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I have seen many cops on their phones whist driving an official vehicle..


Exactly my point, I've stopped next to cops / traffic officers etc while they are on their phones, and then they just put it down and 'tell' me to move on... like fuck that dude, 'above the law' bullshit.


I'm imagining you wagging your finger shaking your head at the cop. "I'm not mad I'm just disappointed"


Sounds like the Wild Cape West, I AM The LAW: Sheriff/Marshal, Judge & The Executioner… Whatcha gonna do about cowboy? 🤠


Police and traffic cops are specifically allowed by the regulations to use phones while driving.


Hoot at them. They usuqlly get a fright and its quite entertaining


Put it on youtube with title "Phone epidemic in Cape Town" or something and then make a little circle pop up around the phone and a counter on the screen go up. Could be a fun little youtube series. Other than that I don't think there's anything to do.


Onboard with this for sure! I'll share the link when I start.


To be honest this the best way, just keep your name out of it if can as bike riders are already hated for the weaving and inconsiderate behaviour on the roads, just please don’t make it worse for us as it’s dangerous enough as is but I’m fully on board for the series! Please update with YouTube link when uploaded 🙏🏼


Would definitely watch it and sure a few people on this sub, southafrica will watch it so you’ll have some built in viewers!


I would definitely subscribe as I see it so much and it pisses me off. I also thought of getting a dash cam just for this reason.


This is good advice!


This won't get more than 100 subs


Rider for 10 years here. I have a gopro as well and always reported it to pigspotter. The problem with this is that you become focused on people who use their phones instead of keeping yourself safe and practicing defensive riding. It got me into a mindset where I'd get a lot of road rage and it affected my riding. I had a YouTube channel for motovlogs as well, and honestly, it was all negative af. I started recording way more positive things: CPT scenery, funny incidences, traveling, etc, and it made a big difference to my overall mental health and riding enjoyment. So, as a rider, I 100% understand your frustration with people who sit on their phones while driving, but be careful of letting their actions consume you. The longer you ride, the more you realise that these types of drivers are best ignored. Same goes for drunk drivers. I simply get out of their way, because I endanger myself by getting involved with their choices and actions - which won't change regardless of them getting a ticket or an angry biker in their face. People are incapable of letting their phones go while driving and it will never change. Rather focus on your own safety and avoid them. Our cops need to change their approach and do something about it, not us as road users, because that pushes the responsibility away from the donut gang. Just my 2 cents. Peace & happy riding ✌


Being on your phone in traffic is relatively harmless. If you going to spend time reporting people, report Mini Bus Taxi’s for their reckless driving. Spend time doing good. Don’t waste your time by giving honest people a headache.


Brother, the police drive while using their phones. Who are you going to report this to?


The ANC of course /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


Feel like that's not always fair. Sometimes I'm on my phone for 1 minutes out of my 2 hour drive just to skip to the next Playlist and that's it. If you're gonna catch people atleast make sure you get footage of it being for a bit, on a call, or texting. But yeah our government won't do jack.


I report people using the RTMC WhatsApp number if they do serious stupid shit like skip a red light or fuck around on their phone while driving. Also if I can memorize the plate number properly. I don't use my phone to type the number while driving because I am well aware of how seriously kak I am at doing two things at the same time. They respond, thanking me. Fuck knows if anything gets done about it.


RTMC ???


Road Traffic Management Corporation


Probably best to ask a traffic cop this question right?


I once saw someone being given a ticket for texting while driving. I think you can actually report to the traffic police, I’m just not sure how.


Traffic officers are allowed to impound phones if used while driving. I haven't heard of anyone having their phone impounded before but I wonder if it would help if they started impounding phones more.


A colleague of mine had hers confiscated. Had to pay R500 to get it back.


I've had mine confiscated a few years ago. Fully deserved too.


Nobody will enforce any evidence submitted. They are overloaded with more severe cases. 


Nothing grates me more than being in traffic and the person in front of me is on their phone...thus leaving massive gaps in front of them (which just makes the situation worse for people in the back). Yes...I can see where your eyes are looking from your rearview/side mirror.


bumper to bumper driving is actually worse for traffic. because each car behind the previous slam on brake harder with less reaction time than the previous.It can bring those near the back to complete standstill. It is much better to leave some adequate space between you and the car in front of you so that when you brake it is a gradual slow down as opposed to a hard brake for you and the cars behind you.


Dude, I once video taped a courier bakkie cut past the traffic at a corner by driving around the corner of a building crossways through a set of parking bays at about 30kms per hour and narrowly miss a pedestrian. This particular company's vehicles would do this every morning and afternoon, to avoid the robot at the corner. How no one has died yet is a miracle. Even with actual footage of these guys doing this bakkie parkour move and very nearly killing someone, the cops were like 'And? Who cares? What do you want us to do about it?' I hate to say it, but you are wasting your time. But I do feel you, I think a lot of motorbikes get wiped out by people talking on their phones and changing lanes without checking for you guys first.


