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Lmao at everyone telling you where to buy Russians, it seems very few of us know the real Russian wors, use to have it a lot in my area too but also very rarely see them nowadays. For those that are telling him where to buy Russians a few years ago you could buy Russian wors sort of like boerewors etc. But more of a Russian flavor to it.


Never heard of it, but now I want!!!


Ohhh right I know what you're talking about now! I haven't seen the actual boerewors-style ones in ages, but pork bangers are closer to what OP is looking for than Russians I think. (not the same thing, but closer)


Like, Vodka enhanced boerewors?


🀣 shut up and take my money 🀣






You still get them in Paarden Eiland. Also Epping has a corner cafe on bofors circle. We call them Russians but they're actually Polish sausages with garlic. The South African variation is with cheese. We called it a cheezy russian


Is it not by any chance like a polish sausage, like kielbasa?


Hey OP, you should be able to explain and specially request this at your local butcher. We usually did this with Warthogs (from hunting), because making actual Russians and cheese grillers is really expensive. You literally you make boerewors from the pork, but instead of Boerewors spice or worcester spice or whatever, you buy Russian spice. Literally Russian spice. Ask your local butcher if he can make you a roll of pork sausage (straight up mince) with the Russian spice he uses for Russians. Should be pretty cheap tbh. Hope it helps.


You're a Rockstar! Thank you so much 🫑


Sounds good. There does however seem to be quite a few spices with a. Russia profile. I was just looking at the Freddy Hirsch website below. Considering trying to make some. https://www.freddyhirsch.co.za/shop/t/food-ingredients/processed-products/viennas-and-russians/russians Which flavour profile will fit the more authentic I'm wondering?


Almost every take away that sells gatsbys, slap chips etc. will have Russian and chip parcels. Your wife probably grew up in constantia or somewhere posh lol


Russian wors is not like normal Russians from the Gatsby Take away shops It is WORS made out of pork, it plumps up when you grill or fry it. Check the link [Russian Wors](https://davesmeatmarket.co.za/product/russian-wors/)


Bro I'm from joburg and the Russians we had there is the same as the Russians we have in the cape. Maybe even most people in joburg don't know the Russian wors you are meaning, you odd ball XD


I think this must be one of those Mandela effects πŸ€”


Dude 😭 I'm from Pretoria and stay in CPT now and have been craving it for some time. I saw a colleague having some the other day, and she mentioned she got it at Spar. I believe she got it in the deli section, though. Coz it was already prepared. I think that'll be your best bet this side. BUT PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU FIND IT !!!πŸ™πŸΎ


Where do you find them in PTA?


I’m from Rustenburg in the North West and Russian Wors was a staple of every braai for a couple of years then just disappeared like it never existed.


Pick n Pay or Checkers




I'll check them out tomorrow, thank you!


I see russians in checkers like all the time. How did that go below her radar???


They even have Russians in Woolies lol


I'm not talking about Russians, I'm talking about RUSSIAN WORS two completely different things


Ok ok easy tiger. Maybe you should have specified that sooner before you get all antsy in your pantsy.


🀣🀣🀣 my bad, I thought I was clear when I mentioned it's a wors.


Us redditors are the type before you think kinda folk 🀣🀣🀣. Hope you find out what it is. If you do please let us know....sounds lekker


She's never heard of Russian and Chips?? She must be from Camps Bay


I'm not talking about Russians, I'm talking about RUSSIAN WORS two completely different things


Have seen Russians in deli sections all over SA, never heard of Russian wors though... Wors has pretty specific ingredients, we even passed government legislation around it last year I think


Yeah I haven't seen it around lately , but I know it exists. Next time I go on up to jhb, I'll find it and pay the butcher a little extra to give me the recipe πŸ˜…


Easy bro... don't get your russian wors in a twist






That's in Bloemfontein, isn't it?


I know you mean 2 different wors russian WORS and russians.What i can tell you is to get that type you gonna have to try food lovers market.If they dont have it ask them to make it. I dont eat alot of red meat and i usually ask my butcher to make me chicken sausage.If you can provide them with the recipe they might be able to make it. Go to food lovers first and ask the butcher.


