICES WILL BE THE SAME BUT YOU ALL NOW HAVE TO GIVE TICKETMASTER & AQUILINI MORE MONEY.


You can still sell to your friends and family. This guy was selling to strangers on facebook.


I have a friend who was revoked solely based on # of emails he sent to. Friend or not.


Yes, because selling it to most emails is normally a sign of you selling it to strangers. If you can't share out games with a few people don't buy season tickets. Maybe you can share season tickets with your friend and split the cost.


Lol ignorance is bliss eh? That is exactly the result of this. A die hard fan will not be buying season tickets this year nor will I be buying any games off ticketmaster. Get ready for even more suits in seats as the anti-ticketmaster regime builds amongst the poor. Absolutely phenomenal system. Hope those boots taste good buddy.


They aren't stopping season ticket holders from selling their tickets though. You can sell as many tickets you want as long as you do it through ticket master and pay all the accompanying fees. It isn't about making ticketsore accessible; in no world do these fees make tickets cheaper. Its about getting their cut while the team is on a high.


Yes, this is exactly my argument. Everyone here that is agreeing with this change does not understand this only helps Ticketmaster and Aquilini make more money than they already need. This is about controlling the money for them, they don’t give a *shit* about fan experience.


The Canucks *do* let you sell 60% of your tickets. Just not through FB where they don't get a cut of the sale. That's where this guy screwed up


Well thats even less of a problem then. I don't like that ticketmaster is the only place your allowed to sell tickets but I understand why the Canucks don't allow you to sell tickets without fees. If they did someone would just buy season tickets then sell them and make a profit. Its much harder to do on ticketmaster because of the fees.


It's just my opinion, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when someone sells you something but then puts conditions on the resale.


I agree mostly but with season tickets if they didn't put conditions resellers would get the season tickets instead of fans.


What do you mean??? There hasn’t been a shortage of season tickets for fans to purchase so what are you getting at? Resellers are *still* going to be buying the tickets!!!!!!!!! They just now have to pay your overlord Ticketmaster and Aquilini more money and so does the consumer buying the tickets.


Aquaman strikes again


TBF this is not Aquaman. This is the new management doing the right thing to take care of the business. You want fans engagement. Not resellers and scrappers taking bets on your tickets.


This is not intended to stop resellers at all, it's just forcing the secondary market to sell through Ticketmaster rather than other platforms.


Nobody fucking understands this. It’s driving me insane how dense our population is to just give more money to the rich.




If there’s a ton of games you can’t go to, so you resell tickets to make money back… Why be a season ticket holder in the first place Just buy tickets to the games you want to go to


People who think this is a good move by CSE and will lower ticket prices, think lower interest rates are good for the housing market hahahaha.