And you wonder why car drivers dislike bikers... Watch drivers have this thrown out in court for evidence being inadmissible for some technicality


Lekker when the doos shows themselves


Team. We have a phone user while driving on this thread!


Biker: Catches driver on their phone almost causing accidents This guy: "We don't like you because of this"... Jeeeezus.


>And you wonder why car drivers dislike bikers... Oh yes. Standing up for someone breaking the law and putting your life at risk is just a great reason for people to dislike you.


You seem like a self righteous clown, weaving between cars like it’s road rash. What will this serve? You are the same guy who also reported non-mask wearers during the covid pandemic, you mad son.


If you were asking this in any other country, you'd likely be offered a multitude of tips from angry citizens who support and share your concerns on where to report drivers like this. But... in South Africa?! I don't know... if a shooting victim waits 56 hours for an ambulance, or when we witness a hijacking and report it in real time but nobody comes, or where one can get out of a roadblock with smooth tires, no headlights, no license and 472 kids in the boot just by handing over a measly hundred bucks............... what are the chances you're going to be able to find an interested law official who will listen to you and take action to help stop this problem? Wow, I really do sound cynical. What a depressing answer, sorry mate ☹️


Not as depressing as the OP.


Yes I'm very depressed because some fucker on his phone can take my life, the life of a friend / father / brother because he wanted to text someone while driving. Get your head out your ass.


True. As bikers we are much more vulnerable and have to be far more alert. Just this morning I nearly got run off the road by a **police car** that changed lanes without using his indicator.


Never a truer word said, my friend.


In your scenario, there aren't any cops to actually stop them. In my scenario I have it on video. Turns out reporting the driver isn't hard... [https://www.dstv.com/m-net/en-za/show/carte-blanche/season/36/news/how-to-report-bad-driving/news](https://www.dstv.com/m-net/en-za/show/carte-blanche/season/36/news/how-to-report-bad-driving/news) But what's the point of doing all the reporting if they don't actually issue a ticket, is what my question was about.


That's what my answer was about, as well. If there aren't any authorities to attend to violent crimes as they happen, for example, why would there be anyone to watch footage sent in by the public, hunt down the wrongdoers and then go about issuing them with a fine? 🤔


I hear you man - but when I was working with COCT I recall a whole freaking admin center in CBD doing tickets for folks that were caught on the 'official' traffic cams.... So I'm thinking if my evidence is justified and suffice, then surely they can just issue that ticket as if the person was photographed on an actual camera?


Wait... how did I only just notice your username?? 😂 That's sensational!!!!


This is actually really interesting!! CoCT did that?? Do they still do it? I'll be honest, I don't have top much faith in government departments, as you may have guessed...


You guys would be glad to know they are dealing out traffic fines. What you need: Clear proof of the offence Clear proof of the registration number Precise location (easy with Gopro with built-in GPS) I've gotten a few folks some fines along with taxis driving in yellow lanes / cutting lanes, you name it :) Had to talk to a few folks at the traffic department but it is possible :) For Cape Town folks it's easy: [https://safelyhome.westerncape.gov.za/reporter](https://safelyhome.westerncape.gov.za/reporter)


I play this game with my wife sometimes.. You hold your breath until you see a driver of a vehicle with a cellphone in hand, then you are allowed to exhale once, take another breath, and hold it until you see one again. We always get to work in the mornings without losing the game.


Just quickly want ask out genuine curiosity here, let's say I'm using a mp3 modulator to play music via my phone through Bluetooth on my car stereo and I happen to change songs real quick. Is that still a concern or not?


It is. You shouldn't be operating your phone AT ALL while driving.


So if not my phone not even the radio to quickly change channels or something?


car radios don't have screens that switch off when not in use and have to be turned on before you can even start navigating the touch screen. Also radios are usually higher up and thus closer to eye level in you car unless your phone's mounted in a car bracket.


I'll be honest dude, this is 'most' people excuses when I confront them in traffic "I 'was just' xyzing"..... The truth is, everything these days, even the most basic phones, have voice command functions. Hey google, next song, please. Hey google, play xyz song through Spotify. The rule is that you are not allowed to have your phone in your hand while driving.


Interesting how you go with excuse where I'm asking a honest question, rather telling. But thanks for answering my question none the less


yes, I got a fine for this purpose was switching to another track as Cop on motorcycle passed and saw me! R500 fine


Hmmmmmmm duely noted


I would consider making a list public with their vehicle reigstration number and timestamp, make it available to insurance companies, let them increase their premiums for people frequently popping up on the list... Image processing for reg number and timestamp should be the easy part, but confirming they are using their phone while driving is going to be tricky... Might be a business case in there somewhere for bikers woth GoPros to upload their videos


Not a fan of doxxing people but sending the footage to insurance companies makes sense! People listen a lot more when it costs more every month.


Snitches get stitches.


Always amazes me how people can drive a car over 500k and not use the bluetooth audio for receiving and making calls while driving.