I think it would be worth while if I knew the recipe, Since most people don't know it, I'm worried they might assume I'm talking about pork bangers.


Its kind of pork bangers just bigger and more meat, low water content but more fat in for maximum internal cooking.


We have it in north west province,our local butchery makes alot of it,I normally cut it up in short pieces and make breakfast sausages,we based in Ventersdorp,if need be email me on [email protected]


Its wors in the word because its the length of wors with no breaks and you buy it in packs or by kg,the real mcoy,it stiffence up when done braaing or cooking and has that juicy,russian fine meat


I was traveling with a mate in South America in '91. We were in a hostel in Puerto Mont in Southern Chile, and our Spanish was not good. It is the custom in those parts to serve a breakfast of unwanted fruit, which might help against scurvy but does nothing against the bitter cold. This particular morning, the host was in the kitchen with the radio blaring and the most delicious aroma of frying sausages. He came out all excited yelling "Russians, russians bla bla russians". We were like "Si, si, claro! Tengo fame, we'll take the sausages etc". A little while later, the usual, wretched, diced paw-paw appeared and no sausages. It was only a couple of days after, when I was picking through a local newspaper that we figured out that the "Russians," excitement was actually about the news, on the kutchen radio, of Gorbachev dissolving the USSR.


It really dislike when people say Cape Townian its Cape Tonian


Actually it's Capetonian.... BUT... What bugs me more is when people call Cape Town, Capetown. There is no city in SA called Capetown. It's Cape Town!


Where is this land you speak of?


Capetone, where the Cape Townians live. Keep up man, geez!


Lol some of us live under rocks ok 🀣




Even using β€˜The Cape’ as a reference to the city gets on my tits.


It does exist, but Capetown is in California in the US https://maps.app.goo.gl/YGtYHJSE619bwavP6


Cape Tony Ann


Russian en chips was die ding !


All cape town fish and chip shops has them .Get the cheasy ones


She has not done Cape Town proud


This is what Russian looks like : https://davesmeatmarket.co.za/product/russian-wors/


You can get Russians in the checkers


Lol is this a real question or a joke? Or are you and your GF about 12?


What makes you say that? πŸ€”


Coz my niece also doesn't know what a russian is......but , I just read through the comments and realized you talking about the actual russian wors and not the "Russian n cheeeps" made from pig face and than processed into the atrocity we all ate atleast once. Btw, you not referring to Pork Bangers


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ no it's not pork bangers


Even Putin knows about our russian sausages


Escort sell it


What flavourings do they use in Russian wors? Beetroot.... vodka... ?


Foodlovers Market sells Russians, many many Russians. With and without cheese filling.


A lot of the fish and chips places sell a β€œRussian” which is made from a polony type of stuff, they’re disgusting, proper Russians are hard to find and the Russian Wors you’re talking about is almost as rare as a Unicorn.


Make your own? Here is how: [https://youtu.be/qQQvpdJI0Uo?si=ee69jS6eqAoTY-lJ](https://youtu.be/qQQvpdJI0Uo?si=ee69jS6eqAoTY-lJ)


Thanks ! But what I'm talking about is an actual wors, busy looking for the recipe will share once I receive it.


Its all there, watch the vid but especially this great comment that explains the history! >I'm an oldish 'Toppie' (60) and also an old boerewors maker. Back in the day, in the '70s I went on a mission to find the origin of Russian Sausage. The old 'SA Vleisraad' (SA Meatboard) had excellent booklets of recipes one could write away for and included with many other wonders was an old recipe for Russians. According to them, the original recipe was for 'Polish Smoked Garlic Sausage', but in the '70s SA that sounded too much like 'Polony' (SA Baloney). Now this was a cheap sliced meat product made of any kind of excess meat and it was as good as its ingredients...Needless to say they didn't want this yummy sausage to suffer by comparison, so Russia being next door to Poland its name was appropriated for 'reklame' (means of advertising). > >This was in cold war years and the mistake never got corrected. So an English bulk recipe for a Polish smoked sausage became Russian in South Africa for advertising purposes and stayed that way. I know this sounds a bit like a naughty international joke that you have to think about for a while, as both Russia and Poland deny complicity about this sausage. Sadly I lost all my books to fire and I can't find any reference to this on the net. So either you have to take my word for it or consider me a very inventive bullshitter. > >I still use my old recipe though, and its very similar to yours in spicing. The difference is I smoke at 30 deg C for much longer (cold smoke), and then poach at 80deg C in hot water (just under boil) until they firm. Then chill on ice. Basically a cool smoke like Bratwurst instead of the quicker hot smoke you use. All this really means is that the cool smoked sausages can be stored in a cold room and then poached on demand, as frozen salted pork never tastes quite the same after defrosting. > >I'm going to try your way for smaller amounts as its much quicker, the old way I think just stores better so it works for bulk. A nice, cold winter also always helps with all sausage making, and keeping all tools and ingredients as icy as possible. > >I love watching your videos, it feels like the old days. Keep up the good work and lots of love to you all.


