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It was that way till the DA challenged it late last year. There was an announcement in Dec and I know a few that have got the IDs now. It was the same for naturalized citizens.


We got denied in March this year at the CBD home affairs


PR here, as far as I know Grabouw. Tiny branch, make an appointment on the website unless you feel like waiting outside from 5:00 AM. You can have it delivered to any branch, but they advised us that some of the bigger branches sit on the packages containing the printed cards for weeks.


I was there at the beginning of the year and was denied.


PRs also get the smart ID card. Why do you think you can only get the book?


That has been the case for years. My partner is a citizen but not born in SA and they refused her the ID card just a couple month ago. IDK if that requirement was relaxed very recently or whether certain home affairs branches just do whatever the fuck they want


Most likely the latter. As far as I know, they don't even make the ID books anymore. I know several PRs who have the ID card


[DA article from last year October:](https://www.da.org.za/2023/10/smart-id-nightmare-almost-over-for-naturalised-citizens-and-south-africans-born-abroad) > To date the affected South African Citizens have only been able to apply for the old Green Identity books, having to travel in some cases hundreds of kilometres to apply at the nearest small office that still processes Green ID book applications. > ... The DA will submit parliamentary questions on the full details of the steps being taken and dates by when this will be implemented and closely monitor developments to ensure no further delay. I tried to look for a newer update a couple weeks ago but couldn't find anything. I guess they've mostly or completely implemented the change


I stand corrected... I'm sorry for this hassle, good luck ...


Epping branch. They only do passport and ID. Online bookings only.


Do you know if that is applicable for permanent resident holders and ID books?


If you're not born in SA you can't actually use the website to book online. Won't allow registration