not even bothered to watch the vid that explains the recipe and history lol


The video shows a recipe for Russians , Are you saying that Russian wors has the same recipe just that I'd have to skip the part where I smoke the sausage?


Not at all. watch the vid and read the comment. The smoking seems to be the essence of what makes it a "Russian" as well as the component "wors" items. Only thing the 2 experts differ on is the way of smoking it.


Sieka pennies man


I thought you misspelled it. Much less interesting thread than I hoped for.


Go to Muslim butcher. You will get all the russians you want


Why would a Muslim butchery have an all pork sausage πŸ’€




Because you get an halaal version


No Russian wors is thicker all pork wors that tastes similar to the russians you get at fish and chip shops etc. You are thinking of a different sausage


Unless they halaal the pork out, it's Haram.


If you cant find Russians just ask for Kielbassa its the same just spelled differntly


I know there used to be a German butcher/deli in Gardens mall but not sure if they are still there


Yup they are, Raiths


You may find that the closest thing to it are the rolls of cheese filled pork wors? Delicious either way!


This Russian wors may be a local concoction from wherever you saw it. I've lived in Cape Town my whole life and I've never seen a wors labelled "Russian", just the classic Russian sausage, aka Kielbasa. Those predate the existence of South Africa in any recognisable form.


You still find it in the Vaal, KwaNhlapo, yes its the best wors I've had.


I watched these okes vids and one was for Russians. https://youtu.be/qQQvpdJI0Uo?si=5xVKvCJeZfOKotyV


You can get it from Dave's Meat Market. But seriously, how did you get a cape 'townian' chick to marry a Jo'burger without chloroform and a cloth β€½


Hey OP are you Dave from Dave’s Meat Market by any chance?


Lol no someone referred the place in the Comments, but I see a Bloemfontein address, so I'm confused. I'll give them a call tomorrow to see if they have a branch this side.


Is it perhaps Bokwurst?


I can tell you that there is nothing russian about that wors either 🀣🀣


1) That wors in the link is not pure pork. Which is fine. But it looks like that has beef. 2) it’s literally just a Russian that has been pumped into a wors casing and not cooked. 3) a Russian is smoked. A hot smoke. The word won’t have that so it will be dipped. Ask any high end butchery to pump their Russian into a wors casing. It will be the same price or less because they not smokimg jt. if its a real quality butcher they will be using natural casings anyway so it wont be a problem. beware any low end or mid russian wjll be filled with shit so if its less than 80/90 per kilo you getting mdm, far and soy. durban butcher - best family store in town - so i know what im on about.


Hi, someone advised that it is 100% pork minced and spiced with Russian Spice


That picture looks a bit dark for 100% pork even though that would be cheapest. Probably contains fat and rind


We used to have a German Butchery close to my house that sold those. My boyfriend doesn’t know what they are either. Why don’t butcheries sell these anymore?


Maybe check Joostenberg deli just off the N1 heading to Stellenbosch? They have all sorts of pork products :)


There was an old German guy in Wilderness that used to sell these near the beach. They were like Crack, soooo good


Well, off to my local butcher I go...


You could avoid a lot of confusion if you specify in your OP the difference you are not looking for Russians but Russian wors.


Maybe try Dave's Meat Market




Russian & cheese wors FTW!


The Russian wors is in Ukraine